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Decline of Functioning Society

Like somebody said Easy Mammon that constantly is being Devalued is most folks focus to follow a career that is probably politically subsidized or the in thing and ever other career is looked down upon, well you got yourself a ticking time bomb....this is not even bringing the Feminism lack of having Babies with Generally Higher IQ and ability--Broken Homes, No Fathers, Women Competin & Public Education that is Self Serving for itselt not the next Generation.

After WW2 and the Zionist takeover, White Men wanted to hear the tunes of Fiat Money, but forget the Lutherian Work Ethic Complete Structure to keep it going. Plus the realization you need Cheap Non White Wagies coming in that will insure Profits when the Boom-Bust Credit Expansion Economy is running out of liquidity.
One note on the labor shortage:

To some extent it will self correct. Retiring boomers frequently still work part time as "consultants" or in some training capacity just to keep themselves busy (and they'll need the cash).

Rising lifestyles and incentives will start to pull more competent men who have been pushed out of corporate white collar jobs back towards these jobs and we'll find an equilibrium where it's more expensive than before but enough people are doing it (especially because a lot of the glamor of corporate jobs is gone now). The gap period in between the emergence of the labor shortage and when the market fills it will still be rough.
Luckily, for whatever reason, I never felt a close tie to the USA. I was born and raised here, I have ancestry that goes back to pre-revolutionary war. But, it has never felt like something I should have an affinity for.
Not me. I have the same heritage, going back to pre-revolutionary times. I have ancestors who fought in every significant war and have roots deep in the foundation of the country. I have ties to the west coast, to the west/mid-west, to the east coast and to the south. I see a rural barn next to an old, well-kept home, set against rolling hills and a cultivated field and it is just as significant to me as the majestic European monuments. It feels like home.

That’s all going away. It isn’t the physical place that really pains me, it’s the people. People who should care, who should be in a position to know better. They’re pretty much all gone. They don’t have a spirit for anything other than consumption and capitulation. Completely and utterly demoralized. What’s left isn’t worth saving, with the exception of a core and dwindling element. What’s left in me is a distilled and condensed animosity, and that isn’t going away.
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What gets me is how soft white men have become, even ones that claim to be conservative. If I said the things my grandfather used to say (which I agree with), most of these guys would look at me like I'm crazy. And my grandfather wasn't even saying crazy things. Just common sense and being aware of what diversity, feminism and homos will bring.

Any sense of pride and self preservation has been brainwashed and beaten out of white men. Everything is all about feelings and trying to get everyone to like them, instead of accepting reality. And accepting reality is not hate; it's part of being a man and leader.
All cucked and White Knight for women Who are in Strong Positions Of Power, saying things like, "Boy She'll out do You Young Man"

Comfy Boomer Opportunities Living Situations took men to Darden Row Restaurant Fat Zombie Status, Sandals and all...Where lots of times their wife was the bread winner...

Definitely No Slap 'em Sean Connerys nowadays.
Not me. I have the same heritage, going back to pre-revolutionary times. I have ancestors who fought in every significant war and have roots deep in the foundation of the country. I have ties to the west coast, to the west/mid-west, to the east coast and to the south. I see a rural barn next to an old, well-kept home, set against rolling hills and a cultivated field and it is just as significant to me as the majestic European monuments. It feels like home.

That’s all going away. It isn’t the physical place that really pains me, it’s the people. People who should care, who should be in a position to know better. They’re pretty much all gone. They don’t have a spirit for anything other than consumption and capitulation. Completely and utterly demoralized. What’s left isn’t worth saving, with the exception of a core and dwindling element. What’s left in me is a distilled and condensed animosity, and that isn’t going away.
My theory is, the reason the elites could turn Americans into empty consumers sitting on their couches watching other men play games on TV, is due to our short amount of time on this land and the capitalist system.

I'm glad you feel that connection, I just never did. Even as a kid, nothing here ever made sense to me. Everything was already backwards by the time I was a kid in the 1980's and it has gotten worse dramatically since that time. Everything here always seemed like a prop-up, latest thing, no ties or deep roots. I think a lot of Americans just always lived that way. Moving one more exit ramp down the highway to escape the realities of diversity. Their once family home is long gone and they are in a new McMansion they will never own, just make payments to the bank until they die or move again.
This has been ongoing, but it had become painfully obvious over the Christmas period how indecisive people have become. They really do rely on advertising and social media to tell them what they should want, instead of making reasoned decisions for themselves, so when they have to buy a gift for someone else, they have no idea.

Service worker: Hi, can I help you?
NPC: Yes, I need help choosing a gift for a friend.
SW: What do they like?
NPC: I don't know.
SW: How much do you want to spend?
NPC: I don't know.
SW: Well, how much do you like this person? $20? $50? $100?
NPC: I don't know.

God have mercy on them.
Service workers in stores are getting more abusive, disrespectful and controlling, especially noticeable in grocery stores, this had exploded since 2020. Customer is no longer right, they are just a peon trying to obtain precious goods from a monopolistic corporation that can decide if they should eat ( survive, exist) or not. After they had been given new powers to expel people from stores (for no masks) and force them to do things (distancing, follow lanes, contolled entry) plus increased monopolization (US food supply had been monopolized) they feel extremely brazen and powerful.

