Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Donald's family has been embedded in jewry for generations, it didn't start with him marrying one or his kids marrying them, or even with his jewy east-coast residential and business monopolies. I think in his mind he really doesn't see a future without jews being an "integral" part of the power structure.

He definitely wants to make the world better for jews to the detriment of White Americans and by eventuality Europeans, but I believe he is incredibly de-religionized and to some extent deracinated, and therefore he himself cannot ultimately be to blame for the treachery that Americans are witnessing and are going to have to deal with the consequences of once the policies of his administration resume when he is in office again. He is going to have to face God with what he has willingly or ignorantly done with his time here. A fool is ultimately to blame for following another, but I hold other Biblical interpretations that most people are not leaders must be protected from evil by a shepherd (like a flock) and therefore a good leader with bad designs is worse than a bad leader with good designs.

Trump may be a Christian, but I have doubts that he is intrinsically a believer and follower of Christ. The reason is not the jew angle, but the greed, which is coincidentally a begetting of jewishness in these times. If he is a Christian, then the Christianity of his family will die with him when his life is over, since all of his offspring are jewish, conversions to judaism, or secular.

First speculative reasons for Trump's jew-affinity have to be ruled out, his genetic history must be examined.

Donald Trump does not appear to have jewish ancestry by looking at his immediate parents and grandparents. The history of close association between his family and the jews is not so esoteric. The Trump (Drumpf) family were traditionally vineyard owners from Kallstadt which is near the Alsace at the French and German border, an area in the Rhineland-Palatinate that has been under dispute for centuries. It was in the Kingdom of Bavaria in the 19th century. The Drumpf family is related to the Heinz family, who also came from Kallstadt and had pleasant relations with jews there, economical and intermarrying. During the jewish passover holiday, Heinz is renowned for their ads to push customers away from its products.

The famous jewish Rabbi Schlomo Yitzahki aka "Rashi"(1040-1105) was also a vine-grower and producer of wine who dwelt in Troyes, Champagne, Northeast France, which is to the west of Germany but not that far away from the Drumpf region. These jews were prominent in viticulture in those areas in early Medieval times. Depending on which version of history you want to believe, the jewish fable that would tell you they were persecuted and decreed to avoid agriculture and pushed into money-lending and speculative professions due to pogroms, expulsions, and massacres, only to be let back in by a good goy later or the more well-documented history that hundreds of cultures share of these people, where even winemakers were responsible for introducing spiritual and moral decay into a Christian society. If they were forced to abandon this trade and later allowed to dwell in shtetls where they would not pursue agriculture, it was certainly for grave earlier wrongdoings on their part.

If Trump is descended from jews he may well trace his ancestry back to jewish viticulturalists. If he had jewish ancestors they may have converted to Christianity out of choice or, more likely, duress. The sole progenitor from Drumpf to Trump was Hanns Drumpf who allegedly settled in Kallstadt in the 17th century. Not much is known about Hanns' lineage before this.

The grandfather of Donald, Friedrich Trump aka Fred Trump senior (1869-1918) was born in Kallstadt and ran away to America at 16. For six years Friedrich remained on the east coast, then went west to the gold fields of Pacific Washington, then to Klondike in Canada. Fred Trump senior in the USA teamed up with jew Ernest Levin in the saloon and brothel business serving gold-miners. This was the beginning of the Trump fortune. Levin is a Russian jewish name. It means Levi. This particular business association did not last long, and Fred departed from Ernest in 1901. Fred senior tried to return to Bavaria which then ruled over Kallstadt in Germany but the officials would not let him stay since he was considered a draft dodger (The Kaiser Reich had mandatory military service which is why he left at 16). He appealed to the Kaiser but its was denied, although later he was able to return to Bavaria where he met and married Elizabeth Christ and returned to the USA with her. Some sources state that they attempted to move back to Bavaria after two children were born but that Fred senior was denied citizenship because of his draft dodging earlier. The paternal grandmother is clearly not jewish by name, but more on this later.

Donald's father, Frederick Christ Trump (1905-1999), was the son of Fred senior and Elizabeth Christ. He died of pneumonia in 1999 at Long Island jewish Medical Center, New in Hyde Park, New York. Fred's wife, Mary Anne Macleod, born in 1912 in Isle of Lewis, Scotland died in 2000, also at the Long Island jewish Medical Center. Before he passed away Frederick Christ Trump would often give money to jewish causes especially to Haredi (aka Uber-Orthodox) ones. As a child Donald is said to have played with religious jewish children. That is association but not relation, so his father is apparently not a jew by blood and neither is Donald unless it is from long before the 30 years war when the family changed their name.

From WW1 to many decades afterwards, the Trumps made efforts to conceal their German origins and claimed to be Swedish. Donald protested to his father about the need for this, yet in his autobiography Donald claimed Swedish ancestry. Later he must have had second thoughts because he became publicly proud of his ancestors from Kallstadt in Germany. In 1999 Donald served as Grand Marshal (ceremonial head) of the German-American Steuben Parade in New York City, but then again in 2016 he was the Grand Marshal of the annual 'Salute to Israel' parade.

