Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I would say it is 3 or 4 posters. I had no idea that many still thought the country was in decent shape. I will just keep getting young men to realize the "conservative" talking points are poison and to disregard them.
Okay, so, again, why aren't you on platforms with a mass audience, such as YouTube or Twitter? You'll have 100000x the influence there.
So pretty much don't do too much, got it....oh and also save every penny and there is nothing out there for people.

Yea that makes lots of sense. So you don't follow your own advice I see.

Don't use buzzwords to make the things you say make sense, you do that a lot as your auto fall back....."satanic system" right. Nothing is satanic about working hard to get ahead, that's just excuses.
I would suggest, do what you enjoy. Because in this day and age, even working hard and stressing yourself gets you no where. And even if you did, it is a rat race and your kids will end up in worse shape, so they will do it anyway themselves.

The problem isn't working hard to get ahead, the satanic system is those who do work hard who can't keep their lights on. That is satanic.
Okay, so, again, why aren't you on platforms with a mass audience, such as YouTube or Twitter? You'll have 100000x the influence there.
I don't think my points would be allowed on youtube. Twitter, maybe, but my role isn't to be an influencer. There are plenty already out there doing just that.
Look @Wutang @FrancisK ... It's clear they It is my time only exists here to turn every thread into a poison pill.

The problem is his delivery is so negative are all forced to counteract it in some capacity.

This thread has been 5 pages of nothing having to do with A Trump Presidency and everything to do with it is my time and his shitty outlook.

Mods and OG posters doesn't matter. Dude is clinging to his poor world view.
Look @Wutang @FrancisK ... It's clear they It is my time only exists here to turn every thread into a poison pill.

The problem is his delivery is so negative are all forced to counteract it in some capacity.

This thread has been 5 pages of nothing having to do with A Trump Presidency and everything to do with it is my time and his shitty outlook.

Mods and OG posters doesn't matter. Dude is clinging to his poor world view.
I guess time will tell who was right, you guys or me. I have already bet a lot on myself, much more than you realize, so I am confident I am right. We will find out.
I don't think my points would be allowed on youtube. Twitter, maybe, but my role isn't to be an influencer. There are plenty already out there doing just that.

So then we are back to my original point, that you are doing nothing. Neither in the real world, or the internet world. I can't tell if it's cowardice or laziness, but honestly I'm starting to think you should be banned from this forum until you are actually doing something of value.

Either spread the word online, and help men "wake up" as you like to say, or do something in IRL, like support a Church. But posting here incessantly is just wasting your time and our time.
So then we are back to my original point, that you are doing nothing. Neither in the real world, or the internet world. I can't tell if it's cowardice or laziness, but honestly I'm starting to think you should be banned from this forum until you are actually doing something of value.

Either spread the word online, and help men "wake up" as you like to say, or do something in IRL, like support a Church. But posting here incessantly is just wasting your time and our time.
Dude. He's not interested in any of that. This is the same conversation in literally every 5 posts. You've addressed this in every thread. No chance.

Management needs to shit or get off the pot...before others get fed up and leave.
I am not sure what "acceleration worldview" means? You mean that I support acceleration? I sort of do, because it will take acceleration to get more young men on board with doing what must be done. But whether I support it or not, it is simply going to happen. By every historical measure and wisdom passed down to us, we are beyond any redline.

The best Trump will be able to do is stabilize things, meaning, the acceleration is off for four years, but there will be no great improvement. There will be some uptick in the oil and maybe MIC fields, but also the unsustainable debt will increase and the immigration will flow in. There is no gain in US born employment from 2018 to now. The only growth in employment in that time is immigrants, and I don't see that changing under Trump. Being two of those years were under Trump.
Allow me to continue with a maritime analogy.
We are on a ship that's heading towards an iceberg, there's no doubt about it - anyone is able to see that.
Some may hope that by electing a strong captain we may be able to avoid a head on collision.
Others (like You, I believe) want to go full steam ahead, ram it down, hoping to survive the crash and come better on the other side.
Me? I'm kind of stuck in between. I do not believe that we can alter the course enough to avoid a head on collision, but at the same time I fear the consequences of going for a hard crash. So I will pull the emergency brake as hard as I can, hoping to slow the ship down and give people (including me and mine) enough time to get into a lifeboat, or at least grab a life jacket.
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I would suggest, do what you enjoy. Because in this day and age, even working hard and stressing yourself gets you no where. And even if you did, it is a rat race and your kids will end up in worse shape, so they will do it anyway themselves.

The problem isn't working hard to get ahead, the satanic system is those who do work hard who can't keep their lights on. That is satanic.

You do realize that's the opposite of what your message was a few weeks ago right?
Allow me to continue with a maritime analogy.
We are on a ship that's heading towards an iceberg, there's no doubt about - anyone is able to see that.
Some may hope that by electing a strong captain we may be able to avoid a head on collision.
Others (like You, I believe) want to go full steam ahead, ram it down, hoping to survive the crash.
Me. I'm kind of stuck in between. I do not believe that we can alter the course enough to avoid a head on collision, but at the same time I fear the consequences of going for a hard crash. So I will pull the emergency breake as hard as I can, hoping to slow the ship down and give people (including me and mine) enough time to get into a lifeboat, or at least grab a life jacket.
I totally understand and I think this is a great analogy and well laid out.

