Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I can't wait for this anti-White clown to win, and get nothing done, and then we see a real pushback against this rigged system. I didn't want him to win, because I feared he could get lower IQ whites to buy into his lies. Now, things are so bad and over the top that his silly talking points will not sell to anyone under 50. So, please get into office and do nothing and watch real anger and panic flow.

I agree with most of your analysis, but I fear that after 4 more years of Trump we'll get anything but a pushback against the current system. Not right away at least! I've pointed this out before; but I think that Trump 2.0 serves as a perfect springboard to a very radical leftist candidate in 2028. (probably someone younger) The media will use Trump, and to some extent Putin, in order to rile up the masses and then promote "the solution." I don't know what that will be of course, but it could be even worse than covid, and maybe last longer as well?
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I agree with most of your analysis, but I fear that after 4 more years of Trump we'll get anything but a pushback against the current system. Not right away at least! I've pointed this out before; but I think that Trump 2.0 serves as a perfect springboard to a very radical leftist candidate in 2028. (probably someone younger) The media will use Trump, and to some extent Putin, in order to rile up the masses and then promote "the solution." I don't know what that will be of course, but it could be even worse than covid, and maybe last longer as well?
I agree, I think this is the point of Trump and why they will install him back into office...

1) Quell the righteous anger growing in the USA. Put it back to sleep. "Trust the plan" and he will do nothing different than Biden or his first four years or Obama, or any other president since Reagan. Israel first, unlimited immigration, tax cuts for billionaires, bailouts for failing DEI corporations.

2) After the spun-up rhetoric, the DNC can run someone like AOC or some other angry anti-White woman of color and win in a landslide and really push the country off the cliff. The DNC couldn't do this in 2020, due to demographics, but they can by 2028.
True, but showing up to the capitol on J6 was an amateur move by anyone who has ever been involved with RVF or CIK. With all our knowledge of the JQ and false flag events, we should have been the last ones to ever show up at such an obvious "entrapment" event.

But this shows a poor military mind - when you know your enemy has set a trap for you, that means you know where your enemy is. You show up with overwhelming force and destroy your enemy.

For example, the way Constantine took over Rome was because he knew his enemies were setting up a trap for him at Milvian Bridge. So he went there with his army and killed an army twice his size, and took over Rome in a day.

Likewise, had 20 million showed up to DC, instead of 1 million, Washington DC would have been razed to the ground (due to the madness of the crowd) and we would have become free. Instead, the pussy weakling men of America have decided to die as slaves.

I love how people continue to act all terrified because a measly ~1400 arrests out of 1 million protesters. That is a .14% arrest rate. You have the same odds of dying in a car accident.

American men held all the cards in 2020, I mean all of them, in terms of numbers and firepower, but are so cucked, spiritually and physically, they just rolled over and let their nation get raped while they get replaced. It is a heartbreaking thing to watch.
When you know your enemy has set a trap for you, that means you know where your enemy is.
I'm not even sure any of us know exactly who the enemy is much less where they are? I've yet to see a list of the names and addresses of the top 100 jews destroying America much less have any of them been taken out. Individual FBI and CIA agents are just pawns in a larger game. Someone needs to be going after the king and putting the JQ queen into check mate.

The pussy weakling men of America have decided to die as slaves.
True, but I'm not sure that it was a conscious decision. American men were systematically lulled to sleep with the JQ illusion that if they worked hard enough and long enough hours that they could "get ahead." Meanwhile, there were jews rigging society with their financial scams (insurance, financing, stock markets, etc.) and lawfare making millions of dollars a day. There are "people" who make more money in a month than most men will make in their lifetime and this is the real problem with America right now. For example, almost 50% of single family homes in America that were sold last year were not bought by single families but by jewish owned investment firms like Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard. Their intention is to jack rents and home prices up to unprecedented rates thus increasing the intensity of their decades long demoralization campaign against white and working class men.
I'm not even sure any of us know exactly who the enemy is much less where they are? I've yet to see a list of the names and addresses of the top 100 jews destroying America much less have any of them been taken out. Individual FBI and CIA agents are just pawns in a larger game. Someone needs to be going after the king and putting the JQ queen into check mate.

I'm not saying the razing of DC would have solved all our problems. It merely would have been the first shot in a massive civil war to follow. But, not razing DC means submission to abject slavery, replacement, and destruction, so there was no other choice.

Additionally, DC is slavemaster HQ which has taken the Talmuds at least 70 years to construct. Without the slavemaster HQ, there would be chaos everywhere all over America. Welfare checks would go unpaid, states would quarrel and fight each other over who gets to rule next, and the Talmuds would like a trying to ride a raging bull in a rodeo.

