Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Savage isn't even on radio anymore. I think they shut him down a few years ago. Ever since he got fired from MSNBC, he wasn't allowed on other TV stations again. I'm surprised youtube hasn't banned him yet. He's even more outspoken now on his youtube and podcast. I've heard him openly talk about the Jews on CNN and the Jews behind Hollywood, despite recognizing that he is a Jew himself.

I have almost all of his books in hardcopy. His God book left a lot to be desired. He can't accept the idea that Jesus died for his sins. It's sad, but it goes against the Jewish mindset of self-righteousness/works, etc. I hope he comes to a saving faith in Christ before it's too late.

Mike Peinovich has a point, as he often does.

"But putting price controls in place will cause scarcity" True, does the average voter know this or believe it, when they can barely afford to keep their family fed? No.

Michael Savage has such little and marginal reach it's quite a waste of time to debate his impact as anything other than academic.

I like Vance admittedly and have ragged on Tulsi on RVF well before she all the sudden gained favor post Democrat party ouster.
Michael Savage has such little and marginal reach it's quite a waste of time to debate his impact as anything other than academic.
It only takes one guy to hear the right word. Savage's words and platform made it's way into Trump's ear, and Trump ran his winning campaign using the same rhetoric.

To put another analogy to it, if you had a business with a million people each giving you a dollar, then you'll have become a millionaire. But that's not the only way to become a millionaire. You can meet one rich guy who gives you a million dollars and you'll still become a millionaire.
Michael Savage has such little and marginal reach it's quite a waste of time to debate his impact as anything other than academic.

I like Vance admittedly and have ragged on Tulsi on RVF well before she all the sudden gained favor post Democrat party ouster.
What is the general beef / negatives on Tulsi? Not questioning at all, just want to know what the general pros/cons are for her, simply because I thought she was the best VP option at least for getting the maximum impact to attract the undecided or swing voters.
What is the general beef / negatives on Tulsi? Not questioning at all, just want to know what the general pros/cons are for her, simply because I thought she was the best VP option at least for getting the maximum impact to attract the undecided or swing voters.
The biggest beef, with GOP voters I have seen, is she takes the typical stupid DNC gun control stance. I don't know if she still does, and if she does and anyone can reach her people, tell them that is what will keep her from ever ascending back in politics again.

As for the Trump campaign beef with Tulsie, she is anti-war. Trump is super pro-Israel, he brags about this, and right now Israel is trying to start WW3 in the Middle East. So, you can't be both anti-war (Tulsi) and pro-Israel (Trump) on the same ticket.

Annexing more of the West Bank is a major redline. I don't know how much more Russia and China will sit there and put up with, until they unleash Iran and Iran's new weapons on Israel and then our drafted young people.

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What is the general beef / negatives on Tulsi? Not questioning at all, just want to know what the general pros/cons are for her, simply because I thought she was the best VP option at least for getting the maximum impact to attract the undecided or swing voters.
Thanks for the background. IMO if any politician is checking every box in public speech just to support their party and/voting base, then they are most likely not being honest, nor brave. I wouldn’t want them. Everyone has independent opinions that aren’t 100% echo chamber and expressing them, regardless if they are a differing opinion is still honorable than just checking boxes when speaking at a podem or an interview.
Tulsi was a much riskier pick than Vance, as selecting someone who literally ran for President as a Democrat four years ago as your Republican VP is going to raise a lot of eyebrows with the solid GOP voting base and donor class. It's not like her politics did a complete 180 in that time. For example, as IIMT mentioned, I believe she's still fairly liberal on guns, even if she's softened her stance a bit. That being said, I think there's a very good chance she will receive a well deserved cabinet-level appointment if Trump is elected.
Maybe he wants to lose or is being paid to lose.

Either way, he's going to lose (this was most likely decided by the elite JQ over a year ago). We have to remember that Trump is a trust fund nepo baby who loves jew "debt," the communist "Chinese" (who buy his so-called luxury apartments that are financed by the Bolshevik JQ), fawning over barely legal beautiful women (Miss JQ Universe), and hispanic "legal" immigration (even though illegals have been busted on Trump properties), because it is the only way he can keep his golf courses maintained and all of his other properties clean and landscaped. More hispanic immigration is good for Trump (bad for us), and so, as seen above, that is the policy he will "employ."

I'm not saying this to rag on the guy, at this point I could care less, but there is nothing that Trump can do for me and my people (whites) simply because he sold his soul to the jews decades ago (and our interests are conflicting). Everything Trump has he owes to the jews (including his grandchildren) and hispanics (who maintain "his" jew owned properties), and so that is where his true loyalties lie.

I'm not for the Jew worshship. But his comment is that getting awarded the presidential medal of freedom the person is alive and doesn't have all the same issues.

He wasn't saying they are the same thing in merit.

This is kind of trying to twist a sound bite for argument sake.

I'm a vet. I've been to war. I've lost friends and I don't have an issue with his statement other than I wish American politics weren't having to placate AIPAC.

There's other actual thing to harp on than arguing from a preconceived conclusion.

