Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I'm not sure the USD is collapsing right now. I think we have a long way to go before the Brics is actually viable. And that's assuming Putin is alive for the next 15 years to keep it together.

We are seeing many many many companies from Europe and Asia onshoring their company to the United States due to the way we treat capital and investment compared to other countries.
It is collapsing right now, that is why the cost of everything is so high. It has a long way to still go, but the impacts can already be felt.

Europe and the "non-Chinese supporting" Asia are just vassal states of the USA/West. I know TSM pulled out of the USA due to diversity quotas. Knowing they could never make semiconductors and be profitable with such regulations. So, they will be free to hop around to what is most beneficial to their stock holders, most of which are the satanic elites themselves.

You are correct on BRICS being a ways off and their rise is dependent on them keeping western backed influencers/leaders out of their countries. But for us average westerners, the threat isn't BRICS, it is mass immigration and the satanic elites running our own countries. Even if BRICS is defeated, life will continue to get drastically worse for all of us in the west. A BRICS rise will only slightly speed things up, but also gives us a window with a weakened satanic elite, as we have seen with Iran standing up to Israel and making the satanic elites look weak.

This simply is not sustainable, BRICS or not...

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Collapse ?
I don't think we will ever experience a real, hard collapse like the depression that followed the dissolution of the soviet union, or fall of Yugoslavia civil war. But we are moving in the direction of present day Brazil: social disparity will continue to grow, with red states retainig an overall high standard of livivng, while the blue states will fall into poverty and chaos. Just like it's now in Brazil where the southern regions are safe and prosperous while the rest of their country is a shithole (of varying degree). And this, when compared to what we had, to what we should be, can be described as a collapse.
But ten again, those processes have been going on for decades now, so it's not really fair to blame Trump for the decline that he did not start - so the question is: will he be able to reverse the collapse (doubt it) or at least slow it down (for how long) ?
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Collapse ?
I don't think we will ever experience a real, hard collapse like the depression that followed the dissolution of the soviet union, or fall of Yugoslavia civil war. But we are moving in the direction of present day Brazil: social disparity will continue to grow, with red states retainig an overall high standard of livivng, while the blue states will fall into poverty and chaos. Just like it's now in Brazil where the southern regions are safe and prosperous while the rest of their country is a shithole (of varying degree). And this, when compared to what we had, to what we should be, can be described as a collapse.
But ten again, those processes have been going on for decades now, so it's not really fair to blame Trump for the decline that he did not start - so the question is: will he be able to reverse the collapse (doubt it) or at least slow it down (for how long) ?
I think this is pretty much the trajectory.

Pockets of prosperity and safety shrouded by extreme lawlessness and poverty in majority of the large cities.

But Yemen style collapse...Nope. nowhere close.

Too much capital and energy here in the US.

We still are going to be a super power. Too many minerals and oil and gas and lithium and resources here in the states.
We will just continue the descent into the third world. It will speed up and things will get noticeably worse quicker and quicker.

Crime will continue to be at rates that are unacceptable, and both parties will pat themselves on the back for letting more criminals out on the streets.

Our foreign policy will cause massive economic issues as China/Russia/Iran/BRICS continues to take down the USD. Making life more and more difficult for the 99.9% of this country.

Rural areas will be inundated with Meth/drugs and illegal aliens, making once safe rural communities into violent areas where people have to start to lock their doors and conceal and carry every where they go.

Urban areas will continue to decay and increasing rate. The third world inhabitants of these areas will just move out to the suburbs and start over again at destroying their local communities.

Suburban people will be trapped in the next violent areas. Unable to afford to leave. The few who can afford to leave will live behind gated walls and be slaves to uncomfortable jobs so they can escape the reality most everyone else faces.

This is already happening, it will just get worse, and at a very quick pace due to three factors...

)) The collapse of the USD, which is happening right now.

2) The fact all politicians run on platforms to make it all worse. Look at "based" Trump's campaign.

3) The invasion of the borders bringing in more sadistic criminals, many released from prisons and shipped here so they don't have to pay to keep them locked up.