We wouldn't even need to know who they are, they would lose so much power and be so occupied with trying to regain control that strategically, it would have been a tremendous win. There would be no war in Ukraine, no forced vaccinations, no genocide of Gaza, no Great Replacement. Think about it... everyone would have lost, EXCEPT White Christian men. Now they kept control, and are tightening the screws to basically crush everyone. American men's strategic position is 1000x worse than it was in 2020.

Why do you think the slavemasters shit their pants so hard over J6? Because they realized they made an error, and they almost got killed. They set a trap that nearly trapped themselves and destroyed their major power apparatus. Now, basically no one is allowed anywhere near DC. They won't be making that mistake ever again.

True, but I'm not sure that it was a conscious decision. American men were systematically lulled to sleep with the JQ illusion that if they worked hard enough and long enough hours that they could "get ahead."

This is just an excuse, like why I can't go the gym and workout or something. Especially for anyone on the "Right," everyone knew our government was evil and needed a big slap across the face.

I realized on J6 that American men are too spiritually deracinated, and we have to start over.

Meanwhile, there were jews rigging society with their financial scams (insurance, financing, stock markets, etc.) and lawfare making millions of dollars a day. There are "people" who make more money in a month than most men will make in their lifetime and this is the real problem with America right now. For example, almost 50% of single family homes in America that were sold last year were not bought by single families but by jewish owned investment firms like Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard. Their intention is to jack rents and home prices up to unprecedented rates thus increasing the intensity of their decades long demoralization campaign against white and working class men.

When you are this abused, why wouldn't you rebel? What is there to lose??? All of our founding fathers rebelled for 1% as much, but those men actually believed in God and did not fear death.
I'm not saying the razing of DC would have solved all our problems. It merely would have been the first shot in a massive civil war to follow. But, not razing DC means submission to abject slavery, replacement, and destruction, so there was no other choice.

Additionally, DC is slavemaster HQ which has taken the Talmuds at least 70 years to construct. Without the slavemaster HQ, there would be chaos everywhere all over America. Welfare checks would go unpaid, states would quarrel and fight each other over who gets to rule next, and the Talmuds would like a trying to ride a raging bull in a rodeo.

We wouldn't even need to know who they are, they would lose so much power and be so occupied with trying to regain control that strategically, it would have been a tremendous win. There would be no war in Ukraine, no forced vaccinations, no genocide of Gaza, no Great Replacement. Think about it... everyone would have lost, EXCEPT White Christian men. Now they kept control, and are tightening the screws to basically crush everyone. American men's strategic position is 1000x worse than it was in 2020.

Why do you think the slavemasters shit their pants so hard over J6? Because they realized they made an error, and they almost got killed. They set a trap that nearly trapped themselves and destroyed their major power apparatus. Now, basically no one is allowed anywhere near DC. They won't be making that mistake ever again.

This is just an excuse, like why I can't go the gym and workout or something. Especially for anyone on the "Right," everyone knew our government was evil and needed a big slap across the face.

I realized on J6 that American men are too spiritually deracinated, and we have to start over.

When you are this abused, why wouldn't you rebel? What is there to lose??? All of our founding fathers rebelled for 1% as much, but those men actually believed in God and did not fear death.
The problem is, Trump's toughest/strongest supporters, the wignats, realized he did nothing for them.

So, guys like Rob Rundo, who literally beat up Antifa members, who were armed with pepper spray and were attacking Trump supporters, were put up on charges, while Trump pardoned life long DNC donors and Antifa donors.

Trump had his chance. My opinion is he was always just a useful tool to quell anger but it didn't go as well as planned. But if he is a legit independent actor, then he failed miserably, lost his best men by stabbing them in the back, and walked his remaining supporters into the biggest honey pot trap the FBI has ever setup.
The problem is, Trump's toughest/strongest supporters, the wignats, realized he did nothing for them.

So, guys like Rob Rundo, who literally beat up Antifa members, who were armed with pepper spray and were attacking Trump supporters, were put up on charges, while Trump pardoned life long DNC donors and Antifa donors.

Trump had his chance. My opinion is he was always just a useful tool to quell anger but it didn't go as well as planned. But if he is a legit independent actor, then he failed miserably, lost his best men by stabbing them in the back, and walked his remaining supporters into the biggest honey pot trap the FBI has ever setup.

Again, you are still suffering from TDS. J6 had nothing to do with Trump. Trump was merely the sitting President who called for a protest over a rigged election.

If a sitting President calls for a protest because of a blatantly rigged election, and you don't show up, then you are the problem. Trump is completely irrelevant in this equation. Doesn't matter if Trump was good or bad. Trump did his part by calling for a protest. Either you defend your rights, or you have none.

