Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

It's Trump's continued asinine comments about his beautiful vaccines that make me still not trust him. Obviously there is no better option for President, sadly. I feel that voting for him is just slowing down the train of State from going over the cliff. It'll take longer to happen, but it will still happen.

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First, some background, I volunteered to serve near the end of the Vietnam war and decided to join the US Navy for 3 hots and a cot and not having to crawl around in jungles dealing with low IQ peasants trying to put high speed lead in my head to kill me. A competition opened up for the first pipeline of Combat Data Systems experts on Nuclear Submarines and I was selected out of a pool of 1,000+ men. I went on to earn the designation Qualified in Nuclear Submarine Warfare. Rather than being shot at by Communist Brainwashed Peasants I wanted to learn how to NUKE THEM ALL and let the Lord God Almighty sort them out like a true Crusader and Christian Warrior.

My father served on Diesel Fleet Boat Submarines in the Pacific in WWII against the Imperial Japs and was called back for the Korean War. He is buried in the Quantico, Virginia National Veteran's Cemetary.

Suffice to say that since both Trump and Biden both dodged the Vietnam Era draft whereas I and my Nuclear Submarine shipmates were 100% Volunteers. As a basic kneejerk instinct, I should and do have deep contempt for both of these Draft Dodgers.

Now that I have matured and become a self-taught scholar of human psychology and military survival, I realize that the satanic Marxist Maoist Socialist Communist takeover of our key institutions including the wokefication of the DoD during the past 3 years now makes it nearly impossible for Honorable service Military Veterans of the younger generations to be elected in the Era of Bernie, AOC, Warren, Talib Progressive leftist Marxist Communists and the Media and Institutions they control.

What I came to realize is Trump was smart enough to avoid being blown to hell in Vietnam and studied business at Wharton and learned how to compete in the Cutthroat, Mafia NYC influenced metro NYC and New Jersey shore, and then Las Vegas Casino Markets. The Casino Markets are important because Trump had to stay out of the Mafia and local political Kickbacks and Bribery aspects of Real Estate and Casino development in order to survive deep background investigations to obtain both New Jersey and Las Vegas Casino Operators Permits.

Since the number of senior politicians with real power who have a DD-214 with the word Honorable on it are maybe a handful or two at most who are elected and - have to kiss Donors degenerate greezy butts for the cash necessary to Buy elections well I had a come to Jesus moment where I realized to save our country from the past 50 years of creeping Marxist Satanic Anti-Christian Wokeness I had to deal with reality.

That reality is there are very few if any Patriots left who do not have to sell their souls to Donors. Donors who by and large would be happy with a USA that resembles Communist Controlled China versus the Freedom loving Checks and Balanced society our Founding Fathers had intended.

Therefore, I now look at the USA as having two categories of Residents; Patriots who both love and are willing to Fight for our Constitution and our Country, or treasonous Communist Marxist Traitors who want to destroy our country and break it up and sell off the pieces of the USA to the Communist Chinese Borg trying to absorb the world.

I tell my purist Patriot acquaintances that a wise person looks for Progress and Not Perfection in other always flawed humans.

I tell all people You do not have to be a perfect person to be a perfect Patriot.

I am not perfect and the Narcissistic Egoist Draft Dodger Known as DJT is also not perfect.

Donald John Trump, flawed as he is, has proven to fight the CCP and work to save and improve our country for the benefit of all our citizens at the risk of his own life, his entire family and his hard fought for and worked for wealth accumulated over his lifetime.

I have forgiven DJT's Vietnam Draft Dodging... especially now since we are in stealth WWIII with the rapacious Chinese Communist Party.

Which is why I will always vote for the Patriots versus the Bought and Paid for CCP Beijing Biden TRAITORS and their Democrat CCP Loving Communist party traitor collaborators.

After reading all of the MRNA severe side effects in the original FDA inserts - yes they were there and easy to read (Not full of Obfuscating Medical Jargon) and that I wanted a CDC vaccine card so I could travel on Airlines etc., I took the J&J one shot to find out that it too had pretty severe vaccine adverse effects.

