Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

This is why he should have hired his own people. Because theres a flaw in his security. And theres probably a list of vulnerabilities in all of his operation. Not only security.

They didnt had even to shoot the sniper. They could have just sent someone to check what was a person in the roof up to. You know. Like wtf is a guy doing on a roof when an ex president is speaking? Amateurish from Trump.

Warp draft operation full speed ahead.

You’re trying to blame Trump for having a weak ss detail? He had bad security from the secret service therefore he’s an amateur?

If he keeps the same security and makes no changes then I might be inclined to agree. But you do understand he isn’t president right now and he’s not in charge of the secret service details he receives?
But the AR caused him to shoot at the head, fearing the body armor, my guess. So, the AR made the job more difficult. They almost were able to pull it off with the AR-15, but it seems they added more difficulty to their job. I guess that was the calculation, pulling off a headshot with a lighter/easier to use rifle.
It comes down to the question: how much did they prep him if any at all ? The kid could have been easily just groomed online, and he was using whatever marksmenship skills he already knew. Shooting sub 200 yards is not an advanced skill, he could have learned it from his dad. You can easily find 200-300 yard public ranges (not to mention private grounds) in Pennsylvania for him to practice on his own. And for an amateur shooter, the AR platform chambered in 5.56 is one of the the easiest weapons to master. I think the reason for his failure (not counting Divine intervention) was emotional, this was just some kid not a stone cold killer, he never had a living, breathing human being in his sights before, emotions could have kicked in making his breathing erratic, his heart rate galloping - and that's more than enough to affect his shooting.
I agree on the ear thing, but not that it's a very difficult shot, that's simply not true. A man standing in one spot is not counted as a moving target either. This guy is shooting at 770 yards with an AR-15 in strong wind and it's pretty precise. Realize that there's a lot of variables here of course.

You're comparing a professional shooter, possibly with military background, shooting targets downrange with a kid, with no military background taking aim at another human being for the first time in his life.
You're comparing a professional shooter, possibly with military background, shooting targets downrange with a kid, with no military background taking aim at another human being for the first time in his life.
Yeah not apples to apples here.

It comes down to the question: how much did they prep him if any at all ? The kid could have been easily just groomed online, and he was using whatever marksmenship skills he already knew. Shooting sub 200 yards is not an advanced skill, he could have learned it from his dad. You can easily find 200-300 yard public ranges (not to mention private grounds) in Pennsylvania for him to practice on his own. And for an amateur shooter, the AR platform chambered in 5.56 is one of the the easiest weapons to master. I think the reason for his failure (not counting Divine intervention) was emotional, this was just some kid not a stone cold killer, he never had a living, breathing human being in his sights before, emotions could have kicked in making his breathing erratic, his heart rate galloping - and that's more than enough to affect his shooting.
Apparently there was a former cop who found the guy right before he took the shots at trump. Shooter pointed the rifle at him, then turned back to trump and took the shots as the person who found him pointed out to local police.
You’re trying to blame Trump for having a weak ss detail? He had bad security from the secret service therefore he’s an amateur?

Not trying. He is the sole responsible for his security. Nobody else. If the security fails. He fails. If a team fails. The coach fails. It´s not the guy who brings water bottles.

If he keeps the same security and makes no changes then I might be inclined to agree. But you do understand he isn’t president right now and he’s not in charge of the secret service details he receives?

The people who make his security. Make police academy cops movies look good. What were those two woman doing there? Not even in Police academy movies. Like what is this shit? Woman protecting a president? Is this the guy who will protect the west???

Here´s Trump next SS detail:


I´m sure there would be many ex cops, vets and other Trump fanatics who would be dying to help him. Maybe even for free. Literally would work for free to protect him. But he has money. And he can pay and hire the best. But he is a retard.

But what can I say? I saw this movie before. This is not something new. He surrounds himself by backstabbing people. And when they backstab him am I supposed to look surprised? He is unfit. If not for anything else. For his inability to recruit competent loyal people for the right places.
Trump is not capable of recruiting the right people for the right places. And you will see his cabinet. Dude he should say now the names so people are not dissapointed after.

This time 1 people died. When he becomes president. We will see. He failed now. He will fail again.

