Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

That's why Talmudic Jews are pushing for WW3, and that's why they hate guys like Trump.
This has now been proven wrong ad infinitum by Nick Fuentes, @MusicForThePiano and many others.

(((They))) love Trump.

Lets review the facts:

1). Trump has long been involved in the Manhatten and coastal Florida real estate markets which are owned and operated by talmudic jews. In Manhatten in particular, not a single large scale real estate project gets green lit without swearing allegiance to the small hat satanic talmuds.
2.) Trump with his long-standing relationship with Hollywood and his hit show The Apprentice has also been in bed with the jews on this front for decades. Not a single project in Hollywood gets green lit without bowing down and kissing the ring of the elite JQ (and as Katt Williams has so eloquently said you probably also have to suck a d*ck or two).
3). Has a trophy wife Eastern Block handler who is physically out of his league and goes public against him as pro-abortion as part of an ongoing JQ humiliation ritual (along with being shot at twice by Blackrock commercial "actors"). If I was a betting man I'd also bet that Melania's mother is a jew.
4.) Gleefully and "proudly" marries his children off to jews thus forever joining his bloodline with Satan's chosen people.
5). Never says the words "Jesus Christ" (in accordance with talmudic doctrine).

I'll let others add more as this is just the tip of the iceberg and stein.
This has now been proven wrong ad infinitum by Nick Fuentes, @MusicForThePiano and many others.

(((They))) love Trump.

Lets review the facts:

1). Trump has long been involved in the Manhatten and coastal Florida real estate markets which are owned and operated by talmudic jews. In Manhatten in particular, not a single large scale real estate project gets green lit without swearing allegiance to the small hat satanic talmuds.
2.) Trump with his long-standing relationship with Hollywood and his hit show The Apprentice has also been in bed with the jews on this front for decades. Not a single project in Hollywood gets green lit without bowing down and kissing the ring of the elite JQ (and as Katt Williams has so eloquently said you probably also have to suck a d*ck or two).
3). Has a trophy wife Eastern Block handler who is physically out of his league and goes public against him as pro-abortion as part of an ongoing JQ humiliation ritual (along with being shot at twice by Blackrock commercial "actors"). If I was a betting man I'd also bet that Melania's mother is a jew.
4.) Gleefully and "proudly" marries his children off to jews thus forever joining his bloodline with Satan's chosen people.
5). Never says the words "Jesus Christ" (in accordance with talmudic doctrine).

I'll let others add more as this is just the tip of the iceberg and stein.

None of this matters, Trump betrayed them and that's why they are trying to kill him. Trump thinks he can compromise with Talmuds, they see it as betrayal.

Trump will waste their time, and their time is limited.
Forgive my ignorance, but why do they need a big population to control America? Most Jews aren't connected to the media or politics. The important ones have all the money, and that's sufficient for control.

Because Talmud's are an ethnic gang, and as their numbers decrease, the amount of people they will be able to trust will decrease.

Eventually all of the "yes men" following their orders will kill them and take their money for themselves. Oldest story in the book, does anyone read history in this forum?

The only ones who won't kill the guys at the top and take what they have, are their fellow ethnic tribesmen (fellow Jews). Without a large network their institutions will crumble, just as the Romans, the Khans, the Communists, etc. have in the past.

All of the keyboard warriors in here pretending to be revolutionaries are laughable. You are powerless and have no plan. That's okay, because God is taking care of us. He's going to remove these sinners from the world by the mechanism known as "time," since these sinners aren't fruitful and are in fact the withered tree.

The real question is if you will help God's will or stand opposed to it? Either help waste the enemy's time or you will be opposed to God's will. He's obviously removing the cancer from our society according to his plan, as he always has - not with brute force, but with the unstoppable force of time.

You guys are wrapped up in ego, thinking you need to fight and "win," in reality winning is nothing but vainglory. God will take care of the problem for us, we are powerless as we've always been. The only way we can have real power is to trust in God and work according to His will. Anything else is pride and vanity.
Maybe I should suck it up and watch his streams. Things are getting spicy over there.

I guess young people are starting to get it. These boomers, gen x'ers are useless. Not going to lift a finger. It's all in the hands of young men.

I don't want to make it an anti-trump thing but I constantly have this issue with these senior citizens. You start talking real talk with them and they turn into a white woman. All of a sudden they're a moderate, all of sudden they're a hippie again, all of sudden they looking at you funny, start acting like you're a criminal snitching on yourself, scurying away afterwards to tell someone you're a terrorist.