It will get very ugly, I would suggest doing everything in your power to try to be in the group who can afford to live behind a gated wall.
I think this is a bit black pill, but I do agree it's moving towards this state, I just think slightly less extreme.
Collapse ?
I don't think we will ever experience a real, hard collapse like the depression that followed the dissolution of the soviet union, or fall of Yugoslavia civil war. But we are moving in the direction of present day Brazil: social disparity will continue to grow, with red states retainig an overall high standard of livivng, while the blue states will fall into poverty and chaos. Just like it's now in Brazil where the southern regions are safe and prosperous while the rest of their country is a shithole (of varying degree). And this, when compared to what we had, to what we should be, can be described as a collapse.
But ten again, those processes have been going on for decades now, so it's not really fair to blame Trump for the decline that he did not start - so the question is: will he be able to reverse the collapse (doubt it) or at least slow it down (for how long) ?
I really don't see the possibility of the USA being a superpower in the long or even medium term to be possible, much less likely. Even if trends were to be reversed, like demographics and the school propaganda, what would such a system be based on? Our Boeing airplane production? Facebook apps?

I suppose we could still hang on to a position like the UK. And I guess they are still considered a "superpower." But I don't see any ability beyond what the UK is today, probably much less in the long run.
I think this is a bit black pill, but I do agree it's moving towards this state, I just think slightly less extreme.
It is like it always is in human civilization. A slow drain of water, that becomes much more noticeable over time. 25 years ago I could tell this country was going to collapse and probably in my lifetime. Had I told most anyone this, they would call me crazy. Now, it is much more noticeable and more and more agree with me. The process is simply speeding up.
I think this is pretty much the trajectory.

Pockets of prosperity and safety shrouded by extreme lawlessness and poverty in majority of the large cities.

But Yemen style collapse...Nope. nowhere close.

Too much capital and energy here in the US.

We still are going to be a super power. Too many minerals and oil and gas and lithium and resources here in the states.
Energy and resources don't make a country a first world nation. Iceland is low on resources and has a great standard of living. Africa is resource intensive and is a dumpster fire.

The most important thing is people, and the people who made the USA great are being replaced by people who can never keep the lights on or the engines running. There is no denying this at all.

I heard an interesting point about European heritage Americans. We underwent two further evolutionary genetic events that even our European brothers didn't. First, we were the people who made the brave choice to risk life and limb and come to a new land. And 2nd we survived the new land. Many of the newborns didn't' survive these harsh conditions, thus the result is people who are bred to survive the most extreme. An interesting point, though on a larger 10,000 year scale it is minor, it is something to consider.

You can't replace these people with 90 IQ third worlders and expect resources and energy to continue to be extracted. If that were the case, they would already be doing this in their home countries they are risking life and limb to run away from.

I wouldn't consider the USA a Super Power any longer. Our power was in our military strength. It forced other nations to trade in the USD and to fear our reach. That is disappearing at a lightening speed. China/Russia/India/Iran trade without the USD and it is losing power quickly. The USD is printed so quickly, it is losing purchasing power before our eyes. Even the rag tag Houthi's went toe to toe with our former great military and sent it running off with its tail between its legs. We are less than a paper tiger and that is why Iran has been more than happy to stand up to us.
Energy and resources don't make a country a first world nation. Iceland is low on resources and has a great standard of living. Africa is resource intensive and is a dumpster fire.

The most important thing is people, and the people who made the USA great are being replaced by people who can never keep the lights on or the engines running. There is no denying this at all.

I heard an interesting point about European heritage Americans. We underwent two further evolutionary genetic events that even our European brothers didn't. First, we were the people who made the brave choice to risk life and limb and come to a new land. And 2nd we survived the new land. Many of the newborns didn't' survive these harsh conditions, thus the result is people who are bred to survive the most extreme. An interesting point, though on a larger 10,000 year scale it is minor, it is something to consider.

You can't replace these people with 90 IQ third worlders and expect resources and energy to continue to be extracted. If that were the case, they would already be doing this in their home countries they are risking life and limb to run away from.

I wouldn't consider the USA a Super Power any longer. Our power was in our military strength. It forced other nations to trade in the USD and to fear our reach. That is disappearing at a lightening speed. China/Russia/India/Iran trade without the USD and it is losing power quickly. The USD is printed so quickly, it is losing purchasing power before our eyes. Even the rag tag Houthi's went toe to toe with our former great military and sent it running off with its tail between its legs. We are less than a paper tiger and that is why Iran has been more than happy to stand up to us.
That's all true... But the aggregated material wealth I nthe United States is beyond anywhere else in the world.

The Houthis is not a military might issue, it's a political football Biden (and Obama) didn't want to hit.

Maybe you noted how during Trump Houthis werent disrupting trade or shooting at US ships unlike the pre and post Trump governments.

And please... On the Iran talk.... I keep waiting for them to break through with the next great thing...
It ain't happening.
That's all true... But the aggregated material wealth I nthe United States is beyond anywhere else in the world.

The Houthis is not a military might issue, it's a political football Biden (and Obama) didn't want to hit.