"Freddy," the elder brother of Donald, claimed that his father, Fred Christ Trump, the real-estate magnate, was actually the Jewish son of German immigrants. "Freddy" joined a jewish fraternity at Lehigh College which at that time had a quota policy against jews. "Freddy" "died from alcoholism in 1999 at the age of 43, apparently. His story is often cited as the reason why Donald does not drink. "The offspring of "Freddy" had a dispute with Donald over the will of Fred Trump senior who reportedly disowned them. They claimed Donald was responsible for some of their difficulties.

The mother of Donald was Mary Anne Macleod who came from the Island of Lewis in the Hebrides, Scotland. The name Lewis is one of the names like Davis that for some reason jews in Britain had the custom of adopting whereas other names they kept away from. This name has been associated with Levi. The Hebrides are believed to be named after the Hebrews. This root "Heber" meaning "Hebrew" was common in the British Isles and considered Celtic. The Hebrides Islands are near the Orkney Islands and are often associated with them. A portion of these people were linked in the past with Israelites. However this distinction may upset some historians, because this may not be jews but the actual Anglo-Saxon descendants of the Israelites who migrated to continental Europe and the British Isles after Babylonian captivity.

A Latin chronicle called "Historia Norwegiae," Chapter VI ('Concerning the Orkney Islands') from the 1200s describes the population of the Orkneys at the time of annexation by Norway. There were two different peoples, the Pap and the Peti. The Papi appear to be Celtic Christians possibly from Ireland. The Peti are identified as Picts. It is said that the Peti, "... little exceeded pigmies in stature; they did marvels, in the morning and in the evening, in building walled towns, but at mid-day they entirely lost all their strength, and lurked, through fear, in little underground houses."

"And the Papae have been named from their white robes, which they wore like priests; . An island is still called, after them, Papey .... But, as is observed from their habit and the writings of their books abandoned there, they were Africans, adhering to judaism."

The Papae in this case may have been either Irish Celts or Picts related to the Caledonians. They were described above as adherents of judaism and had arrived via North Africa. The practice of keeping Old Testament food taboos was common in Scotland up until a hundred years ago.

Donald Trump grew up with jews, associated with them, gave money to their causes, and employed them. He is quoted as preferring Religious jews: "The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes [jewish skull caps] every day."

Where things get really jewy are Donald's family, his marriages and children, and his being surrounded by endless streams of ashkenazi jews in his administration and organization.

I saw this video and tried going to but it wouldn't let me log in without a jew account so I couldn't confirm it, but it shows all of the Trump family registered into jewish genealogical archives by their births (and by their deaths for those who have died like Trumps parents). The details are incredibly accurate, however I have some doubt because there are holobunga pages on this website as well, and jews often give made up names to made up dead jews to scurry guilt and shekels from psychologically-abused White Christians. Does anyone here feel like making a jew account to prove or disprove this claim?

What I find even more strange is this person named "Christ Christ" that was allegedly the father of Trump's grandmother.

"There were comments that Elizabeth Christ (born 10/10/1880) was really the daughter of Christ Christ and Anna Maria Rathon. Christ Christ was Friedrich's uncle, his father's brother. Friedrich Trump married his first cousin, Elizabeth Christ. Therefore, the Trumps are also a family which is engaged in the bloodline games as well."

"Donald Trump's great-grandparents, Christian Johannes Trump and Katharina Barbara Kober Trump, "Kober" is an Ashkenazi jewish surname. Some people suggest the name isn't "Kober", but "Kolber". "Kolber" is very often jewish. We have seen the genealogies being whitewashed this way again and again. Changing one letter is often the best way to do it.

Donald Trump's parents were Frederick (Fred) Christ Trump and Mary Anne MacLeod Trump. His grandparents were Friedrich Trump and Elizabeth Christ. Donald Trump has five children from three marriages: Donald John Trump Jr., Ivanka Marie Trump, and Eric Frederick Trump with Ivana Marie Trump; Tiffany Ariana Trump with Marla Ann Maples; and Barron Trump with Melania Knauss Trump.

The Trump family has the largest number of jews in the first family. All three married children of Donald Trump being married to jews. That is no mere coincidence, it's a cohencidence. Four Generations of the Trumps beginning from Friedrich Trump (or Drumpf) have had close business and personal associations with jews."

Ultimately what does this mean? He is "better" than the democrats by a margin of how long you have until the agents show up to kill your family. Only, the agents that show up under the democrats to kill your family will be incompetent mystery meat, possibly trans, overweight, and vaping between potshots at worst, or lean mean hungry horny and high African skinnies with AK-47s and cell phone jammers at best, Malema style. The agents that will show up under an establishment Republicuck government will be order-taking jewdoctrinated White male jackboots who are ready to kill you and every other White for the sake of the United States of Israel, only for them to be killed in term by their masters after the fact. The patriot citizenry will meet their match with the latter and mop the floor with the former.

I suppose heritage Americans can offset the time they "get" from Trump being elected to train and tribe harder to make the coming conflict with the tougher agents a protracted war that they cannot sustain instead of a Cheka-style roundup as described by Solzhenitsyn.

A lot to unpack here but its always good to clarify what is solid intel and what is more fanciful.

Specifically, the reference to the Picts in historical sources.
The Picts are a fascinating race that covered the North and North East of Scotland that seemed to have been overtaken by rival populations with little left behind for the modern to read as a first hand account or come to understand about them.
One of the most fascinating accounts from a mythical point of view was the quote that the Picts "... little exceeded pigmies in stature; they did marvels in the morning and in the evening, but at mid-day they entirely lost all their strength, and had to hide underground."
Fascinating quote - what is the writer alluding to? Is this some mythic and symbolic truth about the Picts that they are telling us?

