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Decline of Functioning Society

I've been noticing that young people, Gen Z, around 18-26 talk to each other almost like they are on the internet. The way they banter and freely insult each other making jokes, even the girls doing this, it seems more casual then when I was in college and would make insulting jokes, or maybe I'm just getting old and it's always been this way, but what I'm surprised by is how younger people today will do this openly at work instead of off the clock. The sense of professionalism seems to be on the decline and I blame the internet.
I've been noticing that young people, Gen Z, around 18-26 talk to each other almost like they are on the internet. The way they banter and freely insult each other making jokes, even the girls doing this, it seems more casual then when I was in college and would make insulting jokes, or maybe I'm just getting old and it's always been this way, but what I'm surprised by is how younger people today will do this openly at work instead of off the clock. The sense of professionalism seems to be on the decline and I blame the internet.
A high school teacher said that when classes came back from covid, a number of the boys were very poorly socially adjusted. She isn't the "Karen" type but would take disciplinary action much more frequently because they were acting disrespectfully. Tragic what we did to young people.
Service workers in stores are getting more abusive, disrespectful and controlling, especially noticeable in grocery stores, this had exploded since 2020. Customer is no longer right, they are just a peon trying to obtain precious goods from a monopolistic corporation that can decide if they should eat ( survive, exist) or not. After they had been given new powers to expel people from stores (for no masks) and force them to do things (distancing, follow lanes, contolled entry) plus increased monopolization (US food supply had been monopolized) they feel extremely brazen and powerful.

Stores charge more than posted prices at registers all the time now and get nasty if you demand advertised price more and more often (they used to give you mispriced items for free, years ago). Kroger merger is coming, this will be the nail in the coffin, and they had successfuly cleaned out smaller competition outside of big cities. This is worsened by low wages that cause workers to resent customers and quiet quitting when people neglect jobs on purpose. Traveling all over I had seen this all over the country, doesn't matter blue or red state.
I've noticed this as well. Very difficult to get someone to assist you with anything that requires the tiniest amount of effort or thinking. Receive blank stares in response to questions, met with ten different excuses as to why they can't do XY and Z, etc. I'm used to it now so when I encounter someone who genuinely seems to care about doing a good job, I always try to express gratitude to that person.

I get why things are the way they are, inflation is out of control and people can't afford basic necessities, so they do the absolute bare minimum as to not get fired and sometimes not even that. It reminds me of that old saying the soviets had: "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us".
I'm interested in what others who work in corporate environments are observing.

I'm in a large legacy corporation, not tech. Most here are counting down their years/days to retirement. Many boomers have already retired but no new talent from colleges are being hired. Internships have been suspended since 2020. Those of us left here are feverishly working to deliver results faster and faster ( which usually means scrambling for more and more automation). I'm one out of three US born citizens in a group of fifty or so engineers and scientists. They've now started to bring in the foreigners from our third world affiliate offices to be our supervisors and managers (whom I suspect are paid much less than we are). But you can always tell who the few Americans are on the zoom meetings because, without fail, they have their pronouns posted. I've been here for over ten years and the difference is starkly palpable. No one is happy, if you are at the offices it looks like a zombie apocalypse, and all of us are constantly under review for possible firing. If you look at our stock; however, we've never looked stronger.
I'm interested in what others who work in corporate environments are observing.

I'm in a large legacy corporation, not tech. Most here are counting down their years/days to retirement. Many boomers have already retired but no new talent from colleges are being hired. Internships have been suspended since 2020. Those of us left here are feverishly working to deliver results faster and faster ( which usually means scrambling for more and more automation). I'm one out of three US born citizens in a group of fifty or so engineers and scientists. They've now started to bring in the foreigners from our third world affiliate offices to be our supervisors and managers (whom I suspect are paid much less than we are). But you can always tell who the few Americans are on the zoom meetings because, without fail, they have their pronouns posted. I've been here for over ten years and the difference is starkly palpable. No one is happy, if you are at the offices it looks like a zombie apocalypse, and all of us are constantly under review for possible firing. If you look at our stock; however, we've never looked stronger.
Very similar situation here. When I got hired, there were many other recent grad engineers who all got hired within a few months of me. Over 5 years later, and we just do not hire new engineers. We hired more recent grads my first year than the next four combined. We didn't stop hiring, but the people who are being hired are typically people retired from the Navy (I work in the maritime industry). I'm thinking I was the last good year and then after that they decided new engineers aren't worth the training and hassle with new hire quality going down simultaneously and job hopping increasing more than ever. With Navy retirees you get trained and mature people with a proven track record... not so much with new grads. These guys also are generally getting also paid a pension so they're not too worried about the money. And of course I'm seeing more and more foreigners.
The top 1% now have more wealth than entire middle class, from here:

I have been thinking about it.

And i think it is quite deceiving. All my "woke" colleagues say this as well.

They think the problem is some billionaires having too much and they think if the richest would give to the poorest it would be better.

This is more a result of globalism, this goes for everything, we see centralisation of power (at the UN), money, fame, popularity (for music).

The neoliberals the 1% should have less, say the governments should do it. Bringing even more money to the state that will spread.

Centralising more an more power to the politicians.

The outcome will be even more centralisation of power.
I have been thinking about it.

And i think it is quite deceiving. All my "woke" colleagues say this as well.

They think the problem is some billionaires having too much and they think if the richest would give to the poorest it would be better.

This is more a result of globalism, this goes for everything, we see centralisation of power (at the UN), money, fame, popularity (for music).

The neoliberals the 1% should have less, say the governments should do it. Bringing even more money to the state that will spread.

Centralising more an more power to the politicians.

The outcome will be even more centralisation of power.
Yes, I had read that if you took everything from U.S. billionaires that would only equal something like six to eight months of U.S. federal spending.

The problem is the Federal Reserve printing unlimited money and then feeding that to the ultra-wealthy for further wealth and power consolidation. In other words, the problem is the central bank itself.
I don't see a coup happening anytime soon, and I don't see an authoritarian traditionalist coming to change anything, so the best anyone can hope for, unless you want to just listen to others here and wait decades to die, is acquire BTC and let all the other governments/idiots/fools crumble. New jurisdictions appear to me to be required. All we'll keep doing here is lament the situation, and that's even if we get a huge crisis or correction soon. It's hard to come to grips with, but it's quite clear, to be honest.