Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

The GOP will stop this, Trump will be inserted to make sure it never comes to light in his 4 years in office. This might be the first thing our govt. has even floated that would help the middle/working class. So, of course our fake govt. will not allow it. Trump exists to both stop these kind of popular programs but to gaslight his own brainwashed base into thinking that getting our own money back from this evil govt. is a bad thing.

You've got it completely backwards. Even Trump isn't dumb enough to oppose debt aka usury relief.

Only GOPe cucks think this is a winning issue. This is how the GOPe sabotages itself to lose in 2024. Even if Trump wins, he will have a House and Senate both Democrat because the GOPe is focusing on losing issues like student debt and national abortion bans (see Mike Pence lately?).

This ensures Trump can be impeached quickly even if he gets in.
You've got it completely backwards. Even Trump isn't dumb enough to oppose debt aka usury relief.

Only GOPe cucks think this is a winning issue. This is how the GOPe sabotages itself to lose in 2024. Even if Trump wins, he will have a House and Senate both Democrat because the GOPe is focusing on losing issues like student debt and national abortion bans (see Mike Pence lately?).

This ensures Trump can be impeached quickly even if he gets in.
Meaning voting will change nothing and donating to this system or a candidate will be a wasted effort.
How can people trust someone who promoted warp speed program?

All his peace treaties signed by him meant nothing. He didn’t fix the underlying causes. Just a cosmetic operation. Like his buildings.

His love for Jews. I mean. I don’t hate Jews. Don’t love them either. I do understand their destructive tribal nature.

I use to like and admire Trump long before he ran for president. Even though being divorced. It’s always a bad sign. Of instability. But he is a complete disgrace. Warp Speed might end up being one of the worse fuck ups in history. The vaccines were shit they were completely useless. He was a complete disoriented clown during c19 crisis. An imbecile. He was played by the establishment. Totally outmaneuvered.

He was played again in the elections votes. And lost. He is de facto a loser.

That’s not what leaders are. They outflank and beat sensely the enemy.

He didn’t pardon the idiots who believed in them and went into the capitol. Why? Because he doesn’t have real power.

C19 happened during his watch. Why did he kept Fauci? Who knows what will the elites pull with this clown again in WH. Might be something way worse than c19. We will see in 2026. Maybe the vaccines side effects will kick in.

I bet he never took the vaccine he promoted. Bolsonaro at least never did.

He really fooled me for a while though. Don’t trust any of this scammers. Change must come within civil society.

It’s strange that a country with the pool of talent as the US can only present biden and trump.
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Trump was a complete disoriented clown during c19 crisis.
100% agree. However, Trump not being the sharpest tool in the shed is nothing new to those of us who have been following him since the late 80's. Nothing to see here.

The argument being put forth by Samseau, Get2Choppa, and others here is that, "Trump is the lesser of two evils, and that a Trump win in 2024 BUYS US MORE TIME TO PREPARE BEFORE SOME SORT OF MAJOR ECONOMIC SET-BACK, intense civil strife, war, or partial western-civilizational collapse ($10+ a gallon gasoline, etc.).

And so the unfortunate question becomes, "Who are you voting for, Trump or Biden?" And the obvious answer is "Trump." If you obstain from voting in the 2024 US presidential election because you feel betrayed or fooled by Trump in the past, or because "voting doesn't matter," then make sure to let everyone here know this fact so that those of us "saps" who wait in line for hours to vote for Trump can thoroughly troll you for years to come.
The argument being put forth by Samseau, Get2Choppa, and others here is that, "Trump is the lesser of two evils, and that a Trump win in 2024 BUYS US MORE TIME TO PREPARE BEFORE SOME SORT OF MAJOR ECONOMIC SET-BACK, intense civil strife, war, or partial western-civilizational collapse ($10+ a gallon gasoline, etc.).
This is both going to happen and in fact buys us time. I used to be in the "just get this done and let's try to rebuild" until I realized no one listens to me anyway, so it's better for me and the rest to just take advantage of what is left, use my talents, and help others later - not go down with the clueless people left behind and doing nothing to help the situation.
Trump is the lesser of two evils

Yeah, this always brings to mine the words of Saint Paisios for me...


