Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I forgot mid-wit IQ Trump gave away the game plan. On his Fed Trap social media outlet he claims he "defeated ISIS". Unfortunately blue pilled conservatives believe this nonsense. ISiS is sponsored and funded by the USA to attack our enemies in the Middle East. Trump never fought against them, Trump certainly never defeated them. And now Trump will use it as an excuse to escalate war in the Middle East.

"Figthing ISIS" is how cowards like Trump increase war efforts in Syria and Iraq, without being honest to the voters.

I agree with the points you've raised

Literally every GOP candidate aside from Vivek are super Pro-Israel.

Trump could have easily stated " He is against the IDF's actions & against giving Israel US taxpayer funding" but he doesn't

& we all know why because son in law runs the show. Trump is not even Anti Ukraine funding. Something that even DeSantis is able to say. Instead he states that "He will stop the war" without specifiying how or why.

Trump should be working with Vivek not taking his anger out on him in favour of making a deal with establishment republicans like Graham, Rubio & Haley.

You either stand for FULL American soveriegnity or you are just a shill.
I think Trump is the proverbial "hail Mary pass" before the USA political system collapses forever. Yes, I am disgusted by the fact that he shilled and boasted about his "Operation Warpspeed". Who knows how many millions of people are dead or injured because they trusted him to get the jabs. He still hasn't recanted on that one. Then there is the fact that he is totally in the tank for Zionism and Israel. These are two total deal-breakers for me. That being said, I understand why everyone is putting all their energy behind him: because there is no other valid option left. It's all or nothing for most people.
Since I don't live in the USA and I cannot in good conscience vote for him, I will sit this election out, keep my mouth shut, and let the chips fall where they may. Besides, 23.59 illegals will replace my vote anyhow, so who cares.
You don't think Trump has ever committed any crimes that would add up to significant jail time if discovered? I'm just a peon human with a small business and I have a "decent" moral compass, but even I've committed enough unconvicted crimes in my life (driving while impaired, cheating on my taxes, buying drugs, etc.) to be put away for life. Trump's huge life, complex businesses, and shady associates coupled with his strange demeanor and gaudy sense of "style" lead me to believe he has knowingly bent, and on occasion broken the law throughout his life. The sheer amount of fame, money, and power that Trump has wielded over his lifetime can only be accomplished by immoral and illegal means. Also, remember, under US law, knowing of a felony and not reporting that felony is also a felony

However, I'm still voting for Trump because I believe in sending a thief to catch a thief. Trump is my thief.

@It_Is_My_Time Trump will most likely not be our next president and he very well may be spending some time behind bars.

It's not just Trump, though. Show me a politician, and I'll show you a sinner.
Listening to a podcast and right now they put up some good reason as to why Tim Scott is probably the lead for the Trump VP pick.
Good, we have video evidence of another President Kushner lie. He will get into office and do what he did before, pardon life long Democrats and sell out to Israel and the MIC.

Just curious... If he's elected and this happens... Are you going to admit you were wrong? Or come up with another angle?

If he were to deport all 40 million illegal aliens here and start on this first day, like he promised here? I would be very happy to admit that at some point after 2021 he got courage for the first time in his life and did the right thing and I was wrong.
Another clown from the Trump admin, showing how little he knows about how the real world works.

Don Bongino knows quite a bit. But he wasn't a Trump admin member.

The fact is that we have allowed Iran to do whatever they want with Hezbollah and Houthis and the Biden weakness is being exploited accordingly.

And how much money is the leadership of Iran worth?

Have you seen Patrick Bet David's interview with the Son of the Shah?
Don Bongino knows quite a bit. But he wasn't a Trump admin member.

The fact is that we have allowed Iran to do whatever they want with Hezbollah and Houthis and the Biden weakness is being exploited accordingly.

And how much money is the leadership of Iran worth?

Have you seen Patrick Bet David's interview with the Son of the Shah?
We haven't allowed Iran to do what they want, we have a nation collapsing by every possible way, due to legal immigration, followed up by illegal immigration, and no one rightfully wants to go fight for this evil empire. The Biden team is trying to protect Israel as it commits a genocide on the Palestinian people and not drag us into a hot war we will lose with Iran. Clown boy's idea of trying "disappear" to top brass in Iran is right up the same chicken idea of murdering General Soleimani with drones when he was an invited guest in Iraq.

If Trump and his team of cowards want to support Israel's genocide, then come out and support the hot war they will eventually create. To be honest, as big of a clown show as Biden's team has been, I am glad they have kept us out of a hot war with Iran so far, despite the pressure by Israel to start one. I see no way possible that Trump, surrounded by his super pro-Israel team can do the same.
We haven't allowed Iran to do what they want, we have a nation collapsing by every possible way, due to legal immigration, followed up by illegal immigration, and no one rightfully wants to go fight for this evil empire. The Biden team is trying to protect Israel as it commits a genocide on the Palestinian people and not drag us into a hot war we will lose with Iran. Clown boy's idea of trying "disappear" to top brass in Iran is right up the same chicken idea of murdering General Soleimani with drones when he was an invited guest in Iraq.