Maybe you noted how during Trump Houthis werent disrupting trade or shooting at US ships unlike the pre and post Trump governments.

And please... On the Iran talk.... I keep waiting for them to break through with the next great thing...
It ain't happening.
Our material wealth is simply due to the money printer going brrr, which is obviously going to run out soon due to the massive amount of debt + BRICS + our weakened military.

I know they want to put Trump back in office to try to sell the military again to young men. It is not going to work this go around. And now if Trump tries his little tricks in office again, like he did his first embarrassing first term, there will be a reaction to it. Iran has caught up too much to let Trump try to bully them.

Iran already has the greatest thing any country can have. Their own people. We don't have that; we are done for without some major changes. Way beyond anything Trump will campaign on.
Our material wealth is simply due to the money printer going brrr, which is obviously going to run out soon due to the massive amount of debt + BRICS + our weakened military.

I know they want to put Trump back in office to try to sell the military again to young men. It is not going to work this go around. And now if Trump tries his little tricks in office again, like he did his first embarrassing first term, there will be a reaction to it. Iran has caught up too much to let Trump try to bully them.

Iran already has the greatest thing any country can have. Their own people. We don't have that; we are done for without some major changes. Way beyond anything Trump will campaign on.
No. Our material wealth is due to the industry, resources, and way we treat capital investments.

Again, as far as Iran is concerned... Why do people like Patrick Bet David, who grew up there and left, decry how screwed up and terrible that country is if they "had their own people" and were some monolithic block.

There's a lot of deification of these sorts of people just because they are some sort of foil to the things we don't like about our own country. Same thing could be said for Russia.
No. Our material wealth is due to the industry, resources, and way we treat capital investments.

Again, as far as Iran is concerned... Why do people like Patrick Bet David, who grew up there and left, decry how screwed up and terrible that country is if they "had their own people" and were some monolithic block.

There's a lot of deification of these sorts of people just because they are some sort of foil to the things we don't like about our own country. Same thing could be said for Russia.
Well, like I said, our resources and the way we treat capital, or do anything, will be useless when the people who created it are replaced with people who cannot maintain it.

I don't know much about Patrick Bet David, I would have to read up on him. But if he prefers this satanic tower of babel where drag queens read to children and children are confused enough to transgender their own sex, and the COL ensures most the next generation cannot afford a home or start a family, then he has something very wrong with him.
Well, like I said, our resources and the way we treat capital, or do anything, will be useless when the people who created it are replaced with people who cannot maintain it.
Of course, this is true. The question is how quickly it happens. Most people, especially us, have drastically overstated how quickly it might happen. While it is getting faster, there is no doubt, there is still a good amount of inertia the US has. If that weren't so, we wouldn't have been wrong for a while now about it "going broke".
Of course, this is true. The question is how quickly it happens. Most people, especially us, have drastically overstated how quickly it might happen. While it is getting faster, there is no doubt, there is still a good amount of inertia the US has. If that weren't so, we wouldn't have been wrong for a while now about it "going broke".
TBH, I will be shocked if the USA is even a functioning country by 2040. I'm not sure how it could go on another 16 years. With this debt, this much mass immigration of 80 IQ people, this much crime and violence, that only increases year over year, this much loss of standing in the world, and the only people holding this thing up are checking out at an alarming rate.

It might then be rebuilt, in its original image, or it might just become Brazil of the north, with a few decent areas and most of it a warzone. I suspect it will be much like Brazil is now, before 2040.

And we only last that much longer, if China/Russia/Iran decides to not take out our out of date electrical grid or other infrastructure, which wouldn't take much and they have more than enough motivation to do so.
Well, like I said, our resources and the way we treat capital, or do anything, will be useless when the people who created it are replaced with people who cannot maintain it.

I don't know much about Patrick Bet David, I would have to read up on him. But if he prefers this satanic tower of babel where drag queens read to children and children are confused enough to transgender their own sex, and the COL ensures most the next generation cannot afford a home or start a family, then he has something very wrong with him.
Its really hard to take you seriously when we talk about serious topics and you equate a totality of a country and the extremes and equate the fringe to be the norm.

No, PBD, who is a very conservative Christian person, does not endorse any thing about that.

Lets use your same rhetorically fallacy:

I dont know much about IIMT, I'd have to read up on him. But if he thinks its okay to rape little boys in homosexual madrassas, stoning women to death, and persecuting Christians, then there's something wrong with him.

I'll add, you're constant doom decrying is a far sight from geopolitical reality.
Its really hard to take you seriously when we talk about serious topics and you equate a totality of a country and the extremes and equate the fringe to be the norm.

