Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

^I can see how you can become tired from pushing your fake sock puppet narrative.

This is the reality of Russia today on the ground:

Among the good points about Russia he goes over:

-Freedom of expression, no cancel culture
-Conservative, family-oriented Christian culture
-Good purchasing power, low cost of living (housing, food, utilities, transport), low taxes, stable economy based on industry, not financial speculation and usury.
-No drama around politics, people trust their government and leaders
-People generally respectful and well-kept, sort of like in the West decades ago
-Safe cities, no homeless, drug addicts or aggressive minorities
-Younger women want to start a family

Russia has lost some of its urban hipster neoliberals at the start of the war. Some have come back already, however Russia is going to gain a lot of younger conservative people from the West in the years to come. The propaganda about Russia being a zog globalist colony that is being pushed by Aguila and other trolls looks more fake and transparent every day.
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My friends new news from Russia central bank boss Elvira nabiullina raise interest rate to 21 percent

My friends this must happen because inflation

Still trolling, eh 😆

Fact: Russia has had the highest growth in real wages in the world last year, the increase in salaries exceeding the inflation rate:


(For your info Aguila, and since economics are not your forte, real wages are wages adjusted for inflation)

Troll on, buddy.

- It's the guy, it's MusicForThePiano. He says your mommy is a jew and he says a lot of other things.

- I want him down. Dispatch the Borisovitch brothers immediately.


Boris (right)
Expert in every martial arts and any kind of weapons
Drunk 24 hours a day
No plan A or B (the enemy can't figure your next move if you don't know it yourself)
Balls so big that he can use his panties as a parachute (a legendary move done in Afghanistan)
The ultimate sigma male

Boris (left)
Everything according to plan
Expert in all computer things
Ruling North Korea from the shadows
Made a matchstick model of a kalashnikov when he was 4 years old
The mastermind behind the Roosh V Forum conversion to orthodoxy

- It's the guy, it's MusicForThePiano. He says your mommy is a jew and he says a lot of other things.

- I want him down. Dispatch the Borisovitch brothers immediately.


Boris (right)
Expert in every martial arts and any kind of weapons
Drunk 24 hours a day
No plan A or B (the enemy can't figure your next move if you don't know it yourself)
Balls so big that he can use his panties as a parachute (a legendary move done in Afghanistan)
The ultimate sigma male

Boris (left)
Everything according to plan
Expert in all computer things
Ruling North Korea from the shadows
Made a matchstick model of a kalashnikov when he was 4 years old
The mastermind behind the Roosh V Forum conversion to orthodoxy
Big nose multiple accounter get one thing right
Chad Chabad like El Duderino because into the whole brevity thing
8 year-olds Dude
The whites
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My friends I am sorry i don't post here for long time i am very busy i have many important things

Today in globalist neonazi supporter ellon musk site i read very good post from russia embassy.

My friends there is big lie about 'holodomor', us globalist and Ukraine create lie that soviet union want to kill ukraine people so they make famine to kill them.

This is not true and in russia sayin Stalin kill people in ukraine on purpose is crime.

Here is real historian. famine is real but is great drama and not genocide.

My friends this 'holodomor' is big fake news to but bad spotlights on russia. Please my friends dont believe lies!!

Today distinguished Russian academician Sergei Markov gave precisely clear explanation of the myth of so-called “holodomor”.

“Here is the real story about so-called holodomor.

11 key facts:

1. Ukraine experienced a large-scale famine. Millions of people lost their lives.
2. Russia and Kazakhstan were also hit by mass famine. The total number of deaths is almost 10 million.
3. In terms of numbers, fewer people died from mass starvation in Ukraine than in Russia.
4. According to percentage, Ukraine had a lower death rate than Kazakhstan, especially in the Russian regions of the north.
5. The Russian peasants were the ones who died the most due to hunger.
6. Famine was prevalent in the countryside, but there was virtually no famine in the cities.
7. The cause of the famine was a combination of crop failure, mass confiscation of grain for industrialization, and a very poor agricultural management system under Stalin.
8. The Communists did not carry out any intentional starvation killing of peasants. The control system was not functioning properly.
9. The deliberate killing of Ukrainians by starvation is out of the question. This contradicts the vast array of historical facts.
10. Nationalities were irrelevant to the Communists, who were complete internationalists.
11. The promotion of the concept of holodomor as a genocide against the Ukrainian people is a deliberate and monstrous lie perpetuated by the creators of this concept. No one who is minimally familiar with history, unless they are an immoral scoundrels or mentally deficient, will ever be able to adhere to the concept of holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.”

The Embassy concurs.

My friends more good news, russia number 1 superpower.

Peskov say in russia AI soon in public administration.