I sort of support the full speed ahead approach, just in that it will cause more young men to wake up v. the long slow collapse. But, I really don't think we have any choice in the matter. If we did, if we could vote our way out of it, I would fully support it. I am just not under the belief the GOP will buy us any more time. I mean, look at Speaker Johnson, currently the most powerful GOP member in office.

Trump will do some good things, like get the oil industry going again, and that is badly needed. But Trump is more pro-Israel, so I have a feeling if WW3 kicks off, it will be Trump getting into office and Israel going ham on Iran. I'm not saying this to support whomever the DNC runs, because I don't see much better there. I say this because I think it is acceleration, whether we want it or not.

Like I have said, it is all speculation and we will have to wait and see what comes about.
You do realize that's the opposite of what your message was a few weeks ago right?
I don't, is there a post here stating the opposite? There might be, I have come to some realizations lately with some personal matters that have taken place that have changed my beliefs on some things.
I totally understand and I think this is a great analogy and well laid out.

I sort of support the full speed ahead approach, just in that it will cause more young men to wake up v. the long slow collapse. But, I really don't think we have any choice in the matter. If we did, if we could vote our way out of it, I would fully support it. I am just not under the belief the GOP will buy us any more time. I mean, look at Speaker Johnson, currently the most powerful GOP member in office.

Trump will do some good things, like get the oil industry going again, and that is badly needed. But Trump is more pro-Israel, so I have a feeling if WW3 kicks off, it will be Trump getting into office and Israel going ham on Iran. I'm not saying this to support whomever the DNC runs, because I don't see much better there. I say this because I think it is acceleration, whether we want it or not.

Like I have said, it is all speculation and we will have to wait and see what comes about.

Full speed ahead won't be some great awakening for your fellow brethren. Many people you love will die. I'm sorry I don't want that for the people I love which is why even if I agree with SOME of your sentiment your overall message is very wrong.
I don't, is there a post here stating the opposite? There might be, I have come to some realizations lately with some personal matters that have taken place that have changed my beliefs on some things.

Your beliefs seem to change with whichever way the wind is blowing. Do you really not see this? Why should anyone take what you say seriously if it's different every other post?

Post in thread 'Donald Trump'
Full speed ahead won't be some great awakening for your fellow brethren. Many people you love will die. I'm sorry I don't want that for the people I love which is why even if I agree with SOME of your sentiment your overall message is very wrong.
Yep, I am glad you found this post. Things have gotten so bad since I made that post that I feel time is better spent waking other young men up to the destruction of our society and to train to prepare for what is coming. I don't see the point in working so hard, this thing will collapse and soon and be prepared to fight to defend your family from the third worlders brought here to attack us. The money is so little v. the COL, every day is a battlefield day.
Yep, I am glad you found this post. Things have gotten so bad since I made that post that I feel time is better spent waking other young men up to the destruction of our society and to train to prepare for what is coming. I don't see the point in working so hard, this thing will collapse and soon and be prepared to fight to defend your family from the third worlders brought here to attack us. The money is so little v. the COL, every day is a battlefield day.

You just said earlier today how you work your ass off...
You just said earlier today how you work your ass off...
I do work hard, I am in a position where I must and have reasons to do so. The young men no longer have these opportunities, so they are better off enjoying their life and training to prepare for the coming collapse.
I do work hard, I am in a position where I must and have reasons to do so. The young men no longer have these opportunities, so they are better off enjoying their life and training to prepare for the coming collapse.

Okay, you realize how that doesn't exactly go over very well right? You supposedly have a message, right or wrong, but don't adhere to it yourself....
Refusing to engage in a serious discussion, posting without any potential of admitting fault or change
Okay, you realize how that doesn't exactly go over very well right? You supposedly have a message, right or wrong, but don't adhere to it yourself....
I'm in a different position than most of them. I have a different path and different responsibilities, but we have the same goal.
Fellas, the reality is IIMT gets a dopamine kick out of being responded to and getting people to run in conversational circles going nowhere. You're not going to get through to him because he's never wrong, you see. You're purple pilled and he's redpilled and the goalposts shall never be placed in one spot but forever shifted about.

Look @Wutang @FrancisK ... It's clear they It is my time only exists here to turn every thread into a poison pill.

The problem is his delivery is so negative are all forced to counteract it in some capacity.

This is indeed the core issue. The man posts things that demand to be addressed and then when engaged, tirelessly sinks the discourse into a quagmire of negativity and refuses to admit responsibility despite at least half a dozen well-respected posters trying to get him to self-reflect on many different occasions. It's a no-win scenario. So the only solutions would be for everyone to ignore list him, or the mods can enact certain measures that would have the same outcome.

Personally I would have a lot more patience if he didn't scorn the Church and God implicitly and explicitly and espouse soy anti-natalist takes. These things have no place in a Christ-centered community IMO. Probably would be better for his own mental health to get off of here but I'd wager he likes the attention too much.