Curious any other vets here if they're upset about it.
Either way, he's going to lose (this was most likely decided by the elite JQ over a year ago). We have to remember that Trump is a trust fund nepo baby who loves jew "debt," the communist "Chinese" (who buy his so-called luxury apartments that are financed by the Bolshevik JQ), fawning over barely legal beautiful women (Miss JQ Universe), and hispanic "legal" immigration (even though illegals have been busted on Trump properties), because it is the only way he can keep his golf courses maintained and all of his other properties clean and landscaped. More hispanic immigration is good for Trump (bad for us), and so, as seen above, that is the policy he will "employ."

I'm not saying this to rag on the guy, at this point I could care less, but there is nothing that Trump can do for me and my people (whites) simply because he sold his soul to the jews decades ago (and our interests are conflicting). Everything Trump has he owes to the jews (including his grandchildren) and hispanics (who maintain "his" jew owned properties), and so that is where his true loyalties lie.
I can say this, Mike Peinovich is completely correct again. If you are a middle class/skilled worker, legal immigration is a bigger threat to you than illegal immigration. It is your replacement, it is the people with similar skills who will come in and work for less money than you. Or, once they all move in, take over the industry and shut you out of employment, even if you were willing to work for half of what you make now. It is already happening, increasing legal immigration will only make it worse. Right now, with sky high COL and record low wages per COL, due to legal immigration, many young people can't afford to buy a home and start a family. Adding more legal immigrants will only make it worse.

The weird thing is, AI means a need for less skilled employees. I have used AI at my full time job. It is going to replace a lot of people over the next 10 years. It is really remarkable what it can do. It can take a team of 5 and reduce it to 2 or 3 very quickly.

If any of you have connections to the Trump campaign, you need to let them know they are going to get absolutely throttled with the current losing message of Israel is our greatest ally and increasing legal immigration and increasing DEI with "jobs for Blacks and jobs for Hispanics" and special antisemitism laws.

Trump is saying it's better to be alive, and receive a lesser medal, than it is to be dead, and receive the greater medal. How is that controversial?

I can say this, Mike Peinovich is completely correct again. If you are a middle class/skilled worker, legal immigration is a bigger threat to you than illegal immigration. It is your replacement, it is the people with similar skills who will come in and work for less money than you. Or, once they all move in, take over the industry and shut you out of employment, even if you were willing to work for half of what you make now. It is already happening, increasing legal immigration will only make it worse. Right now, with sky high COL and record low wages per COL, due to legal immigration, many young people can't afford to buy a home and start a family. Adding more legal immigrants will only make it worse.

The weird thing is, AI means a need for less skilled employees. I have used AI at my full time job. It is going to replace a lot of people over the next 10 years. It is really remarkable what it can do. It can take a team of 5 and reduce it to 2 or 3 very quickly.

If any of you have connections to the Trump campaign, you need to let them know they are going to get absolutely throttled with the current losing message of Israel is our greatest ally and increasing legal immigration and increasing DEI with "jobs for Blacks and jobs for Hispanics" and special antisemitism laws.

Once again, your emo posting is at odds with reality. Illegal immigration is just a gateway to 10x more legal immigration, and the people who think Trump will be worse for the middle class have no idea what is going on. You're so detached from reality, the only thing that matters to you is hating on Trump. Total lack of objectivity from you TDS folks.

As for Trump's speech, Trump is saying that the only immigration will be done through legal channels so criminals aren't let into the country. Trump has to stress this point because being 100% against immigration is at odds with over 70% of the electorate, as well as at odds with 100% of the donor class, so Trump has to assuage fears so people won't be afraid to vote for him.

The "conservatives" who want to throw the election to Kamala Harris will only result in 200x the immigration we would have under Trump, and all you do is channel Talmudic talking points designed to subvert the right to this purpose.

You are either a useful peon for the left, or actually a Democrat in disguise posing as a conservative. Not sure, but either way, your judgement is trash. If you sincerely are trying to improve, why not take a step back, and realize that everything you've predicted about politics over the past few years have been completely wrong?
Trump is saying it's better to be alive, and receive a lesser medal, than it is to be dead, and receive the greater medal. How is that controversial?

Once again, your emo posting is at odds with reality. Illegal immigration is just a gateway to 10x more legal immigration, and the people who think Trump will be worse for the middle class have no idea what is going on. You're so detached from reality, the only thing that matters to you is hating on Trump. Total lack of objectivity from you TDS folks.

As for Trump's speech, Trump is saying that the only immigration will be done through legal channels so criminals aren't let into the country. Trump has to stress this point because being 100% against immigration is at odds with over 70% of the electorate, as well as at odds with 100% of the donor class, so Trump has to assuage fears so people won't be afraid to vote for him.

The "conservatives" who want to throw the election to Kamala Harris will only result in 200x the immigration we would have under Trump, and all you do is channel Talmudic talking points designed to subvert the right to this purpose.

You are either a useful peon for the left, or actually a Democrat in disguise posing as a conservative. Not sure, but either way, your judgement is trash. If you sincerely are trying to improve, why not take a step back, and realize that everything you've predicted about politics over the past few years have been completely wrong?
Are u suggesting trump is lying and giving lip service?
Are u suggesting trump is lying and giving lip service?

Trump uses loose rhetoric in order to persuade people. It's called sales. He intentionally keeps things vague so people can hear what they want to hear.

In this case, Trump is saying he will let in "many people" which will still be 200x less than in Kamala admin. Anyone who fails to see this is a legit enemy of America.