Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Voting might or not be a waste of time and there might be valid secular arguments about whether in the current times voting fulfills civic duties but to raise it to a duty on the same level as our ones to God and saying it's a sin and not merely a negative thing in the secular realm to not vote is just plain silly to me.
I disagree, as much as I dislike our presidential candidates, senators and congressmen. I think it is still important to vote in local elections.
Local sheriffs, mayors, superintendents, etc. and ensuring that bad amendments don’t get passed through should be imperative for us.

Honestly, rejecting as many bad amendments as possible (most of them) is the best thing we can do as voters and is the best reason to vote.
You think you are hurting the Talmudic Jews, but in reality you are their #1 puppet. All nonvoters are sinning, abandoning their Neighbors, and playing right into the hands of the enemy because you're refusing to fight. As Christians sit out and do nothing, which is the opposite of John the Baptist who spoke out against authority to the point of banishment, Talmudic Jews will consolidate ever greater power and result in the total genocide of Christians in America.
Oh for God's sake!

I disagree, as much as I dislike our presidential candidates, senators and congressmen. I think it is still important to vote in local elections.
Local sheriffs, mayors, superintendents, etc. and ensuring that bad amendments don’t get passed through should be imperative for us.

Honestly, rejecting as many bad amendments as possible (most of them) is the best thing we can do as voters and is the best reason to vote.

I actually have written about how I think voting is worth it if looked at through a cost benefit analysis. There's no real downside to voting even assuming the the worse case scenario which is that voting has no effect. I plan to vote myself. What I disagree with is that not voting is a sin in the same way lying, fornicating, or coveting is.
Metropolitan Samseau
I actually have written about how I think voting is worth it if looked at through a cost benefit analysis. There's no real downside to voting even assuming the the worse case scenario which is that voting has no effect. I plan to vote myself. What I disagree with is that not voting is a sin in the same way lying, fornicating, or coveting is.
It’s not even worth addressing the silliness of claiming that it’s a sin not to vote, especially when none of the candidates are Christian in any meaningful sense of the word. For me the true cost of voting is entirely spiritual; it’s a moral concession and I’m not willing to sell my soul by throwing my support behind any of the pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-war sociopaths being presented to us as options (in a system which isn’t even real to begin with).

It’s difficult to empathize with the kind of person who agrees that Trump won in 2020 and had the election stolen from him, but now believes voting is totally real and elections matter and democracy is a system which in any way represents the will of the people instead of Israel and the Military-Industrial Complex.

The core of their belief is that after successfully stealing the 2020 election, Democrats and the Deep State decided to stop all the corruption and remove all their assets and change all the rules that allowed them to usurp power in the first place. Fantasies like this demand an explanation for why and in what manner they would do that, and I’m not sure what answer these people could even give beyond “out of the kindness of their hearts” and - even if we were to accept this level of complete delusion and incoherence - they would still have to show us how exactly Democrats and the Deep State removed all the mechanisms that let them cheat and steal just a few years ago.

On a national level, elections are not real and democracy is a lie. I’m at a point in my life where I’m not willing to play make believe and compromise on my values for some childish power fantasy in which a pro-gay, pro-choice Zionist who surrounded himself with Deep State spooks during his first term is secretly not part of the system and was secretly waiting all this secret time until his second term to secretly develop core principles, spiritual beliefs, and the ability to keep promises he entirely failed to keep in the first four years.

I understand that it’s a comforting fantasy on a psychological level, but the spiritual cost of pretending it’s all real and totally legit and this time we’re gonna MAGA or whatever is too steep for me. I’d probably vote if we had Christian candidates and elections were real but instead we have the “leaders” and system we deserve, which are deliberately designed to make low-information people feel like their vote is important and keep the slaves putting their suggestions in the box because maybe - just maybe! - THIS time it’ll all be different.
Elections aren't held on a national level. There are groups and individuals on the state level that are doing hard work to clean up elections in the places where covid was used as an excuse to have 'absent elections'. Having a group of sinners endorse you isn't the same as you endorsing the sin. Trump holding a random flag at an event was an acknowledgement of people supporting him. I want people supporting me even though I disagree with them on fundamental issues. There are still things that we agree on so that's a good place to start, but it doesn't mean that it ends there.

The setup is, if Trump throws away a random flag that a gay supporter made then he is labelled a bigot. If he doesn't, then Brother Augustine will crap all over him. See how this works? The other side doesn't have to live with this. They take little bits at a time and keep coming back generation after generation and it starts with the culture, NOT it's politics.

