Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Listen, you dumb goyim, destroy our enemies for us, using your men and women, while we steer the whole thing from our boardrooms and leather recliners. If you question our motives, you are an antisemite. Oh, don't forget we still have another Christian vs. Christian brother war going on that is on the back burner. In case you get bored, we'll make sure your men and women die in that too. More room for Israhell 2.0 (Khazaria Redux).
Best buddies reunited...

"...Looking forward to welcoming Bibi Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida," Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, posted to his Truth Social....

Once Trump is installed Israel will likely declare war on Iran. One guess who’s going to pay for it.
We all hope that but it's not realistic or how it works, it's standard operating procedure even leaders at war with each other meet. Finding reason to criticize trump because he's meeting with a political leader regardless of who is a bit misguided to say the least.

I'll have to disagree. I think that criticm of Trump's attitude towards Israel in general and Netanyahu in particular, is legitimate and not TDS. After all, none of us is really happy about their meeting, we rationalize it, tell ourselves that it's just the way the game is played. And it's true. Whether we like it or not, zionism is a part of the mainstream conservative platform - both in America and in Europe (Hungary's PM Orban would be the best example) - and any presidential candidate going against them, would lose support of the donor class and the zio-Christian voting base. But still, inviting Netanyahu home is a little bit too much for my taste, a Trump Tower office meeting would've been better.
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I wish all of us could stop throwing missiles at each other for 5 minutes. I say we take an ice cream break as brothers in Christ.
Sometimes we take the things that unify us for granted, and so we only focus on the things that divide us. It then becomes frustrating when you are not able to persuade the next guy to see things exactly as you see it. The solution is not to cut out all that is divisive, which is impossible anyway. But to take the time to focus on the things that unify us. It must be remembered: there is a reason that we are all here and we all want roughly the same things at the end of the day.
I wish all of us could stop throwing missiles at each other for 5 minutes. I say we take an ice cream break as brothers in Christ.

There is not a brother in Christ here that I wouldn't buy an entire Baskin Robbin's ice cream cake for with a quart of rainbow sherbet on the side.

Discussion, even when it degenerates, will never override that you are my brothers in Christ and I mean that sincerely.
Can someone explain the current pro-trump stance.

First, what policies are you hoping from him?

Second, why does he behave the way he do? Like is he a secret white nationalist who has a Bruce Wayne fake persona where he surrounds himself with women, jews and homos?
Can someone explain the current pro-trump stance.

First, what policies are you hoping from him?

Second, why does he behave the way he do? Like is he a secret white nationalist who has a Bruce Wayne fake persona where he surrounds himself with women, jews and homos?
This has been addressed so so so so so so many times it's really hard to take the inquisitor as someone inquiring on good faith.
Can someone explain the current pro-trump stance.

First, what policies are you hoping from him?

Second, why does he behave the way he do? Like is he a secret white nationalist who has a Bruce Wayne fake persona where he surrounds himself with women, jews and homos?

He's just better than the other guy dude, that's what all of you just can't understand or maybe you have to not understand that for your own mind. Nobody is gung ho brainwashed trump anymore and nobody is saying crazy grandiose things like you just did comparing him to white power Batman, he's just better than the other guy that's it.
He's just better than the other guy dude, that's what all of you just can't understand or maybe you have to not understand that for your own mind. Nobody is gung ho brainwashed trump anymore and nobody is saying crazy grandiose things like you just did comparing him to white power Batman, he's just better than the other guy that's it.
Seems like the problem here is two very different people arguing with each other. Your motivators and life circumstances are completely different.

So basically this whole Obama, Biden, etc thing got you a little nervous. Similar to everyone here you can see the writing on the wall. You’re actually content in life, maybe got a nice little nest egg so at the end of the day you just want “another 4 years”. You want an extension on your American contract.

Then I guess there’s people like me who have TDS as Samseau put it and are like PTSD veterans, sitting by the window with images of trannies and Jews flashing before their eyes. I’m not even going to argue against this.

This is the only way this makes any sense because this whole Trump debate is nonsensical.
Seems like the problem here is two very different people arguing with each other. Your motivators and life circumstances are completely different.

So basically this whole Obama, Biden, etc thing got you a little nervous. Similar to everyone here you can see the writing on the wall. You’re actually content in life, maybe got a nice little nest egg so at the end of the day you just want “another 4 years”. You want an extension on your American contract.

Then I guess there’s people like me who have TDS as Samseau put it and are like PTSD veterans, sitting by the window with images of trannies and Jews flashing before their eyes. I’m not even going to argue against this.

