Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Trump may be a Christian, but I have doubts that he is intrinsically a believer and follower of Christ. The reason is not the jew angle, but the greed, which is coincidentally a begetting of jewishness in these times. If he is a Christian, then the Christianity of his family will die with him when his life is over, since all of his offspring are jewish, conversions to judaism, or secular.
He was raised as a Presbyterian. In 2020, he converted to the 'non-denominational' denomination, which struck me as a way to broaden his appeal. If you want to know what Trump's spiritual convictions are, read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.

My prayer for him is that his shooting has caused him to place his mind on the things above and to recognize that it wasn't positive thinking that saved his life, but God's providence.
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I think Trump is a Christian in the same way a lot of other boomer Americans were Christians. They identify as a Christian, maintain membership in a local church where they would get baptized and get married but wouldn't be a regular attendee except maybe in spurts and during holidays. Other than that they don't actually spent a lot of time thinking about their faith let alone letting it influence their lives. I'm sure we all recall him reading from the Bible and saying One Corinthians. I'm sure that was the first time in his life that he ever encountered that book in the Bible. For him and a lot of Americans in his generation, being a Christian and being affiliated with a church is just part of the American cultural identity during the time they were growing up. Theologically these sort of Christians don't really have any serious theological commitments other than a vague belief that God exists and reigns and that Christ is somehow God.
I think Trump is a Christian in the same way a lot of other boomer Americans were Christians. They identify as a Christian, maintain membership in a local church where they would get baptized and get married but wouldn't be a regular attendee except maybe in spurts and during holidays. Other than that they don't actually spent a lot of time thinking about their faith let alone letting it influence their lives. I'm sure we all recall him reading from the Bible and saying One Corinthians. I'm sure that was the first time in his life that he ever encountered that book in the Bible. For him and a lot of Americans in his generation, being a Christian and being affiliated with a church is just part of the American cultural identity during the time they were growing up. Theologically these sort of Christians don't really have any serious theological commitments other than a vague belief that God exists and reigns and that Christ is somehow God.
This is the standard behavior throughout Europe, as well, including in Italy. It's just part of the culture for 75% of the people. Honestly, I think it's just human nature to behave like this. I see it with Muslims too.
I'm sure we all recall him reading from the Bible and saying One Corinthians.
Two Corinthians walk into a bar...

Funny how people who burn Bibles got on their high horses to dog on him for that. These people have no shame. I used to ask them what's the difference between 'two' and 'second'. Or I used to tell them I am glad that a Presidential candidate was reading the Bible at all.
I think Trump is a Christian in the same way a lot of other boomer Americans were Christians. They identify as a Christian, maintain membership in a local church where they would get baptized and get married but wouldn't be a regular attendee except maybe in spurts and during holidays. Other than that they don't actually spent a lot of time thinking about their faith let alone letting it influence their lives. I'm sure we all recall him reading from the Bible and saying One Corinthians. I'm sure that was the first time in his life that he ever encountered that book in the Bible. For him and a lot of Americans in his generation, being a Christian and being affiliated with a church is just part of the American cultural identity during the time they were growing up. Theologically these sort of Christians don't really have any serious theological commitments other than a vague belief that God exists and reigns and that Christ is somehow God.

Most people who were religious or identified as Christians before the internet era often practiced their faith in a similar manner. Millennials and later generations have the advantage of having information at their fingertips, making it easier to learn about religion and its specifics. As a result, their theological knowledge, if they choose to explore it, can be more comprehensive than that of Boomers.

However, the way Millennials and younger generations act on their theological knowledge varies. In many cases, Boomers might perform the basics of their faith more consistently due to their maturity and the cultural context in which they were raised.
Most people who were religious or identified as Christians before the internet era often practiced their faith in a similar manner. Millennials and later generations have the advantage of having information at their fingertips, making it easier to learn about religion and its specifics. As a result, their theological knowledge, if they choose to explore it, can be more comprehensive than that of Boomers.