I guess Dakos could be substituted for International Jewery.

A related caveat is with regards to abortion for example. Do we not vote for someone because their view is to allow for it in the cases of rape/incest/very short term, and instead throw away our vote to a C candidate that'll never win, or just not vote at all because they aren't completely 100% on our side?

It seems like it's better to choose the lesser of evils. We aren't going to get some kind of Constantine figure that is 100% Orthodox Christian in his thinking, but we can still see who is a more Godly person, in this case Trump.

Politicians are worldy figures that require us to succumb to less than ideal standards. I guess I just can't really agree with any sort of 'all or nothing' type of thinking. But I could be wrong.
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How can people trust someone who promoted warp speed program

I certainly don't trust him, nor any politician ever. I don't think there will ever be a candidate that we can fully trust. It's just the nature of the world. They are all compromised. But there's still advantages to choosing the lesser evil.
This is both going to happen and in fact buys us time. I used to be in the "just get this done and let's try to rebuild" until I realized no one listens to me anyway, so it's better for me and the rest to just take advantage of what is left, use my talents, and help others later - not go down with the clueless people left behind and doing nothing to help the situation.
When the SHTF, I'll be minorly inconvenienced... electricity is nice. Internet access is nice, but I got a farmer's almanac and enough books to keep me engaged and interactive. Its the accelerationist folks on the internet that I laugh at, whom have zero actual life survival skills and are usually (though not always) least equipped to ACTUALLY deal with the repercussions of a collapse.

I live in the country, have livestock, physical security, guns out the yin yang, grow fruit/veggies, ect. Biden or Trump doesnt change me much.

But I work a corporate job at a very large publicly traded energy firm, and I'd sure like to keep adding to the opportunity of my kids to continue the building of wealth for their kids down the road. Biden isnt going to do that for me.... even if the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is mostly a protectionary tariff that focuses on the Energy Transition.

Trump is a bridge for that, but he's also a chaos candidate for the leftists that want to force DIE down our throats.
100% agree. However, Trump not being the sharpest tool in the shed is nothing new to those of us who have been following him since the late 80's. Nothing to see here.

The argument being put forth by Samseau, Get2Choppa, and others here is that, "Trump is the lesser of two evils, and that a Trump win in 2024 BUYS US MORE TIME TO PREPARE BEFORE SOME SORT OF MAJOR ECONOMIC SET-BACK, intense civil strife, war, or partial western-civilizational collapse ($10+ a gallon gasoline, etc.).

And so the unfortunate question becomes, "Who are you voting for, Trump or Biden?" And the obvious answer is "Trump." If you obstain from voting in the 2024 US presidential election because you feel betrayed or fooled by Trump in the past, or because "voting doesn't matter," then make sure to let everyone here know this fact so that those of us "saps" who wait in line for hours to vote for Trump can thoroughly troll you for years to come.
I don’t think he will buy you anything. C19 which was the worse event I’ve witnessed in my lifetime happened under him. Maybe it would have been worse under a democrat.

9/11 happened with Bush. Also I wonder why that guy isn’t in jail cause of his level of incompetence. He let the worse terrorist attack happen and he is not punished?!?!?!

They say the MO of intelligence agencies now is not to do terrorist attacks. But do nothing. And let it happen. They know. And don’t prevent it from happening. Read somewhere it would probably be Houthis doing an attack on US soil.

Trump is as evil as Biden. They are both evil as it gets. But Biden is a senile. Trump is lucid. Voting will be a waste of time.

Read yesterday Geert van boosche says there’s a chance we will see a 30/40% mortality from the vaccines. A tsunami he says. Don’t know if he is right or wrong but it goes along the prediction from that military site. And immediately thought of this fool promoting an experimental vaccine. Which was never a vaccine. They never blocked transmission.

Why did he do that? He could have said it’s up to anyone to decide. Or be firmly against it. If it’s to make this sorry performance why did he went there in the first place?
And his love for Jews. It’s embarrassing.

