Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

They didnt had even to wait to shoot the sniper. They could have just sent someone to check what was a person in the roof up to. You know. Like wtf is a guy doing on a roof when an ex president is speaking? Amateurish from Trump.
You are so right, bro! Everything's staged! *gasps*

I present you Commandant Eric Lassard in charge of Trump security detail:

View attachment 10002

Do you think rooftops are not areas of concern?

I might not know much about security protection. But I know this: I would never have woman protecting me.

And there is a command post who coordinates agents/personnel. They are not running around like headless chickens.

But hey i feel safer already knowing that the future (hope not) leader of the free world is being protected by lesbians.

We are talking about elite level here. At elite level human errors are non existent. Contingencies are planned. There is no room for errors. There´s other levels of professionalism. 2nd 3nd tier.

Trump is old. He has no idea what is doing. He is healthier than Biden but also old.

Actually saw a movie the other day really good about professional killers. Even though the movie is based in a error. But you can see what an error mean in high level:

All security/law enforcement personnel at the scene: local, federal, private, fall under one and the same command center, which is run by the USSS. The counter-sniper team which clearly spotted the shooter, there's footage of them staring at him through binoculars, had to call it in to their commanders, and they were clearly told to hold. Those orders didn't come from Trump's security team, they came from the secret service agent in charge.
Now, You can call Trump a fool for relying on the fed gov for his protection, and You'll be right to do so. You'll also be right blaiming Trump and his private security team for choosing an open air venue instead of an airplane hangar. But when you blame Trump for the decisions made by the USSS, You're in the wrong - Trump is a private citizen with no authority over federal (or even local) security agencies. The lesbo detachment was not hired by him, it was assigned to him.
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It's like your common rationale is competing with your hate for trump
Quit fucking lying and saying I "hate" Trump everytime I criticize the guy. I don't hate him, I like him as much as I could ever like any politician/celebrity. And even though he's not going to be our next president I'll be voting for him anyhow.
You know full well he isn't the one in charge of that security, you're reaching.
Trump has no say in the matter and may not even be allowed by law to contract his own 3rd party security services.
Bullshit. It's just excuse after excuse with some of you Trump blow hards. If he's not in charge then that's on him. According to you he's so smart and intelligent and such a strong, great leader yet he trusts the JQ run USSS Deep State to protect him? With all of your billions of dollars hire your own team. But then again, if Trump picked his own security detail the way he picked his cabinet and VP he'd probably already be dead.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Maybe if you'd get the TLS shit out of your ears you could hear a differing perspective? Oh I know, only guys who've served in the military know anything about guns and security. 👌
Gloating over an assassination attempt where even innocent bystanders got killed or injured is just next-level low.
Whatever. I don't create reality I just comment on it, so spare me with your condemnation. Nobody is "gloating" or "glad" this has happened. We're just saying it was predictable because Trump never mentions his "faith" or how Jesus Christ radically transformed his life and instead surrounds himself with jews. The jews tried to kill him. Big deal. Yawn. If you sleep with snakes you're going to get bit.
All these keyboard warriors dumping on Trump, who barely just escaped with his life. I don't see any of them out there, risking everything to take on the Deep State.
This is the biggest TLS lie. Trump became president to become as famous as he possibly could in this lifetime, not to defeat the Deep State. Of course now he wants to defeat the Deep State but that is again a stingy personal revenge motive and not an altruistc motive to free the January 6'ers. With Trump it's always him first and others second. That's just the way he's wired. And when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Quit fucking lying and saying I "hate" Trump everytime I criticize the guy. I don't hate him, I like him as much as I could ever like any politician/celebrity. And even though he's not going to be our next president I'll be voting for him anyhow.

Bullshit. It's just excuse after excuse with some of you Trump blow hards. If he's not in charge then that's on him. According to you he's so smart and intelligent and such a strong, great leader yet he trusts the JQ run USSS Deep State to protect him? With all of your billions of dollars hire your own team. But then again, if Trump picked his own security detail the way he picked his cabinet and VP he'd probably already be dead.

Maybe if you'd get the TLS shit out of your ears you could hear a differing perspective? Oh I know, only guys who've served in the military know anything about guns and security. 👌

Whatever. I don't create reality I just comment on it, so spare me with your condemnation. Nobody is "gloating" or "glad" this has happened. We're just saying it was predictable because Trump never mentions his "faith" or how Jesus Christ radically transformed his life and instead surrounds himself with jews. The jews tried to kill him. Big deal. Yawn. If you sleep with snakes you're going to get bit.

