Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

But Scott is not merely criticizing those who think Trump will lose.

Scott is criticizing the Blackpilling doomsayers.

"It's over bro"
"Fuck voting America is gay"
"Both parties are the same"

Basically this is castration, you've lost before even leaving the gate. It is indeed wishcasting. Instead of fighting like men, the "right" has become infested by soyboy weaklings who give up without a fight.

There's no denying just how pathetic a man who rolls over without a fight is.

He’s not wrong, the short answer is that rank and file republicans and democrats in the house and senate are all very much pro Israel, pro war machine, and pro open borders (with a handful of exceptions on the open borders)

And the honest answer of “when does it end? “. It ends when we run out of money. No country can spend the way we have been spending on an unlimited timeline

Actually plan b: Trump gets re elected and finds a crypto savvy guru to pay down the deficit and debt, and we suddenly have an infinite amount of war money to pass on to the next administration .
Actually plan b: Trump gets re elected and finds a crypto savvy guru to pay down the deficit and debt, and we suddenly have an infinite amount of war money to pass on to the next administration .

Not true, Trump promoting Bitcoin will also be a huge blessing for Russia, since they just switched to Bitcoin and crypto to evade US sanctions:

There will be less war with Trump, and less war after Trump is gone since America's enemies will become stronger.

Trump is bad for (((Globohomo))). That's why they are trying to kill Trump. It's pretty obvious to everyone except those who are driven by hatred of Trump.
Trump is bad for (((Globohomo))). That's why they are trying to kill Trump. It's pretty obvious to everyone except those who are driven by hatred of Trump.

“Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality”

“As a candidate, Trump was ambiguous about his position on many gay rights issues, but notably became the first Republican nominee to mention LGBT rights in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. His convention also featured another first: PayPal founder Peter Thiel became the first gay person to acknowledge his sexuality in a speech to the GOP convention, declaring he was ‘proud to be gay’…Trump, after being elected, also said he was ‘fine’ with same-sex marriage.”

Yes, go ahead and vote Democrat who are absolutely annihilating what remains of Oriental Orthodox countries.

Egypt, Armenia, Iran, Ethiopia, all on the chopping block for Democrats.

But I suppose this is par for the course for a proud schismatic to vote for their own genocide.

Trump praised Erdogan (the mastermind behind Azerbaijans cleansing of Karabakhs Armenians) multiple times & even invited him over for White House giggles:


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“Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality”

“As a candidate, Trump was ambiguous about his position on many gay rights issues, but notably became the first Republican nominee to mention LGBT rights in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. His convention also featured another first: PayPal founder Peter Thiel became the first gay person to acknowledge his sexuality in a speech to the GOP convention, declaring he was ‘proud to be gay’…Trump, after being elected, also said he was ‘fine’ with same-sex marriage.”

So you think homosexuals should be executed? Because that's all Trump worked to stop. He did not promote the LGBT flag or even fly it once. He just advocated for not murdering gays, which was also standard position of the Byzantine empire for 1000 years. (Gays were castrated, not murdered.)

As for Trump being 'fine' with same-sex marriage, there's nothing Trump can do about it. It's a bad issue to campaign on because our degenerate country accepts it. It makes no sense to fight gay marriage in the USA anymore, since it was created through judicial fiat, and polls indicate something like 70% of Americans support gay marriage.

Fighting culture wars is dumb at the federal level, it would just result in a massive loss. The culture wars have to be fought with the Churches, which Trump supports.

You need to understand, America is a dead country, we need to focus on salvaging what we can from it before it dies. Losing elections won't help us salvage the country, and the danger is very real that there will be nothing left if Democrats continue cannibalize America.
Trump praised Erdogan (the mastermind behind Azerbaijans cleansing of Karabakhs Armenians) multiple times & even invited him over for White House giggles:
To be fair. Trump had those meetings with Erdogan before the second and third Karabakh wars.
Another thing to consider is the value of Turkey as a partner. Turkey is a regional power (natural counterweight to Iran), with strong ties with Central Asia-stans. And their country is located at the crossroads of vital international trade routes. This will sound harsh, but if Turks can offer high capacity transit of goods through the so-called middle corridor (the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route), which bypasses Russia, then the west will, most likely, be willing to sacrifice Armenia for it. Real politics ain't pretty.
How Trump plays into it ? He doesn't have a hard-on against Russia. So the Turkish offering, won't be as attractive to him as it is for the current regime.
Nick has a larger audience, and an audience that Trump took for granted in 2020 and is making the same mistake again. I saw White Male support for Trump dropped from 88% to 85% from 2016 to 2020.

