Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

If all of yall think he is so wrong why engage? Everyone here is acting like lobsters in a bucket and letting IIMT pull yall back in every single time.

I blocked him a good six months ago. I blocked him on Rooshs old forum as well. He’s been arguing in a not so healthy way for over a decade now with us on the internet.

I don’t remember exactly what happened in the last forum but I think Roosh just closed the trump criticism thread.

I’m not even that thrilled with trump at this point with operation warp speed and being Israel’s best friend etc but he’s a better option than what’s currently out there.
I blocked him a good six months ago. I blocked him on Rooshs old forum as well. He’s been arguing in a not so healthy way for over a decade now with us on the internet.

I don’t remember exactly what happened in the last forum but I think Roosh just closed the trump criticism thread.

I’m not even that thrilled with trump at this point with operation warp speed and being Israel’s best friend etc but he’s a better option than what’s currently out there.

On RooshV he wasn't happy and couldn't figure out why, couldn't possibly see that it was his own actions. On here he took it to a different level and embraced being unhappy, wore it as a badge and found a black hole of despair to be his identity....he was proud of it and thought it made him better for it. A desperate man doing desperate things, I'm not captain save-a-man but I tried with the guy so many different ways and times. I still wish I knew the guy personally I would take him out with my cousins and friends and show him a new perspective on life, show him that yea some things should be different but life is okay life can be beautiful.

Not thrilled with Trump either I don't think anyone here is but just as you said....look at the alternative. The only people I can find at this point who are gung ho Trump are boomers (I hate that phrase and all the generational crap) who for some reason thinks it makes them tough or cool to like Trump....the ones who still think "republican" actually means something.

But also mind you this isn't something new, when has it ever been true that both candidates weren't schill garbage? We just didn't know better and now it's more extreme.

I will excuse Trump for a lot of things, not condone but I will excuse, because I realize politicians and men in his position have to do certain things to protect what they have. Again doesn't make it okay but I understand it at least. The ones who expected Trump to be some savior are the ones who hate him now, he didn't fulfill all their delusions of grandeur and they can't handle it so they have to go full blown in the other direction one extreme to another, really silly and weak minded.

Regardless we don't need a constant incessant poison pill reminder that he isn't a god and didn't do everything perfect, it's nauseating and only comes from the same group who expected him to be their god.
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What kickbacks?
Pure speculation.

Trump demands 5% cut from GOP candidates who use his 'name, image and likeness' in ads​

Most real estate agents charge a fee—or commission—for their services. Traditionally, this commission is around 5% to 6% of the property’s selling price in the United States and is split between the buyer’s agent and seller’s agent.

I laid off the insults because you started typing in complete sentences and stopped calling people dumb fucks.... ;)
Much obliged.

He dug a hole. And he will continue digging. The funny thing is guys like him. Might pull through. He will use the dead bodies stacked in the hole to get out. But he will not leave it unscathed.

I wanna make a bet. If you accept it. By any chance Trump wins US election and sends during his term US troops to Iran. You will forever adress me as “Lord Magoo” or “your grace Magoo”. I prefer lord Magoo. And i can call you “dumb serf” or “useless pleb”. At least while the internet is still on. State your terms please.
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Pure speculation.

Trump demands 5% cut from GOP candidates who use his 'name, image and likeness' in ads​

Most real estate agents charge a fee—or commission—for their services. Traditionally, this commission is around 5% to 6% of the property’s selling price in the United States and is split between the buyer’s agent and seller’s agent.

Much obliged.

He dug a hole. And he will continue digging. The funny thing is guys like him. Might pull through. He will use the dead bodies stacked in the hole to get out. But he will not leave it unscathed.

I wanna make a bet. If you accept it. By any chance Trump wins US election and sends during his term US troops to Iran. You will forever adress me as “Lord Magoo” or “your grace Magoo”. I prefer lord Magoo. And i can call you “dumb serf” or “useless pleb”. At least while the internet is still on. State your terms please.
If he doesn't will you change your handle to " Lord dumb fuck Magoo"? Being as that's the moniker you associated with The Donald.

Dude he had the opportunity to send boots on the deck in Iran. he isn't going to do that. ... He's anti war by nature.

I just don't get where this "hes gonna be elected to get into a war"

the dude has been anti war for 30 years.

