Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Europeans who've never touched a gun in their lives have no idea what's going on.
Historically Europe is the region of the world with the most violence. There´s no other people on earth that saw more wars than Europeans.

But I dont think it´s staged. There´s a lot of theories. In wrestling they cut to have blood. But Trump is too incompetent for that.

Trump is an unvoluntary puppet. They know if they do X he will do Y. He is too much of a lazy and superficial to understand anything elaborated. He can if he wants. But he is lazy. He is unfit. He is an old fart. Either he can´t recruit talent to surrond himself with. Or he is an incompetent. Whatever the reason. Fact is: He is unfit.

Trump money comes from his father. He never had to move a muscle. And it shows.

They knew he wouldn´t double check on security measures. In an organization the fault always falls on the leader. It´s bad leadership to say it´s anyone else fault.

Believe what you want to believe Samseau. But this level of escalation of violence is a really bad sign for things to come. We are entering into the storm again. Terrorist attack+Draft incoming. It´s a loose train. US and Europe are about to have a really rough ride. Corona is nothing
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So is trump still controlled opposition?

Or do we now just hate him because....feelings?

I feel like some of you are in a tough spot now because you've lost your number one manufactured reasons to dislike trump and you're reaching pretty hard....

Difficult to admit when perhaps you're wrong, much easier to double and triple down.
I think some people need to cool it a bit here. You might be pro Trump, but don't lose your mind completely. If someone dears think out of the box for a second it's the inquisition all over again. (at least with questioning Trump)

I agree that it was a far out idea, but read what I wrote first, don't put worlds in my mouth. And what's your explanation for what just happened here? Personal attacks are not supposed to be permitted here, but still I'm banned for a week while I was the "victim" of them!?
My apologies if I have misunderstood. I thought you were suggesting that this has been staged for Trump's benefit, which is why it's important to establish that such a shot could be made reliably, to hit someone's ear with a bullet at 400 feet.

No probs! I was suggesting (just as a theory) that he could have intended to "help Trump out," from the perspective of a mentally unstable person. But I admit that it's a long shot. (no pun intended)
You do realise that an innocent bystander was killed, and 2 other bystanders were seriously injured right ?
And that’s the most tragic thing here. I sympathize with their families. Hope the two injured recover soon!

Yet, how many times have the donald-lovers brought up condolences for these innocent bystanders vs how many times have they praises “the head”, “the fist”, the “heroic shoelace” since yesterday?

Anyways. My original comment stays, and it didn’t insult anyone, it wasn’t directed toward anyone. Yet people, not sure how and why, took it personally and decided defend donald.

Word of advice to anyone who cares, go enjoy your Sunday with families and friends, as this show is just beginning.
Notice how people are cutting each other’s throats again. Notice how a relatively calm (with the usual dose of clown world of course) week turned into all out war right when heading to weekend. Notice all anomalies, as always.
You matter, your families matter, your GOD matters! Everything and anyone else must be beneath.
I don't think there's a man in the world who can reliably shoot people's ears off at 400 ft away with an AR-15. The difference between grazing and killing is a couple inches. And it would be especially hard to find someone this good who is also suicidal.
Yeah, it's the weak point in my theory. But man, that shot just grazing Trump's cheek like that. What are the odds. No permanent damage but an unbelievable photo op. A dueling scar too, as someone else pointed out. That photo with the blood streaming down his face, fist raised, American flag in the background. So perfect. If it was all a coincidence, what a coincidence. If any of you haven't seen The Manchurian Candidate (the original one with Frank Sinatra) maybe check it out, think about the communists' plan. Definitely life imitating art if it's all just a coincidence, especially with how white men have been refusing to fight for the current regime in Washington right as Globohomo seems hellbent on war with Iran, and maybe Russia and China too. Who could talk them into fighting for "their country"? Not Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama. Probably not Gavin Newsom.

Here's an article referencing the incident where three US Navy sharpshooters took out three Somali pirates holding hostages on rough seas with three simultaneous head shots. Granted, those were USN sharpshooters, this was supposedly just some random 20 year old.

Having re-watched it many times in slow motion you can at least conclude that Trump did not move his head! He only moved his gaze ever so slightly, but the position of his head was almost exactly the same.

He's one lucky guy that's all I can say...Remember that the travel time of the bullet is extremely short. If you wanna hurt someone with a rifle why not aim for the body? Much easier to hit...


My first impression was it´s all staged. It´s Trump. Who knows how many shooters existed. If the dude was just a blank bullets patsy. We will never know. What we do know is there´s an escalation on violence. And the secret service failed. Also they can get him. If they want. Because he has no clout.

He is one lucky bastard. They wanted to pull a JFK on him. And splatter his brains all over his body. Alphabet agencies are angry with him. They want Russia it seems. Probably some old rivalries between old mumies spooks who should already be dead if it wasn´t for modern medicine.

