Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I agree on the ear thing, but not that it's a very difficult shot, that's simply not true. A man standing in one spot is not counted as a moving target either. This guy is shooting at 770 yards with an AR-15 in strong wind and it's pretty precise. Realize that there's a lot of variables here of course.

A 2.5cm by 2.5cm (1 inch by 1 inch for my colonial cousins) is a very small target at the range they quote.

Moving your head while talking will move that tiny target by more than it's total size often and irregularly.

Add that to the adrenaline going through your system as you attempt a shot on a president in view of the public, press, and counter snipers of the USSS.

It isn't happening, outside of bad fiction.
A 2.5cm by 2.5cm (1 inch by 1 inch for my colonial cousins) is a very small target at the range they quote.

Moving your head while talking will move that tiny target by more than it's total size often and irregularly.

Add that to the adrenaline going through your system as you attempt a shot on a president in view of the public, press, and counter snipers of the USSS.

It isn't happening, outside of bad fiction.

We can speculate endlessly of course. I remember they did a test on the JFK scenario with average level hunters, (same rifle, target size, speed of vehicle etc.) and most of them managed landing would-be fatal shots. I just think that some might exaggerate the difficulty a little bit, based on other info I've gathered. Granted I'm by no means an expert on this at all.
do not insult
Haha well you post mindless garbage and said this was all a pr stunt.

There's a dead guy now.

Your point was stupid, incorrect, and Im simply pointing that out.

The fact that you got soooooo upset really proves my point.

Maybe the internet is not the place for you and you need to go enjoy nature.
Hahaha such a low life. Truth hurts, especially after one filthy rich elderly man embodies all your values. Don’t forget the wiping out part, and make sure you share that love with your circle - don’t be jealous and keep it all to yourself. Bon appetite!
Hahaha such a low life. Truth hurts, especially after one filthy rich elderly man embodies all your values. Don’t forget the wiping out part, and make sure you share that love with your circle - don’t be jealous and keep it all to yourself. Bon appetite!
This is a really bizarre post.

Thank you for your meaningful contributions to this discourse by encouraging me to eat excrement. Is that a thing they do where you're from?

Meanwhile you're calling the death of an innocent bystander and an Assassination attempt a PR stunt. I find that pretty disgusting and reprehensible.

I think again, that you need to get away from this medium and engage with real people. I don't suspect that telling people to eat shit is how your priest would recommend you engage... But maybe I'm wrong.
This is a really bizarre post.

Thank you for your meaningful contributions to this discourse by encouraging me to eat excitement.

Meanwhile you're calling the death of an innocent bystander and an Assassination attempt a PR stunt. I find that pretty disgusting and reprehensible.

I think again, that you need to get away from this medium and engage with real people. I don't suspect that telling people to eat shit is how your priest would recommend you engage... But maybe I'm wrong.
Again, mind your own childish plays, and stay away from my opinions as you’re so small to be considered in them. Just steer clear and go bother others with your useless takes.

You must thank my priest for how friendly I’m talking to you. Make sure you pray for us tonight. We will certainly pray for your soul.

Make no mistake, you’re enjoying your meal right now because you decided to get yourself involved. That’s all.
Again, mind your own childish plays, and stay away from my opinions as you’re so small to be considered in them. Just steer clear and go bother others with your useless takes.

You must thank my priest for how friendly I’m talking to you. Make sure you pray for us tonight. We will certainly pray for your soul.

Make no mistake, you’re enjoying your meal right now because you decided to get yourself involved. That’s all.

whaaat GIF
Again, mind your own childish plays, and stay away from my opinions as you’re so small to be considered in them. Just steer clear and go bother others with your useless takes.

You must thank my priest for how friendly I’m talking to you. Make sure you pray for us tonight. We will certainly pray for your soul.

Make no mistake, you’re enjoying your meal right now because you decided to get yourself involved. That’s all.
Oooookkkkk... Again this is really bizarre. I am enjoying a meal, BBQ pulled pork cooked on my grill.

Except that's not how it works. This is a forum with posts. You make a post, people challenge that point. I don't know how things work where you live... But that's how it works here.

If you get yourself in a tizzy after saying stupid and disgusting comments and are this called out... You are only getting your just deserts.

