Decline of Functioning Society

Now I'm No Large City Dweller, but I would venture to guess DieVersity didn't help. Folks who live in The Big H...claim it was more close knit years ago....even at a million plus people.
Bringing half of Vietnam and the Middle East and India didn't exactly help the situation.
Unpunished crime is so out of control in San Francisco that the city now wants to punish grocery stores who want to leave.

Maybe start punishing crime?
San Francisco is an outlier, even within California, but I’d hasten to remind everyone here that Biden would have won both California and New York by only a few percentage points each if only Caucasian votes were counted.

And Caucasians tend to dominate the moderate/swing voter category so Democratic politicians would also have to lurch to the center in the example I am using.

And even this narrow Biden “win” would be unlikely without all the ballot harvesting inflating his vote.

I am being descriptive rather than prescriptive here when I say: lawlessness is the result of minority voters.

In California men and women voted at the same rate for Biden and women were actually marginally more likely to vote for Trump. The issue in California is race and ethnicity, not sex.

White liberals may lead the madness, but minority votes fuel it. And in California minority means majority these days.
And the normies out here listen to me and don't immediately freeze up into "that sounds like a conspiracy!" mode.
I was in rural Ohio for the recent eclipse. At least half a dozen people casually would bring up the daily status of the chemtrails, very matter-of-factly, the same way I might say "looks like it's gonna rain tonight."

I don't know if the masses everywhere know all about chem trails , or just maybe this is a rural thing, but it was shocking to me. I might bring something like this up to friends, but only those who are known to think outside the box, and certainly never to a stranger in casual "howdy" talk.

I thought that was pretty cool.
In defence of the service industry in general and customer facing personnel in particular, it is physically a difficult job but it is no longer a viable career now that students and the endless supply of the world's migrationary labour pool can undermine standards and salaries. With high rents to pay, many service workers must think that they are living a life of wage slavery. Imagine the bar staff in the sitcom Cheers getting by in today's Boston MA.
Not only has real wages gone down a lot for entry level jobs but working conditions have worsened a lot. Companies cut back on staff over the years to cut costs. I feel like a typical waiter or customer service person probably serves a lot more customers than 20 years ago per day meaning they cannot give each customer the same level of attention or service and hence you see the attitude that you see. Aside from that many companies have gradually put in all sorts of policies which lead to bad customer service irrespective of if the front line employees are good or not. This also contributes to bad service.

But yes whatever the reason customer service levels have generally declined across the board worldwide. These days when you go somewhere and you get outstanding old fashioned customer service its such a pleasant surprise.

It also presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs. If you want to open a small business the bar is set very low in terms of competition.
For example I have had times when I was looking for a electrician or real estate agent, etc and I literally gave the job to the first guy that answered the phone because I did a google search for local people and I would call one, they didn't answer their phone, I would call the next guy who didn't answer, the guy after that didn't answer, etc and when I finally found one that answered their phone I gave them the job. And it turned out okay in the end. Literally all they had to do to win more business is answer their phone. This is the level the world has gotten to. If you are a small business person who actually cares about customers its relatively easy to make money.

I watched this last night. While I agree with a lot of what Galloway says, I had some mixed feelings upon further reflection and finding out Galloway is a Jew. I also watched a talk between Galloway and Haidt, whereupon I found out Haidt is also Jewish. They were talking about youth being in trouble. They are okay and their generation is fine and wealthy, but the youth, they cry out, are in deep deep trouble. Then they always blame the usual suspects: gov't, the wealthy, social media. Never does it go deeper than this, at least in the few discussions I listened to, such as Galloway talking to Andrew Yang about struggling young men.

One of the feelings I got is that the enemy could watch this TED talk by Galloway and get off on it. It's a massive validation to the effectiveness of their efforts. Their Christian enemy is on the ropes. Their biggest long-term threat of a powerful Christian nation is almost no longer a threat. When Galloway and Haidt were talking, the disgust from Galloway felt feigned and from Haidt he didn't seem bothered in the least, just a well-off Jewish professor talking to another well-off Jewish professor about a collapsing nation, not a big deal, what's for lunch? I also noticed Galloway refers to his Jewish mother as an immigrant. Like he's hiding that she's Jewish. My mother was also an immigrant, but I don't refer to her as such ever, and if I did I would mention she's an Italian immigrant. Jews have this way of always hiding their origins if it's not obvious.

