Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

The assassin had perfect aim...Trump moved his head slightly at the last second and the bullet grazed his ear, and instantly killed an innocent spectator.

This is weird at least. The audience spotting the guy and pointing him out to police and SS for minutes prior. Not covering that roof in the first place. Weird!
off-topic posting; thread derail this belongs in trump criticism thread
I'm leaning towards the following theory; The shooter was a deranged/crazy Trump supporter. His goal was to "help" trump win by performing a near assassination. It explains the clumsy 15$ donation to the Dems even though he was a registered Republican, and also the near miss. He aimed for the ear on purpose in other words.
I'm leaning towards the following theory; The shooter was a deranged/crazy Trump supporter. His goal was to "help" trump win by performing a near assassination. It explains the clumsy 15$ donation to the Dems even though he was a registered Republican, and also the near miss. He aimed for the ear on purpose in other words.
Explain to us your theory on how Trump managed to turn his head before the bullet struck his ear. Also, factor in the witnesses who were blatantly ignored when they warned the law enforcement officials of a man with a gun on the roof.

Some of the armchair quarterbacking has to end in this thread. Being in a situation like that is fucking terrifying, even if they ‘missed’. News flash, you’re usually not going to know how you’ll react until you’re actually in a real situation. That applies to everything in life.

I feel like I’m reading a fighting thread from guys who’ve never trained a minute in their life. Of course all the guys on here ‘would just see red’ and take out a professional fighter too. Keep on dreaming, you’re more ‘hard’ than Trump and definitely more ‘tough’ than anyone on here. Some of you sound like boomer fools who got into one fight in the 6th grade and think they’re a badass.
I'm leaning towards the following theory; The shooter was a deranged/crazy Trump supporter. His goal was to "help" trump win by performing a near assassination. It explains the clumsy 15$ donation to the Dems even though he was a registered Republican, and also the near miss. He aimed for the ear on purpose in other words.

Did you cook up that absolute nonsense on your own? "Aimed for the ear"... Do you even know how impossibly difficult that would be... You have watched too many movies dude.
Explain to us your theory on how Trump managed to turn his head before the bullet struck his ear. Also, factor in the witnesses who were blatantly ignored when they warned the law enforcement officials of a man with a gun on the roof.

I'm open to that alternative also! But you're saying that they where in on it then, which is also pretty far out. What's this talk about Trump turning his head that some are obsessed with? No one is in a position to know this. (from the perspective of the shooter, and the distance to the target etc.)
If he is to be a great leader and get in office and undo the jewish changes to America, boot the traitors and flush out the third world, then this will be the first of many real assassination attempts. Real leaders get shot at. and people collude and conspire to kill them for obvious reasons. There were over 3 dozen legitimately planned attempts on Hitler's life from the time he got out of Landsberg prison until the July 20th 1944 bomb plot. However Trump's recent tirade on "anti-seemites" lost him much support, so there are multiple factions that want him gone, including the real far right, who he would rally against in a heartbeat with the rest of the liberal world that also wants him gone.

If this whole thing isn't just another chapter of kabuki theater. Something just feels so scripted about these events. The layers of deception of the deep state and their various levels of crisis actors, patsies, confidential informants (CI's), and drugged-out Ultra-program subjects knows no bounds. Don't let unbridled compatriotism, faux or not, bring you to an emotional reaction over something like this. Analyze it thoroughly like a rotting onion, every layer brings forth more reek of corruption and things you wish you didn't know.
I gotta admit, that photo of Trump with the blood on his face and his fist raised, American flag in the back, shot from the ideal angle to capture it all like that. It's so perfect. I immediately thought of The Manchurian Candidate. The original film, with Frank Sinatra, if any of you have seen that one. Planned failed assassination attempt to push the candidate the commies are controlling into the White House.

There's the theory that the deep state wants Trump because he's the only one who can rally white men to fight Iran on Israel's behalf. Seems like that could be what's going on. Doesn't sound like a crazy idea tome, at least. Getting an MK Ultra conditioned sharp shooter capable of grazing a target on the face without killing him though, that seems tough. But back when Somalian pirates were a problem, didn't the US Navy managed to pick off three pirates clutching hostages on a ship from another ship, three shots, three dead pirates? So, maybe it's doable.

I'm not saying I know that's what happened. How could I know. That's just where my mind went with that picture. It's just too perfect.
It's an alternative explanation, one of several. But it's hard to find a straightforward explanation for this, hence far-out ideas should be considered. Also that's not an argument, just your feelings.
Your theory is someone who loves Trump so much that he is wiling to splat his brains across the stage with any slight error to make sure he wins the election (even though he is anyway after the debate) and that he is such a brilliant shot he can be dead accurate aiming for Trumps ear and hit it. And commit suicide for it.
Your theory is someone who loves Trump so much that he is wiling to splat his brains across the stage with any slight error to make sure he wins the election (even though he is anyway after the debate) and that he is such a brilliant shot he can be dead accurate aiming for Trumps ear and hit it. And commit suicide for it.

Of course if you're thinking clearly, but that's why I said deranged. Again, you explain it then. It seems to be that divine intervention is the only alternative here. I don't buy that he just missed! I'm just throwing it out there as an alternative explanation and some people seem to suffer an emotional breakdown...It's far out, but maybe not impossible?

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I gotta admit, that photo of Trump with the blood on his face and his fist raised, American flag in the back, shot from the ideal angle to capture it all like that. It's so perfect. I immediately thought of The Manchurian Candidate. The original film, with Frank Sinatra, if any of you have seen that one. Planned failed assassination attempt to push the candidate the commies are controlling into the White House.

There's the theory that the deep state wants Trump because he's the only one who can rally white men to fight Iran on Israel's behalf. Seems like that could be what's going on. Doesn't sound like a crazy idea tome, at least. Getting an MK Ultra conditioned sharp shooter capable of grazing a target on the face without killing him though, that seems tough. But back when Somalian pirates were a problem, didn't the US Navy managed to pick off three pirates clutching hostages on a ship from another ship, three shots, three dead pirates? So, maybe it's doable.

I'm not saying I know that's what happened. How could I know. That's just where my mind went with that picture. It's just too perfect.
I don't think there's a man in the world who can reliably shoot people's ears off at 400 ft away with an AR-15. The difference between grazing and killing is a couple inches. And it would be especially hard to find someone this good who is also suicidal.
I'm leaning towards the following theory; The shooter was a deranged/crazy Trump supporter. His goal was to "help" trump win by performing a near assassination. It explains the clumsy 15$ donation to the Dems even though he was a registered Republican, and also the near miss. He aimed for the ear on purpose in other words.
He was shooting from the side, not from the front. At that angle the ear doesn't stick out.
If Trump didn't turn to his right, the bullet could possibly go straight through his skull - ear to ear.

Some of the armchair quarterbacking has to end in this thread. Being in a situation like that is fucking terrifying, even if they ‘missed’. News flash, you’re usually not going to know how you’ll react until you’re actually in a real situation. That applies to everything in life.

I feel like I’m reading a fighting thread from guys who’ve never trained a minute in their life. Of course all the guys on here ‘would just see red’ and take out a professional fighter too. Keep on dreaming, you’re more ‘hard’ than Trump and definitely more ‘tough’ than anyone on here. Some of you sound like boomer fools who got into one fight in the 6th grade and think they’re a badass.
All these keyboard warriors dumping on Trump, who barely just escaped with his life. I don't see any of them out there, risking everything to take on the Deep State. Easier to criticize the doers, while wiping Cheetoes on their underwear, than actually putting their skin on the line.
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