The internet gives people the illusion of being experts. There is also a big difference between knowledge, application, and ability. Transferring knowledge between people is pretty easy. Transferring skill between them is much much harder.

The monks and religious men of generations ago had to endure much more hardship to gain their knowledge and that is worth wayyyy more than googling an answer or reading for a few months. Millenials are mostly arrogant on theological issues and think they know more than they really do. This applies to many other fields. The internet has created a massive Dunning-Kruger effect among these types. We see it on the forum all the time. The medium also doesn’t build courage, when church fathers and religious men of old literally got into screaming matches and fights to debate theology. Everybody is a big man hiding behind a screen. I’ve dealt with people like this my entire professional career and in sports and I can spot them immediately. Which is I call them out on here.

They are like a less sophisticated version of AI where the answers seem correct, but on further analysis can be wrong and/or incomplete.

However, the way Millennials and younger generations act on their theological knowledge varies.


In many cases, Boomers might perform the basics of their faith more consistently due to their maturity and the cultural context in which they were raised.

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This is just clickbait. He didn’t say he’s not a Christian, at least it didn’t sound that way to me. The bigger criticism is about his continued claims.

He’s going to fix everything and in 4 years you won’t have to vote anymore. More exaggerated claims like how he’s going to end the Russia Ukraine war in 24 hours. Of course his defenders will say he’s making a big promise and pulling it back, but his track record shows he can’t even deliver small results compared to his big promises. I can only conclude at this point that his staunch defenders are either getting paid, trolls, liars themselves, mentally deficient, or willfully ignorant.
This is just clickbait. He didn’t say he’s not a Christian, at least it didn’t sound that way to me. The bigger criticism is about his continued claims.

He’s going to fix everything and in 4 years you won’t have to vote anymore. More exaggerated claims like how he’s going to end the Russia Ukraine war in 24 hours. Of course his defenders will say he’s making a big promise and pulling it back, but his track record shows he can’t even deliver small results compared to his big promises. I can only conclude at this point that his staunch defenders are either getting paid, trolls, liars themselves, mentally deficient, or willfully ignorant.
And the thing with Trump also is that he makes empty promises. And by this, he just says outlandish things with no real plan or follow through. So, then his fans fill in the promise for him and end up deluding themselves into believing something that was never hashed out.

An example is Trump saying he will "end the war in Ukraine". When pressed on it, the interviewer asked him if that meant he would accept Russia's terms, which is Ukraine can't join NATO and Russia keeps the territory they have gained in this war, to which Trump said "no". Politically this is a good move, it shows he is anti-war AND not a Putin shill. Realistically this is an empty promise. Russia no longer needs the USA for anything, and they will not stop the war on terms less than what they demand. Trump's ace in the hole his first four years was the fact the USA was more advanced in computer chips and China and Russia needed them from us. From what I can gather, China has caught up or even surpassed our DEI engineers in this field and they no longer need our chips. If so, then Trump only has two choices, either surrender on Russia's terms or continue the war, and his empty talk cannot be fulfilled.

The same with Israel, Trump didn't take the $100 million from Adelson to turn around and force Israel to surrender and be embarrassed on the national stage. He can say the war needs to end, but again, how does he foresee that? With the war continuing until every Palestinian is run out of the region and then thereafter the war is ended or embarrassing Israel. I can't see him embarrassing Israel after all the did for them the first four years and after taking so much large campaign donations this go around.

What I think Trump will do is surrender on Russia's terms, then spin the "Putin shill narrative" into "Israel is our greatest ally and needs more help". He will work out a deal with Russia that they get their terms but also, they must not support Iran with weapons. Russia starts to pull out of the Middle East and Trump puts all those military resources into the Middle East. This makes our enemy in the Middle East much weaker. Throw in a false flag terrorist attack blamed on Iran, along with the media being in the pocket of Israel, and bam, you got your war relocated to the Middle East. Sure, there will still be leftists who call Trump a "Putin Shill" even after this, but their voice will be drowned out by the cheers for "our greatest ally" and "war on terror".