This is the only way this makes any sense because this whole Trump debate is nonsensical.

Yes absolutely correct and I have said as much more than once, I have a massive amount of family and I live a very good life. I don't want to see things get worse, I don't want things to collapse, I don't want to see my loved ones suffer and I don't want to give up on my fellow man. Life isn't bad life on Gods earth is actually really good if you allow it to be and don't drown yourself with negativity. Beyond even that the romanticizing of the "collapse" is delusional, it's not going to be marching in the streets hand in hand to a new future it's going to be people suffering if not much much worse.

That doesn't mean I'm okay with all that is happening, that doesn't mean I'm calling trump the lord emperor as many in this thread who hate him now once did. In fact when friends and family who are less in tuned as we all are here confess their love for trump like its still 2016 I usually knock them down a few pegs for it and bring them back to reality. But also doesnt mean im going to be irrational and see everything trump does with a negative rage because he didn't fulfill all my wild political and social fantasies during his presidency so now I have some weird personal nihilist self destructive vendetta against him, he's just a man.

Life is balance it's not always black and white. You can take the good with the bad and move forward, you don't have to just fixate on the bad.

Lately it has felt like trying to be rational about the situation has just infuriated many here more, as if there is no other option but to be negative it has become their identity wearing it like a badge of honor building themselves around it as if it's noble and anything else is unacceptable. I'm sorry but that is a horrendously miserable way to live.
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Seems like the problem here is two very different people arguing with each other. Your motivators and life circumstances are completely different.

So basically this whole Obama, Biden, etc thing got you a little nervous. Similar to everyone here you can see the writing on the wall. You’re actually content in life, maybe got a nice little nest egg so at the end of the day you just want “another 4 years”. You want an extension on your American contract.

Then I guess there’s people like me who have TDS as Samseau put it and are like PTSD veterans, sitting by the window with images of trannies and Jews flashing before their eyes. I’m not even going to argue against this.

This is the only way this makes any sense because this whole Trump debate is nonsensical.
Or you have a family and 6 kids and you want to vote for people that are going to help your economic interests and let the decay slightly slow compared to those who are hastening the demise of my progeny and my financial opportunity.

Why should we accept that because there are evil forces in both sides, we must pretend the whole thing is not worth participating in and jump into the cold black pill pond?
Donald's family has been embedded in jewry for generations, it didn't start with him marrying one or his kids marrying them, or even with his jewy east-coast residential and business monopolies. I think in his mind he really doesn't see a future without jews being an "integral" part of the power structure.

He definitely wants to make the world better for jews to the detriment of White Americans and by eventuality Europeans, but I believe he is incredibly de-religionized and to some extent deracinated, and therefore he himself cannot ultimately be to blame for the treachery that Americans are witnessing and are going to have to deal with the consequences of once the policies of his administration resume when he is in office again. He is going to have to face God with what he has willingly or ignorantly done with his time here. A fool is ultimately to blame for following another, but I hold other Biblical interpretations that most people are not leaders must be protected from evil by a shepherd (like a flock) and therefore a good leader with bad designs is worse than a bad leader with good designs.

Trump may be a Christian, but I have doubts that he is intrinsically a believer and follower of Christ. The reason is not the jew angle, but the greed, which is coincidentally a begetting of jewishness in these times. If he is a Christian, then the Christianity of his family will die with him when his life is over, since all of his offspring are jewish, conversions to judaism, or secular.

First speculative reasons for Trump's jew-affinity have to be ruled out, his genetic history must be examined.

Donald Trump does not appear to have jewish ancestry by looking at his immediate parents and grandparents. The history of close association between his family and the jews is not so esoteric. The Trump (Drumpf) family were traditionally vineyard owners from Kallstadt which is near the Alsace at the French and German border, an area in the Rhineland-Palatinate that has been under dispute for centuries. It was in the Kingdom of Bavaria in the 19th century. The Drumpf family is related to the Heinz family, who also came from Kallstadt and had pleasant relations with jews there, economical and intermarrying. During the jewish passover holiday, Heinz is renowned for their ads to push customers away from its products.

The famous jewish Rabbi Schlomo Yitzahki aka "Rashi"(1040-1105) was also a vine-grower and producer of wine who dwelt in Troyes, Champagne, Northeast France, which is to the west of Germany but not that far away from the Drumpf region. These jews were prominent in viticulture in those areas in early Medieval times. Depending on which version of history you want to believe, the jewish fable that would tell you they were persecuted and decreed to avoid agriculture and pushed into money-lending and speculative professions due to pogroms, expulsions, and massacres, only to be let back in by a good goy later or the more well-documented history that hundreds of cultures share of these people, where even winemakers were responsible for introducing spiritual and moral decay into a Christian society. If they were forced to abandon this trade and later allowed to dwell in shtetls where they would not pursue agriculture, it was certainly for grave earlier wrongdoings on their part.

