Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

It's AquilaNegra's sock puppet, pretty sure of it, several clues.

He's basically pro-Azov and anti-Russia, he used to post doomer takes on the Ukraine war, but hasn't posted on Ukraine lately as the Russians have been winning the last year plus. The fake Russian account schtick here is constant anti-Russian blackpilling and talking points from NATO-aligned/funded sources, pushing for instance the narrative of Russia being some kind of a zionist dystopia, as seen in his two recent posts above. Ironically, he also has pro-zionist/pro-Israel tendencies.

Or maybe it's that Aussie guy who left the old forum with his tail between his legs when he was going all boomer tier when we were talking about not taking the poison poke.
...the Russians have been winning the last year...
Moving goal posts again. I thought the "special operation" was only supposed to last a couple of months?

Did you by chance ever read Smedley Butler's "War Is A Racket" (1935) or see Dwight Eisenhower's speech on the "military-industrial complex" (1961)? These oldies but goodies were miles ahead of your thinking about war decades before you were even born. Remember two things... "Don't reinvent the wheel," and "History repeats itself."
Moving goal posts again. I thought the "special operation" was only supposed to last a couple of months?

Did you by chance ever read Smedley Butler's "War Is A Racket" (1935) or see Dwight Eisenhower's speech on the "military-industrial complex" (1961)? These oldies but goodies were miles ahead of your thinking about war decades before you were even born. Remember two things... "Don't reinvent the wheel," and "History repeats itself."

The SMO coud have lasted just one month if NATO and Boris hadn't scuttled the Istanbul peace treaty which Zelinsky and co were about to sign. They were already drinking champagne in celebration, when Boris and co barged in into Kiev and ripped up their treaty.

One more proof that your theory of Putin wanting endless war in Ukraine is kind of silly.

hy do you continue to avoid the most obvious fact, most salient point, and overall "war in 2024 is unneccesary" thesis?

1.) Putin looks like a jew, talks like a jew, behaves like a jew, and defends jews tooth and nail. If it looks like a jew and talks like a jew and acts like a jew then its a jew.

2.) War is so 20th century. Completely unnecessary. 95% of the world's population has electricity and access to antibiotics, 90% has hot running water, and 70% has access to the internet. Why on earth should the uneducated, poor masses of the world be dying on the battlefield for Putin's and Zelensky's elite talmudic JQ view of the world? These fuckin' idiots are bored and had nothing better to do with their lives except fuck off and destroy the world over bullshit nothingness. And why? Because they are both materialistic atheists who bang whores outside of wedlock while stuffing their fat faces with foie gras on their super yachts while the rest of us eat cake and die in the trenches for their satanic "ideas" about the world.

Go have at it Coops... I hear its easy to get to the front lines in Ukraine and that they're accepting "volunteers" (on both sides). Or is this war just for me and not for thee?

1-Putin doesn't look Jewish, your jewdar needs some serious finetuning.

2- Another silly motion, the most educated people are the dumbest and most pro-war for starts.

If Putin wanted a big bloody war, why didm't he escalate? He could draft a million Russian and start big arrow movements where he could cull many times more soldiers on both sides. Once again your theory of Putin as a ZOG puppet who relishes killing Slavs is completely bunk.

If Putin wanted to eat foie gras and hang out on his superyacht, he could have made like Boris Yeltsin and let the Rothschild-owned oligarchs rape Russia like they did in the 90s before he stopped their gig. That was what he was supposed to do when they put him there, he was supposed to protect the oligarchs and keep the party going, but he had other ideas and didn't follow the program.

Payed off Russia's debt, invested heavily into their infrastructure, and the country took off. Before the war Russia was twice as wealthy per capita as Ukraine, while Ukraine was the wealthiest, most industrialized SSR in the Soviet Union. Russia was importing wheat in the 90s and became the world's largest exporter of wheat, cornering that global market, in the 2010s, because Putin invested in their infrastructure and helped his farmers. He also banned all GMOs, they don't have rampant gluten allergies in Russia.


Putin is a workaholic who only cares about his legacy and is a real patriot.
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Putin is a workaholic who only cares about his legacy and is a real patriot.
Exactly. We have women leaders in NATO countries and fat tubs like Boris, sellouts like Tony Blair, EU green socialism and communism, and Americans who "lead" their people with zionist puppets and a deep state that loves war and flying gay flags in other countries.