Tactical strike sure... All on war... Nope 😔
If he doesn't will you change your handle to " Lord dumb fuck Magoo"? Being as that's the moniker you associated with The Donald.
Accepted. Hopefully I lose.
Dude he had the opportunity to send boots on the deck in Iran. he isn't going to do that. ... He's anti war by nature.

I just don't get where this "hes gonna be elected to get into a war"

the dude has been anti war for 30 years.

Tactical strike sure... All on war... Nope 😔

“Federal health officials have repeatedly pointed out that his timetable is off — that it will take at least a year — but his single-minded focus on warp-speed production of a new vaccine represents a striking philosophical shift. For years, Mr. Trump was an extreme vaccine skeptic who not only blamed childhood immunizations for autism — a position that scientists have forcefully repudiated — but once boasted he had never had a flu shot.”

Fool me once. Fuck me twice.
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A while back I was reading an article about the “No Federal Guidelines “ policy unfolded in the early stages of The Scamdemic within the Trump administration. Some of it we saw in real time so it fits the pieces the journalist uncovered through numerous interview of staff and state officials.
Basically Trump appointed galactic dickhead Kushner and some of his college butt buddies as point assessment team. One early conclusion the morons actually got right is that blue / dem run states would lock down harder and go full retard more than than red. But they concluded that this would actually help Trump in the run up to the 2020 election as people would get angry at the tyranny. Of course that didn’t happen. They underestimated how deep the depth the combination of stupidity, fear, indoctrination, would take the sheeple to actually embrace the top down control ( I have to admit that I too was surprised and angered by it).
But what I will not forget nor forgive is the willingness on Trumps part to let the states inflict so much harm for the sake of political expediency. Trumps instincts told him the world was overreacting. He even praised and mentioned Sweden early on.
In hindsight it’s clear he thought Warpspeed would be his white horse to ride in on.
I have given Trump his due on the things he got right Over and over.
But on the China Flu he failed miserably both strategically and morally
A while back I was reading an article about the “No Federal Guidelines “ policy unfolded in the early stages of The Scamdemic within the Trump administration. Some of it we saw in real time so it fits the pieces the journalist uncovered through numerous interview of staff and state officials.
Basically Trump appointed galactic dickhead Kushner and some of his college butt buddies as point assessment team. One early conclusion the morons actually got right is that blue / dem run states would lock down harder and go full retard more than than red. But they concluded that this would actually help Trump in the run up to the 2020 election as people would get angry at the tyranny. Of course that didn’t happen. They underestimated how deep the depth the combination of stupidity, fear, indoctrination, would take the sheeple to actually embrace the top down control ( I have to admit that I too was surprised and angered by it).
But what I will not forget nor forgive is the willingness on Trumps part to let the states inflict so much harm for the sake of political expediency. Trumps instincts told him the world was overreacting. He even praised and mentioned Sweden early on.
In hindsight it’s clear he thought Warpspeed would be his white horse to ride in on.
I have given Trump his due on the things he got right Over and over.
But on the China Flu he failed miserably both strategically and morally

People keep forgetting that Trump was facing impeachment or pure lame duck if he didn't play along with the con. The entire Congress was brainwashed or compromised.

If he didn't pass warp speed? His veto would have been overridden, easily.

If he cracked down on blue states? Impeachment, easily.

Only losers keep blaming Trump IMO. It was up to the people to stop the tyranny, with you know, the 2nd amendment, and they had their golden chance with Jan 6th. Instead they sat home because they were afraid of missing work the next day, like good goy slaves. Only 1 million showed up instead of 20 million that should have burned down the entire city.

The way conservatives blame everyone except themselves is why they are losers.
People keep forgetting that Trump was facing impeachment or pure lame duck if he didn't play along with the con. The entire Congress was brainwashed or compromised.
So a contrario he played along with the con. You are admitting he played along.

If he didn't pass warp speed? His veto would have been overridden, easily.

You don´t know that. You´re assuming a scenario. If his veto was overriden. His hands and conscience would be clean.

If he cracked down on blue states? Impeachment, easily.
You don´t know that. If he was impeached his hands and conscience would be clean.