Now, I know Haidt is considered an atheist and I believe Galloway isn't a practicing Jew either, but they still both come from non-Christian backgrounds and rose to positions of influence in a Christian nation. There was nothing in Galloway's talk about foreign influence or the elites, except in reference to billionaires, but he didn't dig into that. The whole thing was like 'wow, this guy gets it, he's putting the info in a nice package so the masses know the nation is in self-destruction mode' but then every cure he had was basic liberal stuff (and I know he's a liberal, one who supported Bloomberg, yech!) that isn't going to ever be implemented or do anything. His admonition for young people to go out and get into trouble, as opposed to stay inside and rot online, was still secular hedonist garbage.
Not only has real wages gone down a lot for entry level jobs but working conditions have worsened a lot. Companies cut back on staff over the years to cut costs. I feel like a typical waiter or customer service person probably serves a lot more customers than 20 years ago per day meaning they cannot give each customer the same level of attention or service and hence you see the attitude that you see. Aside from that many companies have gradually put in all sorts of policies which lead to bad customer service irrespective of if the front line employees are good or not. This also contributes to bad service.

But yes whatever the reason customer service levels have generally declined across the board worldwide. These days when you go somewhere and you get outstanding old fashioned customer service its such a pleasant surprise.

It also presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs. If you want to open a small business the bar is set very low in terms of competition.
For example I have had times when I was looking for a electrician or real estate agent, etc and I literally gave the job to the first guy that answered the phone because I did a google search for local people and I would call one, they didn't answer their phone, I would call the next guy who didn't answer, the guy after that didn't answer, etc and when I finally found one that answered their phone I gave them the job. And it turned out okay in the end. Literally all they had to do to win more business is answer their phone. This is the level the world has gotten to. If you are a small business person who actually cares about customers its relatively easy to make money.
This is basically the principle on which I operate my business and how we win. It's amazing how many people don't do the basics right.
Never does it go deeper than this, at least in the few discussions I listened to, such as Galloway talking to Andrew Yang about struggling young men.
You've got it right. I've trolled a few of the many youtube videos with accurate descriptions of what is going on, that of course Galloway leaves out, because mostly the origin of the "problems with men" are just a suicidal society controlled by others (you are correct) that has promoted feminism. He will never talk about this because he won't be asked back on CNBC, or be able to keep his job or something, wherever he is (I think NYU). It makes sense also that he doesn't really care. He also has the visage of a guy you'd just like to smack because he looks so stupid and bothered. He's a confused, hurt man who covers it up with self importance gleaned from podcasts and being some sort of "professor" when in reality he looks like Rich Cooper. Someone with social cues that can read things well, including people, notices instantly these guys are mad at the world and it shows physically, especially in their facial expressions and affect which are not warm at all, and not with any sort of positive energy. I noticed this within 3 seconds of seeing both of these men, and their voices are the same type, if you'll take some lessons from me here.

Haidt's a nerd but I think you're right about the indifference thing - they're still getting paid. I think Gall was divorced too. These guys have some smarts but I've noticed any lefty in general has no wisdom and they can't think big picture either, which is a similar point - they lack 2nd order thinking and beyond. The reason that is is because their first points usually have no real backing, they are ideological conclusions first, then some random facts that are obvious to most.

I'm sad to report to most around here that none of any of this really matters anyway, as only a small number of us will escape the material parts of "success" for the coming crisis, which has to pass in order to rebuild a sane system, which this is not. The more important reality for most people then, is to live with virtue and find faith in God, to be honest. If Galloway or Haidt have kids they'll be losers or they'll lose their current weak fortunes anyway, since they don't have real understanding or a grasp of what's going on, and lived a fairly pathetic life papered over by some fake university propped up system and accolades.
Didn't know where to post this, but:

Disregarding the fact that I'm no friend of Israel, and that his people played a large part in making Britain like this,
I completely resonate with his feelings about Britain - it's the same in Australia, and probably all Anglosphere nations.

Just a miserable, dull place of negativity. I have seen in recent times people try and make polite conversation, or tell a light-hearted joke, and they are shut down by the other person - they almost take it as an insult that someone tried to be personable and friendly with them.

The vibe in Melbourne, Aus is just horrible. Zero positivity, nothing uplifting when you leave the house, people are like miserable sheep and drones.

I've never been in an atmosphere like this. At 35, the days of my earlier life seem like a different world.

I feel like I'm utterly wasting my life in this environment. Pajeets and Chinese being shipped in, in the 100s of thousands, every month.

I wish I had an 'Israel' to flee to.
Well International Jewry and their Push for more Mammon within the M1 Fiat Circulation, had people on that Treadmill running towards the Oasis (Financial Independence), with each getting a little further and further away. With this running away from your Families and Your People's,(Ethnicities). Those crucial things,besides Good Clean Living are a Vital formula for an Imperfect World Run By Demons. Sometimes it may not feel like it, but in the long run it's the Cure Against the Wicked One and his minion's Glamorous Prison.

