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Decline of Functioning Society

I recall seeing a news report a little while back, about an engineering company in the UK, which was in exactly that situation. They'd reached the point where, if they didn't start training some new guys up soon, they were going to go under, as everyone hit retirement.

Well then do that. (large) Companies themselves are to blame as well. They've been waiting for the government to bring them free educated and trained labour for decades and then expect them to also have the work ethic and then pay them half ass wages in the process.
This whole "I'm entitled to top class labor cause I pay some taxes" again comes from the boomer generation.

It's best for Gen Y and now especially Z to understand this quickly and start their own business and learn their own skill because an employer these days will just use you to fund their inflated retirements while not giving one ounce of dog poo where you will end up.
Well then do that. (large) Companies themselves are to blame as well. They've been waiting for the government to bring them free educated and trained labour for decades and then expect them to also have the work ethic and then pay them half ass wages in the process.
This whole "I'm entitled to top class labor cause I pay some taxes" again comes from the boomer generation.

It's best for Gen Y and now especially Z to understand this quickly and start their own business and learn their own skill because an employer these days will just use you to fund their inflated retirements while not giving one ounce of dog poo where you will end up.
I think maybe you missed a key point in what the above posters are saying about Gen Z'ers with regards to skilled trades (personally, I don't consider IT a skilled trade because I don't require a computer or the internet to live a good life). It seems a lot of Gen Z'ers want to either be famous or get paid for doing nothing. Why learn to fix a "boiler feed water pump" that is essential for the functioning of society when you can be an illegal immigrant riding a skateboard down a hill singing a Stevie Nick's song and get paid a million dollars? Idiot Boomers like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates gave Gen Z'ers the super technology necessary to start their own unnecessary, self-aggrandizing "gaming" consulting businesses on their phones, so they should be careful about biting the hand that fed them. There are plenty of good "old" people out there still running businesses with integrity who are looking to hire skilled labor and pay them well. However, if you don't have the temperament to take constructive criticism without melting down then nobody will want to work with you no matter how good of a welder you are.

A big part of our current societal downfall was passing out military grade technology (smart phones) to twelve-year-olds. Jobs and Gates should have been required to do multiple, double blind, 20 year longitudinal studies of the effects of computers on human development before releasing the technology en masse to the public.
I think maybe you missed a key point in what the above posters are saying about Gen Z'ers with regards to skilled trades (personally, I don't consider IT a skilled trade because I don't require a computer or the internet to live a good life). It seems a lot of Gen Z'ers want to either be famous or get paid for doing nothing. Why learn to fix a "boiler feed water pump" that is essential for the functioning of society when you can be an illegal immigrant riding a skateboard down a hill singing a Stevie Nick's song and get paid a million dollars? Idiot Boomers like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates gave Gen Z'ers the super technology necessary to start their own unnecessary, self-aggrandizing "gaming" consulting businesses on their phones, so they should be careful about biting the hand that fed them. There are plenty of good "old" people out there still running businesses with integrity who are looking to hire skilled labor and pay them well. However, if you don't have the temperament to take constructive criticism without melting down then nobody will want to work with you no matter how good of a welder you are.

A big part of our current societal downfall was passing out military grade technology (smart phones) to twelve-year-olds. Jobs and Gates should have been required to do multiple, double blind, 20 year longitudinal studies of the effects of computers on human development before releasing the technology en masse to the public.

Not sure what "key point" I missed.

If you don't invest in the future but only in your wealth accumulation you have no right to complain when your children and your grandchildren hate your guts and want the world to burn.

The reason gen Z is so messed up is because they have no one to look up to, "passing on military grade technology" is a cop out or as they're still under the scrutiny of their parents who (gen X) they never cared about them at all.

Sure there are good "old" people around but they're boomers who got taught by the silent generation after the "war". The old timers are either in old peoples homes or checked out a long time ago.

I'm gen Y who knew my grandfathers quite well, spoke to them many times and I know they would turn in their graves for what the West has turned Into.
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Brilliant discussion so far on the root causes. I’ll just add some anecdotal evidence.

I work in industrial maintenance as a department manager. It is incredibly hard to find qualified young people as electricians, welders, millwrights, etc. And by qualified I’m even talking about people with the work ethic and personal qualities to come in as an unskilled apprentice. If you look at most departments, their best guys are well over 50 years old. We’re about to experience a major loss. People don’t understand how dependent society is on guys doing things like overhauling boiler feedwater pumps for power plants inside of machine shops that 99% of the town doesn’t even know exist.