Where I struggle is where I read -
" It is said that the Peti," No I don't think so.. it was said of the Picts across Scotland.
"in building walled towns" Never read that and Ive spent hours and hours in second hand book shops pouring over book after book which all rely on the same small smattering of ancient quotes. Ive read that quote about the picts in different renderings again and again AND never a reference to walled towns etc.
And what on earth do the tall and fierce red head Picts have to do with jews? Makes no sense at all.

The quote "The Hebrides Islands are near the Orkney Islands and are often associated with them. A portion of these people were linked in the past with Israelites. However this distinction may upset some historians, because this may not be jews but the actual Anglo-Saxon descendants of the Israelites who migrated to continental Europe and the British Isles after Babylonian captivity."
sounds beyond fanciful.

People in ancient Scotland did not venture as far down as England. A journey from the Hebrides to the Orkneys would have been a long and hard undertaking going up the Atlantic Coast, around Cape Wrath and then on across Scotland and out into the North Sea and to the Orkney Islands.In no way are the Hebrides near the Orkney islands in a Scottish Context - they are on different sides of the country.

Ancient Scotland had - broadly speaking - Dlariadic Celts (the original Scots) Britons in and around Strathclyde, it had Picts in the North and NorthEast and it had Viking settlements on the edges of its territory - Orkneys Shetlands Hebrides Assynt etc. those Viking areas were a constant ebb and flow of conquest - even to this day land and property ownership in NW Scotland is fraught as each generation fights each other for the inheritance of family goods. It echoes the Vikings who would often try to take their fathers land first before being forced to go raiding overseas in search of new territory.
The Hebrides were settled by the same Vikings who settled the Isle of Man. Ljort (pronounced "Yod") was the son of Olaf the Black the King of the Isle of Man. He set off and took the Inner Hebrides before trying to come back and overtake the Isle of Man -being defeated by his Father.
His offspring, Torcull and Tormod founded the clan "Mac" (Son of - Q Celtic) Ljort (Norse-Scar/Ugly) - MacLeod.
The isles of Skye etc, are full of place names that are a mix of Nordic and Celtic/Q-Celtic - places like Assynt are the same, and names like ArdTorNish show both Q-Celtic (Irish Celtic as opposed to P Celtic Pictish which is completely unknown) and Viking Norse.
Thats the reason for the blond hair and blue eyes and the height - "Long Legged Gaels"
NOWHERE are we talking about Hebrews or Anglo Saxons.
Those claims, to me, are absolute nonsense.

Now what IS interesting is that Scotland is in modern times one of the most jewish dominated and philosophical semitic countries on earth.
I think it is also the one with the longest continuous history of jewish presence.
There have never been expulsions of jews from Scotland. In England yes but England and Scotland were only united in 1601 I think and the Union made official in 1707. So jews sat pretty in Scotland while in England the jews were expelled until they infiltrated back in the 1660s.
Interesting that the Church in England was in rude health in the 1400s and 1500s. While the Church in jewish harbouring Scotland were in a mess.
The biggest issue for Scotland was that the Knights Templar sought and found refuge there and from them the evil secret society that was to become the Brnia Brith the Freemasons the Frankist Sabbateans the Illuminati and on into the modern Brnai Brith/Freemason world.
hence the term "Scottish Rite"

How does this relate to Trump?
Well, some in the Hebrides believe that, despite the Macleod moniker, Trumps mother was mostly jewish. Remember the importance of the mother in influencing jewish offspring. Rupert Murdochs mother was jewish.
The world is full of jews with Scots/Celtic names - in the United Kingdon the Celtic Disguise was the jews' first disguise of choice.
although whether Trump is himself jewish is hard to say, for me.

But he is obviously surrounded by jewish mentors allies partners lovers extended family... Having Roy Cohn as a mentor is a huge red flag.
And he's a freemason. A jewish connected Wall St freemason.
And everyone seems to forget the Rothschild Banker Wilbur Ross explaining why the Rothschilds WERE bankrolling a bust Trump and allowing him to be ferried around town in a Limousine, living the ostentatious life, surrounded by models.. Why? because he has the salesmanship and flair that we lack, In the future He Will be Our Front Man.

Is this not what we are seeing today?
Which video clip did the YouTuber use for clickbait? It would help to show the entire context of the unedited original clip to see if Trump was joking or not.

Either he said "I´m not a christian". or "I am a christian". If you use the subtitles option on YT it will write "I´m not a christian". It doesn´t matter anyway because at this moment the only christian (at least self proclaimed without ambiguity) you have in US elections is JD Vance. Biden was also a christian. And just a normal bad predictable politician. He sucked like bad politicians suck. But Trump corona was the worse fuckup I´ve seen in my life. Maybe curry boy is smarter. He is a christian at least. So he is not dumb.
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Either he said "I´m not a christian". or "I am a christian". If you use the subtitles option on YT it will write "I´m not a christian". It doesn´t matter anyway because at this moment the only christian (at least self proclaimed without ambiguity) you have in US elections is JD Vance. Biden was also a christian. And just a normal bad predictable politician. He sucked like bad politicians suck. But Trump corona was the worse fuckup I´ve seen in my life. Maybe curry boy is smarter. He is a christian at least. So he is not dumb.
He said he was a Christian and has said that before. This is just bs.