Absolutely sickening everything that is happening.
Nick is pretty good. I have a few other podcasts I would put in front of his, that go further in depth and do a lot more research than him. But Nick is probably more entertaining and has a larger reach. There are a lot of brave people putting good content out right now. The message is spreading, posts that used to get 500 likes now get 5,000 likes on twitter.
I think most gen Xers like me just don't care anymore. We grew up feeling like the establishment didn't really understand, now that we see it all for what it really is, we care even less.

Care all you like young men, i couldn't care less at this point.
I'm Gen X. I care, I just realize how much easier we have it v. young men today. I feel so blessed to have enjoyed the very tail end of the American dream. I feel a big change in the air. Not only do a majority of young men understand what is going on, they are growing furious of it. The videos of Israel's disgusting behavior post Oct. 7th + the response from FEMA during the devastating hurricanes + FEMA using out tax dollars to bring violent third world people to our country + DEI making the country an unlivable hellhole = a mass awakening. And I very much enjoy watching it unfold.

When Iran landed those ballistic missiles on October 1st, it was a major shift. Israel for the first time felt very vulnerable. People in the west can see a draft would mean almost certain death or major injury for their loved ones. This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan; this will be a real war with bodies piling up in ways not seen since WW2 or worse.

There has been a major shift and the satanic elites can only double down until they fully crash themselves. It is beautiful to watch. I have never felt as White Pilled as I do right now.
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I guess young people are starting to get it. These boomers, gen x'ers are useless. Not going to lift a finger. It's all in the hands of young men.

I don't want to make it an anti-trump thing but I constantly have this issue with these senior citizens. You start talking real talk with them and they turn into a white woman. All of a sudden they're a moderate, all of sudden they're a hippie again
I'm older GenX and you must also understand that my generation is VERY small. In the US at their peak it was ca. 80 million Boomers compared to 20 million GenX. I don't know the numbers for other countries, but I assume at least in Europe it was even more unbalanced. We have long been just a footnote in the generational story, and it's been clear to us that we don't have much weight to throw around. Not making excuses, as there are GenXers who are definitely leading the charge (like Alex Jones or Mike Adams), but there aren't many, admittedly. My parents were the Silent Generation and traditional conservative (my father was a BIG JFK fan), and I was raised that way as well.
I'm older GenX and you must also understand that my generation is VERY small. In the US at their peak it was ca. 80 million Boomers compared to 20 million GenX. I don't know the numbers for other countries, but I assume at least in Europe it was even more unbalanced. We have long been just a footnote in the generational story, and it's been clear to us that we don't have much weight to throw around. Not making excuses, as there are GenXers who are definitely leading the charge (like Alex Jones or Mike Adams), but there aren't many, admittedly. My parents were the Silent Generation and traditional conservative (my father was a BIG JFK fan), and I was raised that way as well.
The Gen X guys are leading the charge, just many here have not heard of them because they are heavily censored.

The TRS guys. Joseph Jordan and Warren Balough. Mark Collet. The Nordic Resistance guys in Europe. There are also Gen Y guys, like Thomas Sewell in Australia. Our generation is doing the groundwork. They are taking the work of men like David Duke and expanding upon it and then using technology to share it with a wider audience. Then the Zoomers will take this information, and technology and organize around it. Gen X will never be the organization, we were too late for that, but we were the sandwich generation who took the work of the great men and spread it to the masses. Then the masses will take this information (Gen Z) and organize based up it.
My parents were the Silent Generation and traditional conservative (my father was a BIG JFK fan), and I was raised that way as well.
A lot of Gen X had the possibility to make BIG money, in trades, unions, or pretty much they were the last generation where big money in Law and Medicine was possible. Many are wealthy.
Then the masses will take this information (Gen Z) and organize based up it.
Yes, we're going to see how the decentralization of things changes, as it is currently being pitted against the surveillance state and the money printer supporting that, that is running out.
Because Talmud's are an ethnic gang, and as their numbers decrease, the amount of people they will be able to trust will decrease.

Eventually all of the "yes men" following their orders will kill them and take their money for themselves. Oldest story in the book, does anyone read history in this forum?