This is the biggest TLS lie. Trump became president to become as famous as he possibly could in this lifetime, not to defeat the Deep State. Of course now he wants to defeat the Deep State but that is again a stingy personal revenge motive and not an altruistc motive to free the January 6'ers. With Trump it's always him first and others second. That's just the way he's wired. And when someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Dude calm down, there are lots of reasons to criticize Trump but this situation isn't one of them but you still found a way to make it one. It wasn't a "scam" that he got shot at, how are you even trying to say that with a straight face. Your post I spoke to was talking out of both sides of your mouth and you're doing that still.
Quit fucking lying and saying I "hate" Trump everytime I criticize the guy. I don't hate him, I like him as much as I could ever like any politician/celebrity. And even though he's not going to be our next president I'll be voting for him anyhow.

Bullshit. It's just excuse after excuse with some of you Trump blow hards. If he's not in charge then that's on him. According to you he's so smart and intelligent and such a strong, great leader yet he trusts the JQ run USSS Deep State to protect him? With all of your billions of dollars hire your own team. But then again, if Trump picked his own security detail the way he picked his cabinet and VP he'd probably already be dead.

Maybe if you'd get the TLS shit out of your ears you could hear a differing perspective? Oh I know, only guys who've served in the military know anything about guns and security. 👌

Whatever. I don't create reality I just comment on it, so spare me with your condemnation. Nobody is "gloating" or "glad" this has happened. We're just saying it was predictable because Trump never mentions his "faith" or how Jesus Christ radically transformed his life and instead surrounds himself with jews. The jews tried to kill him. Big deal. Yawn. If you sleep with snakes you're going to get bit.

This is the biggest TLS lie. Trump became president to become as famous as he possibly could in this lifetime, not to defeat the Deep State. Of course now he wants to defeat the Deep State but that is again a stingy personal revenge motive and not an altruistc motive to free the January 6'ers. With Trump it's always him first and others second. That's just the way he's wired. And when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Nope... Plenty of non military folks know lots about guns and stuff.

Some also know how VIP protection detail works.

So far I don't believe you're one of them.

Making this reflection of failure somehow be Trump's fault is silly...and shows some other pathological disdain for him.

I'm leaning towards the following theory; The shooter was a deranged/crazy Trump supporter. His goal was to "help" trump win by performing a near assassination. It explains the clumsy 15$ donation to the Dems even though he was a registered Republican, and also the near miss. He aimed for the ear on purpose in other words.
My boomer parents that believe every single word the TV tells them (both triple vaccinated) told me the same you just did. My parents are over 70 and dont know how to use the Internet. You somehow found this forum and you do have access to a lot of information. If your post isnt sarcastic, I cant take you as a person serios. That someone believes that some 20 year old Antifa guy can aim perfectly to Trumps ear. Pls....
My boomer parents that believe every single word the TV tells them (both triple vaccinated) told me the same you just did. My parents are over 70 and dont know how to use the Internet. You somehow found this forum and you do have access to a lot of information. If your post isnt sarcastic, I cant take you as a person serios. That someone believes that some 20 year old Antifa guy can aim perfectly to Trumps ear. Pls....
More real world weather data is coming out proving that 100 percent is not true. Wind impact on bullet strike.

Some of these anti trump theories are so incredibly preconceived it's hard to have rational discourse with those pushing them.

Occam's razor says the guy was allowed to shoot at Trump because of USSS failures.

The question is, were those collusion to an attempted assassination or just failures due to incompetence.
The idea that its plausible to shoot to graze someones ear isn't in question.

I think the question is what kind of lunatic is going to propose it as a plan.

"So guys, heres the plan... we need to secure our guy in office. The best way to do this would be something heroic, like a brush with death. I propose we get an expert marksman to shoot him in the ear..."

"Shoot him in the ear?!"

"Yeah we shoot him in the ear, stage a heroic photo. Bam! One way ticket to the White House. What could go wrong?"

"I mean you could accidentally shoot him in the head?"

"Well... there is that..."
I'm leaning towards the following theory; The shooter was a deranged/crazy Trump supporter. His goal was to "help" trump win by performing a near assassination. It explains the clumsy 15$ donation to the Dems even though he was a registered Republican, and also the near miss. He aimed for the ear on purpose in other words.

Yes this is the sort of faggotry I was expecting from this thread, take the next step and say Trump slashed his ear with a razor like the iron sheik and paid the shooter kid to shoot a bystander
I’m a little surprised no one in this thread is saying Trump did a blade job like the iron sheik while a false flag shooter shot someone . Shooter and crowd victim check, Trump wounded check,” Trump did a false flag to rig the election!”

Cmon magoo. Maybe iimt said this already, I have him blocked
Clear blade job, that's how they do it. They pile up on the guy and in the confusion he blades himself.
That's how Stone Cold turned to babyface and Bret Hart to heel in 1997. ;)
Quit fucking lying and saying I "hate" Trump everytime I criticize the guy. I don't hate him, I like him as much as I could ever like any politician/celebrity. And even though he's not going to be our next president I'll be voting for him anyhow.