Why would anyone take what you're writing here seriously? You are just distorting things to fit your disdain.

Utter nonsense.
Either he said "I´m not a christian". or "I am a christian". If you use the subtitles option on YT it will write "I´m not a christian". It doesn´t matter anyway because at this moment the only christian (at least self proclaimed without ambiguity) you have in US elections is JD Vance. Biden was also a christian. And just a normal bad predictable politician. He sucked like bad politicians suck. But Trump corona was the worse fuckup I´ve seen in my life. Maybe curry boy is smarter. He is a christian at least. So he is not dumb.
Umm...*off topic/point*

He said he was a Christian and has said that before. This is just bs.

Why would anyone take what you're writing here seriously? You are just distorting things to fit your disdain.

Utter nonsense.

You seem to make a lot of personal attacks. Which is only revealing of your low level of intelligence and education. Not others. Instead of attacking people you would be better on discussing their ideas. And instead of acting like a petulant child. Be a man.

People like you believe they are the only one who can take a discussion into mud. Understand this. The reason I don´t lower myself to your level is not because I can´t. It´s because I don´t want to. There´s a difference.

I don´t have disdain for Trump. I criticize him. Like any high IQ person does. Trump like anything else is up for debate. You can take your low level leftard censorship and...

I point objective facts which I believe are relevant. And you don´t speak for others. You don´t even speak for yourself.

BTW This place used to be a den of degeneracy. Samseau used to write about anal sex. So please spare me the damsel in distress bullshit. What this pro trump stance idiocy is achieving is one thing: The drain of quality users. Nothing else. You´ve done this before on the old forum. Didn´t you? Use your low quality to drive away users. And Roosh himself.

You know the real reason I pound on Trump (besides him being obviously incompetent), it´s to open your eyes. You are a gullible fool who is placing blind faith on a politician. Do you not feel shame of yourself to praise a politician so much. You know what politicians are you little naive child? You know what we use to say about politicians here before Roosh epiphany on Trump?

Trump life trajectory indicates only one thing: He is a incompetent impulsive backstabbing opportunist.

He failed miserably on his first term. Miserably. And besides Vance who maybe might be able to steer him. But listen. Again placing trust on Vance who is married to a fucking hindu. Loooll. He is christian. That´s his only advantage. But what christian sleeps with an Hindu? He can´t convince his wife. He will convince others.

Now kamala. Loool. She is the worse US has produced up to now. US elections is sword and wall.

Our foundations are rotten. And no quick fix is going to solve this. The people need to act. On the ground. Without violence. As the degeneracy started the degeneracy can be ended. This is what I would like to hear from you big man. One idea only.
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Umm...*off topic/point*

Why don´t you search it? Instead of posting memes. You could be searching the video. Wouldn´t that be more productive of your time. Instead of bitching?

Whose missing from the usual gangstalking? FrancisK? Are you online? You need to come in packs? he is still trying to figure out if I´m Johnnyve. to think someone would create multiple accounts for an online. What a loser would that person be.
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You seem to make a lot of personal attacks. Which is only revealing of your low level of intelligence and education. Not others. Instead of attacking people you would be better on discussing their ideas. And instead of acting like a petulant child. Be a man.

People like you believe they are the only one who can take a discussion into mud. Understand this. The reason I don´t lower myself to your level is not because I can´t. It´s because I don´t want to. There´s a difference.

I don´t have disdain for Trump. I criticize him. Like any high IQ person does. Trump like anything else is up for debate. You can take your low level leftard censorship and...

I point objective facts which I believe are relevant.

BTW This place used to be a den of degeneracy. Samseau used to write about anal sex. So please spare me the damsel in distress bullshit. What this pro trump stance idiocy is achieving is one thing: The drain of quality users. Nothing else. You´ve done this before on the old forum. Didn´t you? Use your low quality to drive away users. And Roosh himself.

You know the real reason I pound on Trump (besides him being obviously incompetent), it´s to open your eyes. You are a gullible fool who is placing blind faith on a politician. Do you not feel shame of yourself to praise a politician so much. You know what politicians are you little naive child? You know what we use to say about politicians here before Roosh epiphany on Trump?

Trump life trajectory indicates only one thing: He is a incompetent impulsive backstabbing opportunist.

He failed miserably on his first term. Miserably. And besides Vance who maybe might be able to steer him. But listen. Again placing trust on Vance who is married to a fucking hindu. Loooll. He is christian. That´s his only advantage. But what christian sleeps with an Hindu?

Now kamala. Loool. She is the worse US has produced up to now. US elections is sword and wall.

Our foundations are rotten. And no quick fix is going to solve this. The people need to act. On the ground. Without violence. As the degeneracy started the degeneracy can be ended. This is what I would like to hear from you big man. One idea only.
Meh, I dunno man. My education is pretty top notch.... I got an MBA from a top school in the country, an undergrad from a well known and prestigious university, was a Marine Officer, a platform instructor at a TRADOC school house teaching Complex planning and employment tactics to Marines, soldiers, and international Officers, and while I won't dox where I work now. It's a 300 billion dollar (on a bad year) company.

