Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

The do gooder, trying to save Portland , who keeps getting stabbed with dirty needles and the homeless keep trying to kill him? He’s nuts. I mean I respect all social workers but they are out of their league, anyone would be trying to help such a massive problem.

I don’t know what the solution is. Maybe open up the insane asylums? I do know that cities aren’t safe
The do gooder, trying to save Portland , who keeps getting stabbed with dirty needles and the homeless keep trying to kill him? He’s nuts. I mean I respect all social workers but they are out of their league, anyone would be trying to help such a massive problem.

I don’t know what the solution is. Maybe open up the insane asylums? I do know that cities aren’t safe
Agreed. I watched part of that and found myself thinking those homeless need to be machine gunned. They are not victims that could be normal and decent citizens with a little help. They are the enemies of society.

This may be a little harsh, but watching stuff like this triggers that reaction in me.
I don't think you're being harsh. When I lived in Seattle, the homeless would leave their needles all over the place (including playgrounds), constantly steal bikes (even from kids), steal from businesses and leave trash everywhere. Some even crapped on the sidewalks or tried to sell drugs to anyone that walked by.

Most of them are terrible people and I don't feel sorry for any of the bad ones.
I don't think you're being harsh. When I lived in Seattle, the homeless would leave their needles all over the place (including playgrounds), constantly steal bikes (even from kids), steal from businesses and leave trash everywhere. Some even crapped on the sidewalks or tried to sell drugs to anyone that walked by.

Most of them are terrible people and I don't feel sorry for any of the bad ones.

It is not just Big Pharma's drugs that could fall under the Book of Revelation work pharmakia which is often translated into English as 'sorcery'.
I don't think you're being harsh. When I lived in Seattle, the homeless would leave their needles all over the place (including playgrounds), constantly steal bikes (even from kids), steal from businesses and leave trash everywhere. Some even crapped on the sidewalks or tried to sell drugs to anyone that walked by.

Most of them are terrible people and I don't feel sorry for any of the bad ones.
There's a video on the same channel in Philadelphia (I think) which describes exactly what you're saying. It's shocking, man. All up the stairs in the public train station, on the streets, outside shops, just everywhere. These people are totally beyond help, and they don't even want help. The best thing would be to round them all up into one place, wall it up, and let nature take its course.

It'll be a monumental effort for the next president to clean up, so much so that whatever is necessary is going to be so unpopular that whoever has to make the call is going to be labelled an inhumane monster globally.
... those homeless need to be machine gunned.
At some point, after a sufficient amount of warnings, then yes, absolutely. We need to bring back tough 3 strike laws. In order for "it" to be "humane" people need to be explicitly told, "Look, if you don't pull it together and stop hurting innocent people and get a job and become a productive member of society then you will be either euthanized or locked up for life." 3 strikes and you're out.

The same goes for war, you can't play "Nice War" with people who are willing to strap dynamite and nails to their chest and blow themselves up in your face. If you aren't willing to use tactical nukes on people like this and kill lots of civilians in the process, then by default you will lose any battle with them. There is nothing more badas* than a kamikaze soldier. American soldiers in the middle east never stood a chance against such a foe. You must make formidable enemies like this fully submit by being more brutal to them than they are to you. The Japanese would have never submitted to the US had it not been for Fat Man and Little Boy.

This is also the only way to stop illegal immigration at our southern boarder. After Trump's border wall (and plenty of written warnings that say "Turn Back Now, You Are About To Die"), there should be a high voltage electric fence peppered with sporadic land mines. It would only take one pregnant mother getting electrocuted to death and/or having her legs blown off for the word to reach Latin America and for all illegal crossings to stop. Although cruel, it would be a small price to pay for instantaneously stopping 10,000 migrants a day from illegally crossing into our once great country.

Some people just won't listen to anything but a barrel of a gun.
The druggie/homeless population just seems to grow.

Not my idea but something to consider:

Narcan has short-circuited the negative feedback loop and is actually accelerating drug abuse and homelessness. Previously, an opioid addict would OD and die. That is a -1 for addict/homeless population. Maybe his friends watched it and said - I better clean up or that's my fate. That's another/potential -1 for their population.

Now, with almost every policeman, paramedic, and social worker carrying narcan, the OD guy lives. He, and his friends, now see it as a safeguard to continue their habit. Just stay close enough to someone with an obamaphone to call 911.

Narcan has been a gift for illicit opioid dealers. Endless addiction, no terminal feedback, users feel safer and recruit new customers. If someone feels compelled to clean up, they can go to the alternative opioid (methadone) clinic for a slow-release version at taxpayer's expense.
Narcan has been a gift for illicit opioid dealers. Endless addiction, no terminal feedback, users feel safer and recruit new customers. If someone feels compelled to clean up, they can go to the alternative opioid (methadone) clinic for a slow-release version at taxpayer's expense.
I personally knew/worked with a guy who was a softer level alcoholic of whom our mutual acquaintance died of alcoholism related complications. He cleaned up and kept mentioning our acquaintance as why. So, yes, this really does work.

What we're supposed to do is encourage people to repent and point them in the directions of help and personal betterment. But those who continue making unwise choices, refusing God and the admonishments of the John the Baptists ("repent, and do works meet for repentance") he brings across their paths, are to be ultimately left to God's sovereignty/judgment. Jesus told the disciples to kick the dust off their feet, to those who kept refusing to listen, as a sign of God's impending judgment.

On the flip side, Satan, the ruler of this world, organizes ways for people to be protected and confirmed in their evil ways: abortion as an "out", gay celebration/rainbow flag "civil rights" laws, soft on crime criminal policies while prosecuting to the fullest extent Policeman and citizens who act to defend themselves or their families.
As bad as the joggers and the homeless addicts get, the other side of the law isn't so squeaky clean either. Repeat after me, when confronted with one of these: "I don't answer questions."

"The moment he realized he said too much - fellow vets now cops steal from veteran"

I posted this on the old forum too, worth a re-watch:

"I Don't Answer Questions."
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What is she talking about when she says "I think it's time he get a taste of something else" before sentencing? Is she taunting him about his future prison experience? Seems a bit uncouth.

Oh I saw it as “I think you need a taste of jail time instead of another slap on the wrist “, but we will never know what she was going to say in the rest of her sentence as the defendant charged the judge’s stand
Oh I saw it as “I think you need a taste of jail time instead of another slap on the wrist “, but we will never know what she was going to say in the rest of her sentence as the defendant charged the judge’s stand

I'll wait for the transcript which likely won't be forthcoming. In the meantime, does anyone have a humorous fan-fiction version?