My friends in globohomo us they have 150 sexes, all bridge broken and only corruption. In mother Russia we go forward now AI for help optimalize government 💪🏾

My friends one month back we have cop29 in Baku for fight against climate change.

Russia make many good move here, we move in place of us, us only give lectures on carbon zero. Russia dont give lecture, we help other countries go for carbon zero.

Many strong and good people of Russia in Baku.. russia leader still sayin russia is carbon zero in 2060!!

My friends also russia move for complete independent internet. Here many times I say you how Russia block youtube, twitter discord insta.

But other plans to roskomnadzor want russia internet to become independent like China internet, no more us globohomo neonazi psycho ops in russia because internet

From what I've seen, the hardening of Russian positions on their Soviet history is due in good part to right-wing/nationalist groups having been infiltrated by NATO. For example Navalny, who is a NATO mole, was a nationalist leader:


(imperial Russian flag seen in background)

As well, a lot of the communist opposition in Russia is also infiltrated by French ((trotskiites)), many of their leaders who were recently booted out from Russia ended up in exile in France. Caleb Maupin, an old school Christian leftist who was ostracized by mainstream leftists covers this well.
I grew up around Russians, overall like them and their culture a lot, love the time I've spent in the RF etc., but the amount of delusional people in the anglosphere who don't speak the language and think it's some kind of conservative paradise, that it's like USA in the 50s with pure women and Christian traditions and who have generally placed their hopes on some savior state instead of God is insane. The divorce rate is in the top 3 worldwide. The abortions are at least 4-5x more frequent than in the "rotten" USA. The population is mostly irreligious, with less than 1/10 of those who call themselves Christian attending services regularly. The government is unapologetically pro-jab, pro-mass surveilance, pro-digitization, pro-globalist, pro-Islamic immigration and all that (and in many of these fields is more advanced than your average Western country). Heck, let me give you a recent example.

Earlier this year Nikita Zhuravlev, a Russian teenager with nationalist sentiments, uploaded a video on Telegram showing him burning a copy of the Koran (which I don't condone, but hear me out) with a mosque in the background in Volgograd (over 90% ethnically Russian city). He was arrested the next day and the head of Investigative Comitee petitioned to transfer his case to the Chechen Republic (over 95% Muslim and non-Russian). This was protested by the defendant's lawyer because it would most likely lead to torture, but the transfer was approved by the Russian Minister of Justice who publically declared that the youngster needs to be properly re-educated in the Muslim-dominated republic. After the transfer Nikita wrote the human rights comissioner that he indeed is being tortured, that even Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechen Republic, paid him a visit and let his 15-year old to beat him up. This was met with general applause by various RF officials, and Kadyrov himself posted a video of his son Adam beating up Nikita and proclaiming how proud he is of his son. For beating up the prisoner, Adam Kadyrov got many national awards: was proclaimed the Hero of Chechnya, received Orders of Merit from republics of Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc.

My friend herefor I say that russia need spiritual rejuvenation.

also new news about nikita.. nikita is young guy he make terrible mistake, he burn Quran because he hate muslims. In Russia you cannot hate muslims they are copatriots and very big part of Russia population.

He make mistake now there is a price. First they say 3 year in prison. Is long time for burn book. But new sentence comes.. Nikita must stay in prison for 13.5 years.

My friends I think this to long. Muslims are very angry I understand this, but 18 year old boy make mistake, don't put him in jail for 13.5 years because he hurt feelings of muslims.

I pray our leader Putin see this and help Nikita a bit. 🙏🏾

From what I've seen, the hardening of Russian positions on their Soviet history is due in good part to right-wing/nationalist groups having been infiltrated by NATO. For example Navalny, who is a NATO mole, was a nationalist leader:


(imperial Russian flag seen in background)

As well, a lot of the communist opposition in Russia is also infiltrated by French ((trotskiites)), many of their leaders who were recently booted out from Russia ended up in exile in France. Caleb Maupin, an old school Christian leftist who was ostracized by mainstream leftists covers this well.

My friend this is so very very important post.

There is big difference between trotsky mensheviks and Stalin bolsheviks.

Mensheviks bad guys they go to Europe and usa when bolsheviks defeat them.

Stalin is a good leader he is most popular Russian for the russia people, even more popular then putin.

My friends in globohomo neonazi West they always put mensheviks and bolsheviks together. But are different. Bolsheviks stop red terror start industrialization, make ussr most important country in the world.

Putin love Stalin, Russia people love Stalin.

Thank you for saying this my friend, this is difficult for many pro Russia western people but Stalin was a good man who defeat the nazis. Stalin also make the russia Orthodox church legal again.

