Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

If it's about Kamala's tenure as California's AG, when she jailed people for smoking weed, while she was smoking weed herself, it makes sense.
I don't think it should be a cornestone of Trump's campaign, but it highlights her hypocrisy and drives a wedge between her campaign and voters from the "hood".

Tulsi Gabbard eviscerated her on this issue during one of the debates.

I'm reading that as sarcasm, he's picking at the stupidity of I wrong?
I dont know, Trump is big promoter of the vaccines he calls himself the father of the vaccine, I didnt see this as sarcasm but you might have a point, people can change sometimes especially if God touches their hearts, we read in the bible how God worked through kings at times, not saying this is the case for Trump but time will tell
My critiscism of Trump & his VP, maybe they have changed, I dont know, but if they still hold these views becareful.
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It's obviously sarcasm and humor.

This is the 2nd time I've seen someone post a tweet of his where people actually think he's serious.

If English isn't your first language it could be tough to read this. Otherwise, people here have zero humor.
It's obviously sarcasm and humor.

This is the 2nd time I've seen someone post a tweet of his where people actually think he's serious.

If English isn't your first language it could be tough to read this. Otherwise, people here have zero humor.

There is a severe lack of objectivity in this thread, it's difficult to discuss things when everything is just automatically negative.
Yes that was irony no doubt! But you can't deny that he's made some statements that indicate that there will be more support of Israels war effort if they get into office...

"...Joe Biden has done nothing to help our ally Israel. Joe Biden has made it harder and harder for Israel to win that war. He has prolonged the war to take out Hamas...The most important part of the Trump doctrine of foreign policy is you don’t commit America’s troops unless you really have to, but when you do, you punch and you punch hard...” (1)

You can read into that what you will. He said it, not me! But the global political situation last time Trump was in office was more stable than it is now, so you can't just conclude that there will be no wars involving US troops this time around. I hope not, but it's uncertain!
Yes that was irony no doubt! But you can't deny that he's made some statements that indicate that there will be more support of Israels war effort in they get into office...

"...Joe Biden has done nothing to help our ally Israel. Joe Biden has made it harder and harder for Israel to win that war. He has prolonged the war to take out Hamas...The most important part of the Trump doctrine of foreign policy is you don’t commit America’s troops unless you really have to, but when you do, you punch and you punch hard...” (1)

You can read into that what you will. He said it, not me! But the political situation last time Trump was in office was more stable than it is now, so you can't just conclude that there will be no wars involving US troops this time around. I hope not, but it's uncertain!

Sounds like if Trump was in office, the war in Gaza would have been over already.

Gonna be fun watching the irrational, spiritually deformed Trump haters lose their minds when this happens against all of their expectations. Of course, zero credit will be given. And none of them will have voted, proving they are no different than the Pharisee who walks by the bleeding man on the side of the road while the Samaritan helps out.
Sounds like if Trump was in office, the war in Gaza would have been over already.

Gonna be fun watching the irrational, spiritually deformed Trump haters lose their minds when this happens against all of their expectations. Of course, zero credit will be given. And none of them will have voted, proving they are no different than the Pharisee who walks by the bleeding man on the side of the road while the Samaritan helps out.

Didn't know you supported Israels goals of conquering the Gaza-strip and taking it for themselves and sending all of them (I assume) into Europe. That's what it sounds like at least?
Sounds like if Trump was in office, the war in Gaza would have been over already.

Gonna be fun watching the irrational, spiritually deformed Trump haters lose their minds when this happens against all of their expectations. Of course, zero credit will be given. And none of them will have voted, proving they are no different than the Pharisee who walks by the bleeding man on the side of the road while the Samaritan helps out.
>advocates for a man who would accelerate genocide, whilst calling his critics "spiritually deformed" Pharisees.

Trump lying about Bukele is alarming. Because we know who else was lying about him, and it is the same people who desperately want open borders and chaos Central America to drive people here.

Trump’s alleged concern regarding immigration has nothing to do with demographic replacement and everything to do with some vague concern for an ephemeral, and ultimately meaningless, complaint about whether laws are being broken as the “new Americans” are replacing the white population. Open borders, as long as it’s legal, is inherent to the Republican Party’s Presidential platform (along with being pro-choice, pro-gay, and Zionist).

Donald Trump (2021)
“The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind"
"I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good,"
"The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't do the vaccine, but it's still their choice," he said. "And if you take the vaccine you're protected, the results of the vaccine are good."
"People with booster shots are highly protected."

”Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

@Brother_Nathanel ☦️
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In the TDS mind, ending a war is genocide.

It was Vance who hinted about "punching them hard." What that means I don't know, but there's no simple solution to these issues. (Same with Ukraine btw) I assume you don't approve of the US contributing to the expansion of Israel and permanently replacing Palestinians with Jews?