Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

This is an excellent point. The powers that be understand that people need outlets. The biggest fear they have is losing power or a revolt by the masses. Trump is a gigantic bullhorn for the disenfranchised while in reality he has accomplished very little. He talks a big game and makes less intelligent people think things like:

“Look, I have a guy in my corner who’s fighting for me”

That makes them feel good.

While the elites think:

“Let’s give the masses their crumbs, while we keep on running the show”

Then as has been happening for at least 60 years, and the country keeps moving left.

It’s amazing how some of you don’t see this. Look at actual results, not an emotional response to a guy and party you think is on your side.
I've recommended this before, but if anyone gets a chance listen to the audiobook or read Mein Kampf. Hitler outlines this very same thing in 1920's Germany. This game has been played for a LONG time.
Excellent. I will make my prediction here. Elections no longer matter; we saw that in 2020. The satanic elites are desperate right now. The economy is collapsing, the narrative in Israel is collapsing. Military recruiting is at all-time lows. Moral is at an all-time low. Anger is at an all-time high. Their greatest fear is White Nationalism, and it is growing by leaps and bounds. Their second fear of traditional Christianity is also growing by leaps and bounds.

So, whomever is the president in 2024 will be handed picked, the election is just theatre. If Donald Trump is selected, it will not be because he is some tough outsider they just can't keep down. It will be because he can buy the satanic elite more time than the other guys, in their opinion. And I predict they pick Trump to be the next president. He can sell to the angry American majority that the govt. is now on their side, it is getting things done. He might even get some small meaningless concession like a border wall, but it is way too late for that without massive deportations, which you will never get without a true counter revolution movement. And with these meaningless "wins" he will try to sell the military to the young men so they can go off and fight for Israel.

I predict these charges are just part of the theatre to make him look like the supreme outsider underdog and get his supporters more stirred up in their cult like worship of him. And when he wins the biggest election upset in the history of our nation, the fever pitch will boil over.

I say all of this now, so if this all comes true and Trump is the next president, we stop the propaganda so that...

- We don't have young men signing up to fight for this anti-Christian nation.
- We don't have people going to Trump's childish rallies so they can get attacked or have their lives ruined.
- We don't have people donating to this grift while we need to be using our money to build our own system

Thank you.
By pure coincidence, the following events all occurred during a very short time period:

1. Israel expanded its war efforts against the territories it has wanted to occupy for a long time

2. The media collectively and unanimously declared Biden - who seems to care far less about Israel than Trump does - unfit to be President for reasons they have collectively and unanimously denied for years

3. Trump appears to have been shot and survived, catapulting him to a Caesar-like and untouchable power (likely winning many new voters in the process)

4. Democrats have been too sad about #3 to even suggest a replacement for Biden, essentially surrendering all political power to the man they’ve been insisting was Hitler

In summary, it appears the kingmakers have decided that Trump will be President. This is likely due to Israel’s increased war efforts and what will probably result in Americans going overseas to die for them. One of the candidates fully supports Israel in whatever they want to do, and that candidate will now run unopposed.

Either that or everything happened organically and coincidentally and every single piece of this process just so happened to line up perfectly for infinity dollars for Israel.
Nope, you're deluding yourself if you think politics is the realm of spiritual matters. It's a matter for the Church, I have zero expectations of the RNC on cultural matters. The culture is a reflection of the spirit.
What you're saying is ultimately true, but it has practically become not true. Politics has become the corporatization of spiritual matters. People aren't looking to Jesus to lead them. They are too busy looking for Trump/Biden/whoever. It should not be this way but it's been gamed to be this way.
By pure coincidence, the following events all occurred during a very short time period:

1. Israel expanded its war efforts against the territories it has wanted to occupy for a long time

2. The media collectively and unanimously declared Biden - who seems to cares far less about Israel than Trump does - unfit to be President for reasons they have collectively and unanimously denied for years

3. Trump appears to have been shot and survived, catapulting him to a Caesar-like and untouchable power (likely winning many new voters in the process)

4. Democrats have been too sad about #3 to even suggest a replacement for Biden, essentially surrendering all political power to the man they’ve been insisting was Hitler

In summary, it appears the kingmakers have decided that Trump will be President. This is likely due to Israel’s increased war efforts and what will probably result in Americans going overseas to die for them. One of the candidates fully supports Israel in whatever they want to do, and that candidate will now run unopposed.

Either that or everything happened organically and coincidentally and every single piece of this process just so happened to line up perfectly for infinity dollars for Israel.
And the biggest of all, is where is all the big Wall Street money going? To Trump. That is their guy, and it has been since the Israel-Hamas war went south for Israel.
What you're saying is ultimately true, but it has practically become not true. Politics has become the corporatization of spiritual matters. People aren't looking to Jesus to lead them. They are too busy looking for Trump/Biden/whoever. It should not be this way but it's been gamed to be this way.
Yes, and getting people to realize that Trump/Biden/Obama/Bush/whoever, is just an empty suit, a puppet for the elites, and to stop looking up to them is the ultimate move right now.

I have so much peace in my life v 2016 because I don't care, other than care to get Trump supporters to realize Trump just isn't going to do anything for them. And even at that, this is becoming more of an experiment in human psychology and leading to my ability to grow as a person.
What you're saying is ultimately true, but it has practically become not true. Politics has become the corporatization of spiritual matters. People aren't looking to Jesus to lead them. They are too busy looking for Trump/Biden/whoever. It should not be this way but it's been gamed to be this way.

Practically, Trump is gone in 4 years and nothing of what people wear on the RNC stage will matter.

The idea that short term politics dictates culture is patently absurd.
Practically, Trump is gone in 4 years and nothing of what people wear on the RNC stage will matter.

The idea that short term politics dictates culture is patently absurd.
Not what I was addressing.

Your original point was that you don't expect the GOP to be paragons of virtue, not the best representatives of Christianity.

I'm not denying that. In fact, it's the only way someone like me could be swayed over to voting for the GOP. Because I am not under any delusion that the Church is meant to be a worldly government, but rather, sojourners in a strange land.

My point was that politics have hijacked the realm of the Church. The worldview of the left is fundamentally religious. If you disagree with them, you are a sinner for not believing their gay and stupid doctrines. My desire is to stop the spiritual hijacking and take the spirit out of politics and put it back into the Church's hands where it belongs. It is hard to do that and promote that in others if I act in a way that assumes that the answer is political.
It would be politically expedient if the GOP wouldn't make it's Christian base have to hold their nose so hard in order to vote for them.

This is a good argument, but, sadly, Christians have become the minority in America and probably only make up half of the GOP at this point.

Christians must be patient and forgiving here, so that God may have mercy on us. Because only God's mercy can save us at this point.
I don't think the Trump campaign is this dumb, but something to keep an eye out for.

If it's about Kamala's tenure as California's AG, when she jailed people for smoking weed, while she was smoking weed herself, it makes sense.
I don't think it should be a cornestone of Trump's campaign, but it highlights her hypocrisy and drives a wedge between her campaign and voters from the "hood".
It totally depends on how the Trump campaign words it. If it calls out her hypocrisy and that jailing people for smoking weed is not good for our society, then it will be a good move for them. If they go with a blanket "she was too tough on crime and we are going to be more lax on crime", I think it will be a huge blunder.
Could be usefull to demoralize parts of the D voter base.
But what's Trump's stance on weed these days ? Because if he attacks Kamala for weed incarcerations, while he's against the legalization of marijuana it can backfire.
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