The only ones who won't kill the guys at the top and take what they have, are their fellow ethnic tribesmen (fellow Jews). Without a large network their institutions will crumble, just as the Romans, the Khans, the Communists, etc. have in the past.

All of the keyboard warriors in here pretending to be revolutionaries are laughable. You are powerless and have no plan. That's okay, because God is taking care of us. He's going to remove these sinners from the world by the mechanism known as "time," since these sinners aren't fruitful and are in fact the withered tree.

The real question is if you will help God's will or stand opposed to it? Either help waste the enemy's time or you will be opposed to God's will. He's obviously removing the cancer from our society according to his plan, as he always has - not with brute force, but with the unstoppable force of time.

You guys are wrapped up in ego, thinking you need to fight and "win," in reality winning is nothing but vainglory. God will take care of the problem for us, we are powerless as we've always been. The only way we can have real power is to trust in God and work according to His will. Anything else is pride and vanity.
Your explanation is interesting. I don't often see this point of view from other Christians. However there is a slight contradiction in the above. You first say that the eventually the jews servants will kill them and take their material wealth, which is essentially brute force. Then you say that they will be removed with time alone, and specifically "not with brute force." God's not going to let His people just live life on this earth and make things easier for them because they pray harder. Sinfuless and sinlessness are also conditional to man's actions. The jews, as being emissaries of the devil, know how to lead billions astray with hedonism and greed. They have always been outnumbered and they don't think in terms of that. As a matter of fact there are a lot more jews than they let on. They are breeding like rabbits in their ultra-orthodox hasidic communities.

Does not God work through humans? If anything is laughable it's those who put faith in this man Trump who is so clearly not doing anything to help White Christians in America, let alone White anyone. He panders to jews primarily, then H1Bs, then blacks, the mexicans, then anyone over a certain tax bracket.

View attachment trumpwantstokillyou.mp4

He wants to remove jew haters, as he clearly says here. What does he mean by "remove" exactly?

Us "keyboard jockeys" may be "powerless" in the realm of owning less and having less influence over people to do our bidding than the jews do, but without a plan? The faculties of the Aryan mind and body are the most advanced machine that God ever built, and when it comes to Christ is becomes the most extraordinary and efficient strategic being in all creation. There are definitely plans, but they are protected by God, because they are of God and His will. Wasting the enemy's time is but one strategy of many. If you pray enough to God, He will reveal to you how to do His will. Then the soul takes action in reality. Because that is what we all must do. His will. His enemies become ours, His crusade becomes our banner, and His laws become our inviolate principles.

If you're going to question us on our knowledge of history, I'm going to have to prod you for facts that confirm your biases.

There are plenty of times throughout history where Christians, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, had to use guerilla warfare, sabotage, and brute force to restore order and a prevailing Christian ethos in their nations, and they did not have the luxury of waiting for time.

-The Cristero War in 1926, also known as the Cristiada, was a rebellion in Mexico in response to the anti-Catholic policies of the secularist government under President Plutarco Elías Calles. The Mexican Constitution of 1917 restricted the Church’s power and Calles' government heavily enforced laws that suppressed religious freedoms, closed churches, and persecuted priests. The Christian Revolutionaries, or the Cristeros were devout Catholics, many of them peasants, who rose up against the government’s secular and anti-religious policies. Their motto was "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" ("Long live Christ the King!"). The Cristeros employed guerrilla warfare, including sabotage, ambushes, and attacks on government troops and infrastructure. Many of them were laypeople, but some priests and Catholic organizations were also involved. Although the Cristeros were not able to fully overthrow the government, they forced the regime to negotiate and reach a compromise that reinstated some religious freedoms and allowed priests to return to their ministries.

-The Vendee Uprising in 1793 also saw this kind of action. During the French Revolution, the secular, anti-Catholic revolutionary government sought to de-Christianize France, closing churches, persecuting clergy, and enforcing radical secular policies. That is universally known. The Vendée, a region in western France, was strongly Catholic and royalist. The Christian Revolutionaries in this case were The Catholic and royalist rebels, known as the Army of the Vendée, who were peasants, clergy, and nobles who opposed the French Revolutionary government’s secular and anti-Christian policies. The rebels used guerilla warfare, ambushes, and sabotage to resist the Revolutionary forces. They destroyed government property, ambushed republican troops, and seized arms. Despite early successes, the rebellion was ultimately crushed by the Republican forces through brutal repression. However the Vendée Uprising remains one of the most significant examples of Christian resistance to a secular government, and it has become symbolic of the struggle to defend Christian values against anti-religious forces. We can indeed learn from their failure, and it was not in vain.