So if you're going to talk about credentials... I've got them.

Again the projection about insults as you're saying nasty things about people then implying I'm dumb is stereotypical French pompous behavior... Sorry dude. Ain't gonna accept that.

I've pointed out you're making abject distortions and your response is to call me stupid and incapable of debate.


Checks out.
Meh, I dunno man. My education is pretty top notch.... I got an MBA from a top school in the country, an undergrad from a well known and prestigious university, was a Marine Officer, a platform instructor at a TRADOC school house teaching Complex planning and employment tactics to Marines, soldiers, and international Officers, and while I won't dox where I work now. It's a 300 billion dollar (on a bad year) company.

So if you're going to talk about credentials... I've got them.

Again the projection about insults as you're saying nasty things about people then implying I'm dumb is stereotypical French pompous behavior... Sorry dude. Ain't gonna accept that.

I've pointed out you're making abject distortions and your response is to call me stupid and incapable of debate.


Checks out.
You work on a 300B dollar company? Your life must be miserable. Why are you doing that?

You are a small mouse running and making other people rich. Like me.
Thank you little mice employee. If one day I find out which company is will tell them to give you a raise.

You are not stupid. You are just desperate. And it shows.

The 2016 wave was not only about Trump. It was also mostly against Hillary.

Biden was not Hillary. He was more and less stable. And old school.

Kamala is her aprenctice. So anyone is better than her. But she is not nominee yet.

US is a disease. Sorry to say this. The entire west to be fair. But you lead.

Trump says he will face the deep state? With what? What? He just got shot. Maybe Vance. He cant spread Christianity in his own house. This is a shitshow.
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You work on a 300B dollar company? Your life must be miserable. Why are you doing that?

You are a small mouse running and making other people rich. Like me.
Thank you little mice employee. If one day I find out which company is will tell them to give you a raise.

You are not stupid. You are just desperate. And it shows.

The 2016 wave was not only about Trump. It was also mostly against Hillary.

Biden was not Hillary.

Kamala is her aprenctice. So anyone is better than her.

US is a disease. Sorry to say this.
Haha ok. I'll take my robust salary and keep being a mouse as you say. My feeble mouse existence provides for my wife and 6 children with a 7th on the way to live very very comfortably.

I love my job, I make a huge impact for an American company and I help bring goods the world needs.

Us mice want Trump for this reasons.

He doesn't condescend like you elitists.

I am calling bullshit. Legitimately rich people are not on obscure right wing forums (which this place is)

The disease is arrogant Europeans like you presuming to lecture us "mice" by calling us stupid (when my credentials are just as impressive or likely more so impressive than yours)

Your own country is overrun with Arabs and North African and you're saying that the US is a disease?

This is so rich.

So what if I'm a mouse. I'm doing many times better than a majority of my peers.

Really makes me wonder what you think of the average working man. I sense a state of elitist which I have noticed heavily among the French.

It's quite ironic since you have nothing to boast of yourself.

I gotta say for a guy who's a lawyer i expect better understanding of rhetorical appeal. But hey not all of us are able to afford arugula right?
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You seem to make a lot of personal attacks. Which is only revealing of your low level of intelligence and education. Not others. Instead of attacking people you would be better on discussing their ideas. And instead of acting like a petulant child. Be a man.

People like you believe they are the only one who can take a discussion into mud. Understand this. The reason I don´t lower myself to your level is not because I can´t. It´s because I don´t want to. There´s a difference.

I don´t have disdain for Trump. I criticize him. Like any high IQ person does. Trump like anything else is up for debate. You can take your low level leftard censorship and...

I point objective facts which I believe are relevant. And you don´t speak for others. You don´t even speak for yourself.

BTW This place used to be a den of degeneracy. Samseau used to write about anal sex. So please spare me the damsel in distress bullshit. What this pro trump stance idiocy is achieving is one thing: The drain of quality users. Nothing else. You´ve done this before on the old forum. Didn´t you? Use your low quality to drive away users. And Roosh himself.

You know the real reason I pound on Trump (besides him being obviously incompetent), it´s to open your eyes. You are a gullible fool who is placing blind faith on a politician. Do you not feel shame of yourself to praise a politician so much. You know what politicians are you little naive child? You know what we use to say about politicians here before Roosh epiphany on Trump?

Trump life trajectory indicates only one thing: He is a incompetent impulsive backstabbing opportunist.

He failed miserably on his first term. Miserably. And besides Vance who maybe might be able to steer him. But listen. Again placing trust on Vance who is married to a fucking hindu. Loooll. He is christian. That´s his only advantage. But what christian sleeps with an Hindu? He can´t convince his wife. He will convince others.

Now kamala. Loool. She is the worse US has produced up to now. US elections is sword and wall.

Our foundations are rotten. And no quick fix is going to solve this. The people need to act. On the ground. Without violence. As the degeneracy started the degeneracy can be ended. This is what I would like to hear from you big man. One idea only.

You got some nerve to try and call someone else out for personal attacks....
Why don´t you search it? Instead of posting memes. You could be searching the video. Wouldn´t that be more productive of your time. Instead of bitching?

Whose missing from the usual gangstalking? FrancisK? Are you online? You need to come in packs? he is still trying to figure out if I´m Johnnyve. to think someone would create multiple accounts for an online. What a loser would that person be.


