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Decline of Functioning Society

Keep your children out of our military. Iran, Russia and China will soon use our crap technology for target practice and Israel use our troops to catch the flak. These countries will promote their best and brightest to advance technologies, including weapons. We promote 90 IQ students based on quotas. This is why we are getting destroyed in Ukraine and soon in the Middle East.

Keep your children out of our military. Iran, Russia and China will soon use our crap technology for target practice and Israel use our troops to catch the flak. These countries will promote their best and brightest to advance technologies, including weapons. We promote 90 IQ students based on quotas. This is why we are getting destroyed in Ukraine and soon in the Middle East.

I partially agree with this...China and Iran lack the genetics to manufacture and use the same level of technology as the west does, while Slavs maybe have 80-90 percent of the capacity of "the mighty white-man." Unfortunately we're not even close to running out of western men who will take care of the practical work in society, including military tech.

I also think Russia will achieve their goals in Ukraine eventually, but not due to superior weaponry etc, but rather the Ukraine running out of manpower. Despite threats, NATO will not deploy troops in the region. (nor will nukes be used)
I partially agree with this...China and Iran lack the genetics to manufacture and use the same level of technology as the west does, while Slavs maybe have 80-90 percent of the capacity of "the mighty white-man." Unfortunately we're not even close to running out of western men who will take care of the practical work in society, including military tech.

I also think Russia will achieve their goals in Ukraine eventually, but not due to superior weaponry etc, but rather the Ukraine running out of manpower. Despite threats, NATO will not deploy troops in the region. (nor will nukes be used)
We are not running out of them, we are systematically telling them they are not allowed to work, increase our abilities, or protect our people. This is a huge advantage for Russia/China/Iran.
We are not running out of them, we are systematically telling them they are not allowed to work, increase our abilities, or protect our people. This is a huge advantage for Russia/China/Iran.

It seems that so many western men are willing to put up with and endless array of crazy demands and insults and still keep on delivering their "services." I can't see an end to that dynamic anytime soon.
It seems that so many western men are willing to put up with and endless array of crazy demands and insults and still keep on delivering their "services." I can't see an end to that dynamic anytime soon.

You're right ☝ It has a lot to do with the influence Hollywood has on young people. Countless movies that I've watched show men willing to accept all the faults their girlfriends made in the past. "The Wedding Date" is a prime example - the groom finds out moments before his wedding that his fiance had an affair with his best man for years prior, but still ends up marrying her. In fact, he even goes on to attacking his best man, but barely criticizes his wife-to-be. It's stuff like this that can easily brainwash people that aren't grounded into thinking this sort of thing is abnormal.
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Why is this happening? I'm not sure, but I think you could easily argue that the powers that be are no longer interested in allowing ordinary commoners like you and me to have access to safe, cheap, and abundant airplane flights, as was the case in the 2000s-2010s. In hindsight, that might have been an unknown golden age which we will only appreciate when it's gone. They don't want you to leave.

What do you think?
It seems that's the obvious answer to all of this.

I think once these disasters become more common, people will stop traveling, the airline industry will go belly up, and people will have little to no access to air travel at this point.
I'm putting this in decline:

We stood in line at Chipotle today begging the workers to make a quesadilla for us. The tortilla was right there, the cheese, their heater, right there. It's on the menu but they wouldn't do it because it was on their "digital" menu. We even talked to the manager but he said he was helpless, pointed to the cameras and said they were watching. He refused to let them make it for us unless we downloaded the app and ordered it there. Unbelievable. What a stupid world we are building. And can no one question and push back on all this crap anymore?
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984

Happens a lot lately where the solution is there in plain sight you both agree the solution is there infront of you but yet they keep repeating they cant do it because it is told or made a rule by a higher authority that it should not be done.
I've been avoiding the Boeing 737-MAX for years since the 2018 crashes, and never believed the Boeing lies that they "fixed" the problem by writing some computer code.

However, it seems now we are witnessing lots of problems with non-MAX Boeing aircraft. It's really not possible to completely avoid Boeing planes unless you live at a major airport hub, because generally at least one leg is going to be on a Boeing plane if you take a trip with say 4 legs which is fairly common. So I guess I will just cross my fingers and pray every time I fly.

Last week there was literally a Boeing disaster story every day. No fatalities, but very serious problems like doors flying off, flight computers shutting down, etc.

Long term, China is going to dominate the aviation industry. They have a nice plane in the C919, and due to its large population, high average IQ, and lack of stupid diversity policies, can put more smarter engineers behind the design of these planes than America can feasibly do going forward. Airbus is probably at risk as well, but Boeing is toast.