What caused the Trades Skills Gap is very related I think to the spiritual deficits in this country. Namely that we stigmatized the skilled laborer and tried to send as many high school graduates to college as possible. A disdain for hard work and an honest living. I think it was very closely in line with societal worship of mammon.
My nephew is a mason, he's pretty young too, just now starting off on his own. My parents were like "oh no, that's hard on the body, he's going to hurt himself." My nephew may be lanky but he trained for Ninja Warrior and is athletic and young, what mean he can't do physical work? That's the kind of stuff I always heard growing up, about how you didn't want to do a blue collar or trade job because it will ruin your health. I also think back in the Boomers day there were more than enough men willing to do the work so the money wasn't as good, but maybe I'm wrong. I do know that in my school there were more than enough intelligent and fit men who could have gone into the trades and done well but we all went to college.
The reason gen Z is so messed up is because they have no one to look up to...
At some point a person has to stop blaming others for their mental condition or situation. There are millions of unknown stories throughput the last thousand years of humans overcoming extreme adversity that would make bad Boomer parenting look like a walk in the park. All current generations (X, Y, Z) benefitted from the Boomers commitment to work and monetary gain, but the cost was familial neglect. Personally, I'd rather be an abused orphan than live in a world without electricity where it takes 2 months to go coast to coast in a covered wagon. The Boomers certainly have their faults, but I don't see them as some arch-villain that provided no benefit to the world, I would reserve that level of condemnation specifically for jews (regardless what generation they come from).
The competency crisis is a symptom of civilizational decline and is exacerbated by diversity hiring.

We will have to hit much lower living standards before skill is once again valued over sycophancy and ideology.

I have wondered why this can function, then I recalled the huge professional indemnity insurance that most corporations hold. A small firm could never carry the risk of significant diversity hiring but the multinationals are unlikely to receive the number of negligence claims at the same time that would put them under. This is why I think corporations will follow government departments and become female and diverse.
At some point a person has to stop blaming others for their mental condition or situation. There are millions of unknown stories throughput the last thousand years of humans overcoming extreme adversity that would make bad Boomer parenting look like a walk in the park. All current generations (X, Y, Z) benefitted from the Boomers commitment to work and monetary gain, but the cost was familial neglect. Personally, I'd rather be an abused orphan than live in a world without electricity where it takes 2 months to go coast to coast in a covered wagon. The Boomers certainly have their faults, but I don't see them as some arch-villain that provided no benefit to the world, I would reserve that level of condemnation specifically for jews (regardless what generation they come from).

We've all heard it before "don't blame your boomer parents, make your own life or be a loser".

So what about the ones who did make a "real" life for themselves? Are they supposed to wipe the boomers' bum?

No, it's the ones you imported who 'might' do that.
The competency crisis is a symptom of civilizational decline and is exacerbated by diversity hiring.

We will have to hit much lower living standards before skill is once again valued over sycophancy and ideology.
From what I noticed, it's not just a competency crisis, which would happen more gradual. What I noticed, both in myself and others, is that people seem to have the notion, one way or another, that after the coof thing, stuff just doesn't matter any more. People phone in not just their jobs, but their lives.

A lot of my friends realized that, too. The illusion that one can do a job properly, get paid properly and move forward in life has taken significant damage. The university I went to in Germany for my master's let a lot of coordinators for programs go and instead started employing doctoral students, they frequently had to shut down the cafeteria, stop heating/cooling for the teaching rooms etc.

Obviously, usury and inflation are general causes, but the way everybody is expected to accept obvious lies or else, ostracism, has just dulled the minds of people a lot more they would otherwise have been.

I'm not exempt from that. My faith gives me some kind of solace and serenity, but my faith in the system rewarding honest work has basically evaporated. I could barely bring myself to set foot on campus (after I was allowed again).

I figure that this is God giving us a chance to avert our gaze from the things of this world and deepen our faith. Also, we obviously don't know how far in we are in the timeline of the Eschaton.

Evidently, mass-importing retarded, greedy migrants and expect every organ of the system to deal with them for free doesn't exactly help, but the psychological decay post-lockdown has been massive and almost universal.
I've also witnessed an observable decline when it comes to general services such as customer services. Now, these are of course not as vital as the blue collar jobs keeping our infrastructure intact, however I find the sheer lack of basic competency quite alarming.

One example: Asking gym staff working at the reception about upgrading a gym contract: "I can't help with that, I'll have to ask the manager, he'll get back to you." Handing me a flimsy piece of paper on which I'm supposed to write down my phone number AND question. They never did get back to me. Guess my question was too complicated afterall lol.

Second example: Asking a store clerk for a refund after the instore coffee machine took my money but gave no coffee. "I don't know how to open the [coin] box from the coffee machine. Sorry, can't help you with that [the refund]." Said the cashier sitting infront of the cash register.

I'm not even asking for the "treat your customer like a king" service here just some very basic stuff. It has become rather absurd at times and I don't see any reason why this would improve anytime soon.
In the last 10 years, I have seen the company where I work slowly erode, and I see that all around me.

I see people with limited skills "go up" to become "managers". I see the skilled people leave, depressed and overburdened. I see the young people come in with very high expectations and demands but very limited skills. Everyone talks about ambition, which seems to mean moving to jobs that pay more money.

It all seems so empty.

I see things breaking down: trains, cars, supply chains. People are unable to repair anything. Material production in the West is declining.