I didn't tell you to eat shit, merely pointed out how retarded the take is...and im not attacking you personally.

Seems like you need help from your priest for not lashing out to people on the internet. He might suggest that if posting is causing such a passionate response then it might not be healthy.

So I suggest again you touch grass and engage with real people. or don't...Reeeeee!!!!!
Oooookkkkk... Again this is really bizarre. I am enjoying a meal, BBQ pulled pork cooked on my grill.

Except that's not how it works. This is a forum with posts. You make a post, people challenge that point. I don't know how things work where you live... But that's how it works here.

If you get yourself in a tizzy after saying stupid and disgusting comments and are this called out... You are only getting your just deserts.

I didn't tell you to eat shit, merely pointed out how retarded the take is...and im not attacking you personally.

Seems like you need help from your priest for not lashing out to people on the internet. He might suggest that if posting is causing such a passionate response then it might not be healthy.

So I suggest again you touch grass and engage with real people. or don't...Reeeeee!!!!!
Not gonna even bother reading this. Stop repeating and spamming like a child.

I know this sucks, everyone, sorry. Didn’t think I’ll end up repeating so many times to a grown human.
Not gonna even bother reading this. Stop repeating and spamming like a child.

I know this sucks, everyone, sorry. Didn’t think I’ll end up repeating so many times to a grown human.

Buddy you made a silly comment that ended up being dead wrong, yea you ate some shit over's called the internet that happens. Why not just move on instead of acting outraged and attacking to deflect from it?
Buddy you made a silly comment that ended up being dead wrong, yea you ate some shit over's called the internet that happens. Why not just move on instead of acting outraged and attacking to deflect from it?
You sounded like this one😂.

From the true far right perspectives. "Zion Don" is a problem for not saving Whites in America, but the jewish commies still ultimately want him dead. Even if he is israel's greatest goy.

Many think it was an attempt made directly by the US government or at least allowed. That government is waiting to draft as many White children as possible to fight in israeli wars.

I do not believe he will progress beyond who he is now, even after more attempts on his life. There is such a pathological hatred for this man ingrained in the common people in America that he will have to have a security detail with him for the rest of his life unless he goes to settle down on a remote ranch somewhere after politics. At this point, if the assassination attempt was legitimate and he had no knowledge of it, his internal soul should have changed and he should go balls to the wall on completely taking over America with a vision of relentless uncompromising vigor.

The die is cast now, they'll keep shooting at him, so he might as well go full Caesar and use his popular support to overthrow the swamp for real, and the will of the people would keep the jews in their place. Again, I don't see him doing any of this, but the possibility of it is debatable.
I do have a question...

Why didn't the Antifa assassins use a .50 caliber and aim for his body mass, making it a certain kill. I understand with a 5.56 that the bullet proof clothing Trump wears might protect him, so they aimed for his head, but why not just use a bigger caliber, hit center mass, and make it a much easier shot?

The answer probably is: "the drugged-up idiots who tried to shoot Trump probably didn't think it through". But is there another reason they might have not chosen the larger caliber and easier shot?
Same reason why You won't see people driving an F1 race car to the grocery store. You don't need that kind of power for such a small job (in case of the shooting, sub 200 yards), and because most people can't handle such power, not without training anyway.
He took the AR because it's easy to handle and he knew how to do it.
Same reason why You won't see people driving an F1 race car to the grocery store. You don't need that kind of power for such a small job (in case of the shooting, sub 200 yards), and because most people can't handle such power, not without training anyway.
He took the AR because it's easy to handle and he knew how to do it.
But the AR caused him to shoot at the head, fearing the body armor, my guess. So, the AR made the job more difficult. They almost were able to pull it off with the AR-15, but it seems they added more difficulty to their job. I guess that was the calculation, pulling off a headshot with a lighter/easier to use rifle.
They don't even try to cover it up with all the cell phone video available.

This is why he should have hired his own people. Because theres a flaw in his security. And theres probably a list of vulnerabilities in all of his operation. Not only security.

They didnt had even to wait to shoot the sniper. They could have just sent someone to check what was a person in the roof up to. You know. Like wtf is a guy doing on a roof when an ex president is speaking? Amateurish from Trump.

Warp draft operation full speed ahead.

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