Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

The problem is with her mother.

A former model. Nightclub owner. Who dated a saudi prince before marrying Donald jr. And after the divorce dated the same Saudi prince which means she was probably seeing him while they were married.

Ok yeah it’s different dress. Only problem is that her parents didn’t stick together . 5 kids including sone young daughters.

If you’re going to tell your daughter to not dress so skanky she will just turn into a massive slut . Not saying anything new here . The only way you win is to make your marriage last , make sure your daughter has no daddy issues
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Is anyone else bothered by Trump nomination speech, when he announced that America is going to build its own "iron dome" (how about "iron dumb") all across the country? We saw with tiny Israel that it doesn't work. Now they want to do that across a county 45x larger? Sounds like a money pit for enriching the military industrial complex once again.
Didn't watch the whole speech, just some clips here and there.
Did he say, he wants the same system Israel has, or just used the "iron dome" name in a generic way without specifying make/model ?
Not so long ago, I heard some Euro politicians talking about European "iron dome" but they were talking about using a combination of various systems not about the Israeli one.
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Excellent. I will make my prediction here. Elections no longer matter; we saw that in 2020. The satanic elites are desperate right now. The economy is collapsing, the narrative in Israel is collapsing. Military recruiting is at all-time lows. Moral is at an all-time low. Anger is at an all-time high. Their greatest fear is White Nationalism, and it is growing by leaps and bounds. Their second fear of traditional Christianity is also growing by leaps and bounds.

So, whomever is the president in 2024 will be handed picked, the election is just theatre. If Donald Trump is selected, it will not be because he is some tough outsider they just can't keep down. It will be because he can buy the satanic elite more time than the other guys, in their opinion. And I predict they pick Trump to be the next president. He can sell to the angry American majority that the govt. is now on their side, it is getting things done. He might even get some small meaningless concession like a border wall, but it is way too late for that without massive deportations, which you will never get without a true counter revolution movement. And with these meaningless "wins" he will try to sell the military to the young men so they can go off and fight for Israel.

I predict these charges are just part of the theatre to make him look like the supreme outsider underdog and get his supporters more stirred up in their cult like worship of him. And when he wins the biggest election upset in the history of our nation, the fever pitch will boil over.

I say all of this now, so if this all comes true and Trump is the next president, we stop the propaganda so that...

- We don't have young men signing up to fight for this anti-Christian nation.
- We don't have people going to Trump's childish rallies so they can get attacked or have their lives ruined.
- We don't have people donating to this grift while we need to be using our money to build our own system

Thank you.

So your prediction about Trump being controlled oppo is completely wrong, because controlled opposition doesn't get assassinated. Only real opposition is assassinated. Will you have the intellectual integrity to admit you were wrong?
This is literally the Trump criticism and debate thread and instead of discussing issues, you're here insulting total strangers.
The forum has been degrading badly lately. Might be good for me to take some time off.
My apologies.

My point was merely to explain context from a common sense interpretation of the point on iron dome from the speech.

A strategic anti missle defense system is absolutely a great reason to spend money vs wars in Ukraine.
So your prediction about Trump being controlled oppo is completely wrong, because controlled opposition doesn't get assassinated. Only real opposition is assassinated. Will you have the intellectual integrity to admit you were wrong?
Controlled opposition does get assassinated in a country that is so badly run that the DEI team at Crowd Strike took down a large chunk of the country by not doing their job correctly.

You are pushing a conspiracy theory that the big boys were in on it and trying to assassinate Trump. I can't prove that is wrong, but I go with the easier explanation that there are so many DEI hires that things like this fall through the cracks. Sounds like the secret service on the scene were a bunch of amateurs and the communication with the local police was beyond lacking. Throw in they see this guy on the roof and don't even know why he is there but at the same time are scared to pull the trigger due to the massive pushback against police in this country.
Controlled opposition does get assassinated in a country that is so badly run that the DEI team at Crowd Strike took down a large chunk of the country by not doing their job correctly.

You are pushing a conspiracy theory that the big boys were in on it and trying to assassinate Trump. I can't prove that is wrong, but I go with the easier explanation that there are so many DEI hires that things like this fall through the cracks. Sounds like the secret service on the scene were a bunch of amateurs and the communication with the local police was beyond lacking. Throw in they see this guy on the roof and don't even know why he is there but at the same time are scared to pull the trigger due to the massive pushback against police in this country.
There are things that literally anyone with basic understanding of physical security would have known.

Literally an entry level officer with personal security training would know these things.