Politicians don’t have power. This is a problem. President of US should receive 1-5B$ per year. Minimum. With the excuse of a dictatorship they’ve been stripping elected officials of real power. Immunity should also be granted. And a lifetime pension. For him and all immediate family.

I live on a farm and every night I play cards with my kids. We are playing whist now cause one of them is reading 80 days book. My concern isn’t me. I don’t give a f if the internet goes off. What worries is little ones. During covid crisis. I still went to the mall. And ate in restaurants. In the mall my oldest kid would buy the food. Bellow 12 years old you didn’t have to show the vaxx certificate. He would buy to all of us. I would give him my bank card or cash. Once a restaurant complained. I showed him the law. He gave the food. Security guards didn’t know what to do.
In restaurants whenever friends would organize a lunch. I would arrive late. Restaurant owners would not ask for the certificate. All of this happened under Trump and truth be told with Biden we are on the verge of WWIII. But there’s no covid talk.

It’s true Trump didn’t had a plan. At least a plan to liquidate his enemies. Before they did it to him. He never really had enemies before being president. I think. Cause everything was more and less handed to him. Companies work also like dictatorships not democracies.

Was actually thinking on going back to the city. But I might stay here after all. Farms are money pits. Hélas.
Politicians in the west have no power. The agencies have power. With the boogeyman of dictatorship. It wasn’t like this when I was younger.
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Read yesterday Geert van boosche says there’s a chance we will see a 30/40% mortality from the vaccines. A tsunami he says. Don’t know if he is right or wrong but it goes along the prediction from that military site. And immediately thought of this fool promoting an experimental vaccine. Which was never a vaccine. They never blocked transmission.

Why did he do that? He could have said it’s up to anyone to decide. Or be firmly against it. If it’s to make this sorry performance why did he went there in the first place?
And his love for Jews. It’s embarrassing.

You know Trump was against mandated vaccines from the start and throughout the COVID times, right? Remember how he was pilloried by everyone for "promoting" "unproven" treatments all the time.

Americans were extremely lucky they had Trump and not the dickheads the rest of us had in the west in countries like Australia, for example, which were gearing up to put the unvaccinated into concentration camps at one point.

And don't forget that the much maligned Operation Warpspeed was not primarily about vaccines, it was about providing medical supplies and capability where it was needed. For example forcing medical supply companies to significantly increase production of items and keep prices low was very good, as was gearing up other industries to start making medical supplies/equipment.

Everyone around the world had vaccines to deal with, and America was one of the places it was least enforced, thanks to Trump. But as everyone had vaccines to deal with, remove them from the equation and you will see that you were lucky to have Trump and not a leftist, or crypto leftist totalitarian like the rest of the world had to deal with.
You know Trump was against mandated vaccines from the start and throughout the COVID times, right? Remember how he was pilloried by everyone for "promoting" "unproven" treatments all the time.

Americans were extremely lucky they had Trump and not the dickheads the rest of us had in the west in countries like Australia, for example, which were gearing up to put the unvaccinated into concentration camps at one point.

And don't forget that the much maligned Operation Warpspeed was not primarily about vaccines, it was about providing medical supplies and capability where it was needed. For example forcing medical supply companies to significantly increase production of items and keep prices low was very good, as was gearing up other industries to start making medical supplies/equipment.

Everyone around the world had vaccines to deal with, and America was one of the places it was least enforced, thanks to Trump. But as everyone had vaccines to deal with, remove them from the equation and you will see that you were lucky to have Trump and not a leftist, or crypto leftist totalitarian like the rest of the world had to deal with.

The reason the Australians got the brunt is because they showed no grit at all. The protests were a joke (who came after the fact most of the protesters already took the poke) and just the lack of cohesion in general.

Trump is not the one who 'stood up' it was the white rural American people who haven't completely been castrated yet by anti gun laws, operation wharp speed was an absolute disgrace.
Maybe it would have been worse under a democrat.

You obviously aren't living in America because everyone knows once Biden got in the Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and general oppression got 10x worse.

No one went to jail for J6 until Biden was installed.

No one was forced to take drugs until Biden was installed.

No wars until Biden was installed.

No massive open borders until Biden was installed.

The fact you cannot see such basic things leads me to conclude you suffer from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome, and are incapable of perceiving reality clearly.