He is criminally liable. If not for intention. Gross negligence. He breached a duty of care. Creating a 12 year vaccine in 9 months? Sorry vaccine according to him. He thought it was another shaddy building. You cannot shorten time for something to happen. The second coat of paint. Happens after an x amount of hours. You cannot paint a second coat of paint after 5 minutes of the first. You can. But after 6 months it will look like shit. That´s the difference in construction from third world shitholes. And first world standards. He Trump has the mentality of a dumb brazilian.

Only losers keep blaming Trump IMO. It was up to the people to stop the tyranny, with you know, the 2nd amendment, and they had their golden chance with Jan 6th. Instead they sat home because they were afraid of missing work the next day, like good goy slaves. Only 1 million showed up instead of 20 million that should have burned down the entire city.
Rebellion is not the solution. Burning down would mean nothing. This beast has several heads.

The way conservatives blame everyone except themselves is why they are losers.
Conservatives lose. Because they don´t move a finger. They are influencers. And say to themselves only rebellions work. And keep waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. This is it. No wait. And wait. "Please mister who i´m influencing do something. Don´t worry I have your back with another internet post." Cut the shit and apply to local leadership position. Trump has no power. Because he is just a man. Even though he is a cunt. But still. If he had real power backing in various places of power. But no. You want to live in a farm. Isolated. In a bubble. Don´t say it´s other faults. When some cunt liberal who applied for local office enacts a stupid law. You also do have to wonder. If Roosh ever hold any position of power. How it would be. Last RVF season was pretty daunting.

Trump did have power to make nominations. Oh look he nominated another backstabbing jew. Who could have guessed? 3d chess move. There´s no chess move. He is simply a lazy dumb cunt.

You apply and you do what you want things to be done. Dont wait for others to do your job. RVF 1.0 and 2.0 was really about taking action. You want to meet girls. You need to talk to them. Roosh would say it.
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So a contrario he played along with the con. You are admitting he played along.

You don´t know that. You´re assuming a scenario. If his veto was overriden. His hands and conscience would be clean.

You don´t know that. If he was impeached his hands and conscience would be clean.

He is criminally liable. If not for intention. Gross negligence. He breached a duty of care. Creating a 12 year vaccine in 9 months? Sorry vaccine according to him. He thought it was another shaddy building. You cannot shorten time for something to happen. The second coat of paint. Happens after an x amount of hours. You cannot paint a second coat of paint after 5 minutes of the first. You can. But after 6 months it will look like shit. That´s the difference in construction from third world shitholes. And first world standards. He Trump has the mentality of a dumb brazilian.

Rebellion is not the solution. Burning down would mean nothing. This beast has several heads.

Conservatives lose. Because they don´t move a finger. They are influencers. And say to themselves only rebellions work. And keep waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. This is it. No wait. And wait. "Please mister who i´m influencing do something. Don´t worry I have your back with another internet post." Cut the shit and apply to local leadership position. Trump has no power. Because he is just a man. Even though he is a cunt. But still. If he had real power backing in various places of power. But no. You want to live in a farm. Isolated. In a bubble. Don´t say it´s other faults. When some cunt liberal who applied for local office enacts a stupid law. You also do have to wonder. If Roosh ever hold any position of power. How it would be. Last RVF season was pretty daunting.

Trump did have power to make nominations. Oh look he nominated another backstabbing jew. Who could have guessed? 3d chess move. There´s no chess move. He is simply a lazy dumb cunt.

You apply and you do what you want things to be done. Dont wait for others to do your job. RVF 1.0 and 2.0 was really about taking action. You want to meet girls. You need to talk to them. Roosh would say it.
Let's just accept your entire premise for the sake of argument.

So what.

Where does that lead us? What's the alternative now?
Let's just accept your entire premise for the sake of argument.

So what.

Where does that lead us? What's the alternative now?
Alternative is doing what Roosh used to say before he went nuts. Acta non verba.

Dont try to influence western population. They are sheep. Lead them. See in your local community what position of leadership you can apply to and spread and direct and dictate to others your view.
I think it was Scorpion who applied to a parents association. In all those years in RVF he was the only example of leadership I saw.
Roosh for some reason in politics always wanted to be passive. And when not passive. He once wrote about a factory being blown. Why would someone do that? What’s the point?

Ask for God. Ask for God what you want.

Dude the budgets of any public department are a disgrace. 1M for water bottles. 3M for toilet paper.

Ease the burden on people. See what they complain about. And solve their issues.