Plus the OIC or officer in charge would have the security plan and Ok the whole thing. They wouldn't be brand new amateurs. The on scene commander would be seasoned.

There is zero chance there wasn't some overt assistance or willing omission of protocol.
Controlled opposition does get assassinated in a country that is so badly run that the DEI team at Crowd Strike took down a large chunk of the country by not doing their job correctly.

You are pushing a conspiracy theory that the big boys were in on it and trying to assassinate Trump. I can't prove that is wrong, but I go with the easier explanation that there are so many DEI hires that things like this fall through the cracks. Sounds like the secret service on the scene were a bunch of amateurs and the communication with the local police was beyond lacking. Throw in they see this guy on the roof and don't even know why he is there but at the same time are scared to pull the trigger due to the massive pushback against police in this country.

If DEI was the cause, then why hasn't assassination attempts occurred at other places for Trump, especially in more Democrat states? Or why hasn't this happened to other politicians? They have the same DEI protective services.
If DEI was the cause, then why hasn't assassination attempts occurred at other places for Trump, especially in more Democrat states? Or why hasn't this happened to other politicians? They have the same DEI protective services.
I think for the most part, other countries/political movements realize these guys are nothing more than puppets and sticking their neck out to take them out is a fool's errand. The satanic media's coverage of Trump has so many unhinged people thinking he is the next Hitler, that is surprises me no one has tried before this. I wouldn't be surprised if another wacko tries something as spun as the media has these poor souls. I hope this time secret service is on their game and keeps Trump and his family safe.

All in all, groups like Hezbollah or the IRCG realize the people who really run the USA are spread across the globe and run Wall Street and the Central Banks, so assassinating a puppet does them no good and puts a target on them.
If DEI was the cause, then why hasn't assassination attempts occurred at other places for Trump, especially in more Democrat states? Or why hasn't this happened to other politicians? They have the same DEI protective services.

It wasn’t just dei officers, it was a detail full of non usss people that had no business on any security team much less one at a political rally . Most of the staff was lost, didn’t know what to do. It was blatant and disgusting,
The satanic media's coverage of Trump has so many unhinged people thinking he is the next Hitler, that is surprises me no one has tried before this.

Why does only Trump get so much negative, hateful coverage, like Hitler, and no one else then, if he's controlled opposition? So much hate that people actually want to kill him?

I'm very amused with your cognitive dissonance right now.
Is anyone else bothered by Trump nomination speech, when he announced that America is going to build its own "iron dome" (how about "iron dumb") all across the country? We saw with tiny Israel that it doesn't work. Now they want to do that across a county 45x larger? Sounds like a money pit for enriching the military industrial complex once again.
This seems to be the age of the missile. Just as battleships became untenable in WW2, it seems like all airplanes, ships, tanks, and APCs are untenable in the current battlefield where drones and missiles abound.

Some kind of missile defense is critically necessary, covering everything from small drones and RPGs and anti-aircraft missiles to bigger ship killers, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Now that will have to include hypersonics as well.

Russia seems to have a real edge in anti-missile capabilities in the Ukraine conflict. I'd say as a general principle, every country should pursue anti-missile capabilities aggressively at this point.
Why does only Trump get so much negative, hateful coverage, like Hitler, and no one else then, if he's controlled opposition? So much hate that people actually want to kill him?

I'm very amused with your cognitive dissonance right now.

Because he is a lightening rod. He takes real pent up anger and funnels it back into a GOP that would even make George Bush embarrassed. As much as I have been down on the GOP, even I was in shock at how bad the convention was.

The real opposition is completely ignored by the media. I knew David Duke's name since I was a child in the 1980's. I knew him as the meanest most racist man to ever live. It wasn't until the mid 2010's I actually heard him speak. I realize both how much I was lied to about him, but more so, how the in all those years the media never once interviewed the man to even give him a chance to answer the accusations. I could see why; he would make them look foolish very easily. Other White Nationalist organizations will have protests about things like murders against Whites that go mostly unpunished and they will call the media ahead of time to let them know where they will be at and what time, if they want to make them look bad, and the media never shows up and pretends like they don't exist.
Because he is a lightening rod. He takes real pent up anger and funnels it back into a GOP that would even make George Bush embarrassed. As much as I have been down on the GOP, even I was in shock at how bad the convention was.