-The Reconquista was a centuries-long series of campaigns by Christian kingdoms to reclaim territory in the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rulers who had conquered the region in the early 8th century. Christian forces, often outnumbered and facing better-equipped Muslim armies, employed both conventional and guerrilla tactics to reclaim Christian lands. Kings like Ferdinand and Isabella are most famous for completing the Reconquista, but earlier Christian guerrilla forces laid the groundwork. Christian forces used guerilla warfare, including hit-and-run attacks, raids on Muslim strongholds, they also formed bands of warriors who resisted Muslim control through asymmetrical tactics in mountainous and forested regions, waiting for moments of Muslim weakness to launch larger attacks. The Christian forces gradually regained territory, culminating in the fall of Granada in 1492, which marked the end of Muslim rule in Spain and the return of the Iberian Peninsula to Christian control. This was without a doubt the longest struggle Christendom has had in its existence to reclaim territory from the spark of a jewish plot (The Gates of Toledo).

-Christian Militias in the Lebanese Civil War employed a lot of physical violence against Muslim factions and leftist secular forces. Christian forces, particularly the Maronite Christian militias, fought to preserve a Christian presence and influence in Lebanon from being annihilated. The Maronite Christian militias like the Phalange (Kataeb) Party's militia, the South Lebanon Army, and other smaller Christian groups fought to preserve Christian autonomy in Lebanon against Muslim forces (both Sunni and Shia) and secular groups. The Christian militias used guerrilla warfare, urban warfare, assassination and other shadowy tactics to maintain control over Christian areas. They also formed alliances with outside powers to fight off Muslim and secular forces. There are still Lebanese Catholics to this day, against greater odds wherever they are, and their culture is strong.

How about something more Orthodox, and more recently? The Romanian revolution of 1989 for example. Under the communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu, Romania was an officially atheist state that repressed religious freedom and sought to marginalize the Romanian Orthodox Church. As typical for a Soviet satellite, the regime was brutally anti-Christian and used secret police to enforce conformity to communist ideals.
The spark for the 1989 revolution began when the government attempted to silence László Tőkés, a Reformed Church pastor in Timișoara, who had been a vocal critic of the regime's atheistic and oppressive policies. His congregation, made up of both Hungarian and Romanian Christians, protested, and this quickly led to a larger uprising. The protests began peacefully but escalated into a revolution after government forces opened fire on demonstrators. The revolutionaries, many of whom were motivated by their Christian faith, fought back against the government using guerrilla tactics, street protests, and sabotage of government buildings and resources. The revolution spread rapidly across Romania, culminating in the overthrow and execution of Ceaușescu. The Romanian Orthodox Church played a significant role in helping stabilize the country post-revolution, and Romania returned to a Christian identity after the collapse of atheistic communism.

The only place I can think of where nonviolence led to some kind of Christian return was Poland. After World War II, Poland was gifted to Stalin from Churchill, and under the control of a Soviet-backed communist regime that promoted atheism that marginalized the influence of the Catholic Church. The regime suppressed religious practices and controlled the Church's activities. The Polish Catholic Church became a focal point for resistance against the atheistic communist government. Prominent figures like Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and later Pope John Paul II (formerly Karol Wojtyła, Archbishop of Krakow) played key roles in inspiring Christian resistance. Here the resistance included non-violent civil disobedience, large-scale Catholic mass gatherings, underground religious publications, and spiritual solidarity through the Church. Pope John Paul II’s visit to Poland in 1979 galvanized the people, fostering a deep sense of Catholic identity that rejected communist atheism.

Eventually, the Solidarity movement, initially a labor union with strong Catholic backing, emerged in the 1980s as a leading force against the communist government. Knowing Poles and knowing labor unions, there was some violence in getting the gears greased, but nothing major. Its leaders, like Lech Wałęsa, were devout Catholics. It was banned in 1981 when General Jaruzelski imposed martial law on the Poles because of Solidarity. In the years after it was banned, the Church became a focal point for its underground meetings. When the communist regime collapsed, Catholicism regained its central role in Polish life because this movement kept going strong during the toughest of times. The success of Solidarity demonstrated that faith-based underground movements can achieve significant political change, even against seemingly invincible regimes.