And I hear this from many people around me. What's going on? Am I getting old? Is this really happening, or is it just my perception? Or are we in a decline of soul, work, and society?

I'm curious to hear your takes.
Some girl in her mid-20s got promoted to. Project Manager in the company I work with only about 3-4 years of experience and a Bachelor's degree zero exprience as a techician. About half of our office PMs are in the same boat, only the older guys have a good balance of experience in both departments.

This mainly due to a crippling shortage of skilled labor in both the technician and office side of the industry. But it causes a bunch of problems like poor planning, terrible budget proposals, lack of understanding of the work, etc.

I imagine just about every industry is the same and we're gonna a huge shortage in terms of skilled labor, particularly the ones that require technical skills and limited education (ruling out most illegal immigrants from Latin america). This is gonna cause a huge increase in prices of certain industries. While the construction workers might be cheap, the electrician and plumber will cost you a small fortune.

I expect to an increase cost of labor coming soon, once the boomers finally retire. Which I guess is finally happening, since they're the only generation paying off their debt.
On a positive note: my employer seems to be one of last remnants of that old school American family owned business. Over a hundred years, most of the guys have been there for over a decade and level-headed owner (however I fear that it might all change if one of his kids take over). The company is also privately traded, which means no big finance trying to rip-off the working man. I would recommend anyone to try to find companies like these, they still exist, but are far and in-between.
One benefit to the terrible service and inflated prices at most places is learning how to do things on your own. Eating has become a lot cheaper, healthier and more enjoyable since I started making most of my meals. I also have zero desire to go out to crappy bars or restaurants with annoying people, or drink in general. So that saves a lot of money and makes weekends a lot more fun to spend on hobbies or peace and quiet. Most people in general end up being annoying. It's nice to be content with your own mind.
I've also witnessed an observable decline when it comes to general services such as customer services. Now, these are of course not as vital as the blue collar jobs keeping our infrastructure intact, however I find the sheer lack of basic competency quite alarming.

One example: Asking gym staff working at the reception about upgrading a gym contract: "I can't help with that, I'll have to ask the manager, he'll get back to you." Handing me a flimsy piece of paper on which I'm supposed to write down my phone number AND question. They never did get back to me. Guess my question was too complicated afterall lol.

Second example: Asking a store clerk for a refund after the instore coffee machine took my money but gave no coffee. "I don't know how to open the [coin] box from the coffee machine. Sorry, can't help you with that [the refund]." Said the cashier sitting infront of the cash register.

I'm not even asking for the "treat your customer like a king" service here just some very basic stuff. It has become rather absurd at times and I don't see any reason why this would improve anytime soon.

Most young people dont want to work Customer Sevice so employees can have a "Dont give a damn" attitude & get away with it because they know they can't get fired
The old saying, "The Chickens have Come Home To Roost", can't be said enough. It's really really bad out there in the Service Sector as a whole, there still maybe outliers here and there, but by-in-large this can't sustain.

Sadly among Gen X there weren't enough White working class couples to have enough kids and raised right to fill the Never Ending Expansion of BS Service Work. And Minorities may do it but its Never fun tip toeing through the DieVersity Mine field since there is so much tension among the Races. It really does stink. Elsewhere too, but especially Service. Not too mention lots of the 1st Gen Minorities seeing the American Dream most likely is not in reach, especially with the Inflation from Endless Credit Expansion to keep a Non Producing Welfare Nation afloat.

Started with Boomers for low birthrates but really the past 20 years you can see whats happened and it's really sad.
Such a great thread, with so many good posts in here. I am sure we all have observations about this situation across the west. I call it "late stage capitalism", or the inevitable conclusion of when your economic system is based on continual GDP growth via fiat currency aka usury.

Luckily, for whatever reason, I never felt a close tie to the USA. I was born and raised here, I have ancestry that goes back to pre-revolutionary war. But, it has never felt like something I should have an affinity for. Obvious as things get worse, and the demographics change, I have less and less connection to this country. So, it doesn't anger me seeing this decline as much as if I lived in Europe surrounded by beautiful 500-year-old buildings and tiny winding streets that someone walked down 500 years ago.

I really can't explain how we still have power and running water. It seems we are not that far off from these things becoming sporadic. Everything is so backwards and rightfully so, the next generation of men with intelligence and grit are more and more throwing in the towel. I suppose the satanic elites thought they could mix the population of 100 IQ people with 80 IQ people and get a more compliant 90 IQ population, but what they will have is a less compliant population who can't keep the lights on and the water running.

I know we all here know things are heading south and very quickly. But it seems so blatant now that even many normies are sensing it and talking about it. The lack of basic skills and common sense is amazingly rare in this day and age. I think the satanic elites even realize they went too far and are desperate to pull back, but it is now too late for them to pull it back and remain in power. Either the good people will retake their nations from these satanic elites, or they will be gone and it will all collapse around the satanic elites.