Bullshit. It's just excuse after excuse with some of you Trump blow hards. If he's not in charge then that's on him. According to you he's so smart and intelligent and such a strong, great leader yet he trusts the JQ run USSS Deep State to protect him? With all of your billions of dollars hire your own team. But then again, if Trump picked his own security detail the way he picked his cabinet and VP he'd probably already be dead.

Maybe if you'd get the TLS shit out of your ears you could hear a differing perspective? Oh I know, only guys who've served in the military know anything about guns and security. 👌

Whatever. I don't create reality I just comment on it, so spare me with your condemnation. Nobody is "gloating" or "glad" this has happened. We're just saying it was predictable because Trump never mentions his "faith" or how Jesus Christ radically transformed his life and instead surrounds himself with jews. The jews tried to kill him. Big deal. Yawn. If you sleep with snakes you're going to get bit.

This is the biggest TLS lie. Trump became president to become as famous as he possibly could in this lifetime, not to defeat the Deep State. Of course now he wants to defeat the Deep State but that is again a stingy personal revenge motive and not an altruistc motive to free the January 6'ers. With Trump it's always him first and others second. That's just the way he's wired. And when someone shows you who they are, believe them.

What got your knickers in a twist brah?

Should I bring my own security team when I'm gonna hang out with you in the forest?
So far, the left is doing a better job of campaigning for Trump than his own team is. The jailing, shooting, and Biden's senility make him look a lot better than all of his defenses for his watered-down stances do. If he wants to have the best chance of overpowering the rigged vote, he should keep his head down like Biden did in 2020.
Again... You're out of your element Donnie.

This isn't the movies.

The security team is under the USSS. Of course there were clearly gaps in their coverage. We don't know which agency us completely responsible for the failures, but it is safe to say that there were significant failures by the USSS. On that we agree.

How you continually connect this to Trump himself is what is illogical.

At this point something isn't computing and this is just turning into a conversation where you bash in trump for any perceived angle.

It's nonsense as I and others have noted.
If you think Trump has not one person in his staff who works as a liaision officer with the USSS than you are the one who doesn´t know what you are talking about. I hope he has someone. If he doesn´t it´s worse than I thought. He might not have anyone. That incompetent retard. Instead of golfing he could be working.

He can vet the agents they send him and ask for different agents. And can also at worse case hire his own team. Or ask die hard trump fans vets to protect him. There should be dogs. Undercover cops everywhere. In the audience. Drones.

The problem is simple: He is unfit. He was unfit from day one when he filled his cabinet with snakes. And he is still a retard who nobody understands what the fuck he is doing. Besides saying some nice words.

When he was shot. And of course it´s a terrible situation. Do you think he asked if anyone else was hurt? Like any decent person would do? That guy is an opportunist. Even the photo is ridiculous. A woman protecting him? It´s embarassing. I can imagine foreign leaders. Dude look at that. How vulnerable US is.

You just got shot. What you are suppose to do is run to safety. And assure everybody around you does also. Not pretend you are in a hollywood movie. Some people think it´s staged because of the aberrant reaction. They don´t understand that´s how an opportunist operates.

You rather give the benefit of doubt to Trump. Do it. Don´t regret it after. I was checking his first term cabinet members the other day. And it´s a shitshow. Wtf? There are millions of republicans. And he surrounds himself of shit. One of them was a democrat. Imagine this. Gary Cohn. Chief economic advisor.

I think this was the goal of project 2025. But that moron because he is a weak bitch already disawoved the project. And this means he wants to bent over again. There was a similar site before. In his first cancidacy which he used for zero. Because the prideful bitch probably despises his own people.

For the record I don´t think any of this is staged. He was shot to be killed. He is too stupid and would never accept to get a shot with the possibility of dying. What the alphabet agencies do nowadays is let things happen. They know a threat exists. And let it happen. They of course knew about everything. And did nothing to stop it. But guess what. This is high stakes politics. Elite level. One mistake and you die.

In Mexico the jew president killed all her oposition in elections. US is Mexico now? killing candidates?

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If you think Trump has not one person in his staff who works as a liaision officer with the USSS than you are the one who doesn´t know what you are talking about. I hope he has someone. If he doesn´t it´s worse than I thought. He might not have anyone. That incompetent retard. Instead of golfing he could be working.

He can vet the agents they send him and ask for different agents. And can also at worse case hire his own team. Or ask die hard trump fans vets to protect him. There should be dogs. Undercover cops everywhere. In the audience. Drones.