America could have done something like the Solidarity movement about twenty years ago with some moderate success, massive civil disobedience, strategic worker strikes, leveraging the authority of the Churches against the corrupt secular liberal "democracy," but the distraction of post 9/11 evangelism for this obsession with the middle east was too much, it allowed the deep state to implement itself as the violent bully it now is, and now that Rubicon is forever crossed. The government is in a murderous psychopathic state and has been for some time, and non-violent revolution will not remove it, nor will stalling for time as more people are murdered in various schemes. It is in God's will that the American people, and the European people, fight and die for their freedom if they are to obtain it. This die is cast.

Christian revolutions will continue, violently and civilly depending on the circumstances, no matter what anyone says.
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Trump betrayed them and that's why they are trying to kill him.
Why would the jews be trying to kill their #1 fanboy? If (((They))) really wanted him dead he'd be dead. With todays weaponry tech and sophisticated surveillance systems and techniques anyone can be gotten to anywhere at anytime (unless you are off-grid "invisible," for if you can't be found, you can't be killed).
There are plenty of times throughout history where Christians, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, had to use guerilla warfare, sabotage, and brute force to restore order and a prevailing Christian ethos in their nations, and they did not have the luxury of waiting for time.

"We're going to remove the jew haters."
- Donald Trump 2024
Why would the jews be trying to kill their #1 fanboy? If (((They))) really wanted him dead he'd be dead. With todays weaponry tech and sophisticated surveillance systems and techniques anyone can be gotten to anywhere at anytime (unless you are off-grid "invisible," for if you can't be found, you can't be killed).

"We're going to remove the jew haters."
- Donald Trump 2024

I think that with Trump here, some of that dynamic that Anonymous Bosch was describing on the old board might be true, he is becoming the candidate of the Chabad wing, while the other bunch is with the liberal Tikun Olam wing. The truth has more layers to it, but this is one layer.
Your explanation is interesting. I don't often see this point of view from other Christians. However there is a slight contradiction in the above. You first say that the eventually the jews servants will kill them and take their material wealth, which is essentially brute force. Then you say that they will be removed with time alone, and specifically "not with brute force." God's not going to let His people just live life on this earth and make things easier for them because they pray harder. Sinfuless and sinlessness are also conditional to man's actions. The jews, as being emissaries of the devil, know how to lead billions astray with hedonism and greed. They have always been outnumbered and they don't think in terms of that. As a matter of fact there are a lot more jews than they let on. They are breeding like rabbits in their ultra-orthodox hasidic communities.

Does not God work through humans? If anything is laughable it's those who put faith in this man Trump who is so clearly not doing anything to help White Christians in America, let alone White anyone. He panders to jews primarily, then H1Bs, then blacks, the mexicans, then anyone over a certain tax bracket.

View attachment 13017

He wants to remove jew haters, as he clearly says here. What does he mean by "remove" exactly?

Us "keyboard jockeys" may be "powerless" in the realm of owning less and having less influence over people to do our bidding than the jews do, but without a plan? The faculties of the Aryan mind and body are the most advanced machine that God ever built, and when it comes to Christ is becomes the most extraordinary and efficient strategic being in all creation. There are definitely plans, but they are protected by God, because they are of God and His will. Wasting the enemy's time is but one strategy of many. If you pray enough to God, He will reveal to you how to do His will. Then the soul takes action in reality. Because that is what we all must do. His will. His enemies become ours, His crusade becomes our banner, and His laws become our inviolate principles.

If you're going to question us on our knowledge of history, I'm going to have to prod you for facts that confirm your biases.

There are plenty of times throughout history where Christians, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, had to use guerilla warfare, sabotage, and brute force to restore order and a prevailing Christian ethos in their nations, and they did not have the luxury of waiting for time.

-The Cristero War in 1926, also known as the Cristiada, was a rebellion in Mexico in response to the anti-Catholic policies of the secularist government under President Plutarco Elías Calles. The Mexican Constitution of 1917 restricted the Church’s power and Calles' government heavily enforced laws that suppressed religious freedoms, closed churches, and persecuted priests. The Christian Revolutionaries, or the Cristeros were devout Catholics, many of them peasants, who rose up against the government’s secular and anti-religious policies. Their motto was "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" ("Long live Christ the King!"). The Cristeros employed guerrilla warfare, including sabotage, ambushes, and attacks on government troops and infrastructure. Many of them were laypeople, but some priests and Catholic organizations were also involved. Although the Cristeros were not able to fully overthrow the government, they forced the regime to negotiate and reach a compromise that reinstated some religious freedoms and allowed priests to return to their ministries.

