Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

No, you are putting your own words into the Saint's mouth. St Paisios never said you should or shouldn't vote, that is your own interpretation.
Stop this please, your theory is ridiculous. The Saint never participated in elections, NEVER voted. He participated in demonstrations and he thought Church leaders should excomunicate political leaders who were openly anti-Christian, like Trump.
Won't stop because Trump is the idol.
1. Those who are aggressively pro-abortion and support a law which has allowed for the murder of 60 million human beings since it was passed.

  • a. Those who support abortion for any reason, or no reason, up to and - believe it or not for some - even beyond the moment of birth.
Voting for someone against abortion with exceptions for rape incest and to save the mothers life is aggressively pro abortion?
Nick has this fraud upset. Nick has more reach than I realized. Get the popcorn ready.

Nick is correct that there are some folks on the campaign I don't care for.

But going after Vance is a bad idea and isn't going to help his appeal or image.

The veteran Marine whose well known for his rural upbringing is always going to draw more sympathy than Nick, who does come off like he's been a bit privileged in his upbringing.

Again, huge grain of salt on anything Nick says, his own judgement is circumspect via the ass he made of himself with the Kanye thing. Total Bafoon.

I personally am begining to suspect he's gotten fed captured.

There's a reason Beattie, Greer, Pat Casey have all distanced themselves from him since the J6 events and Fuentes subsequent activities. Seems like to me that he's being co-opted. I mean the constant jerking off on Vance can only be done to serve a point to deligitimize a VP candidate that strongly represents the things majority of the MAGA crowd want.
I can't post in the Trump thread, so I will post this here. I actually think this is a winning message. Watching all the libtards call it "racist" is opening eyes up to either your children are safe and you are a "racist" or your children face crime, poverty and probably great harm or even death..

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I can't post in the Trump thread, so I will post this here. I actually think this is a winning message. Watching all the libtards call it "racist" is opening eyes up to either your children are safe or you are a "racist".

So subtle and nuanced. This legitimately is racist, and it’s beating around the bush. Everyone knows what this means, just say it you pussy. Nobody is changing their minds in the first place, and if they were, nobody is going to not change their mind because you were too blunt about your message.

“My name is Donald Trump, and I promise to keep black people from ruining your neighborhoods.” That’s a great conversation starter. If anyone wants to challenge him on that, he can just start listing off examples from east coast all the way to the west, keep a list (a book really) in his pocket. And when he gets to the bottom of the list he can address the other countries, either by continent or in alphabetical order.
So subtle and nuanced. This legitimately is racist, and it’s beating around the bush. Everyone knows what this means, just say it you pussy. Nobody is changing their minds in the first place, and if they were, nobody is going to not change their mind because you were too blunt about your message.

“My name is Donald Trump, and I promise to keep black people from ruining your neighborhoods.” That’s a great conversation starter. If anyone wants to challenge him on that, he can just start listing off examples from east coast all the way to the west, keep a list (a book really) in his pocket. And when he gets to the bottom of the list he can address the other countries, either by continent or in alphabetical order.
This is a silly criticism.

The message is sufficient to speak to the base as you point out.

That's all that's needed.

Majority of people are not as disgruntled as folks are here. And majority of people will accept the non direct call out as sufficient.
Nick has this fraud upset. Nick has more reach than I realized. Get the popcorn ready.

It isn't just Nick. Keep in mind the 2016 Trump campaign lifted their selling points from Michael Savage's book.

Michael Savage has come out now and wrote Trump a letter saying that J.D. Vance was a mistake and should be removed from the ticket. Was either this show or the one before, forget which.

Anyone advising a Presidential candidate to remove their VP from the ticket is an idiot or a saboteur. That's about the quickest way to kill the campaign by communicating the message that the candidate is totally inept and bungled the most important decision they have to make as a candidate. This is the entire reason that vetting VP candidates is such a rigorous process in the first place, because once you pick them you're stuck with them, as removing them from the ticket is basically political suicide.