China haters, it's the US that caused all this. China is just doing what Chinamen do, Produce High Quality Goods At Low Prices, and since America took out the regional hegemon, Japan, and then committed Seppuku itself by trashing its once strong aviation industry, you have no one but yourself to blame.
I've been avoiding the Boeing 737-MAX for years since the 2018 crashes, and never believed the Boeing lies that they "fixed" the problem by writing some computer code.

However, it seems now we are witnessing lots of problems with non-MAX Boeing aircraft. It's really not possible to completely avoid Boeing planes unless you live at a major airport hub, because generally at least one leg is going to be on a Boeing plane if you take a trip with say 4 legs which is fairly common. So I guess I will just cross my fingers and pray every time I fly.

Last week there was literally a Boeing disaster story every day. No fatalities, but very serious problems like doors flying off, flight computers shutting down, etc.

Long term, China is going to dominate the aviation industry. They have a nice plane in the C919, and due to its large population, high average IQ, and lack of stupid diversity policies, can put more smarter engineers behind the design of these planes than America can feasibly do going forward. Airbus is probably at risk as well, but Boeing is toast.

China haters, it's the US that caused all this. China is just doing what Chinamen do, Produce High Quality Goods At Low Prices, and since America took out the regional hegemon, Japan, and then committed Seppuku itself by trashing its once strong aviation industry, you have no one but yourself to blame.
China's advances in the last 15 years are insane. There are pictures of major Chinese cities from 1995 or even 2000 and then today and the difference is absolutely shocking.

I don't know if China can keep the bankers at bay, as they are attacking them nonstop in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Trade Deals, banking deals, etc., but so far so good for them. I think China's ability to be the lone super power completely resides on who replaces Xi Jinping. If it is another hardliner like him, they will do great things. If they can subvert the govt., then China will probably take a lot of steps back and fall back.

Another thing, is the Chinese people who have moved to the USA and are now either moving back or instructing their adult kids to move back, because the severe lack of opportunities here v. over there when it comes to jobs and education. If anything was telling of both how bad things are getting here and how much better things are getting over there, then that is it right there.
“Let him protect us” does sound very weak indeed, and terribly passive. I would rather be proactive.

You don't understand, our God is a Living God, he interacts with the world on a daily basis. So praying and putting your faith in God IS active. The most active thing anyone can do. But for those without faith, it is impossible to see or understand why.

For example, all of these Boeing flights that fall apart mid air, and yet no one dies. Doors fly off mid flight, and no one dies. These are called miracles, and defy the laws of physics. It is God's mercy that preserves the lives of those in such accidents, for no one can die before it is their time.

God knows when every one of us will die, and if something tries to break his eternal will, then he just changes the rules of the world and no one is any wiser to it.

The only thing that can make us die sooner than what God would want for us is our own wills. When people kill people, there is nothing God can do to prevent that.

Thus when people turn their wills to God, and follow Him, they prosper. But when they turn away from Him, they end up destroying each other and themselves.
I'm putting this in decline:

We stood in line at Chipotle today begging the workers to make a quesadilla for us. The tortilla was right there, the cheese, their heater, right there. It's on the menu but they wouldn't do it because it was on their "digital" menu. We even talked to the manager but he said he was helpless, pointed to the cameras and said they were watching. He refused to let them make it for us unless we downloaded the app and ordered it there. Unbelievable. What a stupid world we are building. And can no one question and push back on all this crap anymore?
It's ironic how computers and technology are always presented as making life easier. But in the case with so much technology today, it's just another complication to a simple process. The irony is, the Quesadilla is probably one of the easier items to make at Chipotle: cheese + optional protein + two tortillas, right?

It shouldn't be: cheese + optional protein + two tortillas = Windows blue screen of death.

I'm putting this in decline:

We stood in line at Chipotle today begging the workers to make a quesadilla for us. The tortilla was right there, the cheese, their heater, right there. It's on the menu but they wouldn't do it because it was on their "digital" menu. We even talked to the manager but he said he was helpless, pointed to the cameras and said they were watching. He refused to let them make it for us unless we downloaded the app and ordered it there. Unbelievable. What a stupid world we are building. And can no one question and push back on all this crap anymore?
Honestly these days it seems like the CEOs of most large corporations are utterly retarded. Like if you picked a random normie off the street to replace them they would do a better job. I feel like it cannot be by accident that this is happening that the dumbest people run our large corporations.
Honestly these days it seems like the CEOs of most large corporations are utterly retarded. Like if you picked a random normie off the street to replace them they would do a better job. I feel like it cannot be by accident that this is happening that the dumbest people run our large corporations.
I read a book several years ago that talked about how CEOs and psychopaths were psychologically identical. They had basically all of the same mental traits and behaviors, just CEOS were the successful psychopath. Maybe someone here remembers it.. I think it was a fairly well known author, but I can't recall if it was just a chapter in a larger book about something else.