this. As I have personally pondered this issue for many hours, the march toward leviathan is inevitable. What that means for the U.S. is a strong and growing federal government that will eventually destroy any of the rights our constitution was meant to protect (but we let this happen to ourselves, and are past the rubicon with regards to IQ, multi-ethnic society, women voting, etc. etc.). This is the only way our society can remain stable as well. Like you have pointed out, the populace is growing stupider by the day, are becoming more violent, have nothing binding us together. Only a strong central government will hold things together.
What leviathan means for the world is stronger governmental institutions. They will take power through international institution and control of the money supply like they are already doing through the IMF and WEF. The march toward a world government is inevitable. And predicted by Revelation. It is the ultimate realization of "leviathan" than Hobbes theorized.