Stores charge more than posted prices at registers all the time now and get nasty if you demand advertised price more and more often (they used to give you mispriced items for free, years ago). Kroger merger is coming, this will be the nail in the coffin, and they had successfuly cleaned out smaller competition outside of big cities. This is worsened by low wages that cause workers to resent customers and quiet quitting when people neglect jobs on purpose. Traveling all over I had seen this all over the country, doesn't matter blue or red state.
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Yeah, Competition is but a Meaningless Word in the Economic World of Socialized, Central Planned Economy & Banking that leads to Vulture Capitalism where Competition is sacrificed for Muh Too Big to Fail Corporation. And to top it all off add an Ingriedient of Social Decay and Coarsening of the General Public mixed with DieVersity the Consumer is No Longer King.
I went to bed at 9 pm on New Year's Eve. Woke up early, made breakfast and went skiing. New Year's is one of the most overrated holidays. Drinking and partying in general is overrated, and you just end up being around a lot of annoying normies.
Agreed. I haven't stayed up until midnight on New Year's Eve in so many years I can't remember the last time I did it. My wife and I did a fake early New Year's celebration for our child's sake and it felt like that was the way to go if you need to do it for other people.
This is insanity. What that means to me is younger people are incapable of meeting and talking to someone outside of their tight knit social circle. Not choose not to or preference.


Social IQ and ability to communicate face to face with the world is evaporating.

Which means they are less functioning adults.

This is insanity. What that means to me is younger people are incapable of meeting and talking to someone outside of their tight knit social circle. Not choose not to or preference.


Social IQ and ability to communicate face to face with the world is evaporating.

Which means they are less functioning adults.

I can confirm this. I'm in sales and interact with about 100 to 200 Gen Z'ers weekly. Many of them are very awkward and uncomfortable to be around. Lots of these gay looking "furrry"/emo types with green hair, ear gauges, face piercings, bad tattoos, etc. They ask me weird questions like "Do you take cash?" and then when they go to hand me cash their hands will be visibly shaking. However, there are also some really good adolescents and young adults still out there, so not all is lost, but they are few and far between.
In the last 10 years, I have seen the company where I work slowly erode, and I see that all around me.

...What's going on?
I don't normally think so much about this, but recent interaction with the state brought a sudden insight. Just in disbelief how some simple matter dealing with bureaucracy is so incredibly difficult and slow to complete. It completely defecates on any measure of ambition. I can't imagine that in the fifties or 1890s that the state could possibly be so slow and inefficient, only the former communist block perhaps.

Then, I was shocked in one country to see marijuana for sale in the general store near the chocolates and in another, a marijuana vending machine! I took a picture of the latter it was such a shock, was going to post it somewhere, may still do so it was such a sight. It was in a small village in central Europe. So you don't have to go and do a deal in the shadows anymore, you don't have to even go into a store, you can simply sneak down there in the middle of the night and make a purchase. Just like anonymous porn watching. I'm sure many teens in that small village at some time or another would just wonder down and try it out of boredom.

Decline of functioning society, what's going on?

Ambition is frowned upon for one. This legalisation of weed would have been unthinkable in the past. Although it might be good for some artists, it is renowned for taking away people's ambition, just like in that song Because I got High.

I once looked at an antique engineering book published 1897 and it was a lot more complex than my equivalent book from the early 2000s.

Higher taxes and redistribution are of course also not an incentive to trying hard.

Between free porn and weed why would anyone bother doing anything anymore. Some of us from a slightly earlier era received less of a mixed message about trying hard. Of course if you're in the forum, you know well to switch off from all these satanic stuff, but we need to discuss it from time to time when it confronts us or becomes overwhelming.

Some links on the topic:

I recently read Brave New World, written 1932 here is just a small quote to get a feel for those who haven't read it :
Like aphides and ants, the leaf-green Gamma girls, the black Semi-Morons swarmed round the entrances, or stood in queues to take their places in the monorail tram-cars. Mulberry-coloured Beta-Minuses came and went among the crowd. The roof of the main building was alive with the alighting and departure of helicopters.
People are no longer "born" in "families" in that book, they are bred on an assembly line of sorts which deliberately dumbs some of them down to fulfill certain rolls in society.

Not sure if the word should be breeding, grooming or handling, but the (mixed) message from the state nowadays is intended to create epsilon morons and semi-morons. There is an absolute mixed message that is sent out now, which also includes all the gender confusion from LGBT, to early sex education, to 'transitioning'. They absolutely want to reform the class structure to include a much larger class of useless folk but who are kept content by various comforts, just like the drug Soma in Brave New World.
Not just level of functioning, life expectancy in the US is also declining :
Life expectancy at birth in the United States declined nearly a year from 2020 to 2021, according to new provisional data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). That decline – 77.0 to 76.1 years – took U.S. life expectancy at birth to its lowest level since 1996. The 0.9 year drop in life expectancy in 2021, along with a 1.8 year drop in 2020, was the biggest two-year decline in life expectancy since 1921-1923.
They like to blame it on Covid, but there was also a small dip in 2015 :
Not just level of functioning, life expectancy in the US is also declining :

They like to blame it on Covid, but there was also a small dip in 2015 :
I'm honestly surprised it hasn't dropped further. With how unhealthy and obese people are, how much poison people have been consuming for decades, it's really remarkable how resilient the human body is.
I'm honestly surprised it hasn't dropped further. With how unhealthy and obese people are, how much poison people have been consuming for decades, it's really remarkable how resilient the human body is.
It most likely is much worse.

This is the CDC reporting this mind you... the same corrupt institution that lied about Covid, the jab, the connections to big Pharma, the .....