-The Vendee Uprising in 1793 also saw this kind of action. During the French Revolution, the secular, anti-Catholic revolutionary government sought to de-Christianize France, closing churches, persecuting clergy, and enforcing radical secular policies. That is universally known. The Vendée, a region in western France, was strongly Catholic and royalist. The Christian Revolutionaries in this case were The Catholic and royalist rebels, known as the Army of the Vendée, who were peasants, clergy, and nobles who opposed the French Revolutionary government’s secular and anti-Christian policies. The rebels used guerilla warfare, ambushes, and sabotage to resist the Revolutionary forces. They destroyed government property, ambushed republican troops, and seized arms. Despite early successes, the rebellion was ultimately crushed by the Republican forces through brutal repression. However the Vendée Uprising remains one of the most significant examples of Christian resistance to a secular government, and it has become symbolic of the struggle to defend Christian values against anti-religious forces. We can indeed learn from their failure, and it was not in vain.

-The Reconquista was a centuries-long series of campaigns by Christian kingdoms to reclaim territory in the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rulers who had conquered the region in the early 8th century. Christian forces, often outnumbered and facing better-equipped Muslim armies, employed both conventional and guerrilla tactics to reclaim Christian lands. Kings like Ferdinand and Isabella are most famous for completing the Reconquista, but earlier Christian guerrilla forces laid the groundwork. Christian forces used guerilla warfare, including hit-and-run attacks, raids on Muslim strongholds, they also formed bands of warriors who resisted Muslim control through asymmetrical tactics in mountainous and forested regions, waiting for moments of Muslim weakness to launch larger attacks. The Christian forces gradually regained territory, culminating in the fall of Granada in 1492, which marked the end of Muslim rule in Spain and the return of the Iberian Peninsula to Christian control. This was without a doubt the longest struggle Christendom has had in its existence to reclaim territory from the spark of a jewish plot (The Gates of Toledo).

-Christian Militias in the Lebanese Civil War employed a lot of physical violence against Muslim factions and leftist secular forces. Christian forces, particularly the Maronite Christian militias, fought to preserve a Christian presence and influence in Lebanon from being annihilated. The Maronite Christian militias like the Phalange (Kataeb) Party's militia, the South Lebanon Army, and other smaller Christian groups fought to preserve Christian autonomy in Lebanon against Muslim forces (both Sunni and Shia) and secular groups. The Christian militias used guerrilla warfare, urban warfare, assassination and other shadowy tactics to maintain control over Christian areas. They also formed alliances with outside powers to fight off Muslim and secular forces. There are still Lebanese Catholics to this day, against greater odds wherever they are, and their culture is strong.

How about something more Orthodox, and more recently? The Romanian revolution of 1989 for example. Under the communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu, Romania was an officially atheist state that repressed religious freedom and sought to marginalize the Romanian Orthodox Church. As typical for a Soviet satellite, the regime was brutally anti-Christian and used secret police to enforce conformity to communist ideals.
The spark for the 1989 revolution began when the government attempted to silence László Tőkés, a Reformed Church pastor in Timișoara, who had been a vocal critic of the regime's atheistic and oppressive policies. His congregation, made up of both Hungarian and Romanian Christians, protested, and this quickly led to a larger uprising. The protests began peacefully but escalated into a revolution after government forces opened fire on demonstrators. The revolutionaries, many of whom were motivated by their Christian faith, fought back against the government using guerrilla tactics, street protests, and sabotage of government buildings and resources. The revolution spread rapidly across Romania, culminating in the overthrow and execution of Ceaușescu. The Romanian Orthodox Church played a significant role in helping stabilize the country post-revolution, and Romania returned to a Christian identity after the collapse of atheistic communism.