I just want to keep people from falling for it, so that young men don't sign up to fight in this war. At least make them try to van our young men off the street and see how that plays out.

All in all, Trump's big promises with not even a hint of a plan of how to achieve it must be looked at with suspicion. I don't foresee things changing much for us in the USA, no matter who wins. We simply printed too much money, which is mostly due to Trump bailing out Blackrock, so the economy really cannot be fixed. So, I am not overly invested in the election, I really don't care. I do care to keep young men from signing up for our military and falling into the Trump trap. Don't go to his rallies, there is no reason to continue to put ourselves in harm's way to listen to him talk. Don't give him your hard-earned money, you are going to need it badly as things get worse. Don't raise your head up and let people know you are a conservative, just keep quiet and to yourself. Use your hard-earned money to buy supplies and resources. And, most importantly, keep young men from signing up for our military. Talk them out of it, protest in front of military recruiting centers, share the information on social media. Protect our young men and keep them out of Moloch's military.
And the thing with Trump also is that he makes empty promises. And by this, he just says outlandish things with no real plan or follow through. So, then his fans fill in the promise for him and end up deluding themselves into believing something that was never hashed out.

Yes, this is my main issue with the guy. He’s a bullshitter. A little bombast and riling up your base is fine, it’s exactly what good marketing is. It’s why Trump was a nominee and not a guy like Ron or Rand Paul. I never believed he’d build a wall, but it was a good play because of the giant issue of illegal immigration.

Eventually though you need to provide real results and not kick the can down the line. He’s failed to show this outside of his Supreme Court picks.

Again I’ve dealt with guys like Trump in my corporate career. Always promising and never delivering. Eventually they get canned and then go on to another corporation to try to con another set of executives. After long enough they are outted and if they’re lucky have made enough not to care. If not, they’re screwed.
Yes, this is my main issue with the guy. He’s a bullshitter. A little bombast and riling up your base is fine, it’s exactly what good marketing is. It’s why Trump was a nominee and not a guy like Ron or Rand Paul. I never believed he’d build a wall, but it was a good play because of the giant issue of illegal immigration.

Eventually though you need to provide real results and not kick the can down the line. He’s failed to show this outside of his Supreme Court picks.

Again I’ve dealt with guys like Trump in my corporate career. Always promising and never delivering. Eventually they get canned and then go on to another corporation to try to con another set of executives. After long enough they are outted and if they’re lucky have made enough not to care. If not, they’re screwed.
Actually, he held who he would nominate for the Supreme Court close to his vest early in 2016 and despite crushing everyone in the polls, the GOP wouldn't just go with him. It was once he revealed he would choose his Supreme Court candidates only from the Federalist Society, that the GOP then got behind Trump and then not longer after selected him at the 2016 convention.

I suggest anyone read up on the Federalist Society and why having a conservative court hasn't really changed anything in all these years. It has slightly moved the needle back to the right, a little, but it will be shoved back ASAP when the court eventually goes liberal.
He was raised as a Presbyterian. In 2020, he converted to the 'non-denominational' denomination, which struck me as a way to broaden his appeal. If you want to know what Trump's spiritual convictions are, read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.

My prayer for him is that his shooting has caused him to place his mind on the things above and to recognize that it wasn't positive thinking that saved his life, but God's providence.
Yes but there was a huge emotional heartstring act at the RNC when he talked about the alleged shooting that was nothing like the pictures and video footage. His slithery magnate tongue is quite a gift, for those who are apt to see it. Blood was not everywhere, and the more evidence that comes out the more likely that this whole event was staged to some degree. Not what the liberals are crying, I'm sure bullet were fired, but at some point people need to realize that both sides of the framework lie in this game. I've seen ear injuries before, and there should have definitely been a lot more blood than the smears and streaks of drips we saw. It was the only Trump rally that CNN ever broadcasted. Also the guy who allegedly died in the stands, the Comparatore guy, there is another guy with the exact same name who looks just like him in the same area of Pennsylvania.


