Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I don't think trying to beat Kamala by moving to the left of her on crime is a good plan. I think this is what Richard Spencer was referencing, if this keeps up, they will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Do you remember when Trump said he could shoot someone and he would still enjoy his support anyway? Those are the words of someone who takes his base for granted, someone who thinks you're a useful idiot. Unfortunately, that is true for a lot of his base.

We can debate on if Trump is the guy or isn't the guy, what he should be focusing on, whatever. I'm still open to hearing arguments for both sides. But one thing I do know: the cult of personality needs to go.

The guy's campaign in 2020 boiled down to dancing to YMCA at his rallies. Imagine if instead of doing that, he was working with people on the ground to keep an eye on the swing states where he even knew the Democrats were going to cheat.

Now that he's no longer president, he's going to have to get in on hype alone, having lost his institutional power.
So, God does whatever He wants, and He doesn't reward us necessarily because we were faithful, but when He deems it according to His will. Our will does not matter in the slightest.

Thus, if God sends even a 10% Christian leader in this fallen disgusting world, you get down on your hands and knees and supplicate to Him for sending even a drop of holiness in a leader.

Who are we to judge what sort of leaders God choses for us?
Samseau straight up Calvin posting now. We've definitely entered another timeline.
Now that he's no longer president, he's going to have to get in on hype alone
Ideally the base should have punished him for his incompetence. A leader whose incapable of feeling shame in front of his followers is no leader at all. Neither does he respect them. The guy should be so ashamed right now that he should be saying "crazier" stuff than 2015. Instead we get "Bitcoin; it's interesting, ammirite guys?".

Shows that his whole circle and he himself believes that what he was saying in 2015 was just theater. I am the sucker for believing it would come true in any way, an extremist like Nick Fuentes. What kind of lunatic would think he would lock her up. Come on!

The real base is regular people who want lower taxes and better access to healthcare. Anyway I do genuinely hope he gets elected. That darkie Obama whose running the democrat party is a menace along with his chinese sponsors. Trump is bound to do something interesting once in a while.
Ideally the base should have punished him for his incompetence.
Best case scenario would've been that his base was holding his feet to the fire before any of the shenanigans kicked off. They were fighting harder than he was during the whole blunder fest of 2020. Totally unacceptable and cannot be allowed to happen again. That's why your vote for Trump needs to be a reward, not a gimme.
My God this thread is almost as bad as some of the YouTube comment sections on a Sam Hyde video.

So much vitriol, ugh

My 2 cents; it's almost all theater (not the assassination attempt) and we'll all be disappointed again, will that be Trump's fault? Not sure what anyone could or would be willing to sacrifice more than him, I'm not seeing any new blood coming through. Darker times ahead.
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More, 22k likes over night is pretty big for this account. I don’t care, I don’t expect anything out of Trump, I also don’t care to red pill those who still buy into his act. I fully expect Trump to win. The last post and this post a documentation of how Trump can lose. And if Trump loses, we can look back and see what might have caused it.

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My God this thread is almost as bad as some of the YouTube comment sections on a Sam Hyde video.

So much vitriol, ugh

My 2 cents; it's almost all theater (not the assassination attempt) and we'll all be disappointed again, will that be Trump's fault? Not sure what anyone could or would be willing to sacrifice more than him, I'm not seeing any new blood coming through. Darker times ahead.

I’m already disappointed . We will go to through a further humiliation phase, thus much i am convinced .

There’s no need to be upset



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Keith Woods has a pretty good track record of predicting US election results, despite being in Ireland. I think Trump wins, but again, just to document these predictions in this criticism thread.

Who’s going to take jab at this one? Who am I kidding, we all know who 😂

Yes, go ahead and vote Democrat who are absolutely annihilating what remains of Oriental Orthodox countries.

Egypt, Armenia, Iran, Ethiopia, all on the chopping block for Democrats.

But I suppose this is par for the course for a proud schismatic to vote for their own genocide.
Keith Woods has a pretty good track record of predicting US election results, despite being in Ireland. I think Trump wins, but again, just to document these predictions in this criticism thread.

I largely agree with his analysis, which is excellent IMO and worth a read.

To summarize some key points:

-The "13 Keys to the White House," which have a very strong track record of predicting the next President going back to the 1800s, are 8-to-4 in favor of Harris (the incumbent party) over Trump. The keys focus mostly on whether there is strong enough unrest (war, economy, foreign policy failures) to overcome the inertia of the incumbent party and demonstrate that the voting population wants a regime/party change.

-Trump won in 2016 on the basis of swing state voters who had previously voted for Obama. These were populist-leaning voters in Rust Belt/former manufactured states who felt left behind by globalism. These voters have largely swung back toward the Democratic party. Trump failed to deliver on his campaign promises of increasing manufacturing. The Biden administration has supposedly made significant investments in the Rust Belt with bills like the CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. I don't live in that part of the country, so I'm not sure what the perception is there.