If Trump wins. I’m 60/70% sure there will be US troops in Iran.
And with a lesser percentage. The probability of US and Europe be invaded. Actually be invaded. Before you show me a chart with all the defense capabilities. Take into account sabotage.
Biden I don’t know. There’s a rumor about an agreement if Putin doesn’t take Kiev. Biden doesn’t support an attack on Iran. Actually I think US will support anything Jews want. But the rest of NATO won’t. At least France and others said they wouldn’t support Israel if Putin didn’t went to Kiev.

With Trump=terrorist attack in a western country+boots in Iran. Don’t know if it’s automatically WWWIII.

It’s a 9/11 v2

Biden I don’t know. Clintons want Russia. Not Iran. Obama is for peace with Iran. Kamala have no idea. They are the ones pulling the strings of Biden. Obama is preponderant.

Both are old and shit. No new blood leads to this. Old farts who should be playing with their grandchildren affecting millions of lives.

My 2cents
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Alternative is doing what Roosh used to say before he went nuts. Acta non verba.

Dont try to influence western population. They are sheep. Lead them. See in your local community what position of leadership you can apply to and spread and direct and dictate to others your view.
I think it was Scorpion who applied to a parents association. In all those years in RVF he was the only example of leadership I saw.
Roosh for some reason in politics always wanted to be passive. And when not passive. He once wrote about a factory being blown. Why would someone do that? What’s the point?

Ask for God. Ask for God what you want.

Dude the budgets of any public department are a disgrace. 1M for water bottles. 3M for toilet paper.

Ease the burden on people. See what they complain about. And solve their issues.

If Trump wins. I’m 60/70% sure there will be US troops in Iran.
And with a lesser percentage. The probability of US and Europe be invaded. Actually be invaded. Before you show me a chart with all the defense capabilities. Take into account sabotage.
Biden I don’t know. There’s a rumor about an agreement if Putin doesn’t take Kiev. Biden doesn’t support an attack on Iran. Actually I think US will support anything Jews want. But the rest of NATO won’t. At least France and others said they wouldn’t support Israel if Putin didn’t went to Kiev.

With Trump=terrorist attack in a western country+boots in Iran. Don’t know if it’s automatically WWWIII.

It’s a 9/11 v2

Biden I don’t know. Clintons want Russia. Not Iran. Obama is for peace with Iran. Kamala have no idea. They are the ones pulling the strings of Biden. Obama is preponderant.

Both are old and shit. No new blood leads to this. Old farts who should be playing with their grandchildren affecting millions of lives.

My 2cents
Your take is straight up discordant with reality re Trump and Iran.

He's been anti War since day one.

You keep making this claim with no fruit. Like I said... He already has the option to do this and chose de-escalation...
He's been anti War since day one.
I think Trump is personally anti-war, just like he used to be personally anti-vax. But we all saw what happened when they manufactured a crisis and ran a full court press on him with COVID: he folded and went along with the agenda. It's not difficult to imagine something similar happening in regards to Israel/Iran (a false flag maybe), that results in Trump feeling like he has no choice but to go along with a war.

That being said, Trump remains the only game in town at this point, so all we can do is hope for the best.
I think Trump is personally anti-war, just like he used to be personally anti-vax. But we all saw what happened when they manufactured a crisis and ran a full court press on him with COVID: he folded and went along with the agenda. It's not difficult to imagine something similar happening in regards to Israel/Iran (a false flag maybe), that results in Trump feeling like he has no choice but to go along with a war.

That being said, Trump remains the only game in town at this point, so all we can do is hope for the best.
Fair... But again these are hypotheticals that are beyond our current ability to confirm/predict accuracy.

We could just as well throw out any other hypothetical possibility and attribute that to Trump despite the fact pattern dictating otherwise.

As I've stated, the dude had multiple members of his cabinet, including Pompeo, Bolton, Gen Mattis ALL pushing for him to strike Iran in a meaningful way. Instead he did a very minor strike that de-escalated compared to ramping up AT THAT time. (Pre-Solemani strike)

A post Kushner, post Pompeo, Post Mattis, Post Bolton Trump foreign policy is going to lean Isolationist compared to foreign expansionists.