The only place I can think of where nonviolence led to some kind of Christian return was Poland. After World War II, Poland was gifted to Stalin from Churchill, and under the control of a Soviet-backed communist regime that promoted atheism that marginalized the influence of the Catholic Church. The regime suppressed religious practices and controlled the Church's activities. The Polish Catholic Church became a focal point for resistance against the atheistic communist government. Prominent figures like Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and later Pope John Paul II (formerly Karol Wojtyła, Archbishop of Krakow) played key roles in inspiring Christian resistance. Here the resistance included non-violent civil disobedience, large-scale Catholic mass gatherings, underground religious publications, and spiritual solidarity through the Church. Pope John Paul II’s visit to Poland in 1979 galvanized the people, fostering a deep sense of Catholic identity that rejected communist atheism.

Eventually, the Solidarity movement, initially a labor union with strong Catholic backing, emerged in the 1980s as a leading force against the communist government. Knowing Poles and knowing labor unions, there was some violence in getting the gears greased, but nothing major. Its leaders, like Lech Wałęsa, were devout Catholics. It was banned in 1981 when General Jaruzelski imposed martial law on the Poles because of Solidarity. In the years after it was banned, the Church became a focal point for its underground meetings. When the communist regime collapsed, Catholicism regained its central role in Polish life because this movement kept going strong during the toughest of times. The success of Solidarity demonstrated that faith-based underground movements can achieve significant political change, even against seemingly invincible regimes.

America could have done something like the Solidarity movement about twenty years ago with some moderate success, massive civil disobedience, strategic worker strikes, leveraging the authority of the Churches against the corrupt secular liberal "democracy," but the distraction of post 9/11 evangelism for this obsession with the middle east was too much, it allowed the deep state to implement itself as the violent bully it now is, and now that Rubicon is forever crossed. The government is in a murderous psychopathic state and has been for some time, and non-violent revolution will not remove it, nor will stalling for time as more people are murdered in various schemes. It is in God's will that the American people, and the European people, fight and die for their freedom if they are to obtain it. This die is cast.

Christian revolutions will continue, violently and civilly depending on the circumstances, no matter what anyone says.

I'm not saying there isn't a time and a place for violent resistance, I'm pointing out that there is value in stalling, since that was what your original objection was. You said there was no point to earning more time, and I countered that there was, and is in fact one of our best strategies.

Hence the exploding national debt, the crashing demographics of Talmudic Jews and liberal shabbos-goy Whites. Time is always on the Christian's side.

Time was the weapon that converted Rome, and helped Christians endure persecution for countless centuries in many other circumstances. It's called "long-suffering," in which we endure hardship for years if not decades but our faith makes us win in the end. But yes, if the iron is hot, then going full revolutionary or crusader is also effective.

Thus in the present time, going against the juggernaut that is ZOG is very unwise, due to their overwhelming advantage, but we know that their power is built on unsustainable debt and demographics, which means time is on our side. Hence, a vote for Trump to stall things has value.
The way I see it, there are two main reasons that the Zionists are wary of supporting Trump despite all his groveling:

1. He has nothing to offer that they don't already have. They already have unlimited and unconditional support from the US Government. What more can Trump offer?

2. His "America First"-agenda. America's support of Israel is of course profoundly contrary to American interests, despite politicians constantly saying otherwise. At some point Trump might catch on to this, and they find him too much of a loose cannon to be trusted to toe the Israeli line at every turn.
The way I see it, there are two main reasons that the Zionists are wary of supporting Trump despite all his groveling:

1. He has nothing to offer that they don't already have. They already have unlimited and unconditional support from the US Government. What more can Trump offer?

2. His "America First"-agenda. America's support of Israel is of course profoundly contrary to American interests, despite politicians constantly saying otherwise. At some point Trump might catch on to this, and they find him too much of a loose cannon to be trusted to toe the Israeli line at every turn.
1. Trump and the GOP are far more pro-Israel than the DNC and Biden/Kamala. The DNC is backed by the Tikun Olam wing, who would rather a weaker and more passive Israel that doesn't put a spotlight on the evils of Zionism, until it is too late to be stopped. As much as Biden has supported Israel in the last year, the Trump support would dwarf this. If Trump were in office, I expect we would already have special forces on the ground in Northern Israel to battle Hezbollah.

2. There was nothing "America First" in Trump's first four years. And he isn't even campaigning on that now, it changed to "Make America Great Again" which is just empty rhetoric, such as "freedom" and "our democracy".