-Abortion is more or less a single issue driver for a large segment of the female vote. There is a perception that a Trump presidency would lead to a national abortion ban. He also has a fascinating insight into why abortion is such a big issue in a way I hadn't thought about before:

The abortion issue especially activates college educated White women because it gets at a deep status anxiety — any woman is just one unwanted pregnancy away from joining the “poor Whites”, the most derided, low-status group in the country.
I think that makes total sense. Abortion and access to birth control are what separate the middle class and upper-middle class career women from the "trashy whites." Women are deeply status conscious, so it makes sense that this has a major impact on the female vote.

I'm not yet convinced this is lost for Trump, but as I've posted before, I am concerned for the election and I think Trump is no longer the clear front runner.
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I largely agree with his analysis, which is excellent IMO and worth a read.

To summarize some key points:

-The "13 Keys to the White House," which have a very strong track record of predicting the next President going back to the 1800s, are 8-to-4 in favor of Harris (the incumbent party) over Trump. The keys focus mostly on whether there is strong unrest (war, economy, foreign policy failures) to overcome the inertia of the incumbent party and demonstrate that the voting population wants a regime/party change.

-Trump won in 2016 on the basis of swing state voters who had previously voted for Obama. These were populist-leaning voters in Rust Belt/former manufactured states who felt left behind by globalism. These voters have largely swung back toward the Democratic party. Trump failed to deliver on his campaign promises of increasing manufacturing. The Biden administration has supposedly made significant investments in the Rust Belt with bills like the CHIPS and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. I don't live in that part of the country, so I'm not sure what the perception is there.

-Abortion is more or less a single issue driver for the female vote. There is a perception that a Trump presidency would lead to a national abortion ban. He also has a fascinating insight into why abortion is such a big issue in a way I hadn't thought about before:

I'm not yet convinced this is lost for Trump, but as I've posted before, I am concerned for the election and I think Trump is no longer the clear front runner.
Yes, excellent summary. I think due to where I live and the people I am surrounded by, I have a more in-depth insight into single college aged women, especially White women, than many here.

As things continue down this road. And this road being more and more women avoiding marriage, and either chasing careers, or chasing temporary pleasure through drugs, the more and more the number of women who will vote and will vote on this one issue only. Our society is so upside down that women's greatest fear is getting pregnant. And the number of women who think this way only continues to grow year over year. This increase will not stop until either we are completely a third world country, or men take back the reigns and traditional families are once again supported.

I know countless women, who grow bored when hearing about any political subject. Whether it is the economy, foreign policy, the constitutional rights, etc. In their minds this has no impact on their life and it is a complete waste of their time. In their minds some man is about to save them from the economic issues, or they will network to find another work-busy job. Foreign policy is for those lowly men to get drafted into the military and deal with. And their rights are not an issue to them, they don't exercise them anyway. But these same women, when they sniff someone may want to regulate abortion become extremely agitated and active. They will waste a Saturday afternoon protesting in favor of abortion, and scream across a crowded room at someone about it. It isn't just a single-issue voter; it is a super passionate single-issue voter.

I think Trump wins, but this depends on how he handles the next few months, and so far, he is fumbling everything handed to him.
Trump was never the clear runner up. There was just a campaign against Biden orchestrated by the dem party. And it made Trump look better.

If Trump group wants to win. He needs the decisive states and be sure to have his people counting the votes. Vance must travel there and make speeches. And maybe give away his bullshit book in rallies events.

In the end its all theaters but at least we get to see one actor playing the role of a christian (Vance). Better than the witch. Hearing that bitch talking for 4 years would make my ears bleed.
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I think Trump wins, but this depends on how he handles the next few months, and so far, he is fumbling everything handed to him.
Lots of good points for why Trump is not the slam dunk choice that people on the right are trying to convince themselves that he is. Right now, the closer we get, I believe that he will lose. I think the people are ready to close this chapter and embrace the degeneracy, having now been taught by the Democrats that they can simply call evil good. No more fighting, no more Soros-orchestrated riots, just full on degeneracy, all the time. The left puts up a better fight and power wears out those who don't have it.
There´s only one way to deal with communists: Authoritarianism. You might be able to pull it off with a muscled democracy. But the balance to not fall into dictatorship will be hard.

Trump is too soft to do what it takes. Even though as a candidate he is not bad. Problem is when he reaches presidency he turns into a different person.

But I rather see him on the news and have an occasional laugh with his takes than watching Kamala. Don´t think it will matter that much. What the elite wants the elite gets.
Trump's outreach to blacks in practice.

When I heard about this event, I jumped to conclusions that he making the same 2020 mistake of trying to appeal to Black women. This was a troll job, unsure if it was intentional or not. He had no intention to appease these hyenas when the woman came out with the first question. He kept frame and didn't let these c*nts get under his skin. These women are Kamala's people, HBCU grads, sorority sisters and peers. These clowns thought they were going to neuter him and send him home humiliated. They got caught on the internet for everyone to see how full of crap they are.

IMO he needs to start doing town halls in forgotten industrial towns and counties that border Mexico on top of his rallies instead of these stuffy, cosmopolitan loaded interviews. He needs to stick to issues and policies that resonates with White males as many of those will overall improve the nation in the short and long term. Minorities that support Trump see those policies and understand what's at stake. He only need a small number of the minority population to see the light and make sure to acknowledge White men and he should be solid in November.