Bibi already stated this was an attack on America. He is waiting to add "and America have to retaliate". The script is written. Whatever the Mossad boys have in mind for us won´t be pretty. They seem to don´t like cars and music. Hey maybe they will surprise us with something new.
Not trying. He is the sole responsible for his security. Nobody else. If the security fails. He fails. If a team fails. The coach fails. It´s not the guy who brings water bottles.

The people who make his security. Make police academy cops movies look good. What were those two woman doing there? Not even in Police academy movies. Like what is this shit? Woman protecting a president? Is this the guy who will protect the west???

Here´s Trump next SS detail:

View attachment 9997

I´m sure there would be many ex cops, vets and other Trump fanatics who would be dying to help him. Maybe even for free. Literally would work for free to protect him. But he has money. And he can pay and hire the best. But he is a retard.

But what can I say? I saw this movie before. This is not something new. He surrounds himself by backstabbing people. And when they backstab him am I supposed to look surprised? He is unfit. If not for anything else. For his inability to recruit competent loyal people for the right places.
Trump is not capable of recruiting the right people for the right places. And you will see his cabinet. Dude he should say now so people are not dissapointed after.

He might have been a mediocre businessman. But he is a terrible politician. He sucks. And this time 1 people died. When he becomes president. We will see.

Bibi already stated this was an attack on America. He is waiting to add "and America have to retaliate". The script is written. Whatever the Mossad boys have in mind for us won´t be pretty. They seem to don´t like cars and music. Hey maybe they will surprise us with something new.
Your constant criticism here is devoid of experience or reality with personal security details.
Your constant criticism here is devoid of experience or reality with personal security details.

The guy was shot. And not killed by an inch. What am I missing?

He wasn´t saved by his people. But by a struck of luck. He and his team is unable to anticipate what is obvious to anonymous users posting in an online forum. The next months are going to be critical. Until at least the DNC.

You have a guy standing on a roof and nobody asks what he is doing there? This is bellow african level professionals. You communicate and ask. Does anyone know who is the person on the roof? Please X. Go and check it out.

I also never understood why americans forgave Bush for 9/11. It even increased his popularity. If people continue thinking this way. Future won´t be bright. Rewarding failures. It´s not the right path.
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The guy knows how to pull off a PR stunt. Wow. Stage, stunt and costume designers deserve a gold medal. I can’t stop laughing at this, really.

Don’t even care if he gets elected at this point, same for the other party, but for Trump to pull off this stunt is below all the standards he pretends to advocate for.

Perfect for content-hungry society.
After all, he is inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame. He knows how to work.
The guy was shot. And not killed by an inch. What am I missing?
Your points about both security details and the agencies behind them.

There was a failure by the team, your correct.

But to equate that with the VIP being protected is not concomitant with how these things work.

I say you don't have experience or depth in this because the way you're communicating and your points demonstrate a lack of process knowledge of how protective details work.
Your points about both security details and the agencies behind them.

There was a failure by the team, your correct.

But to equate that with the VIP being protected is not concomitant with how these things work.

I say you don't have experience or depth in this because the way you're communicating and your points demonstrate a lack of process knowledge of how protective details work.

Because the only motive is to bash Trump, reality means nothing. I have no special love for trump he is simply better for my life and the lesser of two evils, but the fact that some here just want to knock him down for something with no substance and will never let it go is a bit much....
After all, he is inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame. He knows how to work.

I’m a little surprised no one in this thread is saying Trump did a blade job like the iron sheik while a false flag shooter shot someone . Shooter and crowd victim check, Trump wounded check,” Trump did a false flag to rig the election!”

Cmon magoo. Maybe iimt said this already, I have him blocked
The guy was shot. And not killed by an inch. What am I missing?
You're missing the chain of command.
You've got USSS, local police (both state and county) and whatever rent-a-SWAT private security team Trump had (if he had any) working the same venue. Who do You think was in charge ? You think that federal agents fall under the command of a private security company ?
The USSS was running the show. And who's in charge of the USSS ? Is it Trump ?
You're missing the chain of command.
You've got USSS, local police (both state and county) and whatever rent-a-SWAT private security team Trump had (if he had any) working the same venue. Who do You think was in charge ? You think that federal agents fall under the command of a private security company ?
The USSS was running the show. And who's in charge of the USSS ? Is it Trump ?
I present you Commandant Eric Lassard in charge of Trump security detail:


Do you think rooftops are not areas of concern?