Men like Trump can push some obstacles out of the way and give us some Supreme Court Justices to help stave off all Constitutional abandonment. But it's up to us to fight the real fight at the cultural level. Support and attend local Godly Churches, speak our for what's Biblical in our local communities and yes, continue to vote for those that give us the best chance to do those things.
The setup is, if Trump throws away a random flag that a gay supporter made then he is labelled a bigot. If he doesn't, then Brother Augustine will crap all over him. See how this works?
That's the problem. Trump is not scared of losing Brother Augustine's support, in fact, he is taking his support for granted. He wants to have both, but you can't have both.

So who's going to give in? The gays or the Christians? Maybe some people are just tired of the Christians having to be the ones who give in all the time and are finally walking away from the table.
It’s incredible what level of pushback I get for simply stating that, as a Christian, I am not going to vote for a man so pro-gay that even his enemies in the media praised him for it and who campaigned on compromising with the Democrats on abortion so that “everyone is gonna like” him.

Like I mentioned earlier, Satan probably thought this would be harder.

GodFather you are exactly right. We are expected to compromise on absolutely everything, while those who hate us don’t give an inch - ever. I don’t think anything will change until Christians actually stand up for Christian beliefs and morality instead of this evil secular game of giving up our values for the prospect of worldly power.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” - Romans 12:2
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It’s a very painful process so we have to be understanding. The reality of the situation is if you’re a “right winger” or a Christian you’re an extremist. It’s spelled out for us as clear as day. You’re an extremist because the solutions we favor are “extreme” by societal standards. It doesn’t matter how people “feel”. Feelings are leaves in the wind, if you ever gotten emotional about a woman then you know.

The issue with us is we put too much stock in common sentiments in thinking they align with us. They don’t actually. This is why revolution is necessary. Only an ideologue seizing power can fix issues the way they should be solved or we want them to be solved. We hoped that was Trump in 2016.

When it comes to homo sex, who’s going to put the genie in the bottle? Only a Christian authoritarian. Does Trump favor this or will he pave the way for this? No.

So the way it plays out is we will have society that will express something we agree with. “These pedophiles are terrible.” Guys like us will hear that and say “Yeah, we need to start killing them.” Then we don’t understand why we get ignored and people disassociate immediately.

That is Trump. He might identify a certain issue that aligns with our values but he will never do what is necessary. That’s one of the reasons he’s kosher. He doesn’t actually feel any of these problems are existential enough to truly tackle.

Trump doesn’t actually believe illegals will destroy the United States. He doesn’t actually believe in noninterventionism, he just feel geopolitics can be conducted in other ways. On and on it goes.

Do not project your own expectations on the man.
I don’t think anything will change until Christians actually stand up for Christian beliefs and morality instead of this evil secular game of giving up our values for the prospect of worldly power.
Even if Christians don't wake up and stand their ground this time, I don't believe the current satanic regime will be allowed to go on much longer. It's too self-destructive and offensive to God. So when the crash comes, all due to secularism, the Church will be left saying "I told you so."
You're moving the goalposts here.

"He did not promote the LGBT flag or even fly it once."

Brother Augustine shows him promoting LGBT.

"He didn't fly it in an official capacity."
Yep. And it's become very obvious and recurring.

Previously claims in very clear language that Kushner was not at the RNC. I show a photo of Kushner on stage with Trump. "Oh well what I meant was..."
That's the problem. Trump is not scared of losing Brother Augustine's support, in fact, he is taking his support for granted. He wants to have both, but you can't have both.

So who's going to give in? The gays or the Christians? Maybe some people are just tired of the Christians having to be the ones who give in all the time and are finally walking away from the table.

What you have claimed in the first sentance is literally unknowable. Trump has reached out to Christians for years now. It isn't obvious to me that the Brother Augustines out there would realistically find anyone worthy of their vote. I don't mean that as a criticism of those people. Abortion and homesexuality are moral and spiritual issues. You are not going to stop them by making them illegal any more than you can eliminate gun violence by outlawing guns.

The best a President can do is appoint Supreme Justices who will protect speech. Advocate reasonable tax policy. Keep America out of endless and futile wars and protect our border. The reality is that he has to deal with a significant part of the population who do not want those things and they have substantial political representation.

It is the job of the Body of Christ to be the conscience of the kingdom and be the guardrails of the culture.
You are not going to stop them by making them illegal any more than you can eliminate gun violence by outlawing guns.
I've already had the "you can't legislate morality" debate. If this is true, then there's no reason whatsoever in concerning ourselves with politics.

It is the job of the Body of Christ to be the conscience of the kingdom and be the guardrails of the culture.
The Gospel makes people good. But the Law and the sword can make people act as if they are good, which is still better than what we have now.
Even if Christians don't wake up and stand their ground this time, I don't believe the current satanic regime will be allowed to go on much longer. It's too self-destructive and offensive to God. So when the crash comes, all due to secularism, the Church will be left saying "I told you so."