I do not know why Egoist Trump has not reached out to Steve Bannon who has featured every major Banned MDs who warned of MRNA and Spike Protein Severe Adverse Effects including Dr. Pierre Kory co-founder of the FLCCC alliance and Dr. Naomi Wolfe of DAILYCLOUT.IO and may other doctors who warned of the severe toxicity of the MRNA Clot Shots and are now working on protocols to recover from both Long Covid and the CDC and FDA warp speed approved dangerous and deadly shots that the VA has pushed on all Veterans - clearly a way to cull the herd of older Veterans and allow corrupt woke Biden CCP loving VA Admins to earn larger bonuses for reducing the number of Veterans in the VA system.

Clearly the Veteran Patriots here need to have Steve Bannon reach out to the Ego Centric Trump and get him a debriefing with Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Naomi Wolfe and the Dozens of other MD whistleblowers Bannon featured on his Warroom broadcasts/podcasts over the past several years and start focusing on positive life extending health effects of Ivermectin and Quercetin and other multi-vitamins incl D3, C, and minerals Zinc, Zeolite, Nattokinase etc.

Yes, I will vote for Trump Again in the primaries and General Election and every other Patriot Man and Woman I can find even with small $20 donations in the hope that my beloved USA might be able to be saved.

In the meantime, I am buying Gold and lots of Silver and Lead and Copper Ammo to survive a possible CCP CBDC Tyranny in case the Biden Communists succeed in stealing our elections AGAIN.

In case of a serious Nuke Clouds SHTF I follow:

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I can't wait for this anti-White clown to win, and get nothing done, and then we see a real pushback against this rigged system. I didn't want him to win, because I feared he could get lower IQ whites to buy into his lies. Now, things are so bad and over the top that his silly talking points will not sell to anyone under 50. So, please get into office and do nothing and watch real anger and panic flow.

I can't wait for this anti-White clown to win, and get nothing done, and then we see a real pushback against this rigged system. I didn't want him to win, because I feared he could get lower IQ whites to buy into his lies. Now, things are so bad and over the top that his silly talking points will not sell to anyone under 50. So, please get into office and do nothing and watch real anger and panic flow.

Why is this anti-White? Trump isn't wrong here.

Mass immigration will be bad for Whites, and even worse for non-Whites. Where's the lie?
Why is this anti-White? Trump isn't wrong here.

Mass immigration will be bad for Whites, and even worse for non-Whites. Where's the lie?
It is anti-White ,because the controlled opposition puppet can't mention "White people". I love it, talk about a total mask off moment for millions of still on the GOP plantation Whites.

And how does anyone believe mass immigration will be worse for non-Whtes, when it is non-Whites who overwhelmingly vote DNC to increase it, while Whites vote GOP?
It is anti-White ,because the controlled opposition puppet can't mention "White people". I love it, talk about a total mask off moment for millions of still on the GOP plantation Whites.

He doesn't need to mention it. It's understood.

And how does anyone believe mass immigration will be worse for non-Whtes, when it is non-Whites who overwhelmingly vote DNC to increase it, while Whites vote GOP?

Because non-Whites perceive there is nothing to gain voting RNC, but a bit to gain with the DNC. Trump is merely trying to say, "Hey, actually, you'll lose what little you already have if you vote Dem."
He doesn't need to mention it. It's understood.

Because non-Whites perceive there is nothing to gain voting RNC, but a bit to gain with the DNC. Trump is merely trying to say, "Hey, actually, you'll lose what little you already have if you vote Dem."
Yes, he does need to mention it, millions of young White men don't feel represented and he is turning them off, as referenced by the comments in reply to it. Personally, I love it, but he is making another mistake. It will not matter, they will install him in a last ditch effort to bring people back to the table to believe in this nonsense.