I might not know much about security protection. But I know this: I would never have woman protecting me.

And there is a command post who coordinates agents/personnel. They are not running around like headless chickens.

But hey i feel safer already knowing that the future (hope not) leader of the free world is being protected by lesbians.

We are talking about elite level here. At elite level human errors are non existent. Contingencies are planned. There is no room for errors. There´s other levels of professionalism. 2nd 3nd tier.

Trump is old. He has no idea what is doing. He is healthier than Biden but also old.

Actually saw a movie the other day really good about professional killers. Even though the movie is based in a error. But you can see what an error mean in high level:

I don't know enough about this subject to say. Do you have experience as a sharp-shooter? I'll buy it if so, but there's few rational explanations left here. That he just missed by centimeteres is hard to swallow for me at least!
I’m not on SWAT but I’m a lifelong shooter, to ranges up to 1100m. I would rate myself an above average marksman. Given perfect conditions (none or light, steady wind), I can get an 80% hit rate on a 1” target at 200m. About the size of a large coin like a US quarter. On any given day (high temperature mirages that mess up the atmosphere, wind etc) it’s not feasible. Obviously a stationary target and not someone dancing around a stage. Easier to do at half the range, but by no means easy…just possible. I don’t think it was an intentional ear-shot or near miss, but I do think it is technically a possible shot to pull off.

I’ve not shot an AR-15 that can do that, but anything is possible with the right components. Nobody is buying an AR-15 off the shelf that can shoot that accurately though. A good off the shelf bolt-action rifle (with hand-loaded ammo, not factory) is capable, however.

Looking at the situation more, not only did he not have the best tool (using an AR-15 and not a bolt-action rifle), it looks like he was under time pressure because people noticed him and raised the alarm within his earshot, so he rushed the shot and missed. All those people that were screaming at the police to do something probably saved Trumps life by spoiling the shooters “bubble”. Interrupt that and it’s easy to miss.
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Feels strange to say it, but I actually believe the official story on this one...

Does it seem like a reach to think there are mentally unstable folks out there who would kill Trump if they had the chance, some who would prepare and wait for the right opportunity? The media has been going with Trump is Hitler for years now. Some people consume way too much of that trash and it messes with their heads. We probably all know someone who that personally happened to. Some unstable and impressionable 20 year old hopped up on antifa meetings does something like this?

It's also not far fetched to find out that the PD staffing the event, and the secret service were incompetent and did their jobs poorly.
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I present you Commandant Eric Lassard in charge of Trump security detail:

View attachment 10002

Do you think rooftops are not areas of concern?

I might not know much about security protection. But I know this: I would never have woman protecting me.

And there is a command post who coordinates agents/personnel. They are not running around like headless chickens.

But hey i feel safer already knowing that the future (hope not) leader of the free world is being protected by lesbians.

We are talking about elite level here. At elite level human errors are non existent. Contingencies are planned. There is no room for errors. There´s other levels of professionalism. 2nd 3nd tier.

Trump is old. He has no idea what is doing. He is healthier than Biden but also old.

Actually saw a movie the other day really good about professional killers. Even though the movie is based in a error. But you can see what an error mean in high level:

Again... You're out of your element Donnie.

This isn't the movies.

The security team is under the USSS. Of course there were clearly gaps in their coverage. We don't know which agency us completely responsible for the failures, but it is safe to say that there were significant failures by the USSS. On that we agree.

How you continually connect this to Trump himself is what is illogical.

At this point something isn't computing and this is just turning into a conversation where you bash in trump for any perceived angle.

It's nonsense as I and others have noted.
Regarding Trump's Israel fealty (a legit complaint), there are limits:

Basically, Trump has beef with Netanyahu for several reasons. Netanyahu probably prefers Haley. Basically, don't expect Trump to be a Bibi poodle. That's refreshing, as the issue is my primary Trump complaint.

The video is worth a couple of minutes.

Let me guess: these are the people that you are getting your information from, yes?