The problem is simple: He is unfit. He was unfit from day one when he filled his cabinet with snakes. And he is still a retard who nobody understands what the fuck he is doing. Besides saying some nice words.

When he was shot. And of course it´s a terrible situation. Do you think he asked if anyone else was hurt? Like any decent person would do? That guy is an opportunist. Even the photo is ridiculous. A woman protecting him? It´s embarassing. I can imagine foreign leaders. Dude look at that. How vulnerable US is.

You just got shot. What you are suppose to do is run to safety. And assure everybody around you does also. Not pretend you are in a hollywood movie. Some people think it´s staged because of the aberrant reaction. They don´t understand that´s how an opportunist operates.

You rather give the benefit of doubt to Trump. Do it. Don´t regret it after. I was checking his first term cabinet members the other day. And it´s a shitshow. Wtf? There are millions of republicans. And he surrounds himself of shit. One of them was a democrat. Imagine this. Gary Cohn. Chief economic advisor.

I think this was the goal of project 2025. But that moron because he is a weak bitch already disawoved the project. And this means he wants to bent over again. There was a similar site before. In his first cancidacy which he used for zero. Because the prideful bitch probably despises his own people.

For the record I don´t think any of this is staged. He was shot to be killed. He is too stupid and would never accept to get a shot with the possibility of dying. What the alphabet agencies do nowadays is let things happen. They know a threat exists. And let it happen. They of course knew about everything. And did nothing to stop it. But guess what. This is high stakes politics. Elite level. One mistake and you die.

In Mexico the jew president killed all her oposition in elections. US is Mexico now? killing candidates?

It only takes one rat to poison a well, you should know that brother.
My boomer parents that believe every single word the TV tells them (both triple vaccinated) told me the same you just did. My parents are over 70 and dont know how to use the Internet. You somehow found this forum and you do have access to a lot of information. If your post isnt sarcastic, I cant take you as a person serios. That someone believes that some 20 year old Antifa guy can aim perfectly to Trumps ear. Pls....

It doesn't hurt to try out some different ideas when things that seem extremely unlikely happen. I've been on the forum since 2017 btw, and I've seen any number of far-out ideas, which I usually don't adhere to. But I agree that this turned out to be very unlikely and didn't age well. The only thing that will age worse is the second Trump term! So we're left with gross incompetence or deliberate act on part of some parties. Don't quite know what to believe in this case!

Some people have decided on a narrative that fits them (divine intervention) and they won't consider anything else. Trump's head didn't move much at all. I can't tell you how much I dislike that idea!

Isn't it faster than that btw? Thought the exit speed of a rifle bullet such as that would be more like 1000-1200m/s, meaning more like 0.1s, or maybe a tad more at 130m? I can accept that he just missed by some incredible fluke, but don't give me that moved his head talk!
Some people have decided on a narrative that fits them (divine intervention) and they won't consider anything else. Trump's head didn't move much at all. I can't tell you how much I dislike that idea!

Isn't it faster than that btw? Thought the exit speed of a rifle bullet such as that would be more like 1200m/s, meaning more like 0.1s, or maybe a tad more at 130m? I can accept that he just missed by some incredible fluke, but don't give me that moved his head talk!

This forum is littered with veterans who have been left for dead in 'real life' who have hands on experience with this kind of weaponry so there's no way this thing was "staged", no way at all possible unless they're all playing 80d chess.
This is probably the most obvious false flag that I’ve seen in a long time, but I can see that no one here is interested in dialogue. My theory is that Zog has decided to drop Biden and push Trump to the White House, so that we can have the war that they desperately want and the forever trumpers would be more than happy to throw their lives away for the man, just like they did in Jan 6.
This is probably the most obvious false flag that I’ve seen in a long time, but I can see that no one here is interested in dialogue. My theory is that Zog has decided to drop Biden and push Trump to the White House, so that we can have the war that they desperately want and the forever trumpers would be more than happy to throw their lives away for the man, just like they did in Jan 6.

Trump will not go into a major war with Russia, or any other country for that matter.
His first term as president showed that despite all his many flaws, broken promises, jew ass kissing, and endless other problems, that was the ONE thing he actually got right. That's one of the major reasons they want to rid rid of him....because with him out of the way they can start huge wars.
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This forum is littered with veterans who have been left for dead in 'real life' who have hands on experience with this kind of weaponry so there's no way this thing was "staged", no way at all possible unless they're all playing 80d chess.

Seems like you're replying to a different comment almost! I just said that the "he moved his head" idea is not sound at all. He tilted his head, but didn't move much. It was also probably around 0.1 secs from trigger to impact, which again shuts that idea down! He got more rounds off though, don't know if he was aiming for Trump after the first shot? Trump was there to be hit when the shots rang out as far as I can see from the video!