Russia is fighting NATO's lies and color revolutions, among other things.

Sometimes analysis is not that hard. This is one of them.
Putin is a workaholic who only cares about his legacy and is a real patriot.
You say "potato" I say "pahtahtoe." Great, from your own words we know Putin only cares about himself (i.e. his "legacy). Nobody gives a flying f*ck about Putin's legacy except for Putin because he's a JQ boot licker (as evidenced by the Tucker interview) who had the power to create a white Christian ethno-state within the vast expanse of Russia, and instead thought it best to import Muslim fighters to kill white Christian "Nazi's" in Ukraine for a couple of extra hectacres containing a port. It's never enough for Satanists... "We need more! More land! More weapons! More war! More super yachts! More sex! More Michelin 3 star meals with foie gras and caviar!" Give me a break, Putin is a borgeous materialist who cheats on his wife. He is an atheist gangster posing as a Christian and in a 100 years he will not be remembered as a patriot but as a selfish war monger who lived in fake fear of a toothless NATO.
Russia is fighting NATO's lies and color revolutions, among other things.
NATO was dying of its own accord. Russia should have focused on Russia and stopped woke feminist faggotry and Muslims and jews from changing their cultural and religious landscape in the borders they did have instead of trying to expand their borders via unnecessary for-profit war while gay bars abound in Moscow mere blocks from The Kremlin. F*ck NATO. Russia afraid of NATO getting too close to their borders? Give me a break. Big bad Putin afraid of NATO? No. Putin afraid of satanic pedophile jews who demand a for-profit war that kills lots of young white Christian men? Absolutely.
No the other one who had like 20000 posts.

Ah OK, Paracelsus, or something close to that handle, he used to argue pretty hard about the moon landings being real, I see the Boomer angle.

Definitely not him either, he didn't have that much interest in Russian geopolitics. although a bit pozzed on some issues he was a pretty straight dude, not the kind of weasel who would get a kick out of making a colorful sock puppet account.

AquilaNegra follows geopolitics and Russian politics like a hawk, Telegram channels and so forth, and at least one other board dedicated to Russian politics. Not only does he post about the same topics as fakerussiantroll, he also has the same exact outlook and opinions as the troll on Putin, Russia or Middle East wars.
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If Putin is secretly working to diminish Jewish influence in Russia why does he let his youngest daughter get married to one?

Kirill Shamalov, Katerina Tikhonova ex husband for four years (2014-2018). They didn't have children (that we know of).
View attachment 1556

This thread has banger after banger but unfortunately the shills are working around the clock to bury any meaningful post with never ending copes, deflections, spins, lies, delusions and denial.

Throwback time. Remember Kirill Shamalov - Jewish billionaire and former son in law of Trad and Based Putin for 5 years? Eventually he and Putin's daughter Tikhinova separated and that was that - and according to the ankle biters none of this matters and mentioning this is CIA territory anyway.

What info surfaces today on the personal feed?

Tikhinova has since remarried. Her new husband's name..

Igor Zelensky. Her personal ice skating coach and cohencidental bearer of that Ashkenazi name. They even have a kid that no doubt carries that same name. Seems like Putin's girls have a Jew only policy. Literally can't make this up.

Shamalov1234.webpimages - 2024-10-17T172848.415.jpeg
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This thread has banger after banger but unfortunately the shills are working around the clock to bury any meaningful post...
Yeah, our local sycophants can't get over the fact that the jews got them good on the "Putin (and Trump) are good Christian men for The People" fake opposition front.

Again, I know its hard to wrap your head around but these fake (as in unnecessary) wars and fake elections are the jews attacking themselves. Putin (jew) attacking Zelensky (jew). Trump (crypto jew) attacking Kamala (crypto jew). Hamas (formed and funded by jews) attacking Israel (formed and funded by jews).
Again, I know its hard to wrap your head around but these fake (as in unnecessary) wars and fake elections are the jews attacking themselves. Putin (jew) attacking Zelensky (jew). Trump (crypto jew) attacking Kamala (crypto jew). Hamas (formed and funded by jews) attacking Israel (formed and funded by jews).
Where do you see all of these Js going with this? I'm curious as to how you think it plays out.