Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

I don't see a thread on collapsing infrastructure, this seems like the best place for this.

The thing is about the "No Borders" brigade, is that if a state liberalises finance and doesn't defend its borders against migrants importing poverty, you will still have borders. Not investing elsewhere will make internal rivers borders again after the bridges collapse.
The thing is about the "No Borders" brigade, is that if a state liberalises finance and doesn't defend its borders against migrants importing poverty, you will still have borders. Not investing elsewhere will make internal rivers borders again after the bridges collapse.

Yep, that's why Rome became Constantinople. Rome was a dilapidated run down old capital and the smart money had long moved on from that immigrant ghetto. When the sack of Rome finally happened, it was mere formality, as the were barely any Romans left in Rome by that point.

"No go zones" are de facto creation of new borders and territory.
The do gooder, trying to save Portland , who keeps getting stabbed with dirty needles and the homeless keep trying to kill him? He’s nuts. I mean I respect all social workers but they are out of their league, anyone would be trying to help such a massive problem.

I don’t know what the solution is. Maybe open up the insane asylums? I do know that cities aren’t safe

I don't think you're being harsh. When I lived in Seattle, the homeless would leave their needles all over the place (including playgrounds), constantly steal bikes (even from kids), steal from businesses and leave trash everywhere. Some even crapped on the sidewalks or tried to sell drugs to anyone that walked by.

Most of them are terrible people and I don't feel sorry for any of the bad ones.

There's a video on the same channel in Philadelphia (I think) which describes exactly what you're saying. It's shocking, man. All up the stairs in the public train station, on the streets, outside shops, just everywhere. These people are totally beyond help, and they don't even want help. The best thing would be to round them all up into one place, wall it up, and let nature take its course.

It'll be a monumental effort for the next president to clean up, so much so that whatever is necessary is going to be so unpopular that whoever has to make the call is going to be labelled an inhumane monster globally.

At some point, after a sufficient amount of warnings, then yes, absolutely. We need to bring back tough 3 strike laws. In order for "it" to be "humane" people need to be explicitly told, "Look, if you don't pull it together and stop hurting innocent people and get a job and become a productive member of society then you will be either euthanized or locked up for life." 3 strikes and you're out.

The same goes for war, you can't play "Nice War" with people who are willing to strap dynamite and nails to their chest and blow themselves up in your face. If you aren't willing to use tactical nukes on people like this and kill lots of civilians in the process, then by default you will lose any battle with them. There is nothing more badas* than a kamikaze soldier. American soldiers in the middle east never stood a chance against such a foe. You must make formidable enemies like this fully submit by being more brutal to them than they are to you. The Japanese would have never submitted to the US had it not been for Fat Man and Little Boy.

This is also the only way to stop illegal immigration at our southern boarder. After Trump's border wall (and plenty of written warnings that say "Turn Back Now, You Are About To Die"), there should be a high voltage electric fence peppered with sporadic land mines. It would only take one pregnant mother getting electrocuted to death and/or having her legs blown off for the word to reach Latin America and for all illegal crossings to stop. Although cruel, it would be a small price to pay for instantaneously stopping 10,000 migrants a day from illegally crossing into our once great country.

Some people just won't listen to anything but a barrel of a gun.

All you guys are wrong here. These people are all children of God, and most of them were destroyed by an evil system. The system destroyed their families, destroyed their culture, and destroyed their economic prospects. The were left even without a Church to turn to. Then, they turn to drugs and even the first hit of the drugs they take are enough to enslave one's mind and turn into a criminal.

I'm fairly certain anyone who turns their backs on the homeless will not be entering the Kingdom of heaven. You are judging the innocent and will be guilty of the most severe hypocrisy on Judgement day.

If our system was not pure evil, none of this would be happening and indeed it would be very easy to clean up these people's lives if our system wasn't rotten to the core. This is a symptom, not a cause.
All you guys are wrong here. These people are all children of God, and most of them were destroyed by an evil system. The system destroyed their families, destroyed their culture, and destroyed their economic prospects. The were left even without a Church to turn to. Then, they turn to drugs and even the first hit of the drugs they take are enough to enslave one's mind and turn into a criminal.

I'm fairly certain anyone who turns their backs on the homeless will not be entering the Kingdom of heaven. You are judging the innocent and will be guilty of the most severe hypocrisy on Judgement day.

If our system was not pure evil, none of this would be happening and indeed it would be very easy to clean up these people's lives if our system wasn't rotten to the core. This is a symptom, not a cause.
I understand your theological philosophy and it is a good one. And if you can truly turn the other cheek in the face of a real world violent threat from a "homeless" person then you are a better man than most of us. However, as someone who has experienced physical violence and has two-degrees of separation from a rape and murder victim, I respectfully reject this pacifist stance.

Whether they be homeless, drug addicts, criminals, or soldiers engaging in far away wars, there is a danger in philosophizing about personally unknown, macro-system, anonymous "peoples." I prefer to engage in my immediate micro-system, three-dimensional reality. If I see someone that is right in front of me that is suffering then I offer a helping hand, but I proceed with caution knowing that often times "no good deed shall go unpunished." I have also seen too many good people get destroyed trying to help others, for "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." These may be black pilled assertions, but I have seen history repeat itself too many times on this subject of "philanthropy" to be convinced otherwise.

