Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Less than a week after Trump barely escaped an assassin's bullet, with the world on fire, a dementia patient in the White House and a country in terminal decline, this is what you choose to focus on? This is what really draws your ire?

We must all agree with what @scorpion only wants to discuss. Everything else is off the table.

It also appears that people are more than happy to debate this. Cultural degeneracy has indirectly resulted in this attempted kill shot so why would it NOT be relevant?

We must all agree with what @scorpion only wants to discuss. Everything else is off the table.

It also appears that people are more than happy to debate this. Cultural degeneracy has indirectly resulted in this attempted kill shot so why would it NOT be relevant?
You can discuss it... But it's a little bit of focusing on a tree and missing the forest.
Frankly some of this is getting quite silly.

Speaking of silly...

Well let’s see Trump is/was a billionaire playboy who had sex with a porn star and tons of women on his rise in the Manhattan real estate market during the 80s and 90s. He probably puts guys on this forum to shame magnifying their manwhore tendencies by 1000x. Him or his family doesn’t to my knowledge raise them in a Christian manner and it can be argued they are raised more in a Jewish manner.

Is anyone really surprised his kids and grandkids dress provocatively?

It’s also funny that we speak of familial demons and curses, but yet somehow there’s no way Trump can have lust demons following him or his family. They all get a pass and are immune right? Again the mental masturbation is a thing to behold with his followers.

That’s one point, but really I see women dressed worse than that almost everytime I go outside.
Well let’s see Trump is/was a billionaire playboy who had sex with a porn star and tons of women on his rise in the Manhattan real estate market during the 80s and 90s. He probably puts guys on this forum to shame magnifying their manwhore tendencies by 1000x. Him or his family doesn’t to my knowledge raise them in a Christian manner and it can be argued they are raised more in a Jewish manner.

Is anyone really surprised his kids and grandkids dress provocatively?

It’s also funny that we speak of familial demons and curses, but yet somehow there’s no way Trump can have lust demons following him or his family. They all get a pass and are immune right? Again the mental masturbation is a thing to behold with his followers.

That’s one point, but really I see women dressed worse than that almost everytime I go outside.
Allegedly had sex with a pornstar*
So what? Do I really need to explain that on a Christian forum?

"Make me look sexy like you". Do you not think that is an odd statement as well to say about your daughter?

The problem is with her mother.

A former model. Nightclub owner. Who dated a saudi prince before marrying Donald jr. And after the divorce dated the same Saudi prince which means she was probably seeing him while they were married. He seems to be a decent guy. But protestant pirate anglo countries seem to be filled with whores. Everywhere whores.

He should have put his grandson speaking. Not the grandaughter. Woman are not made for this events. Who cares about the dress. Woman are to be sheltered. Unless she is a future Thatcher. But with that red dress. Dont think so.
The problem is with her mother.

A former model. Nightclub owner. Who dated a saudi prince before marrying Donald jr. And after the divorce dated the same Saudi prince which means she was probably seeing him while they were married. He seems to be a decent guy. But protestant pirate anglo countries seem to be filled with whores. Everywhere whores.

He should have put his grandson speaking. Not the grandaughter. Woman are not made for this events. Who cares about the dress. Woman are to be sheltered. Unless she is a future Thatcher. But with that red dress. Dont think so.
Well yeah I agree she shouldn't have been up there in the first place. Clown world step one.
Is anyone else bothered by Trump nomination speech, when he announced that America is going to build its own "iron dome" (how about "iron dumb") all across the country? We saw with tiny Israel that it doesn't work. Now they want to do that across a county 45x larger? Sounds like a money pit for enriching the military industrial complex once again.
Is anyone else bothered by Trump nomination speech, when he announced that America is going to build its own "iron dome" (how about "iron dumb") all across the country? We saw with tiny Israel that it doesn't work. Now they want to do that across a county 45x larger? Sounds like a money pit for enriching the military industrial complex once again.
Right. While America is destroying itself from within with mental health etc.
An iron dumb just traps all the dumb in.
Stupid boomer logic. Talk about DEI wasting money and they think this is actually better. Both parties are garbage.
Is anyone else bothered by Trump nomination speech, when he announced that America is going to build its own "iron dome" (how about "iron dumb") all across the country? We saw with tiny Israel that it doesn't work. Now they want to do that across a county 45x larger? Sounds like a money pit for enriching the military industrial complex once again.
It would likely be in key infrastructure areas genius....
Well thank you, fellow Orthodox for pointing out my genius. Very kind of you.
Well you act like it's some dome that's suppose to cover every inch of the country.

Its not really any different than rebuilding aircraft carriers or naval vessels.

The reality is that these contracts and jobs are an important part of our economy.

Spending money on defensive capabilities (in addition to the wall) seems like a no brainer to me.