Trump kept talking about wounds since his hush money trial. And an alternative news outlet kept posting this bible verse about him:

"One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast."
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Having re-watched it many times in slow motion you can at least conclude that Trump did not move his head! He only moved his gaze ever so slightly, but the position of his head was almost exactly the same.

He's one lucky guy that's all I can say...Remember that the travel time of the bullet is extremely short. If you wanna hurt someone with a rifle why not aim for the body? Much easier to hit...

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Have you ever fired a rifle?
Have you ever fired a rifle?
You didn't ask me, but I have. I went through quite the "gun nut" stage earlier in life. To be fair, if you just wanted to graze the cheek of your target, an AR chambered in .22LR with a good scope would be perfect for the job. At least, I can't think of a better weapon.
Having someone shoot to graze your ear on purpose as a publicity stunt is an insanely ludicrous thing to propose.

One could possibly say it was staged to appear as such, but the fact that someone was actually killed seems to suggest it wasn't an act and the rounds were live.
I'll give you that.

The shooter getting in position like that without the Secret Service being aware though. Arguably even more ludicrous than a sharpshooter intentionally grazing his target, especially with the reports that multiple spectators saw him getting into position and yelled warnings, but nothing was done until after the shots were fired, when the shooter was killed almost immediately.

Of course this could all be a coincidence and Trump could have just been very, very lucky. Lucky because the shot just grazed him, but also with the photo op with the raised fist and American flag in the background immediately after. It's beautiful, perfect, like something from Hollywood. I've even seen a few MSM articles saying he's basically guaranteed a win now.

If MK Ultra brainwashed assassins like in The Manchurian Candidate (original film) are a thing in real life, I suppose you could program your sharpshooter to take the money shot first, graze the target's ear, then pop off a few more into the crowd to make it all look more realistic.

Keep in mind, in my version it's not Trump behind it all, it's the deep state that wants Trump reelected so that he can inspire white men to go to war with Iran and maybe China or Russia too for "their country."

Or it could have all been a convenient coincidence.
I'll give you that.

The shooter getting in position like that without the Secret Service being aware though. Arguably even more ludicrous than a sharpshooter intentionally grazing his target, especially with the reports that multiple spectators saw him getting into position and yelled warnings, but nothing was done until after the shots were fired, when the shooter was killed almost immediately.

Of course this could all be a coincidence and Trump could have just been very, very lucky. Lucky because the shot just grazed him, but also with the photo op with the raised fist and American flag in the background immediately after. It's beautiful, perfect, like something from Hollywood. I've even seen a few MSM articles saying he's basically guaranteed a win now.

If MK Ultra brainwashed assassins like in The Manchurian Candidate (original film) are a thing in real life, I suppose you could program your sharpshooter to take the money shot first, graze the target's ear, then pop off a few more into the crowd to make it all look more realistic.

Keep in mind, in my version it's not Trump behind it all, it's the deep state that wants Trump reelected so that he can inspire white men to go to war with Iran and maybe China or Russia too for "their country."

Or it could have all been a convenient coincidence.
It is pretty crazy how things panned out.

The shooter being spotted and nobody acting on it makes perfect sense to me. As does them blowing his head off the moment he got his shots off. No chance of them talking now.

I don't buy the intentional shoot to clip his ear though. The line between pulling that off and killing the target is too small to warrant the risk if the intention is to keep them alive.

If would say the notion of it being staged only has credibility if one supposes that the graze was not done intentionally with a live round. But in the chaos the impression of such was created.
It is pretty crazy how things panned out.

The shooter being spotted and nobody acting on it makes perfect sense to me. As does them blowing his head off the moment he got his shots off. No chance of them talking now.

I don't buy the intentional shoot to clip his ear though. The line between pulling that off and killing the target is too small to warrant the risk if the intention is to keep them alive.

If would say the notion of it being staged only has credibility if one supposes that the graze was not done intentionally with a live round. But in the chaos the impression of such was created.
I think the intentional graze is possible, but I'm no expert. Like I say, who knows. If it was really all a coincidence, seems like divine intervention to me. To be fair, that is something I believe in.
Having re-watched it many times in slow motion you can at least conclude that Trump did not move his head! He only moved his gaze ever so slightly, but the position of his head was almost exactly the same.

He's one lucky guy that's all I can say...Remember that the travel time of the bullet is extremely short. If you wanna hurt someone with a rifle why not aim for the body? Much easier to hit...

View attachment 9963

animated adjective

an·i·mat·ed ˈa-nə-ˌmā-təd

1a: endowed with life or the qualities of life : ALIVE
animated creatures

1b: full of movement and activity
an animated crowd

1c: full of vigor and spirit : LIVELY
an animated discussion