This is icon that is put in new military Orthodox church is Moscow.k2yjkjy1amp71.jpg
Putin love Stalin
Who? Nobody know these guys. US center of world, we invent everything, phone, electricity, car, plane, nuclear... everyone else just copy US greatness... should have never sold bomb to world but jew sell everything. Henry ford right. We have all famous guys, JFK, brando, dean, cruise, hendrix, world know no russian. Vlad who? Russian love Mickey D's too and now fake take it away with new name. Jewtin love big chris craft boat cause russian boat suck, always trying to be like hollywood celebrity "look at me, look at me"... start stupid war with brother can't be won so world look at me do jewdo with no shirt on horseback
My friend herefor I say that russia need spiritual rejuvenation.

also new news about nikita.. nikita is young guy he make terrible mistake, he burn Quran because he hate muslims. In Russia you cannot hate muslims they are copatriots and very big part of Russia population.

He make mistake now there is a price. First they say 3 year in prison. Is long time for burn book. But new sentence comes.. Nikita must stay in prison for 13.5 years.

My friends I think this to long. Muslims are very angry I understand this, but 18 year old boy make mistake, don't put him in jail for 13.5 years because he hurt feelings of muslims.

I pray our leader Putin see this and help Nikita a bit. 🙏🏾

Can't he just volunteer for SMO to get out of jail?
Nearly 15 years for burning a Quran. Meanwhile Boris Spiegel, a Jewish career criminal and personal friend of P, has been released from prison after serving a mere 7 month stint of his 11 year conviction. The pardoning happened on the Kremlin's orders because 'health reasons'.

For those unaware, Boris Spiegel is the architect of Article 282. Article 282 is the judicial framework used to detain any nationalist opposition of Putin - often on cases as filmsy as social media posts. Article 282 is a direct spiritual child of Beria's Bolshevik monstrosities. Created by Boris Spiegel. Article 282 was also the legal precedent to Russia's Holocaust denial laws of 2014, signed into effect personally by Putin. Russia's Holocaust denial laws are one of the harshest in the world.

Daddy Putin, like Boris Spiegel, doesn't like it when ethnic Russians deny the Holocaust, speak against the ample Soviet crimes of recent history and organize against their own ethnic replacement. Makes him very upset. So he dusted off the 200kg human wrecking ball called Boris Spiegel and instructed this UrukHai to create the legal framework to cart anyone guilty of these horrific thoughtcrimes of to the furthest Gulag available - often on made up charges and without a serious court case.

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But Boris Spiegel has a bigger track record than just being a tool to turn Russia officially kosher. Spiegel is a billionaire that became rich in the pharmaceutical field. As a Chabadnik closely tied to the Kremlin he eventually became President of the World Congress for Russian Jewry - a position he used to rail against anti semitism/ nazification that he alleged was spreading in FSU countries like Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, etc.

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After his stint at the World Jewish Congress Spiegel founded the World Without Nazism in 2020. The WWN is the Russian counterpart of the American ADL. Main staple of the WWN: calling anyone not in line with Jewish/ ((Russia's)) interests a nazi and an anti-semites - and preferably having them locked up. As President of the WWN Boris Spiegel also had a Red Army monument build in Natanya, Israel - in honor of the half a million Jews fighting in the Red Army. The opening ceremony was attended by both Putin and Shimon Peres.

Putin doing his usual scheming against the Jews during the monument's opening.
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Boris Spiegel also successfully lobbied for mandatory Holocaust education in Russian schools, and outlawing Holodomor revisionism aka acknowledgement of historical Soviet crimes. Both of the above points have since been implemented.

In 2021 Spiegel was detained on corruption charges. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison. Since the date of detainment he has spent a mere 7 months in prison. Last month the Kremlin intervened to pardon Spiegel citing health reasons.

So when you think about Igor Strelkov, currently doing 4 years because of not-so-nice-yet-very-true words on the SMO, or when you think about Nikita Zhuravlev rotting in a Chechen prison, also think of Boris Spiegel.

Welcome to Putin's Russia.
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...The opening ceremony was attended by both Putin and Shimon Peres. Putin doing his usual scheming against the Jews during the monument's opening.
View attachment 14947View attachment 14948

Welcome to Putin's Russia.

^What you don't mention here is that this ceremony in Israel for the memorial of fallen Russian soldiers dates back to 2012. Somehow I doubt that Putin is doing a lot of strolling around in Israel these days. In case you haven't noticed (being a bit ironic here), the relations between Israel and Russia have somewhat soured since.

I've also noticed that most of your posting efforts under both of your handles, this one with the bird, and the comically fake "forabettertomorrow", both focus on the same theme, to discredit Russia in the eyes of the conservative Christian right.

As an atheist/lapsed Protestant Dutch man, you don't seem to be much bothered that your own country is run by actual mosad agents.