If Trump is descended from jews he may well trace his ancestry back to jewish viticulturalists. If he had jewish ancestors they may have converted to Christianity out of choice or, more likely, duress. The sole progenitor from Drumpf to Trump was Hanns Drumpf who allegedly settled in Kallstadt in the 17th century. Not much is known about Hanns' lineage before this.

The grandfather of Donald, Friedrich Trump aka Fred Trump senior (1869-1918) was born in Kallstadt and ran away to America at 16. For six years Friedrich remained on the east coast, then went west to the gold fields of Pacific Washington, then to Klondike in Canada. Fred Trump senior in the USA teamed up with jew Ernest Levin in the saloon and brothel business serving gold-miners. This was the beginning of the Trump fortune. Levin is a Russian jewish name. It means Levi. This particular business association did not last long, and Fred departed from Ernest in 1901. Fred senior tried to return to Bavaria which then ruled over Kallstadt in Germany but the officials would not let him stay since he was considered a draft dodger (The Kaiser Reich had mandatory military service which is why he left at 16). He appealed to the Kaiser but its was denied, although later he was able to return to Bavaria where he met and married Elizabeth Christ and returned to the USA with her. Some sources state that they attempted to move back to Bavaria after two children were born but that Fred senior was denied citizenship because of his draft dodging earlier. The paternal grandmother is clearly not jewish by name, but more on this later.

Donald's father, Frederick Christ Trump (1905-1999), was the son of Fred senior and Elizabeth Christ. He died of pneumonia in 1999 at Long Island jewish Medical Center, New in Hyde Park, New York. Fred's wife, Mary Anne Macleod, born in 1912 in Isle of Lewis, Scotland died in 2000, also at the Long Island jewish Medical Center. Before he passed away Frederick Christ Trump would often give money to jewish causes especially to Haredi (aka Uber-Orthodox) ones. As a child Donald is said to have played with religious jewish children. That is association but not relation, so his father is apparently not a jew by blood and neither is Donald unless it is from long before the 30 years war when the family changed their name.

From WW1 to many decades afterwards, the Trumps made efforts to conceal their German origins and claimed to be Swedish. Donald protested to his father about the need for this, yet in his autobiography Donald claimed Swedish ancestry. Later he must have had second thoughts because he became publicly proud of his ancestors from Kallstadt in Germany. In 1999 Donald served as Grand Marshal (ceremonial head) of the German-American Steuben Parade in New York City, but then again in 2016 he was the Grand Marshal of the annual 'Salute to Israel' parade.

"Freddy," the elder brother of Donald, claimed that his father, Fred Christ Trump, the real-estate magnate, was actually the Jewish son of German immigrants. "Freddy" joined a jewish fraternity at Lehigh College which at that time had a quota policy against jews. "Freddy" "died from alcoholism in 1999 at the age of 43, apparently. His story is often cited as the reason why Donald does not drink. "The offspring of "Freddy" had a dispute with Donald over the will of Fred Trump senior who reportedly disowned them. They claimed Donald was responsible for some of their difficulties.

The mother of Donald was Mary Anne Macleod who came from the Island of Lewis in the Hebrides, Scotland. The name Lewis is one of the names like Davis that for some reason jews in Britain had the custom of adopting whereas other names they kept away from. This name has been associated with Levi. The Hebrides are believed to be named after the Hebrews. This root "Heber" meaning "Hebrew" was common in the British Isles and considered Celtic. The Hebrides Islands are near the Orkney Islands and are often associated with them. A portion of these people were linked in the past with Israelites. However this distinction may upset some historians, because this may not be jews but the actual Anglo-Saxon descendants of the Israelites who migrated to continental Europe and the British Isles after Babylonian captivity.

A Latin chronicle called "Historia Norwegiae," Chapter VI ('Concerning the Orkney Islands') from the 1200s describes the population of the Orkneys at the time of annexation by Norway. There were two different peoples, the Pap and the Peti. The Papi appear to be Celtic Christians possibly from Ireland. The Peti are identified as Picts. It is said that the Peti, "... little exceeded pigmies in stature; they did marvels, in the morning and in the evening, in building walled towns, but at mid-day they entirely lost all their strength, and lurked, through fear, in little underground houses."