If non-Whites by now can't see that voting GOP is in their best interest, except for those cheating the system on welfare or quotas, then they simply never will. Trump isn't going to move the needle in 2024 with any of those groups. And I will love watching it all play out, the satanic elites and their little golden boy puppet are too little and too late.
Yes, he does need to mention it, millions of young White men don't feel represented and he is turning them off, as referenced by the comments in reply to it. Personally, I love it, but he is making another mistake. It will not matter, they will install him in a last ditch effort to bring people back to the table to believe in this nonsense.

If non-Whites by now can't see that voting GOP is in their best interest, except for those cheating the system on welfare or quotas, then they simply never will. Trump isn't going to move the needle in 2024 with any of those groups. And I will love watching it all play out, the satanic elites and their little golden boy puppet are too little and too late.

Looks to me like a lot of TDS. People read too much into a throwaway comment from Trump that is basically true.

My prediction is that Whites have always bitched and moaned, especially Republicans, and will do nothing except more bitching and moaning like I've seen for most of my life. The only ones who've ever done anything are Trump supporters at J6. Most of the guys complaining on Twitter to the Trump tweet aren't young themselves, but guys over 50.

Young White guys don't care about this stuff much, they are trying to survive, pay rent, and get laid, like all young guys do. They see how cowardly and weak the older generation of Whites are, and mostly have checked out of politics because there should have been tens of millions at J6 but only a million instead.

We will see who is right between us, "Time will tell."
Looks to me like a lot of TDS. People read too much into a throwaway comment from Trump that is basically true.

My prediction is that Whites have always bitched and moaned, especially Republicans, and will do nothing except more bitching and moaning like I've seen for most of my life. The only ones who've ever done anything are Trump supporters at J6. Most of the guys complaining on Twitter to the Trump tweet aren't young themselves, but guys over 50.

Young White guys don't care about this stuff much, they are trying to survive, pay rent, and get laid, like all young guys do. They see how cowardly and weak the older generation of Whites are, and mostly have checked out of politics because there should have been tens of millions at J6 but only a million instead.

We will see who is right between us, "Time will tell."
Yes, we will certainly see.

Trump, bailed out by the satanic elites in the 1980's is their golden boy to drain the energy of the righteous anger. The problem is, things have moved so far so fast, his gas lighting comments only backfire now. They will install him in office, they badly need the "most pro-Israel president in the history of the USA" (his claim, not mine) and White anger drained. But the black eye Israel has now from their own evil deeds, and the distance this country has gone against Whites, it will be far too little, far too late.

Why would anyone go to J6? Milo said on January 5th he was informed by the FBI it was a massive setup on Telegram and the always ahead of the curve wignats said it would be the ultimate setup. Including Mike Peinovich, who predicted it would all unfold, exactly as it did, in late October 2020, before the election.
Why would anyone go to J6?

Because the election was rigged, and to take it lying down shows incredible weakness and cowardice. It means you are a slave if you do not fight back when you are reduced to a groveling peasant.

It had very little to do with Trump, having your vote taken away from you means you are a slave.
Because the election was rigged, and to take it lying down shows incredible weakness and cowardice. It means you are a slave if you do not fight back when you are reduced to a groveling peasant.

It had very little to do with Trump, having your vote taken away from you means you are a slave.
Every election is rigged. This was the script. They wanted to get the heat off Trump, because his reckless spending and bailing out of the stock market was going to cause the massive inflation and economic hardships we face now. They put Biden in, who they just need as a stop gap for 4 years to take the blame and extend DEI further and anti-White talking points wider. Now they can have these fake court cases and over the top story of Trump winning these battles to make him look like a hero and get back into office. While Biden rides off into the sunset, mission accomplished by both.

We are all slaves; we are part of the tax farm for endless wars and profiteering for the satanic elites. That will never end with an election, they own everyone on both sides, hell, AIPAC even brags about this publicly. You don't vote your way out of this.

I agree with you 95%, but I take issue over "every election is rigged." Yes I know powerful interests buyout the politicians, especially the chews, but in 2020 it was literally the canceling of the people's vote.