Let the hate go. Stop watching corporate news, or whatever garbage it is that you are reading. Think like a general at war. We are going to suffer losses. It's unavoidable. The point is to win, not for Trump, but for us, and this means throwing as much sand into the gears as possible.

Anything that causes the rich and powerful to fight each other is to our advantage. Doesn't matter who causes the fighting as long as the fighting happens.
The reason the Australians got the brunt is because they showed no grit at all. The protests were a joke (who came after the fact most of the protesters already took the poke) and just the lack of cohesion in general.

Trump is not the one who 'stood up' it was the white rural American people who haven't completely been castrated yet by anti gun laws, operation wharp speed was an absolute disgrace.
Look, if you look at what was ACTUALLY required by the gov contract vs what Pfizer etc delivered After*** Trump left... These were 2 different things.

Look at the Brooke Jackson case against Pfizer for specificity on that.

@Cuchulainn is absolutely right
I don't think the future is going to be as bad as others think it will, to be honest. It will continue to get weird, and wealth disparities will accelerate, but I think given what I've said about population realities, this was foreordained/built in. Things will be hardest for the average to poor person, as welfare and DEI are going away. The only question that remains is how violent it will get, since the standard of living for most will increasingly go down. That depends on how doped up the people are, or how regionalized we get, etc. There is a reason why we recommend BTC all the time, and that's because the new elite will hold it.
You obviously aren't living in America because everyone knows once Biden got in the Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and general oppression got 10x worse.

No one went to jail for J6 until Biden was installed.

No one was forced to take drugs until Biden was installed.

No wars until Biden was installed.

No massive open borders until Biden was installed.

The fact you cannot see such basic things leads me to conclude you suffer from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome, and are incapable of perceiving reality clearly.

Let the hate go. Stop watching corporate news, or whatever garbage it is that you are reading. Think like a general at war. We are going to suffer losses. It's unavoidable. The point is to win, not for Trump, but for us, and this means throwing as much sand into the gears as possible.

Anything that causes the rich and powerful to fight each other is to our advantage. Doesn't matter who causes the fighting as long as the fighting happens.
Samseau. Did you get your booster shot like Trump did?

That guy is a liar. I don´t hate him. I know what he is. An opportunistic weak lowlife. You can see he could obviously be something more. But he rather be what he is. A talented second hand car salesman. And like I said before. Long before he was president I already studied him. And his books. Due to his connection to real estate. He is the typical son of newly rich trash. Even though he did seem to make an effort in his first years of real estate in NY. He is not authentic. It´s fake. He is fake. He did raise his children well it seems.

How did this guy and Biden ended up being US presidents?

"We have delivered a safe and efective vaccine in less than 9 months". "It has passed the gold standard of safety" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Trump says he got Covid vaccine booster shot, tells fans not to boo him for it​

"Be like President Trump, and get your booster shot." :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Operation Warp Speed

"The vaccine developers, different vaccine technologies, and treatments receiving government research funding were:

NameTechnologyAmountDate announcedVaccine candidateDate FDA authorizedNotes
Johnson & Johnson (Janssen Pharmaceutical)[32][33][34]Non-replicating viral vector$1 billionAugust 5, 2020Ad26.COV2-SFebruary 28, 2021This funding is in addition to $456 million the government awarded in March 2020.[35][36] FDA authorized emergency use only.[37]
AstraZenecaUniversity of Oxford[38] and Vaccitech[39]Modified chimpanzee adenovirus viral vector$1.2 billionMay 21, 2020AZD1222No FDA authorization.First authorized December 20, 2020, in the United Kingdom.[40] In March 2021, a number of countries paused use of the vaccine out of fears it may be implicated in cases of blood clotting observed in vaccine recipients.[41]
Moderna[30][31]mRNA$1.53 billionAugust 11, 2020mRNA-1273December 18, 2020The government had already given Moderna two grants of $483 million and $472 million.[42] The $1.53 billion announced on August 11 brought the total investment to $2.48 billion. FDA authorized emergency use only.[43]
Novavax[44][45][46]SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein nanoparticle with adjuvant$1.6 billion for advance commercial-scale manufacturingJuly 7, 2020NVX‑CoV2373Funding to demonstrate commercial-scale manufacturing; federal government will own the 100 million doses produced, but will be made available for clinical trials
Merck and IAVIAntiviral drug research and immune response therapy[47]$38 millionApril 15, 2020two vaccine projects terminated by Merck, January 25, 2021[47]
Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline[48]Protein (insect cell lines) with adjuvant$2.1 billionJuly 31, 2020VAT00008On December 11, 2020, the companies announced that they would delay the vaccine's release until late 2021 because it produced "insufficient immune response" in elderly people.[49]
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When Trump touts "Criminal Justice Reform" which was a big part of his 2020 Kushner campaign to win the Hispanic and Black vote, remember that you have to pay extra for it.