If Trump and his team of cowards want to support Israel's genocide, then come out and support the hot war they will eventually create. To be honest, as big of a clown show as Biden's team has been, I am glad they have kept us out of a hot war with Iran so far, despite the pressure by Israel to start one. I see no way possible that Trump, surrounded by his super pro-Israel team can do the same.

You're now praising Biden for avoiding war and saying Trump will definitely start one?

This goes with your idea of sacrificing ourselves to save iran right?
You're now praising Biden for avoiding war and saying Trump will definitely start one?

This goes with your idea of sacrificing ourselves to save iran right?
Yes, Biden's team has done a great job of keeping us out of a hot war with Iran, despite Israel demanding it. Trump himself, with his big mouth, said he is the most pro-Israel (most Zionist) president in US history. Now his little cheerleaders are out there floating the idea of committing war crimes by kidnapping and "disappearing" govt. officials of Iran all to protect Israel, so that Israel can continue to genocide Palestinians and kill children. It is pretty damn disgusting.
Yes, Biden's team has done a great job of keeping us out of a hot war with Iran, despite Israel demanding it. Trump himself, with his big mouth, said he is the most pro-Israel (most Zionist) president in US history. Now his little cheerleaders are out there floating the idea of committing war crimes by kidnapping and "disappearing" govt. officials of Iran all to protect Israel, so that Israel can continue to genocide Palestinians and kill children. It is pretty damn disgusting.

Trump knows his supporters will not tolerate a new war, Biden's supporters want it...they want anything CNN and Beyonce tell them. I understand you don't like Trump but I think you're not being very objective here.
Trump knows his supporters will not tolerate a new war, Biden's supporters want it...they want anything CNN and Beyonce tell them. I understand you don't like Trump but I think you're not being very objective here.
Biden's supporters are top-down controlled Palestinian supporters, so they don't want a war in Iran, they want a war in Ukraine.

It wasn't me that was stupid and said I was "the most pro-Israel president" and now his court jesters are out suggesting something as stupid as kidnapping/killing Iranian leaders, all to support the genocide and bombing of children in Palestine.
I'm far from the most qualified person to pontificate about US/Israel/Iran, but I do know some things about navies and the maritime industry, and I'll say, although you'd be insane to say Iran has a "better" Navy or military than the US, they do have the ability to inflict such a black eye upon the US Navy that any sort of real military action against Iran would be ruled out by even the biggest Zionists in our government, because they know if the US were to lose 2 carriers, some escorts, and the ability to protect maritime commerce, the US will be discredited for decades and her ability to protect Israel from her immediate neighbors will disappear immediately. The US wouldn't be able to coerce regional governments into playing nice with Israel, and beyond that, the value of the USD would collapse dramatically.

At best, the US could use its submarine fleet to launch some Tomahawks and take out some infrastructure, but the US cannot actually engage in a serious land, sea, and air campaign against Iran in the same way it did against Saddam's Iraq, due to advances in hypersonic missiles and drone technology. The US Navy hasn't really improved anything over the past 21 years. Most of the ships from that era are still in use today, which shows not only that the US Navy has stagnated, but actually deteriorated, given that most ships are built for a 30 year service life, maybe with a 10 year extension option, but with that ten year extension, the availability of those ships becomes very reduced as maintenance becomes nonstop, just like with an automobile, so in effect you'd get a few months on deployment and then maintenance periods of an unknown duration, and we just do not have a surge maintenance capacity. We can barely maintain what we have, imagine trying to repair damage from actual drone strikes in addition to the added wear and tear on 30+ year old engines.
You're kidding right? Trump has done absolutely nothing in his life on his own and couldn't "engineer" his way out of a wet paper bag. January 6th anyone? Talk about clown world and a low IQ fiasco. Most everything in Trump's life has been done for him and to him. This includes the book he supposedly wrote which was actually written by a ghost writer (he freely admits he's "not much of a reader" and yet he wrote a book?). Trump is a JQ pawn who like them will do and has done anything for money (including marrying his hot daughter that he would "date" off to the JQ mafia). But mainly, Trump is an atheist who has always behaved like an atheist. And you can't teach an old dog new tricks. If anyone here wants to believe that Trump is a righteous Christian man and not an atheist then that is their prerogative. But if that's the case then "wow," talk about being "purely subjective"?

Great post. This is what Trump is in reality...

Trust fund kid, above average IQ, and he is an addict, just as much as the trust fund kids who do cocaine. He is a lust addict and he craved that by selling people out, all this life, to cut corners and become a real estate mogul.

He built his castle on the sand, cheated on his wife with models, and it obviously crashed down when his really stupid investment into Atlantic City went bust. He lost everything, by being greedy, and making bad decisions. He was then bailed out, with obvious concessions, by the satanic elites in the 1990's. He was so willing to sell out his own family, they gave him a TV show, and this renewed his popularity. Many forget about him going bust with very bad investment decisions and looking like a fool.

So, then this "outsider", who sold out his entire family to the satanic elites, and was a TV star, all of a sudden runs for president. He talks about "low black unemployment" and "we need more legal immigrants than ever before" and a bunch of men who started to wake up were put back to sleep by this charlatan. And as one final act, the pied piper lead his blue pilled followers to the capitol, while he ran off for the white house, and they were crushed to pieces.

Now, we are supposed to forget all of this and pretend one side is less evil than the others.

We, especially the men on this forum, have to see through this.
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