Before, there was at least the pretense the people's vote mattered. 2020 revealed the scam and people should have reacted much more violently to it. Now, most young guys I know have completely and utterly checked out of politics, which makes the situation 10x worse.
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I agree with you 95%, but I take issue over "ever election is rigged." Yes I know powerful interests buyout the politicians, especially the chews, but in 2020 it was literally the canceling of the people's vote.

Before, there was at least the pretense the people's vote mattered. 2020 revealed the scam and people should have reacted much more violently to it. Now, most young guys I know have completely and utterly checked out of politics, which makes the situation 10x worse.
I think it makes the situation better. Instead of just lining up to vote and making the best of it and trying to win over the other side by the next go around, they instead are stepping away from it and asking the big questions and finding the answers that have been hidden from them.

I feel more white pilled about the future than since I was in college. Young men are waking up in droves and the satanic elites don't have any answers for it. Meanwhile the satanic elites are getting their asses kicked across the globe in proxy wars, trade, and reputation.. They are in full panic, in fact today alone, Larry Fink is forced out of his hole and onto CNBC and Fox Business to try to spread his message and defend his nasty reputation. And there is no way he wants to be forced to do this. They are feeling the heat and it is just starting for them.
Well I can't say I agree with guys checking out is a good thing, but, the huge silver lining is that the chews won't have the cannon fodder they need to control the world anymore. That is definitely something. And Trump will not fix this either, because no one knows who will come after Trump.
Why would anyone go to J6?
Great question. For the last 25 years I've stayed away from any type of large gathering, concerts, festivals, and especially political gatherings. For me, this probably started with Columbine, but was accentuated on 911 (going to work in a US financial building with 1000's of sitting duck co-workers). I always thought J6 was not a smart move (I thought this during the build up on the 4th and 5th as well). The whole thing played out exactly as expected. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And not to derail, but the same goes for Pagan Front's public protests. We are too far gone for showing up to some AI monitored rally to make any difference what so ever.

Because the election was rigged, and to take it lying down shows incredible weakness and cowardice.
True, but showing up to the capitol on J6 was an amateur move by anyone who has ever been involved with RVF or CIK. With all our knowledge of the JQ and false flag events, we should have been the last ones to ever show up at such an obvious "entrapment" event.
Trump just posted on his trash social media site that Randy Fine is a MAGA warrior who will fight along side him.

Who is Randy Fine? The Florida legislature who wrote the first anti-1A bill to target anti-Semitism and was later signed by Ron DeSellout in Israel.

Elections don't matter, the same side will always win.
I can't wait for this anti-White clown to win, and get nothing done, and then we see a real pushback against this rigged system. I didn't want him to win, because I feared he could get lower IQ whites to buy into his lies. Now, things are so bad and over the top that his silly talking points will not sell to anyone under 50. So, please get into office and do nothing and watch real anger and panic flow.

I think he's trying to broaden his appeal to non-white voters. I understand the argument that he should focusing mainly on the needs of White male heritage Americans, but in pragmatic terms, he simply needs more votes than that to win. There are plenty of Asian and Hispanic (and some Black) voters who are unhappy with the immigration disaster, among other problems, so he's doing what he has to be doing - reaching out to them.
I think he's trying to broaden his appeal to non-white voters. I understand the argument that he should focusing mainly on the needs of White male heritage Americans, but in pragmatic terms, he simply needs more votes than that to win. There are plenty of Asian and Hispanic (and some Black) voters who are unhappy with the immigration disaster, among other problems, so he's doing what he has to be doing - reaching out to them.
He has been trying to broaden his appeal to non-Whites since 2020. It isn't because he is trying to win or lose, they will hand him the election in a desperate move to keep the people asleep and not angry. It is because they need him to gaslight Whites into continuing to believe they don't deserve equal rights and don't deserve a govt. the represents them. He probably has been told by his puppet masters to not mention White people, unless it is in a negative light.