Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Trump loses and it has nothing to do with him and anything he has ever said or done. The US Presidential Elections have for some time been decided by elite billionaire jews long before a single vote is ever cast. I would have thought that you of all people would be aware of this fact.

No. When They ushered Biden out to be crucified in the earliest "debate" ever held it became clear(er) that Kamala was chosen over a year ago by the JQ to be the next US President. JD Vance cannot help with anything as the die was cast long before his arrival.
Have you seen who Trump's biggest donors are? I think they picked Trump, hoping he could sell the military to fight Iran for Israel. But now they realize it isn't going to happen, White men are not going to fight for this disgusting country, and they are moving on to plan B, which is to get India to do more for Israel in the Middle East. And they no longer really care who wins in the USA.
this disgusting country
America itself is not disgusting, quite the contrary. It is one of the most beautiful, resource rich, greatest countries on earth. From Benjarmin Franklin (electricity), to Henry Ford (mass automobile production), to the Wright Brothers (flight), to Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), America has been the historical center of human greatness. And even though our society is currently in a degenerate death spiral we still have Yosemite, Big Sur, Yellowstone and too many obscure, out of the way places of God given beauty to list. Add in the almighty dollar and I would be careful not to bite the hand that feeds.

America has become a hell pit of sorts if one wishes to "frame" it that way, but it is still one of the best places on earth to ride out The Decline.
They we’re promoting on the news that Dick Chaney is supporting Kamala. I have to laugh at that, are there any normies that were undecided on who to vote for going to be swayed because of Dick Chaney endorsing Kamala? Obviously for most of us that are a little more in the know, it just further solidifies the “conspiracy theory” as reality that it’s a corrupt uniparty establishment taking their bribes and threats by the military industrial complex and other assorted puppet masters of course.
America itself is not disgusting, quite the contrary. It is one of the most beautiful, resource rich, greatest countries on earth. From Benjarmin Franklin (electricity), to Henry Ford (mass automobile production), to the Wright Brothers (flight), to Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), America has been the historical center of human greatness. And even though our society is currently in a degenerate death spiral we still have Yosemite, Big Sur, Yellowstone and too many obscure, out of the way places of God given beauty to list. Add in the almighty dollar and I would be careful not to bite the hand that feeds.

America has become a hell pit of sorts if one wishes to "frame" it that way, but it is still one of the best places on earth to ride out The Decline.
I'm not sure what "ride out the decline" means. In my mind, it means go hide off in the woods, live a minimalist lifestyle, thus surrendering all the great advancements our ancestors gave to us to enjoy, and live in survival mode day by day., And not so much survival mode of hunting food, which it might get that bad, but survival mode in that your mindset shifts from doing great things to just surviving and doing little with your life. In that case, yea, the USA probably has the most open and affordable and resource rich land on the planet v. other nations. The problem is, I don't want to live this way, giving up our calling to be our best self is tossed aside which causes other issues down the road, but most of all it probably buys you a few more years, at best. They are flooding the small towns with the violent third world people, and soon you will have to deal with them just like the people in the city do.

And I speak on this from experience. I grew up in a rural setting. The people there are salt of the earth. I have land, and crop prices might end up forcing us to sell a lot of it. Check out a cart of corn futures, I don't know how much longer farmers can hold on, for an example. I both have no desire to live that way, my rural area is already being flooded with cheap labor Hispanics to work the corporate pig farms and they are changing the culture of the town for the worse. Give that another 20 years and it will be like living in Mexico, where the local drug lords sort of run things and you and your kid just put their heads down and scoot about their day hoping they don't get noticed.

For me, America has been disgusting since at least the 1990's. When I met European people at college, I realized what was missing in my life. America was always materialistic, empty bragging, showing off your new car, and the downstream of this is disgusting to me. It only gets worse year by year. It was this disgusting mindset that created this original community. Roosh and other men trying to figure out where in the world they could travel to meet women that had any qualities to them at all, being how vapid and pointless most American women had become.

But right now, it is all about racial identity. That is the game all the races are playing, except for White people in the USA. We even now see the White Europeans organizing around it. I don't see it happening in the USA, at least not in a real authentic way, and the USA seems to be heading to its way of being a more violent Brazil.

And I don't see one politician even mentioning these issues, so we know the plan is for things to get a lot worse.
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I'm not sure what "ride out the decline" means.
It means there's nothing you can do about any of this except complain. You certainly can't vote your way out of this mess.

At any rate this isn't the thread for this but you have most certainly misconstrued my words as I am not running from anything. The process of dealing with the world is long and methodical. There are no quick fixes. But to each his own. Live in the city with all these clowns if that's what makes you happy.
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It means there's nothing you can do about any of this except complain. You certainly can't vote your way out of this mess.
You can organize, you can wake up other White men to the realities we face, you work on mental self-improvement by living consciously. Fight on their turf, in the financial game, build up wealth and use it against them. There are a lot of opportunities, I am using them as best I can, because every little thing helps.

I think the biggest statistic that will wake up White men is letting them know that in 1900, Whites were around 35% of the global population. Now, in 2024, Whites are around 8% of the global population. Two pointless world wars, feeding the third world with our technology, and then having our nations flooded and changed is causing a genocide of Whites. And this isn't just bad for Whites, it is bad for everyone else and doing anything to help stop this genocide is of the highest moral order.

Trump supporters are ripe for this message, they just are unaware of a lot of these facts and the fallout thereafter. When they are honest and admit they spend way too much on housing to live as far away from third world people as they can, and how if they don't organize their kids will be surrounded by them everywhere they go, the wheels start to move.
America itself is not disgusting, quite the contrary. It is one of the most beautiful, resource rich, greatest countries on earth. From Benjarmin Franklin (electricity), to Henry Ford (mass automobile production), to the Wright Brothers (flight), to Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), America has been the historical center of human greatness. And even though our society is currently in a degenerate death spiral we still have Yosemite, Big Sur, Yellowstone and too many obscure, out of the way places of God given beauty to list. Add in the almighty dollar and I would be careful not to bite the hand that feeds.

America has become a hell pit of sorts if one wishes to "frame" it that way, but it is still one of the best places on earth to ride out The Decline.
Good posts.

America is still the king of the castle when it comes to the nexus of social opportunity, economic ability, and overall freedom.