I don't think the future is going to be as bad as others think it will, to be honest. It will continue to get weird, and wealth disparities will accelerate, but I think given what I've said about population realities, this was foreordained/built in. Things will be hardest for the average to poor person, as welfare and DEI are going away. The only question that remains is how violent it will get, since the standard of living for most will increasingly go down. That depends on how doped up the people are, or how regionalized we get, etc. There is a reason why we recommend BTC all the time, and that's because the new elite will hold it.
We will just continue the descent into the third world. It will speed up and things will get noticeably worse quicker and quicker.

Crime will continue to be at rates that are unacceptable, and both parties will pat themselves on the back for letting more criminals out on the streets.

Our foreign policy will cause massive economic issues as China/Russia/Iran/BRICS continues to take down the USD. Making life more and more difficult for the 99.9% of this country.

Rural areas will be inundated with Meth/drugs and illegal aliens, making once safe rural communities into violent areas where people have to start to lock their doors and conceal and carry every where they go.

Urban areas will continue to decay and increasing rate. The third world inhabitants of these areas will just move out to the suburbs and start over again at destroying their local communities.

Suburban people will be trapped in the next violent areas. Unable to afford to leave. The few who can afford to leave will live behind gated walls and be slaves to uncomfortable jobs so they can escape the reality most everyone else faces.

This is already happening, it will just get worse, and at a very quick pace due to three factors...

)) The collapse of the USD, which is happening right now.

2) The fact all politicians run on platforms to make it all worse. Look at "based" Trump's campaign.

3) The invasion of the borders bringing in more sadistic criminals, many released from prisons and shipped here so they don't have to pay to keep them locked up.

It will get very ugly, I would suggest doing everything in your power to try to be in the group who can afford to live behind a gated wall.
We will just continue the descent into the third world. It will speed up and things will get noticeably worse quicker and quicker.

Crime will continue to be at rates that are unacceptable, and both parties will pat themselves on the back for letting more criminals out on the streets.

Our foreign policy will cause massive economic issues as China/Russia/Iran/BRICS continues to take down the USD. Making life more and more difficult for the 99.9% of this country.

Rural areas will be inundated with Meth/drugs and illegal aliens, making once safe rural communities into violent areas where people have to start to lock their doors and conceal and carry every where they go.

Urban areas will continue to decay and increasing rate. The third world inhabitants of these areas will just move out to the suburbs and start over again at destroying their local communities.

Suburban people will be trapped in the next violent areas. Unable to afford to leave. The few who can afford to leave will live behind gated walls and be slaves to uncomfortable jobs so they can escape the reality most everyone else faces.

This is already happening, it will just get worse, and at a very quick pace due to three factors...

)) The collapse of the USD, which is happening right now.

2) The fact all politicians run on platforms to make it all worse. Look at "based" Trump's campaign.

3) The invasion of the borders bringing in more sadistic criminals, many released from prisons and shipped here so they don't have to pay to keep them locked up.

It will get very ugly, I would suggest doing everything in your power to try to be in the group who can afford to live behind a gated wall.
I'm not sure the USD is collapsing right now. I think we have a long way to go before the Brics is actually viable. And that's assuming Putin is alive for the next 15 years to keep it together.

We are seeing many many many companies from Europe and Asia onshoring their company to the United States due to the way we treat capital and investment compared to other countries.