As someone who has suffered from many self-imposed problems throughout my life (homelessness, drug addiction, alcoholism, rootlessness, lack of direction/discipline, etc.) I am mostly unable to help others without hurting myself. This is why I need/want tough 3 strike laws to protect me from all the recidivist clowns out there (because I can't protect myself without going to jail). I don't think I'm going to hell simply for wanting peace, social cohesion, and order to be enforced by my state, local, and federal governments.

Disbelief Reaction GIF

This is amazing.

Even better when you watch a clip of the preceding dialogue.

^ The IG link may say its broken but it does work

"I'm trying to learn from my mistakes"

[Proceeds to break the local long jump record]

Trying Not To Laugh Season 3 GIF by The Office
It takes a stupid pink glass to get liberal women to finally care about crime and violence. Worthless people.

At the end, you hear a woman say "No no no, it's ok, we'll get law enforcement..."

No lady it's not ok and you just want to delegate the violence to subdue him to some institution that is not available at the time and will be too late. Anything but the use of force in return when a criminal uses forces against you or commits any crime. The mentality is complete failure. As if she should have a say in the matter if a man tries to subdue a ne'er do well animal.

Edit - Comic relief in the last frame as an Asian woman walks in nonchalantly with a mask on immediately after the south-of-the-border criminal exits. This is yet another clip showing the current America in a nutshell and a reminder that all our leaders are committing treason for allowing this to happen. On a dime, they will unleash industrial violence on any group they want for any reason they deem necessary yet they purposely engineered this situation on the ground for all of us to deal with.
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"New wording in 2024 insurance policies - what this tells us"

They're getting ready to go full retard on everything.

They may know something is about to happen. But, why now? And not 3 years ago
All you guys are wrong here. These people are all children of God, and most of them were destroyed by an evil system. The system destroyed their families, destroyed their culture, and destroyed their economic prospects. The were left even without a Church to turn to. Then, they turn to drugs and even the first hit of the drugs they take are enough to enslave one's mind and turn into a criminal.

I'm fairly certain anyone who turns their backs on the homeless will not be entering the Kingdom of heaven. You are judging the innocent and will be guilty of the most severe hypocrisy on Judgement day.

If our system was not pure evil, none of this would be happening and indeed it would be very easy to clean up these people's lives if our system wasn't rotten to the core. This is a symptom, not a cause.

Well sure, the increase in homelessness is intentional and the crazy homeless people of today would be in a mental institution and off the streets 80-100 years ago.

But that ship has sailed. Or certainly seems to have sailed. The violent and drugged out homeless will rather stay on the streets .

Heck the relatively sane homeless people on the street often don’t want to stay in a shelter, they are not safe.

The current system has failed, its both failed the homeless and the victims that the homeless attack.

I guess my question is, how do you help someone that doesn’t want to be helped? If they really are too far gone and committing violent crimes sure they should face a prison sentence or insane asylum for whatever crime they commit. But right now most DAs in big cities at least won’t prosecute a lot of the violent crime.

How do we fix the crooked DAs? We are getting more and more Soros funded DAs and crime is getting worse not better? This is way too big a problem for any one person to tackle, that is why I said the Portland do gooder in the video, the social worker who keeps getting stabbed with dirty needles? He’s a good man sure, a better man than me but he’s in way over his head . Maybe he should run for office instead . We need more men like him

They may know something is about to happen. But, why now? And not 3 years ago

Well sure, the increase in homelessness is intentional and the crazy homeless people of today would be in a mental institution and off the streets 80-100 years ago.

But that ship has sailed. Or certainly seems to have sailed. The violent and drugged out homeless will rather stay on the streets .

Heck the relatively sane homeless people on the street often don’t want to stay in a shelter, they are not safe.

The current system has failed, its both failed the homeless and the victims that the homeless attack.

I guess my question is, how do you help someone that doesn’t want to be helped? If they really are too far gone and committing violent crimes sure they should face a prison sentence or insane asylum for whatever crime they commit. But right now most DAs in big cities at least won’t prosecute a lot of the violent crime.

How do we fix the crooked DAs? We are getting more and more Soros funded DAs and crime is getting worse not better? This is way too big a problem for any one person to tackle, that is why I said the Portland do gooder in the video, the social worker who keeps getting stabbed with dirty needles? He’s a good man sure, a better man than me but he’s in way over his head . Maybe he should run for office instead . We need more men like him

How do we help? Easy: Close the border, shut down the drug trade, get these people cleaned up, move them into cheap 3d printed housing that can be mass produced, have them work in jobs no one else wants such as menial work within the federal parks system.

It's insane to blame the losers of society for the evils pushed onto them. Everyone here should know the story of Lazarus and the rich man.
St. Paul, Minnesota is screwed.

I've been saying it before and I'll say it again. The entire West has been subjugated and effectively destroyed by ultra liberal feminism and unbridled open door multiculturalism. If you haven't already start learning Russian. Along with Belarus and a few other satellites Russia is the last man standing in the Northern Hemisphere. Plus its economy is exploding and there are plenty of opportunities for young intelligent and well educated white males. SA is a complete mess and apparently keeps getting worse, so if you can't stand the cold then Asia may be your last resort.