Never said anything about you being johnnyv. What I said is you sound like a completely different person from post to post which many others also noticed and then you turned into a maniac, but i figured it out what it really was pretty quick. Do yourself a favor and lay off the wine...
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A lot to unpack here but its always good to clarify what is solid intel and what is more fanciful.

Specifically, the reference to the Picts in historical sources.
The Picts are a fascinating race that covered the North and North East of Scotland that seemed to have been overtaken by rival populations with little left behind for the modern to read as a first hand account or come to understand about them.
One of the most fascinating accounts from a mythical point of view was the quote that the Picts "... little exceeded pigmies in stature; they did marvels in the morning and in the evening, but at mid-day they entirely lost all their strength, and had to hide underground."
Fascinating quote - what is the writer alluding to? Is this some mythic and symbolic truth about the Picts that they are telling us?

Where I struggle is where I read -
" It is said that the Peti," No I don't think so.. it was said of the Picts across Scotland.
"in building walled towns" Never read that and Ive spent hours and hours in second hand book shops pouring over book after book which all rely on the same small smattering of ancient quotes. Ive read that quote about the picts in different renderings again and again AND never a reference to walled towns etc.
And what on earth do the tall and fierce red head Picts have to do with jews? Makes no sense at all.

The quote "The Hebrides Islands are near the Orkney Islands and are often associated with them. A portion of these people were linked in the past with Israelites. However this distinction may upset some historians, because this may not be jews but the actual Anglo-Saxon descendants of the Israelites who migrated to continental Europe and the British Isles after Babylonian captivity."
sounds beyond fanciful.

People in ancient Scotland did not venture as far down as England. A journey from the Hebrides to the Orkneys would have been a long and hard undertaking going up the Atlantic Coast, around Cape Wrath and then on across Scotland and out into the North Sea and to the Orkney Islands.In no way are the Hebrides near the Orkney islands in a Scottish Context - they are on different sides of the country.

Ancient Scotland had - broadly speaking - Dlariadic Celts (the original Scots) Britons in and around Strathclyde, it had Picts in the North and NorthEast and it had Viking settlements on the edges of its territory - Orkneys Shetlands Hebrides Assynt etc. those Viking areas were a constant ebb and flow of conquest - even to this day land and property ownership in NW Scotland is fraught as each generation fights each other for the inheritance of family goods. It echoes the Vikings who would often try to take their fathers land first before being forced to go raiding overseas in search of new territory.
The Hebrides were settled by the same Vikings who settled the Isle of Man. Ljort (pronounced "Yod") was the son of Olaf the Black the King of the Isle of Man. He set off and took the Inner Hebrides before trying to come back and overtake the Isle of Man -being defeated by his Father.
His offspring, Torcull and Tormod founded the clan "Mac" (Son of - Q Celtic) Ljort (Norse-Scar/Ugly) - MacLeod.
The isles of Skye etc, are full of place names that are a mix of Nordic and Celtic/Q-Celtic - places like Assynt are the same, and names like ArdTorNish show both Q-Celtic (Irish Celtic as opposed to P Celtic Pictish which is completely unknown) and Viking Norse.
Thats the reason for the blond hair and blue eyes and the height - "Long Legged Gaels"
NOWHERE are we talking about Hebrews or Anglo Saxons.
Those claims, to me, are absolute nonsense.

Now what IS interesting is that Scotland is in modern times one of the most jewish dominated and philosophical semitic countries on earth.
I think it is also the one with the longest continuous history of jewish presence.
There have never been expulsions of jews from Scotland. In England yes but England and Scotland were only united in 1601 I think and the Union made official in 1707. So jews sat pretty in Scotland while in England the jews were expelled until they infiltrated back in the 1660s.
Interesting that the Church in England was in rude health in the 1400s and 1500s. While the Church in jewish harbouring Scotland were in a mess.
The biggest issue for Scotland was that the Knights Templar sought and found refuge there and from them the evil secret society that was to become the Brnia Brith the Freemasons the Frankist Sabbateans the Illuminati and on into the modern Brnai Brith/Freemason world.
hence the term "Scottish Rite"

How does this relate to Trump?
Well, some in the Hebrides believe that, despite the Macleod moniker, Trumps mother was mostly jewish. Remember the importance of the mother in influencing jewish offspring. Rupert Murdochs mother was jewish.
The world is full of jews with Scots/Celtic names - in the United Kingdon the Celtic Disguise was the jews' first disguise of choice.
although whether Trump is himself jewish is hard to say, for me.

But he is obviously surrounded by jewish mentors allies partners lovers extended family... Having Roy Cohn as a mentor is a huge red flag.
And he's a freemason. A jewish connected Wall St freemason.
And everyone seems to forget the Rothschild Banker Wilbur Ross explaining why the Rothschilds WERE bankrolling a bust Trump and allowing him to be ferried around town in a Limousine, living the ostentatious life, surrounded by models.. Why? because he has the salesmanship and flair that we lack, In the future He Will be Our Front Man.

Is this not what we are seeing today?
Your localized expertise is always appreciated. The "kangz" thread has more information on the migration patterns of the lost tribes. The list of places in Europe that bear Hebraic-derived names is too many to be uncanny, and the evolution of the languages etcetera. I often hear pagans on gab bemoaning these theories and supplanting them with the very jewish-contrived pseudo-history of the European peoples. Was everyone in Europe non-Christian and pagan at some point? Of course they were, the Cimmerians and the Scythians abandoned the practice of monotheism for the most part and reverted to the old ways of deity worship. This was a historical problem for the Israelites even before the captivity and the splitting up of the tribes.