The Meme where Hitler was watching from above smiling as Churchill's statue is Torn down is on Point (while Vindicating Hitler/Haha Told ya so Limey), and gives creedence to the Anglosphere's current Psychological and Civilizational Ailments that this Tribe Member notices.
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Didn't know where to post this, but:

Disregarding the fact that I'm no friend of Israel, and that his people played a large part in making Britain like this,
I completely resonate with his feelings about Britain - it's the same in Australia, and probably all Anglosphere nations.

Just a miserable, dull place of negativity. I have seen in recent times people try and make polite conversation, or tell a light-hearted joke, and they are shut down by the other person - they almost take it as an insult that someone tried to be personable and friendly with them.

The vibe in Melbourne, Aus is just horrible. Zero positivity, nothing uplifting when you leave the house, people are like miserable sheep and drones.

I've never been in an atmosphere like this. At 35, the days of my earlier life seem like a different world.

I feel like I'm utterly wasting my life in this environment. Pajeets and Chinese being shipped in, in the 100s of thousands, every month.

I wish I had an 'Israel' to flee to.

I live in Switzerland which is a quiet place where everyone keeps themselves to themselves. One thing I have noticed in my interaction with Americans that love here is that they are overwhelmingly positive and can do sort of people.

Often it has made me thing about how much different my life could be if I moved there, how much reward there could be for people who hustle and get on with their life. I expect that's just a dream but something must create or have created that.

Europe for the most part is in 3rd stage country decline stage, America is younger that that and maybe thats the reason why. Maybe the current decline you're seeing is America moving from 2nd to 3rd stage?
Just a miserable, dull place of negativity. I have seen in recent times people try and make polite conversation, or tell a light-hearted joke, and they are shut down by the other person - they almost take it as an insult that someone tried to be personable and friendly with them.

If you live in a country where the rules are that people do not talk to each other, you end up interpreting it that way too, no matter how much you would like it to be different.

And so if someone starts talking to you, as much as you like the idea, you might feel awkward because that goes against the rules, and therefore you interpret that there must be something wrong with that person, so you try to avoid them.

And even if you don't see it that way, even if you are glad that they're talking to you, you might automatically respond with aloofness simply because you're not used to it.

This is why it's so important to live in a country where the rules are as you'd want them to be in the first place, so that when someone does talk to you, you'll know it's normal and you won't think the person is weird, and you'll know that it's something you're going to have to get used to and adapt to.

And you'll be glad, because it will bring out the best in you, even though maybe at first it will be strange.
If you live in a country where the rules are that people do not talk to each other, you end up interpreting it that way too, no matter how much you would like it to be different.

And so if someone starts talking to you, as much as you like the idea, you might feel awkward because that goes against the rules, and therefore you interpret that there must be something wrong with that person, so you try to avoid them.

And even if you don't see it that way, even if you are glad that they're talking to you, you might automatically respond with aloofness simply because you're not used to it.

This is why it's so important to live in a country where the rules are as you'd want them to be in the first place, so that when someone does talk to you, you'll know it's normal and you won't think the person is weird, and you'll know that it's something you're going to have to get used to and adapt to.

And you'll be glad, because it will bring out the best in you, even though maybe at first it will be strange.
Yes, but we need a rebirth and that takes a death, first. It's how the universe is. As a funny guy once said,

The vibe in Melbourne, Aus is just horrible. Zero positivity, nothing uplifting when you leave the house, people are like miserable sheep and drones.

I've never been in an atmosphere like this. At 35, the days of my earlier life seem like a different world.

I feel like I'm utterly wasting my life in this environment. Pajeets and Chinese being shipped in, in the 100s of thousands, every month.

I wish I had an 'Israel' to flee to.
That's quite disturbing to hear. I was in Melbourne around 10 years ago, and I found the place best described as the "No Worries Mate" country. Full of happy, white people in a beautiful environment with lots of local industry and culture. One of my favorite parts was just driving towards the Blue Mountains and coming across small towns holding festivals, seeing local vendors and bands playing to groups of white Aussie families.

It was very expensive, and I imagine it's gotten horrendously worse now, and the Chinese factor was also there. I didn't like the idea of the Chinese influx (mostly because it was so large--I think something like 1 in 6 college students were Chinese)--but the other side is at least a large Chinese influence is better than a giant Anglo influence and perhaps they could push Oz out of the Anglo-Zionist alliance eventually (Australia is the single country that joins America in every one of its dumb wars -- literally Our Greatest Ally lol).

But wow, if Oz is that bad buddy you sure don't want to visit America!

Full text
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson picked an activist to serve on the RTA board who has literally zero transit knowledge.

Rev. Acree says he never even discussed transportation plans with the Mayor.

When asked about his plans for the $730 MILLION RTA budget shortfall Rev. Acree admitted it was his 1st time hearing this problem…

He's still on track to be confirmed.