That's very basic linear logical assessment.
What your saying is nonsense. And you better know it. A fortiori your clearing also the CEOs of the vaccine company. Your setting a warranty exemption. There´s no statue of limitation for this orange liar.

But thats also not the case. If you google. You will find plenty of credible studies. Before he stopped praising himself for creating a bio weapon.

No insults however. We are making progress. Ha!

Hes not speaking about the vaccines. Because it takes away votes. But his stupid enough to still believe they were a good thing.

Either he knew the vaccines were unsafe and sold them anyway. Or he didn´t knew the vaccines were unsafe. Even though it was his job to know.

In first case you have intention. Second case negligence. Negligence is when you should have more care than you did.
Both accounts he is responsible.

My guess is he took the first thing which was presented to him which could end the pandemic. Without weighing in or making any assessment of the risk. Maybe he was duped. Don´t think that´s the case. But if he was in fact duped. It simply means he is not smart enough to be president. He doesn´t have what it takes. If he was duped with the vaxx. He can be duped with anything else. You know like a f war in Iran. He didn´t knew Houthis were planning a terrorist attack. But now he must respond...

I think he knew. Don´t have any way to prove it. But he knew the vaccines were risky. And he received kickbacks for it. Kickbacks that he cannot touch. Maybe his children or grandchildren will enjoy them.

Trump is a commercial. He is not a developer. He is a seller. Commercial people don´t care about details. They´re goal is to sell. I´ve dealt as a lawyer with real estate agents. And they would lie lie lie. They will sell you a dumpster and say it´s paradise. But he is not an agent. He is the one responsible.

For Trump it was just another sell. The problem is the buck in this case stops with Trump.

To understand Trump you need to understand real estate. He sold the vaccines. Like he sells a default building. I said before. Guys like Trump already saw too many things. He is tainted.

Chinese also make buildings in 15 days. See how they look after 1 year

Either by intention or negligence he is the number 1 responsible for the vaxx. And if vaxes didnt exist there werent mandates.

You make great points, but don’t bother arguing with these two chopper and Samseu. They’d jerk Trump off or fellatio him if given the opportunity, so they can’t think or see straight.

As they say, love is blind, even homosexual love it seems.
You make great points, but don’t bother arguing with these two chopper and Samseu. They’d jerk Trump off or fellatio him if given the opportunity, so they can’t think or see straight.

As they say, love is blind, even homosexual love it seems.

Ok Aussie Jack, what does an Australian even care about who or what conservatives support in the USA?

I know things are a mess in oz , but we can’t help you from the states .
Ok Aussie Jack, what does an Australian even care about who or what conservatives support in the USA?

I know things are a mess in oz , but we can’t help you from the states .

Well I’m a conservative mate, so I follow politics around the world. To fix eliminate the liberal mind virus, we need objectivism, not blindly being in a circle jerk and worshiping Trump like some guys do here.
You make great points, but don’t bother arguing with these two chopper and Samseu. They’d jerk Trump off or fellatio him if given the opportunity, so they can’t think or see straight.

As they say, love is blind, even homosexual love it seems.

Friend, do you really think mocking forum members as homosexuals is the best way to introduce yourself?
Friend, do you really think mocking forum members as homosexuals is the best way to introduce yourself?

It is actually the perfect way. Let us see what type of sense of humor they have. I’ve noticed healthy people laugh it off, but people with fragile egos take it as an affront because they think they are so smart and so much above you. I can predict where it will go with those two. If being on an anonymous forum makes people think they are ‘powerful’ they are a sad bunch indeed.
You make great points, but don’t bother arguing with these two chopper and Samseu. They’d jerk Trump off or fellatio him if given the opportunity, so they can’t think or see straight.

As they say, love is blind, even homosexual love it seems.
Your name should be AssJack.

"I don't normally join new forums and make an ass of my self.... But when I do, I call the moderator and another long time member faggots."

Clearly you don't know what you're getting yourself into here.

Better you go run along to Reddit or the comments section of Pornhub... Given your level of comments that's clearly more your style.
Your name should be AssJack.

"I don't normally join new forums and make an ass of my self.... But when I do, I call the moderator and another long time member faggots."

Clearly you don't know what you're getting yourself into here.

Better you go run along to Reddit or the comments section of Pornhub... Given your level of comments that's clearly more your style.

AssJack it is. Are you threatening me? You’re funny. I’m shaking!