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Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

"Can of soup to the head, shoplifter stopped dead in tracks"

Maybe it was some of that Dinty Moore soup. That stuff will kill you in or out of the can.

"Shootout at the Deli in NYC. 11/20/2023"

Description: "A 25-year-old ex-con was shot outside a Queens deli during an argument with his attacker, police said. Joseph Valdez got into a quarrel with a man who pulled out a gun and opened fire outside the store in Astoria about 10 p.m. Monday, cops said. Valdez suffered three gunshot wounds to the arm and upper body. Medics rushed Valdez to New York-Presbyterian Hospital."

Stay out of the city. Life is getting too cheap.

"Target scamming people on Black Friday"

I guess their transgender children clothing lines aren't making enough money.
When your organization does this in 2020:

This is what 2023 offers in response:

Of course, the "headline check" could've been worse, had the Agent actually defended himself: "Racist FBI Agent murders aspiring doctor in car borrowing incident. - Youthful scholar was enroute to MCAT after late night study session."

Apologies if this is already posted somewhere.

I recall one of the (Caucasian) arsonists who destroyed the Minneapolis police precinct getting two to three years and thinking that was a ridiculously small stint in jail.

But this mess in Georgia takes the cake.

Atlanta: What would the likely racial constitution of the jury be?

If the Multi Cult has taught me anything, it is to move to where your peers on a jury would be your actual peers.
San Fran is on the verge of collapse.

I have some sympathy for Detroit. It didn't ask for globalism to destroy its heavy industry and the all the supply chains that supported it.

San Francisco on the other hand, with its Big Tech, should be a Babel of technological globalism.

It isn't the capital of the United Federation of Planets anymore.
San Fran is on the verge of collapse.

And not only is San Francisco becoming an unlivable hellhole, but it's one of the most expensive places to live in the US. They pay a fortune to live in filth. Leftists really are retarded.

At least Detroit is cheap.
Atlanta: What would the likely racial constitution of the jury be?

If the Multi Cult has taught me anything, it is to move to where your peers on a jury would be your actual peers.
If only that worked with many whites.

A fully white jury in Seattle, probably the whitest major city in the US, would have convicted Chauvin ten times over and then asked why they could not lynch him themselves. It would not matter if they were shown all the toxicology reports or if they knew about all the other inconvenient facts, such as the evidentiary concerns (and resignations) in the DA’s office stemming from the obvious lack of a homicide.

Same for Portland and a host of other cities.

In-group preferences are allowed for almost anyone but whites generally and white men in particular.
Very fascinating interview with Tucker here. Jimmy has been producing some real bangers lately.

If you ever get worried about a friend or family member who is a real NPC, remember that just 7 years ago, Jimmy Dore spat at Alex Jones, so clouded was his mind.

Now, look at him. Spreading the truth as a servant of God, bless him.

Christ really will save us all.
If you ever get worried about a friend or family member who is a real NPC, remember that just 7 years ago, Jimmy Dore spat at Alex Jones, so clouded was his mind.

Now, look at him. Spreading the truth as a servant of God, bless him.

Christ really will save us all.

I remember this! It was on the set of the young Turks set at I think a convention (rnc or dnc or sonething else, I don’t remember) in 2016 and Alex Jones just showed up, was being weird. Jimmy drank water and spit on Alex