Further, Vance was not a bad pick. The only people complaining about him are the sort of people you'd want to be complaining about him (i.e. liberals, media types, globalists, neocons).
Back when Trump was taking Savage's advice, he won an election. Now that he let his inner circle (of other Jews) push Savage out, he has lost one and is about to lose another. It would be smart for Trump to go back to his old messaging, cause what he's doing now ain't working.

As far as Vance goes, the guy doesn't do anything to broaden Trump's appeal. Pence ended up a traitor, but unlike Vance, he did help to ground Trump for the people who thought Trump was a fluke.
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Back when Trump was taking Savage's advice, he won an election. Now that he let his inner circle (of other Jews) push Savage out, he has lost one and is about to lose another. It would be smart for Trump to go back to his old messaging, cause what he's doing now ain't working.
Who did Savage want as the VP?
Back when Trump was taking Savage's advice, he won an election. Now that he let his inner circle (of other Jews) push Savage out, he has lost one and is about to lose another. It would be smart for Trump to go back to his old messaging, cause what he's doing now ain't working.

As far as Vance goes, the guy doesn't do anything to broaden Trump's appeal. Pence ended up a traitor, but unlike Vance, he did help to ground Trump for the people who thought Trump was a fluke.
I feel this same way. I still listen to Michael Savage and frankly he is the best talking head there is imo. His opinion about alot of things is true and yes I remember when Trump went on his show it was a good moment they seemed to have a good repor work each other now it's been crumbling ever since Trump was elected.

Something is terribly wrong with the right politically. Someone or some group is still got the reigns on Trump to pick this bozo Vance.

The "assassination" attempt has practically been memoryholed by most normies. It's not going to garner as many sympathy votes as previously thought in my eyes and how deflated it seems Trump has become since his last term does not bode well for November.
I feel this same way. I still listen to Michael Savage and frankly he is the best talking head there is imo.
I used to listen to him all the time back in the day. He's why I wanted Trump to run in the first place. The only other guy I listened to almost as much is Mark Levin. I don't tune in as much anymore but when I do listen to Savage he's still miles ahead of everybody else.
I used to listen to him all the time back in the day. He's why I wanted Trump to run in the first place. The only other guy I listened to almost as much is Mark Levin. I don't tune in as much anymore but when I do listen to Savage he's still miles ahead of everybody else.
Savage was the only "on air" guy I would listen to, other than Tucker, in my purple pill days (2008-2016). And then when the GOP stabbed Trump in the back, early in his campaign in 2016, it was Tucker and Savage that stuck by Trump's side.

Savage used to have Trump on as a guest before he ever ran for president. And as a reward, I believe Savage was the first to get to interview him when he announced he was running for President. Trump would stop by, about once a week, for a short interview during the campaign.

Now that I am red pilled, I don't trust anyone allowed on the major airwaves. They are all paid to lie to some extent. But of them all, Savage seems to be the most reasonable. He was always more reasonable in the past, and if he is calling out Trump's very badly run campaign, then he is still ahead of his competition.
Now that I am red pilled, I don't trust anyone allowed on the major airwaves. They are all paid to lie to some extent. But of them all, Savage seems to be the most reasonable. He was always more reasonable in the past, and if he is calling out Trump's very badly run campaign, then he is still ahead of his competition.
Savage isn't even on radio anymore. I think they shut him down a few years ago. Ever since he got fired from MSNBC, he wasn't allowed on other TV stations again. I'm surprised youtube hasn't banned him yet. He's even more outspoken now on his youtube and podcast. I've heard him openly talk about the Jews on CNN and the Jews behind Hollywood, despite recognizing that he is a Jew himself.

I have almost all of his books in hardcopy. His God book left a lot to be desired. He can't accept the idea that Jesus died for his sins. It's sad, but it goes against the Jewish mindset of self-righteousness/works, etc. I hope he comes to a saving faith in Christ before it's too late.
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