So they either streamed it because it was planned out and they wanted everyone to see his orange head burst like a ripe watermelon in ultra HD 4k with constant replayability (the first meme the left would probably actually make in their entire existence) or because they wanted massive viewers to cast their eyes on the spellcraft of their sorcerous script and be mesmerized at the tragedy and the heroic insinuation of Trump after this event, which brought more blacks and liberal loons over to the right than anything before. This would be good if it was real and there were no jews involved, or their various proxy fed agencies.

Ultimately, he's doing fine now interviewing Bibi the butcher in West Palm Beach at his jewish resort with no damage on his ear and the only people who are now one step closer to harm once again, are the American people who will be marinated and primed for whatever agenda the system has in store next. Many people will die in the next few years, Lord have mercy, and most of them will be because they follow this dialectic and are either unaware of the overall script or actively believe it "must" happen.

Some people here can't help but be pissed off at people like me for telling them they're being played, but it is what it is. I don't trust any of it, not even my compromised "compatriots" in Europe got a pass when I found out they were entering into political agreements with jews in high places.

In a normal world where a greedy man gets shot at and survives, yes I believe he would come to God and get on his knees and openly confess the name Jesus Christ or use the Lord and Savior terminology, but Trump's God here is suspect because of the jewish angle. I know I have heard him speak about Christ before, and about the Christian religion, but at some point we have to remember that there is a nebulous flinging around of the word God by jewish assets to fool Christians. If there was no jewish angle, I would not have these suspicions.

It comes down to the next war, despite Trump being Anti-war, time will tell how he will satiate his jewish masters now that the entire world has seen them with their masks off. They know they would have to force conscription for future wars with the liberal shitheads if they kept them in charge, and that would put a further strain on resources and the war effort to maintain the chutzpah of the dollar. They even have centenarian dementia-addled WW2 vets at the RNC even putting this propaganda out:

The goyim store it in their minds eye "enlist, re-enlist, storm the beaches, no matter where, die for muh feels" This is exactly the prelude to a hot WW3 and no more of this proxy NATO vs East nonsense. Just like FDR, Trump's anti-war stance will flip on a dime. They may even do a slow transition, where FDR was "anti-war" between 1933-1936, he became "neutral" in 1937 and openly hostile by 1939, slowly cooking the roast to perfection, and then he destroyed the only bastion of civilization and protectors of Christendom in this world, and dispersed Christian authority into the winds, scattering them and stomping them down while judeo-masonry took over big time.

The middle east will not have peace at this point without a war, it just depends who wins, the jews and their slaves, or everyone else.
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Liberals are in a tizzy over this. You won't have to vote anymore? Because Trump will declare martial law and lock up all the treasonous democrats? Sounds excellent. Too good to be true actually.

It's kinda silly off the cuff comment... But I'm not really sure where there's offense to be taken. It's a ploy rod evangelicals who don't otherwise show.

Or do you take it as something else?
It's kinda silly off the cuff comment... But I'm not really sure where there's offense to be taken. It's a ploy rod evangelicals who don't otherwise show.

Or do you take it as something else?
I don't take any offense over it. But I'm curious what he means. Would've liked to see him clarify. The reddit comments in response to this gave me the biggest laugh yet today.
It’s like he is over promising and under delivering before even winning election and getting into office.

Similar to “I’ll drain the swamp so much you’ll never have to worry about dc insiders and career politicians. Trust me we will be winning so much you’ll be sick of winning !”
Can someone explain the current pro-trump stance.

First, what policies are you hoping from him?

Second, why does he behave the way he do? Like is he a secret white nationalist who has a Bruce Wayne fake persona where he surrounds himself with women, jews and homos?
I am surprised to see this post. I think the current pro-Trump stance is summaried in every third or fourth post in this thread. I bet you could make a mocking summary of the pro-Trump stance. It really shouldn't be that hard for you to state it in a way that any person planning to vote for Trump would agree with.