Though speaking of Scottish history, what do you think of "The Declaration of Arbroath" of 1320 where the Scots claimed they hailed from Israelite lineage? The Scoti tribe came from Scythia Major, roughly 1200 years after Moses crossed the Red Sea. If you trace the line of the Scotia back, their ancestors came from Ireland, and their ancestors had come from Spain, and then their ancestors came from Scythia.

This book has more information on the lineages of the royalty dating all the way back to Adam, so it goes up the original Israelite bloodline.

"Royal Genealogies, or the Genealogical tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes"
It is written in Olde English, nigh insufferable to read to modern eyes, but the names can be easily made out.

Back to Trump, I've seen him in masonic garb once or twice, but do you have any additional information about him being a member of the Scottish Rite? Yes the point of the 50% rule for jews is to allow them to infiltrate non-jewish races which would clearly be the case in Trump's mother. As the inverted jewish matriarchal worship is designed to spite the historically patriarchal Israelite heritage, where members of the priesthood had to be proven to have full Israelite blood from both parents. If these mongrel yids ever rebuild the temple, none of their sacrificing would mean anything because none of them are pure blood. God wouldn't accept any of them, even from the Hebrew interpretation; they'd be making empty offerings to the devil.

Trump is a political Odysseus and the American people are the Trojans besieged in their walled city. Every other American politician is easily recognizable as a foe, but not Trump. He is the most dangerous one ultimately, which is a shame because with his charisma he could have lead events to transpire along another possibility to the detriment of the new world order. There is no escape from the system if one is surrounded by jews, and that's a fact.
Your localized expertise is always appreciated. The "kangz" thread has more information on the migration patterns of the lost tribes. The list of places in Europe that bear Hebraic-derived names is too many to be uncanny, and the evolution of the languages etcetera. I often hear pagans on gab bemoaning these theories and supplanting them with the very jewish-contrived pseudo-history of the European peoples. Was everyone in Europe non-Christian and pagan at some point? Of course they were, the Cimmerians and the Scythians abandoned the practice of monotheism for the most part and reverted to the old ways of deity worship. This was a historical problem for the Israelites even before the captivity and the splitting up of the tribes.

Though speaking of Scottish history, what do you think of "The Declaration of Arbroath" of 1320 where the Scots claimed they hailed from Israelite lineage? The Scoti tribe came from Scythia Major, roughly 1200 years after Moses crossed the Red Sea. If you trace the line of the Scotia back, their ancestors came from Ireland, and their ancestors had come from Spain, and then their ancestors came from Scythia.

This book has more information on the lineages of the royalty dating all the way back to Adam, so it goes up the original Israelite bloodline.

"Royal Genealogies, or the Genealogical tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes"
It is written in Olde English, nigh insufferable to read to modern eyes, but the names can be easily made out.

Back to Trump, I've seen him in masonic garb once or twice, but do you have any additional information about him being a member of the Scottish Rite? Yes the point of the 50% rule for jews is to allow them to infiltrate non-jewish races which would clearly be the case in Trump's mother. As the inverted jewish matriarchal worship is designed to spite the historically patriarchal Israelite heritage, where members of the priesthood had to be proven to have full Israelite blood from both parents. If these mongrel yids ever rebuild the temple, none of their sacrificing would mean anything because none of them are pure blood. God wouldn't accept any of them, even from the Hebrew interpretation; they'd be making empty offerings to the devil.

Trump is a political Odysseus and the American people are the Trojans besieged in their walled city. Every other American politician is easily recognizable as a foe, but not Trump. He is the most dangerous one ultimately, which is a shame because with his charisma he could have lead events to transpire along another possibility to the detriment of the new world order. There is no escape from the system if one is surrounded by jews, and that's a fact.
Personally I see the Declaration of Arbroath as similar to Virgil's Aeneid and the attempt to claim that Rome was founded by the descendants of Troy.
That is a romantic notion that appeals to people's founding mythology/religion and sense of themselves.
The Scots are a mix of Celtic, Norse and Brythonic with a possible admixture of the wiped out Pictish race - but to say that the Picts built walled towns/ghettos and were described as mythical tiny people and that they were therefore actually jews in Orkney and that ..Orkney is closely related to the Hebrides so .. jews - makes no sense to me.
The people of the Hebrides are very, very, different in character from the people of Orkney and have a different culture for such a small country - though both have Viking ancestors

Im not even sure that the word the Hebrides have any etymological relation to Hebrews. Its said to be a corruption of names that were bandied about for the Archipelago and then reported by pre-Christian Roman and Classical writers.

I have no idea if Trumps mother was actually Jewish or not.
The point is that Trump has always been surrounded by jews, including having a Kabbala teacher who I believe may have been busted for pedophilia. Gay Roy Cohn, Trumps mentor, was alleged to be a pedophile. He was certainly a bad actor on behalf of jewry.
As for the Freemasonry I have seen video after video and still after still of Trump doing masonic handshakes with his entourage.
I saw one of him doing a Masonic handshake with his son Don before entering court. I didn't feel the need to get screenshots as I believed it was common knowledge.