Does anyone even read the founding fathers anymore? Because it doesn't seem like you do.
Again, you are still suffering from TDS. J6 had nothing to do with Trump. Trump was merely the sitting President who called for a protest over a rigged election.

If a sitting President calls for a protest because of a blatantly rigged election, and you don't show up, then you are the problem. Trump is completely irrelevant in this equation. Doesn't matter if Trump was good or bad. Trump did his part by calling for a protest. Either you defend your rights, or you have none.

Does anyone even read the founding fathers anymore? Because it doesn't seem like you do.
But it didn't matter to his strongest/toughest supporters if it was rigged, as far as they realized, there was no difference in who won the election or even believing elections are real.

If Trump wanted a real revolution against this disgusting system, he would have done things way better, and organized it. Instead he lead them into a giant honey trap. Was he in on it? We may find out one day.
But this shows a poor military mind - when you know your enemy has set a trap for you, that means you know where your enemy is. You show up with overwhelming force and destroy your enemy.

For example, the way Constantine took over Rome was because he knew his enemies were setting up a trap for him at Milvian Bridge. So he went there with his army and killed an army twice his size, and took over Rome in a day.

Likewise, had 20 million showed up to DC, instead of 1 million, Washington DC would have been razed to the ground (due to the madness of the crowd) and we would have become free. Instead, the pussy weakling men of America have decided to die as slaves.

I love how people continue to act all terrified because a measly ~1400 arrests out of 1 million protesters. That is a .14% arrest rate. You have the same odds of dying in a car accident.

American men held all the cards in 2020, I mean all of them, in terms of numbers and firepower, but are so cucked, spiritually and physically, they just rolled over and let their nation get raped while they get replaced. It is a heartbreaking thing to watch.

That’s not how the USA is set up. If Washington DC were to get completely razed to the ground, or nuked, or erased and everyone there vaporized, it changes nothing.

During the war of 1812, the British burned the capital and Congress conducted business as usual from another building, the post and patent building. If one or all of the Congressmen get killed, they’d get replaced probably by someone even more globo homo. That is not to say we are doomed or anything of the sort. But we will likely have sone hard times before anything changes
That’s not how the USA is set up. If Washington DC were to get completely razed to the ground, or nuked, or erased and everyone there vaporized, it changes nothing.

During the war of 1812, the British burned the capital and Congress conducted business as usual from another building, the post and patent building. If one or all of the Congressmen get killed, they’d get replaced probably by someone even more globo homo. That is not to say we are doomed or anything of the sort. But we will likely have sone hard times before anything changes

That was a foreign power, had American people done it then they would have simply established their own government. It would have been an act of revolution and Trump would have become the new President of a new government.

Including US documents and the pledge of allegiance in a Bible alongside the Word of God, then promoting it for profit .... ☹️ I know Trump isn't directly involved in the venture and does not directly receive any proceeds, but merely licenses his name, likeness, and promotion services (as stated on the publisher's official website). Still, the Bible is above any nation and any political agenda. I would rather he acts more as a true Christian than promote a Bible based on a licensing partnership.

Maybe I'm just being too harsh here, but something about this does not sit well with me.

Trump cares more about his rich friends than the average working class white man in America.
Hopefully he wins, and does the same thing he did the last time, which was Israel first, anti-Christian/anti-White policies, and tax cuts for billionaires. Because after 4 more years of that, anyone on the right wing who still thinks voting will change anything can be filtered out as a useful idiot. And that filter will be very useful going forward.

Trump cares more about his rich friends than the average working class white man in America.
Trump still cares more about the average working class stiff than 95% of politicians, and that says quite a bit about how bad things are in America.
Trickle down economics are a staple republican policy since the Reagan era, so its not really about Trump and his buddies in particular, but more about the loyalties of the GOP as a whole.

Trump cares more about his rich friends than the average working class white man in America.
Did you read the article for reals?

I mean it was all quoting Biden and Bernie, and mentioned how Trump was found guilty for fraud for inflating his net worth... Which is not really true, and is certainly not true that he has a trial where a Jury convicted him of fraud... So it's Lazy, dishonest reporting at best, and really hum drum mush mouth liberal babble in reality.

The rich are ALWAYS going to find ways to use the system to their benefit...whether they do interest tax shields on their investment and thus lower their net income, set up secondary companies for their monies to go to that are taxed at different ratios, or leverage the big 4 accounting firms to provide them with tax loopholes.
The GOP will stop this, Trump will be inserted to make sure it never comes to light in his 4 years in office. This might be the first thing our govt. has even floated that would help the middle/working class. So, of course our fake govt. will not allow it. Trump exists to both stop these kind of popular programs but to gaslight his own brainwashed base into thinking that getting our own money back from this evil govt. is a bad thing.