Zuck could also recognizing the winds of change and hedge his bets.

They aren't going to be able to do COVID round 2 this go around and (((They))) know it.
Zuck could also recognizing the winds of change and hedge his bets.

They aren't going to be able to do COVID round 2 this go around and (((They))) know it.
That very well could be. I'm just saying Nick has a large audience, one Trump is slipping in, and he isn't doing any outreach to them. I don't expect him to do so either. I think he can still win without that outreach, but him selling the military and his vision of this country isn't going to happen.

This isn't flying the flag in any official capacity, it was given to Trump at a special pandering rally for gays. It's gross, but hardly anything compared to the level of homo Dems offer on a daily basis. We aren't going to fix the gay problem in the political world. It's a problem for the Church and especially for schools. The culture comes from Churches and schools, government officials trying to fight that will get destroyed.

You focus on small things, rhetoric that has no bearing on our lives, while I focus on real world results. Trump brings results that make it possible for White men to flourish, him holding up a flag at some rally that was made by his gay fans is trivial by comparison.

Because Trump enables White men, and stop brother wars between them, (((they))) are trying to kill him. Fairly obvious to any disinterested observer, it's just the Trump haters who can't see past their emotions.
This isn't flying the flag in any official capacity, it was given to Trump at a special pandering rally for gays. It's gross, but hardly anything compared to the level of homo Dems offer on a daily basis. We aren't going to fix the gay problem in the political world. It's a problem for the Church and especially for schools. The culture comes from Churches and schools, government officials trying to fight that will get destroyed.

You focus on small things, rhetoric that has no bearing on our lives, while I focus on real world results. Trump brings results that make it possible for White men to flourish, him holding up a flag at some rally that was made by his gay fans is trivial by comparison.

Because Trump enables White men, and stop brother wars between them, (((they))) are trying to kill him. Fairly obvious to any disinterested observer, it's just the Trump haters who can't see past their emotions.

You're moving the goalposts here.

"He did not promote the LGBT flag or even fly it once."

Brother Augustine shows him promoting LGBT.

"He didn't fly it in an official capacity."
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You're moving the goalposts here.
Always and forever. People who work in politics or who "volunteer" for candidates are the "lesser of two evils," "change the system from within" type of people. They are sycophants. In much the same way as those who work for JQ corporate America and invest in the JQ stock market and JQ crypto ponzi schemes, they are part of the problem, not the solution. The solution is refusing to participate in these jew run systems by not voting, not paying your unconstitutional "taxes," not investing in their instruments of financial usury, and by "stealing" from their blasphemous, anti-Christian stores and businesses.

Trump is the very definition of a crypto jew. A vote for Trump is a vote for the JQ depopulation, LGBTQ, and financial usury agenda. The simple words "Jesus Christ" have never been uttered from his blasphemous mouth. How can anyone support this "man"? Silence and excuse after excuse for Trump's horrendous, evil behavior is irrational complicity and not some righteous, soul saving endeavor.

Violence is the only way to stop the jews. But in lieu of that dangerous occupation, one must fight fire with fire by refusing to participate in all their jew games by engaging in as much non-detectable, non-violent subterfuge and sabatoge as possible. It's the only Christian thing to do.
You're moving the goalposts here.

"He did not promote the LGBT flag or even fly it once."

Brother Augustine shows him promoting LGBT.

"He didn't fly it in an official capacity."