No, PBD, who is a very conservative Christian person, does not endorse any thing about that.

Lets use your same rhetorically fallacy:

I dont know much about IIMT, I'd have to read up on him. But if he thinks its okay to rape little boys in homosexual madrassas, stoning women to death, and persecuting Christians, then there's something wrong with him.

I'll add, you're constant doom decrying is a far sight from geopolitical reality.
I looked up PBD. So, he is allowed on Youtube, that already throws a red flag up. Obviously if he is on Youtube, he says nothing to challenge the system, unlike the guys I listen to, who are all banned on Youtube and have to use Rumble or their own personal websites.

I just asked how someone would think that the USA of today, one that is full of disgusting porn, poverty, crime, and they are celebrated as our highest achievements. Literally, the BLM and LGBTQ flags fly at our embassies in other countries as a representation of what this country has become, is better than a traditional country where marriage and family creation is supported. There is just something wrong there and throws up a red flag for me.

Sure, he can say "I don't' support those things", but he obviously chooses those things over what Iran has to offer. I can understand when a person gets paid 7 figures for his blue pilled cog in the system and promoted by the satanic elite talking points. But for us regular guys out here, the 10's of millions of us who can barely get by, working 7 days a week, and can never have a decent life, we don't appreciate these points of view.

As for the "doom", you tell me how either the demographic outlook will change, when everyone running for office wants to badly change it as fast as possible OR how you will fight thousands of years of evolution creating IQ levels all within a few year span. Because, other than doing one of these two things, and the USA will become Brazil very quickly.

As for Trump, he wants to flood the border as well, but he wants to do it "legally", which is even worse. And no, Trump will not kick out the illegals. Blackrock Financial and the other big boys are investing billions in new housing projects to house these invaders. Trump has no ability, strength or power to fight these big boys, so he will just have to make an excuse and let them stay so Blackrock will profit greatly off our demise.
I have honestly never heard of the guy before. I don't watch "conservative" media, I know it is just approved talking points and lies. The guys i listen to would never be allowed on TV or on Youtube, because the red pill/truth isn't allowed in our system. But if this is what he believes/thinks/says, I would stay far away from him.

I really don't see the possibility of the USA being a superpower in the long or even medium term.
Agree, not in the old way of WWI through the Korean War. But then again we're starting to understand that the idea of there being a US government and US President that controls things is an illusion. There is a deeper layer of borderless JQ sophistication and financial control exerted over much of the world that few seem to be privy to. It is this unelected, behind the scenes, uber wealthy that are controlling most of the world's governments and power structures.

The USA of today, one that is full of disgusting porn, poverty, crime, and they are celebrated as our highest achievements. Literally, the BLM and LGBTQ flags fly at our embassies in other countries as a representation of what this country has become.
This is very true, we are living in a bizzaro world where what is bad for people and society is celebrated and what is good for people and society is ridiculed and decried.
I have honestly never heard of the guy before. I don't watch "conservative" media, I know it is just approved talking points and lies. The guys i listen to would never be allowed on TV or on Youtube, because the red pill/truth isn't allowed in our system. But if this is what he believes/thinks/says, I would stay far away from him.

Yeah your argument isn't an argument.

Saying that because someone isn't banned and is able to use their influence to engage means they can't be trusted is a purity spiral that is very tedious.

Here's a guy who came from Iran, then joined the Army, and is now with about 500 million and is totally self made.

Cherry pick a sound bite as you want but the arc of the guys influence is absolutely a greater good for the USA, young men, and their wealth and mentality.

Did you ever consider the guys YOU listen to aren't effective because they can't get the message to an audience? The proverbial self licking ice cream cone....
Yeah your argument isn't an argument.

Saying that because someone isn't banned and is able to use their influence to engage means they can't be trusted is a purity spiral that is very tedious.

Here's a guy who came from Iran, then joined the Army, and is now with about 500 million and is totally self made.

Cherry pick a sound bite as you want but the arc of the guys influence is absolutely a greater good for the USA, young men, and their wealth and mentality.

Did you ever consider the guys YOU listen to aren't effective because they can't get the message to an audience? The proverbial self licking ice cream cone....
They are not banned because they don't challenge the system. No one on this forum should be still getting information from what is presented on TV or on youtube. Those are only approved talking points, by sell out phonies, who are paid to control opinion.

He comes from Iran, is paid a ton of money, to push pro-Israel and pro-war sentiment. Stay far away from him. This is evil. And I think everyone else here can now see this after the last 6 months, which is great, the wall is breaking down.