I used to think the DNC would be the acceleration route, who would destroy this evil America regime faster. Now, I am no longer sure, thanks to Israel's satanic behavior and Trump's unwavering support of it. Now I have no idea who would accelerate the decline faster. I think it is a toss up and at this point it really doesn't matter one bit who wins. But at least if it is done with Kamala's BIPOC face as the leader of the collapse, it will wake up more MAGA-cultists to the reality that you don't vote your way out of this mess.
America's support of Israel is of course profoundly contrary to American interests, despite politicians constantly saying otherwise. At some point Trump might catch on to this, and they find him too much of a loose cannon to be trusted to toe the Israeli line at every turn.
All we have to go on is what Trump has already said and done. He has worn a small hat while kissing the ring, put his daughter's jew husband in a position of unelected high-ranking political power, and said "We're going to remove the jew haters." But what does Trump plan to do about the Christian haters? Not a peep.
They already have unlimited and unconditional support from the US Government. What more can Trump offer?
Chaos. Nothing is unlimited and unconditional (except God and His love). The chaos and division that Trump Derangement Syndrome instills in a large part of the populace provides cover to Blackrock's, State Street's, and Vanguard's continued financial fleecing of middle class America via making housing unaffordable and endless, for-profit, unwinnable (by design) wars. In this regard, Trump is the perfect JQ operative and candidate for President in 2024. Kamala is second best for the JQ but she works too for her and Trump are two sides of the same JQ coin.
All we have to go on is what Trump has already said and done. He has worn a small hat while kissing the ring, put his daughter's jew husband in a position of unelected high-ranking political power, and said "We're going to remove the jew haters." But what does Trump plan to do about the Christian haters? Not a peep.

Chaos. Nothing is unlimited and unconditional (except God and His love). The chaos and division that Trump Derangement Syndrome instills in a large part of the populace provides cover to Blackrock's, State Street's, and Vanguard's continued financial fleecing of middle class America via making housing unaffordable and endless, for-profit, unwinnable (by design) wars. In this regard, Trump is the perfect JQ operative and candidate for President in 2024. Kamala is second best for the JQ but she works too for her and Trump are two sides of the same JQ coin.
Kamala is a nightmare for them. She can't articulate the Israel policy or sell it to the people. She is an annoying BIPOC DEI hire that has most of White America hating her from the get-go. She has a large pro-Palestinian libtard base to pander to.

Yea, she will do the same pro-war/pro-Israel moves as Trump, she just can't sell it and it will be much easier to expose and spread the word about the evil of Israel with her at the helm. I am really surprised they didn't pick Gavin Newsome. I heard if they did then all financing had to be restarted with a new, not on the ticket candidate, and that is why they stuck with Kamala.

At this point, I would expect voter fraud to get Trump into office. Israel desperately needs a salesman. Trump can't sell Israel to the American people, but the satanic elites still think that he can and will try this desperation move.
Kamala is a nightmare for them. She can't articulate the Israel policy or sell it to the people. She is an annoying BIPOC DEI hire that has most of White America hating her from the get-go. She has a large pro-Palestinian libtard base to pander to.

Yea, she will do the same pro-war/pro-Israel moves as Trump, she just can't sell it and it will be much easier to expose and spread the word about the evil of Israel with her at the helm. I am really surprised they didn't pick Gavin Newsome. I heard if they did then all financing had to be restarted with a new, not on the ticket candidate, and that is why they stuck with Kamala.

At this point, I would expect voter fraud to get Trump into office. Israel desperately needs a salesman. Trump can't sell Israel to the American people, but the satanic elites still think that he can and will try this desperation move.

Newsom has political skills, and a huge ego. He comes from money and a non-Jewish part of the California Democratic establishment, and is nominally Catholic, with a "normal" family life. He's a crooked politician but probably not a child molester or pedo, so as a POTUS he might have more autonomy than say Biden or Obama who are 100% compromised.

Kamala is married into jewry, mentally weak as a childless woman raised by a single mother and so dumb that she needs to have handlers. That's a great profile, from their perspective, a POTUS that they fully control.
I'll let others add more as this is just the tip of the iceberg and stein.
Nick Offerman Smile GIF
Gen X will never be the organization, we were too late for that
Another good point. GenXers were already in their mid-20s to 30 years old when the Internet arrived. Before that, we were just as paper-and-pencil old school as the Boomers. I didn't get my first Internet-connected computer until I was 27 years old. Millennials and GenZ who grew up with computers from the crib have a whole different relationship with technology than GenX and older.