The real opposition is completely ignored by the media. I knew David Duke's name since I was a child in the 1980's. I knew him as the meanest most racist man to ever live. It wasn't until the mid 2010's I actually heard him speak. I realize both how much I was lied to about him, but more so, how the in all those years the media never once interviewed the man to even give him a chance to answer the accusations. I could see why; he would make them look foolish very easily. Other White Nationalist organizations will have protests about things like murders against Whites that go mostly unpunished and they will call the media ahead of time to let them know where they will be at and what time, if they want to make them look bad, and the media never shows up and pretends like they don't exist.

So then why hasn't anyone tried to kill David Duke? If the media is what made someone so deranged to kill Trump, and yet David Duke was portrayed as Hitler for 30 years, how come Trump was attacked but not David Duke?

I'm enjoying watching you contradict yourself, over and over. You don't have the intellectual integrity to admit when you're wrong, so it's fun to see you pull off ridiculous mental gymnastics.
And that's exactly the point. Shouldn't the "moral" RNC be leading the way? If so what the heck am I voting for? More tax cuts hahahaha. I could care less.

Nope, you're deluding yourself if you think politics is the realm of spiritual matters. It's a matter for the Church, I have zero expectations of the RNC on cultural matters. The culture is a reflection of the spirit.
Nope, you're deluding yourself if you think politics is the realm of spiritual matters. It's a matter for the Church, I have zero expectations of the RNC on cultural matters. The culture is a reflection of the spirit.
Well I must not have the "throw in the towel" spirit that you do.
Because he is a lightening rod. He takes real pent up anger and funnels it back into a GOP that would even make George Bush embarrassed. As much as I have been down on the GOP, even I was in shock at how bad the convention was.

This is an excellent point. The powers that be understand that people need outlets. The biggest fear they have is losing power or a revolt by the masses. Trump is a gigantic bullhorn for the disenfranchised while in reality he has accomplished very little. He talks a big game and makes less intelligent people think things like:

“Look, I have a guy in my corner who’s fighting for me”

That makes them feel good.

While the elites think:

“Let’s give the masses their crumbs, while we keep on running the show”

Then as has been happening for at least 60 years, and the country keeps moving left.

It’s amazing how some of you don’t see this. Look at actual results, not an emotional response to a guy and party you think is on your side.
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So then why hasn't anyone tried to kill David Duke? If the media is what made someone so deranged to kill Trump, and yet David Duke was portrayed as Hitler for 30 years, how come Trump was attacked but not David Duke?

I'm enjoying watching you contradict yourself, over and over. You don't have the intellectual integrity to admit when you're wrong, so it's fun to see you pull off ridiculous mental gymnastics.
Because David Duke has no value, and would be tough to even locate him. For a long while he lived in Russia and got a PHD in Russian History from a Russian college with an emphasis on the Bolshevik revolution. He is a large reason that so many in the west today know the real history behind Bolshevism. Why would someone risk their own life to kill a guy that is hard to find and has no power and has no voice? The system itself doesn't want to assassinate him, that would make him a martyr, they instead want to pretend like he doesn't exist.

The media is trying to make Trump into David Duke, but David Duke with power, so he must be stopped. This just isn't true, if Trump were anything like David Duke he wouldn't be allowed to run for President, or get sweetheart loans, or bailed out by the satanic elites after betting big on Atlantic city, and be a reality TV star. Trump is just a 1980's NYC capitalist liberal.

I'm not really sure why someone would think Trump is true opposition. He is in the big boys club, a NYC billionaire, bailed out by the satanic elites, at least once, with a long resume of being on satanic Hollywood television. He helped to save the mainstream media, by still doing interviews with them and not with independent journalists. He presided like Obama or Bush; except he was even more pro-Israel and his Abraham Accords led to October 7th. He bailed out Wall Street that caused the massive inflation. He didn't stop funding the Azov Battalion. He was soft on Antifa and BLM and pardoned a list of life long traitors and long time DNC satanic members on his way out. Now he is pushing more DEi, with free money to Blacks and Hispanics and is being funded by the billionaire satanic elites like Adelson, Singer and Mercer.

At the end of the day, you will say "there is not political solution, it is spiritual", to which I agree. So, we are arguing about something that isn't even important. The only question is, who is heading towards the cliff at a slower rate and buys us more time. And I would have easily said Trump was going slower towards the cliff, until Israel started getting its ass kicked and the GOP convention ended up being one giant pro-Israel rally. Right now, I would guess the DNC candidate, whomever it is, would actually head to the cliff slower due to less support for Israel. We can afford 4 more years of weirdo drag queen story hour and illegals coming across, then going back because things will just get worse here. We simply cannot afford another war, no if's, and's or but's about it, and I see Trump as the guy who is ready to send our troops to defend our greatest ally.
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