Interesting that Rapper Lil Pump is back in jewish Breitbart headlines slating Kamala. A few months ago he was showing off a tattoo of Trump on his thigh in a photo which included the Black and White chequer shorts he was wearing.
He then said that he didn't want a " **33** percent increase in my taxes"
Just today there was a new jewish Breitbart headline about a new rapper-for-Trump, Swae lee, voicing concerns over Kamala whilst striking a Freemason pose.

Seems everything around Trump is Freemason or Kabbala related, not least his showbiz allies.
he is surrounded and will struggle to deliver on any of the policies he declared in 2016 and which were so popular - that's if his people have any intention of delivering on them, now in 2024/5.
Back to Trump, I've seen him in masonic garb once or twice, but do you have any additional information about him being a member of the Scottish Rite?
He was certainly a bad actor on behalf of jewry.
As for the Freemasonry I have seen video after video and still after still of Trump doing masonic handshakes with his entourage.
I saw one of him doing a Masonic handshake with his son Don before entering court. I didn't feel the need to get screenshots as I believed it was common knowledge.
I watched a documentary on he and his family once and was left with the impression that he could be a freemason. A lot of members of his family have the name Frederick, which seems to be a freemason thing, but I could be wrong on that.
Yes but there was a huge emotional heartstring act at the RNC when he talked about the alleged shooting that was nothing like the pictures and video footage. His slithery magnate tongue is quite a gift, for those who are apt to see it. Blood was not everywhere, and the more evidence that comes out the more likely that this whole event was staged to some degree. Not what the liberals are crying, I'm sure bullet were fired, but at some point people need to realize that both sides of the framework lie in this game. I've seen ear injuries before, and there should have definitely been a lot more blood than the smears and streaks of drips we saw. It was the only Trump rally that CNN ever broadcasted. Also the guy who allegedly died in the stands, the Comparatore guy, there is another guy with the exact same name who looks just like him in the same area of Pennsylvania.

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So they either streamed it because it was planned out and they wanted everyone to see his orange head burst like a ripe watermelon in ultra HD 4k with constant replayability (the first meme the left would probably actually make in their entire existence) or because they wanted massive viewers to cast their eyes on the spellcraft of their sorcerous script and be mesmerized at the tragedy and the heroic insinuation of Trump after this event, which brought more blacks and liberal loons over to the right than anything before. This would be good if it was real and there were no jews involved, or their various proxy fed agencies.

Ultimately, he's doing fine now interviewing Bibi the butcher in West Palm Beach at his jewish resort with no damage on his ear and the only people who are now one step closer to harm once again, are the American people who will be marinated and primed for whatever agenda the system has in store next. Many people will die in the next few years, Lord have mercy, and most of them will be because they follow this dialectic and are either unaware of the overall script or actively believe it "must" happen.

Some people here can't help but be pissed off at people like me for telling them they're being played, but it is what it is. I don't trust any of it, not even my compromised "compatriots" in Europe got a pass when I found out they were entering into political agreements with jews in high places.

In a normal world where a greedy man gets shot at and survives, yes I believe he would come to God and get on his knees and openly confess the name Jesus Christ or use the Lord and Savior terminology, but Trump's God here is suspect because of the jewish angle. I know I have heard him speak about Christ before, and about the Christian religion, but at some point we have to remember that there is a nebulous flinging around of the word God by jewish assets to fool Christians. If there was no jewish angle, I would not have these suspicions.

It comes down to the next war, despite Trump being Anti-war, time will tell how he will satiate his jewish masters now that the entire world has seen them with their masks off. They know they would have to force conscription for future wars with the liberal shitheads if they kept them in charge, and that would put a further strain on resources and the war effort to maintain the chutzpah of the dollar. They even have centenarian dementia-addled WW2 vets at the RNC even putting this propaganda out:

The goyim store it in their minds eye "enlist, re-enlist, storm the beaches, no matter where, die for muh feels" This is exactly the prelude to a hot WW3 and no more of this proxy NATO vs East nonsense. Just like FDR, Trump's anti-war stance will flip on a dime. They may even do a slow transition, where FDR was "anti-war" between 1933-1936, he became "neutral" in 1937 and openly hostile by 1939, slowly cooking the roast to perfection, and then he destroyed the only bastion of civilization and protectors of Christendom in this world, and dispersed Christian authority into the winds, scattering them and stomping them down while judeo-masonry took over big time.

The middle east will not have peace at this point without a war, it just depends who wins, the jews and their slaves, or everyone else.

Brother, you're contradicting yourself. How can Trump be the chosen one to get Whites to die for Israel if he's also the one they are trying to murder?
Why don´t you search it? Instead of posting memes. You could be searching the video. Wouldn´t that be more productive of your time. Instead of bitching?
No, I don't need to search it. I merely asked and questioned whether if the YouTube video you posted was edited or not.

I am starting to wonder whether if you are completely naive and unaware of the propaganda machines around you as well as in your country. Mainstream media outlets are known to edit Trump's speech out of context to portray him in a bad light. Hence, it's why I posted the tweet of side-by-side videos of edited vs unedited.

As for your complaint on memes posting, I post them to cut thru your silly bullsh*t.

A meme picture is worth a thousand words during a Spiritual Warfare.