How can the "Church" say I told you so. They are complicit in the decay of society by being advocates for the very things Trump's detractors blame him for. The hard work of national revival and reversal of civilizational decay has to come from Curches preaching and living the Bible.
How can the "Church" say I told you so. They are complicit in the decay of society by being advocates for the very things Trump's detractors blame him for. The hard work of national revival and reversal of civilizational decay has to come from Curches preaching and living the Bible.
Depends on which church you're talking about. If your church's idea of spiritual warfare is voting for a party that no longer even pretends to believe in Christian values, then that church is not the Church I'm referring to. The churches that will say "I told you so" are the churches that recognize secularism is the worldview behind the collapse of our society, and are combating it by preaching and living out the Christian worldview, and promoting and showing how the Christian worldview is the only worldview that can sustain a good society. These are the churches that will survive God's judgement, not the fake churches that sold out to the world and are churches in name only.
I've already had the "you can't legislate morality" debate. If this is true, then there's no reason whatsoever in concerning ourselves with politics.

The Gospel makes people good. But the Law and the sword can make people act as if they are good, which is still better than what we have now.
I'm a believer in the you can't legislature morality idea. When it comes to the political aspects of it, my concern for it is mostly defensive. What I mean by this is that even if we can't for example employ secular laws to convince people on how engaging in LGBT behavior is going to lead to them receiving the 'wage of sins ', we can at least to something to prevent ourselves as Christians from getting punished by the state for our refusal to go along with the LGBT agenda. I've been keeping my eye on the gay wedding cake case that involves the cake shop owner in Colorado and been hoping that Supreme Court will finally be an end to this soon as we currently have a favorable configuration on the bench.
I'm a believer in the you can't legislature morality idea. When it comes to the political aspects of it, my concern for it is mostly defensive. What I mean by this is that even if we can't for example employ secular laws to convince people on how engaging in LGBT behavior is going to lead to them receiving the 'wage of sins ', we can at least to something to prevent ourselves as Christians from getting punished by the state for our refusal to go along with the LGBT agenda. I've been keeping my eye on the gay wedding cake case that involves the cake shop owner in Colorado and been hoping that Supreme Court will finally be an end to this soon as we currently have a favorable configuration on the bench.
You can’t legislate morality but you can enforce morality. The state is capable or can be an enabler. Not saying it’s ideal but the state plays a role. I’ve seen the change with homos in my lifetime.

When I was kid the people around me, people that are alive right now, hated homos or appeared to. The complete disgust and contempt in which homosexuality was held you would think its human nature to hate faggots. The word “faggot” was absolutely brutal. It was like the word nigger for any man. You would have this deep fear in your mind where you imagine just trying to fit in socially and some guy calling you a faggot, with that hard, hard double G. In the post-trauma flashbacks you would have he would be foaming at the mouth while saying it, cutting you to the bone, sending you spiralling into the abyss unable to think.

Then women said it’s okay to be a faggot. Then government said it’s okay to be a faggot. Then you saw some guy introduce himself as gay and other men didn’t react. All of sudden you’re like “wait a minute”, we’re not doing that thing anymore? Here we are now. Herd mentality is real.

We thought it didn’t matter, perhaps some of us think now it truly doesn’t, but hatred of homosexuality is tradition. Your ancestors knew the deal and they passed the sentiment down to you so that your community wouldn’t turn into Sodom.
You can’t legislate morality but you can enforce morality. The state is capable or can be an enabler. Not saying it’s ideal but the state plays a role. I’ve seen the change with homos in my lifetime.

When I was kid the people around me, people that are alive right now, hated homos or appeared to. The complete disgust and contempt in which homosexuality was held you would think its human nature to hate faggots. The word “faggot” was absolutely brutal. It was like the word nigger for any man. You would have this deep fear in your mind where you imagine just trying to fit in socially and some guy calling you a faggot, with that hard, hard double G. In the post-trauma flashbacks you would have he would be foaming at the mouth while saying it, cutting you to the bone, sending you spiralling into the abyss unable to think.

Then women said it’s okay to be a faggot. Then government said it’s okay to be a faggot. Then you saw some guy introduce himself as gay and other men didn’t react. All of sudden you’re like “wait a minute”, we’re not doing that thing anymore? Here we are now. Herd mentality is real.

We thought it didn’t matter, perhaps some of us think now it truly doesn’t, but hatred of homosexuality is tradition. Your ancestors knew the deal and they passed the sentiment down to you so that your community wouldn’t turn into Sodom.
You can legislate it by taking control of the media and not allowing the media to make the people believe immoral things are "good". This was attempted in the 1950's in the USA and the good guys lost. Now here we are, everything disgusting and bad is considered "cool" and being a good moral person is seen as "not cool".
Hopefully nobody will tell Metropolitan Samseau what our Saints thought about democracy, Jew-worship, and the “homosexual lifestyle” which he has now publicly called “trivial.”