Holding up an LGBT flag from a supporters, at some random small time rally, is not what I would consider promotion. It's not on a flagpole either, so it's not "flying" the flag. It's just Trump acknowledging his gay supporters, it's not necessarily that Trump believes in the homosexual lifestyle. Trump simply doesn't care, because it's trivial, and won't make any difference as to what he believes in. The culture of the country is beyond the Presidency, culture war stuff is actually what Talmudic Jews use to create nonvoters like Purple Urkle below:

Always and forever. People who work in politics or who "volunteer" for candidates are the "lesser of two evils," "change the system from within" type of people. They are sycophants. In much the same way as those who work for JQ corporate America and invest in the JQ stock market and JQ crypto ponzi schemes, they are part of the problem, not the solution. The solution is refusing to participate in these jew run systems by not voting, not paying your unconstitutional "taxes," not investing in their instruments of financial usury, and by "stealing" from their blasphemous, anti-Christian stores and businesses.

Trump is the very definition of a crypto jew. A vote for Trump is a vote for the JQ depopulation, LGBTQ, and financial usury agenda. The simple words "Jesus Christ" have never been uttered from his blasphemous mouth. How can anyone support this "man"? Silence and excuse after excuse for Trump's horrendous, evil behavior is irrational complicity and not some righteous, soul saving endeavor.

Violence is the only way to stop the jews. But in lieu of that dangerous occupation, one must fight fire with fire by refusing to participate in all their jew games by engaging in as much non-detectable, non-violent subterfuge and sabatoge as possible. It's the only Christian thing to do.

You think you are hurting the Talmudic Jews, but in reality you are their #1 puppet. All nonvoters are sinning, abandoning their Neighbors, and playing right into the hands of the enemy because you're refusing to fight. As Christians sit out and do nothing, which is the opposite of John the Baptist who spoke out against authority to the point of banishment, Talmudic Jews will consolidate ever greater power and result in the total genocide of Christians in America.
Holding up an LGBT flag from a supporters, at some random small time rally, is not what I would consider promotion. It's not on a flagpole either, so it's not "flying" the flag. It's just Trump acknowledging his gay supporters, it's not necessarily that Trump believes in the homosexual lifestyle. Trump simply doesn't care, because it's trivial, and won't make any difference as to what he believes in. The culture of the country is beyond the Presidency, culture war stuff is actually what Talmudic Jews use to create nonvoters like Purple Urkle below:

You think you are hurting the Talmudic Jews, but in reality you are their #1 puppet. All nonvoters are sinning, abandoning their Neighbors, and playing right into the hands of the enemy because you're refusing to fight. As Christians sit out and do nothing, which is the opposite of John the Baptist who spoke out against authority to the point of banishment, Talmudic Jews will consolidate ever greater power and result in the total genocide of Christians in America.

I was actually with you until you said non voters are sinners etc

We all have a right to vote as well as a right to not vote if you don’t like any of the options. A can, any candidate should have to earn your vote
Holding up an LGBT flag from a supporters, at some random small time rally, is not what I would consider promotion. It's not on a flagpole either, so it's not "flying" the flag. It's just Trump acknowledging his gay supporters, it's not necessarily that Trump believes in the homosexual lifestyle. Trump simply doesn't care, because it's trivial, and won't make any difference as to what he believes in. The culture of the country is beyond the Presidency, culture war stuff is actually what Talmudic Jews use to create nonvoters like Purple Urkle below:

You think you are hurting the Talmudic Jews, but in reality you are their #1 puppet. All nonvoters are sinning, abandoning their Neighbors, and playing right into the hands of the enemy because you're refusing to fight. As Christians sit out and do nothing, which is the opposite of John the Baptist who spoke out against authority to the point of banishment, Talmudic Jews will consolidate ever greater power and result in the total genocide of Christians in America.
Hopefully nobody will tell Metropolitan Samseau what our Saints thought about democracy, Jew-worship, and the “homosexual lifestyle” which he has now publicly called “trivial.”

It might cause some painful introspection.
Voting might or not be a waste of time and there might be valid secular arguments about whether in the current times voting fulfills civic duties but to raise it to a duty on the same level as our ones to God and saying it's a sin and not merely a negative thing in the secular realm to not vote is just plain silly to me.