"And the Papae have been named from their white robes, which they wore like priests; . An island is still called, after them, Papey .... But, as is observed from their habit and the writings of their books abandoned there, they were Africans, adhering to judaism."

The Papae in this case may have been either Irish Celts or Picts related to the Caledonians. They were described above as adherents of judaism and had arrived via North Africa. The practice of keeping Old Testament food taboos was common in Scotland up until a hundred years ago.

Donald Trump grew up with jews, associated with them, gave money to their causes, and employed them. He is quoted as preferring Religious jews: "The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes [jewish skull caps] every day."

Where things get really jewy are Donald's family, his marriages and children, and his being surrounded by endless streams of ashkenazi jews in his administration and organization.

I saw this video and tried going to but it wouldn't let me log in without a jew account so I couldn't confirm it, but it shows all of the Trump family registered into jewish genealogical archives by their births (and by their deaths for those who have died like Trumps parents). The details are incredibly accurate, however I have some doubt because there are holobunga pages on this website as well, and jews often give made up names to made up dead jews to scurry guilt and shekels from psychologically-abused White Christians. Does anyone here feel like making a jew account to prove or disprove this claim?

What I find even more strange is this person named "Christ Christ" that was allegedly the father of Trump's grandmother.

"There were comments that Elizabeth Christ (born 10/10/1880) was really the daughter of Christ Christ and Anna Maria Rathon. Christ Christ was Friedrich's uncle, his father's brother. Friedrich Trump married his first cousin, Elizabeth Christ. Therefore, the Trumps are also a family which is engaged in the bloodline games as well."

"Donald Trump's great-grandparents, Christian Johannes Trump and Katharina Barbara Kober Trump, "Kober" is an Ashkenazi jewish surname. Some people suggest the name isn't "Kober", but "Kolber". "Kolber" is very often jewish. We have seen the genealogies being whitewashed this way again and again. Changing one letter is often the best way to do it.

Donald Trump's parents were Frederick (Fred) Christ Trump and Mary Anne MacLeod Trump. His grandparents were Friedrich Trump and Elizabeth Christ. Donald Trump has five children from three marriages: Donald John Trump Jr., Ivanka Marie Trump, and Eric Frederick Trump with Ivana Marie Trump; Tiffany Ariana Trump with Marla Ann Maples; and Barron Trump with Melania Knauss Trump.

The Trump family has the largest number of jews in the first family. All three married children of Donald Trump being married to jews. That is no mere coincidence, it's a cohencidence. Four Generations of the Trumps beginning from Friedrich Trump (or Drumpf) have had close business and personal associations with jews."

Ultimately what does this mean? He is "better" than the democrats by a margin of how long you have until the agents show up to kill your family. Only, the agents that show up under the democrats to kill your family will be incompetent mystery meat, possibly trans, overweight, and vaping between potshots at worst, or lean mean hungry horny and high African skinnies with AK-47s and cell phone jammers at best, Malema style. The agents that will show up under an establishment Republicuck government will be order-taking jewdoctrinated White male jackboots who are ready to kill you and every other White for the sake of the United States of Israel, only for them to be killed in term by their masters after the fact. The patriot citizenry will meet their match with the latter and mop the floor with the former.

I suppose heritage Americans can offset the time they "get" from Trump being elected to train and tribe harder to make the coming conflict with the tougher agents a protracted war that they cannot sustain instead of a Cheka-style roundup as described by Solzhenitsyn.
^ Trivial point, Talmuds are involved with all American politicians because Talmuds control the banks.

Can someone explain the current pro-trump stance.

First, what policies are you hoping from him?

Second, why does he behave the way he do? Like is he a secret white nationalist who has a Bruce Wayne fake persona where he surrounds himself with women, jews and homos?

Because if you don't vote for Trump, you're enabling genocide and war.

Trump is the only Anti-War candidate with a chance of winning.

At this point, it is a sin not to vote for Trump. He is the only one who promotes peace and has the track record to boot.
Trump may be a Christian, but I have doubts that he is intrinsically a believer and follower of Christ. The reason is not the jew angle, but the greed, which is coincidentally a begetting of jewishness in these times. If he is a Christian
Don't forget that the American colonies were founded largely by Calvinists, Anabaptists, and Freemasons. The notion that "wealth is a sign God loves you, so you clearly have the right faith" is intrinsically intertwined with the American psyche, going back to the beginning, even if not always stated as blatantly as the "prosperity gospel" preachers like Joel Osteen do. IMO, wealth is fine...some are blessed to have it, but it corrupts very easily and leads many a soul to hell. All I'm saying is that it's not exclusively a jewish trait to be greedy or rapaciously pursue wealth.