It might cause some painful introspection.

100% of the Saints said to obey laws, pay taxes, even to horrible sinners like Nero. Pretty amazing at how you cite facts which destroy your own arguments.

It’s difficult to empathize with the kind of person who agrees that Trump won in 2020 and had the election stolen from him, but now believes voting is totally real and elections matter and democracy is a system which in any way represents the will of the people instead of Israel and the Military-Industrial Complex.

The core of their belief is that after successfully stealing the 2020 election, Democrats and the Deep State decided to stop all the corruption and remove all their assets and change all the rules that allowed them to usurp power in the first place. Fantasies like this demand an explanation for why and in what manner they would do that, and I’m not sure what answer these people could even give beyond “out of the kindness of their hearts” and - even if we were to accept this level of complete delusion and incoherence - they would still have to show us how exactly Democrats and the Deep State removed all the mechanisms that let them cheat and steal just a few years ago.

On a national level, elections are not real and democracy is a lie. I’m at a point in my life where I’m not willing to play make believe and compromise on my values for some childish power fantasy in which a pro-gay, pro-choice Zionist who surrounded himself with Deep State spooks during his first term is secretly not part of the system and was secretly waiting all this secret time until his second term to secretly develop core principles, spiritual beliefs, and the ability to keep promises he entirely failed to keep in the first four years.

I understand that it’s a comforting fantasy on a psychological level, but the spiritual cost of pretending it’s all real and totally legit and this time we’re gonna MAGA or whatever is too steep for me. I’d probably vote if we had Christian candidates and elections were real but instead we have the “leaders” and system we deserve, which are deliberately designed to make low-information people feel like their vote is important and keep the slaves putting their suggestions in the box because maybe - just maybe! - THIS time it’ll all be different.

You and I agree on the premises, but you do not follow the logic to it's correct conclusion.

Yes, the elections are riddled with fraud.
Yes, Trump does dumb things all the time.
Yes, democracy sucks although so does every other form of government.

Guess what? None of these things matter nor are they an excuse to sin and not love our country, and not vote. We vote because,

1. It's the right thing to do, as part of the system established and given to us by God and from the sacrifices of our ancestors.
2. Even if there is fraud, God may have a plan to help us win anyways. We must always have faith and do what is right, even if we think it makes no sense. Righteousness is always paramount.
3. It is not for us to question the government God gives us. The things we experience in this lifetime are to lead us to salvation, and are deliberately given to us by God.

One of the most important commandments of Christ is to love our enemy,

Although it is natural and usual to love those who love us and to do good to those who do good to us (Mt 5:46-47; Lk 6:32-33), to love our enemies is distasteful to our nature. One can say that it isn’t in our power but is an attitude that can only be the fruit of grace, given by the Holy Spirit. This is why St. Silouan the Athonite writes, "The soul that has not known the Holy Spirit does not understand how one can love one’s enemies, and does not accept it."

The men here who want to say, "Fuck it," and never vote again do so out of hatred for their enemies and their country. This is a sin, and it is because many here are spiritually immature and do not understand or accept the Holy Spirit. I know this feeling, because I used to be the same way when I was younger.

I understand that what I say is not popular. But that's okay, because Jesus was not popular either. I'd rather do what Christ says that what "popular opinion" is.

One should vote out of duty, respect, and honor for one's country. That is the only reason we need. Whether or not the vote is successful is immaterial compared to the spiritual concerns involved.

All of this was already stated in the "Why One Should Vote" thread.
Voting might or not be a waste of time and there might be valid secular arguments about whether in the current times voting fulfills civic duties but to raise it to a duty on the same level as our ones to God and saying it's a sin and not merely a negative thing in the secular realm to not vote is just plain silly to me.

Of course it's not one the same level as other sins. Catholics would call not voting a venial sin, and Orthodox would call it a lesser sin. Holy scripture clearly indicates that different sins are worse than others.

Not voting might be on the same level as cussing out a driver on the road, or something else that is typical of the everyday sinner.

But that doesn't change reality however, and what is a sin is a sin.

It's very ironic how people here stress moral purity, yet when I point out that not voting is also a sin, people lose their cool very quickly. It's a big insult to their pride, which shows they aren't serious about moral purity.

I actually have written about how I think voting is worth it if looked at through a cost benefit analysis. There's no real downside to voting even assuming the the worse case scenario which is that voting has no effect. I plan to vote myself. What I disagree with is that not voting is a sin in the same way lying, fornicating, or coveting is.

Yes, this is the other side to the voting argument. Not only is apathy, indifference, or hatred towards one own's country a sin, but the flipside to voting is about 15 min of one's time, even less if they use a vote by mail ballot (which is a joke, I know).

It's truly baffling at how emotional people here are against doing the right thing.