Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Ok can both sides of the equation call out each other's socket accounts? And is YouTube actually banned in Russia as this family is still uploading to YouTube (or are they Russian KGB?):

All of the 'migrant' issues are absolutely trivial compared to America. That's what I don't get about Russia haters, America is 100x worse than anything Russia has.

I can't take Russia haters seriously because they lack any objectivity.

Russia is 90% ethnic Russians. Some of those Russians may be very Asiatic looking, but those guys have been there for 800 years since the Golden Horde took over and introduced a lot of non-Whites into the nation. They've been part of Russia ever since so it makes little sense to talk about "Whiteness" in a nation that has been multi-racial for 800 years.

Far more sense to talk about foreigners who have power in Russia, or foreign-born vs. native-born, and Russia is easily 90% native-born and controlled. America meanwhile is ruled by foreigners of difference races while the 60% native population is completely subjugated.

The attacks on Russia are from people who don't know history, and try to look at Russia through an American lens: "OMG Asians in Russia!!!!" Like dude, you're 800 years late to the party.

On your response which suggests a "French Connection" Well, Yannick Noah or Jean Tigana or heck, even Serge Blanco could talk as you do about their own "Catholic European" heritage as they were born or at least raised in France. But ask any man in the street and they're all Black.

Genetically speaking, I'm fully white European with a fairly homogeneous family tree, but frankly I feel the same annoyance about this question as EMJ, who when asked the same question answers that he's not white, he is Irish-German. Europeans who identify primarily as white have already lost fundamental elements of their national and racial identity.

I do think of Blanco and Tigana as fully French despite their being only half European/French genetically. Yannick Noah on the other hand is more problematic, as an early spreader of anti-French SJW culture. I have a whole lot more in common with Tigana than with some dude from Finland or Moldova, and perhaps more in common with a devout Catholic from Mexico than a white antifa from my hometown.

As far as sock puppets go - Two Things.
One. You and I are both aware that we meet and clash in other online spaces, and in Those spaces I think I count 4 or 5 sock puppet accounts that you are running. And all pushing even more simplistic anti white 3rd worldist propaganda.

That is kind of weird and borderline creepy, you and I have never "met" on these other online spaces, you have me confused with some other poster. This is the only board where I have posted political content the last couple of years, other than a Twitter account.

I have never posted under any other handle on this board, period.

And what's weird is that they you on here are constantly switching between saying that
A. 'there are hardly any migrants in Russia' and
B. 'Migrants are needed in Russia", and
C. "Theres a Muslim-Christian alliance at play' and
D. 'Look how hard Russia is on these migrants!'

I did address this, by stating that Russia is not like your average European nation-state, but a hybrid between that and a natural empire which has a lot of native ethnic diversity. It is a country 32 times larger than the next largest European country, France (redrawn Ukraine minus Novorussiya is smaller).

You can't transpose western European notions of small nation-states being overrun by African/west Asian/south Asian kalergism to that country, which is prone to centrifugal forces and an immense degree of foreign interference and schemes threatening that nation's survival.

It came very close to being completely dismembered in the 1990s. it was really held together by Putin, who is a practically providential figure. I strongly believe that he is a Russian patriot and a decent man, who has preserved and upheld his nation's Christian heritage,. Putin is a master of the long game, that's how he was able to overcome the globalist grip over Russia. His rise at the helm is the result of him having pragmatically navigated turbulent waters and accommodated the prevailing power structure while slowly building a solid core of institutions, a cultural and physical infrastructure. Reports from several well-connected sources I trust confirmed this.

my foot, the Soviets did nothing like what Putins regime is doing to Russia and the Russian People with this insane Kalergi migration.

The Soviet bolsheviks culled tens of millions of the cream of Russian society, almost all the clergy and their family, all the aristocrats and high classes, coutryside so-called kulaks etc.

To compare what they did to what Putin is doing now, protecting and rebuilding Russia, is plain nuts, and the worst form of anti-Russian NATO propaganda.

Look, I don't think you're a bad guy, or you're some kind of operative, although the circles you seem to navigate seem to be rife with them. I think most of our differences here can be attributed to cultural differences from across the Channel, there is a bit of vestigial Palmerston and Mackinder in your attitudes towards Russia, while on my side Russian culture is praised as a peer and equal, in terms of their achievements in the arts, literature and western civilization.

Much like Chinese culture, Russian culture has suffered greatly from the Bolshevik communist cultural and physical genocides, part of the reason its recovery might seem meek or even compromised for its critics from the right wing. There is no doubt however that it is recovering, well on its way to be restored to its former Tsarist glory.
All of the 'migrant' issues are absolutely trivial compared to America. That's what I don't get about Russia haters, America is 100x worse than anything Russia has.

I can't take Russia haters seriously because they lack any objectivity.

Russia is 90% ethnic Russians. Some of those Russians may be very Asiatic looking, but those guys have been there for 800 years since the Golden Horde took over and introduced a lot of non-Whites into the nation. They've been part of Russia ever since so it makes little sense to talk about "Whiteness" in a nation that has been multi-racial for 800 years.

Far more sense to talk about foreigners who have power in Russia, or foreign-born vs. native-born, and Russia is easily 90% native-born and controlled. America meanwhile is ruled by foreigners of difference races while the 60% native population is completely subjugated.

The attacks on Russia are from people who don't know history, and try to look at Russia through an American lens: "OMG Asians in Russia!!!!" Like dude, you're 800 years late to the party.

As someone who loves Russian people and Russian history, it is critical for me to assess who or what a Russian is, historically, before looking at what we are told it is today by one heterogenous political bloc opposed to another heterogeneous political bloc. It takes more understanding than the level of textbook centurial analysis to sift through genetic truths, but this is the emptiness that we are taught in any institution that proclaims to educate the curious soul on history, so we must learn it for ourselves.

You are absolutely right about America, it really is a nation that is, as one man once put it, "a state that is one half negrified and one half jewified." So most Americans do not know what they are talking about when it comes to Russia. They really don't understand the ethnic struggle that has been its entire history as an intercontinental frontier between two vastly different ways of life.

This will be a long post because this is not something a simple wikipedia article can answer, and I think it's important for people to discuss every nation from its founding stock to the present to understand it entirely, if they truly care about it.

The founding of Russia began long before any Mongol ever stepped foot onto the steppe, so to say. Kievan Rus is the precursor to modern Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and it was founded by Vikings, also called Varangians, who were of Nordic and Germanic origin. These Vikings mixed with the local Slavic populations (whose genetic markers also put them entirely into the Aryan Indo-European peoples) to create what would become the early Slavic states. The Varangians were invited by the Slavs to establish order and bring governance to the region. They were a Nordic-Slavic blend, with no influence from Asiatic or Mongol groups at this early stage. During this period, racial purity was maintained through marriage customs, especially within the ruling classes. The Varangians intermarried with local Slavic elites, but the population was entirely Slavic European.

Fully breaking Russia down racially on a historical timeline it would go like this:

-Varangian-Slavic Unification circa 862 AD: The Varangians, who were Nordic Vikings, were invited by the Slavic tribes to bring order to the region which lead to the formation of Kievan Rus. This period was entirely a Nordic-Slavic mixture, 100% purely European society, culturally tied to both Byzantium and northern Europe

-Orthodox Christian Arrival (988 AD): Vladimir the Great converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Christianized Kievan Rus. The people were still 100% European, primarily a mix of Slavic and Nordic bloodlines. This totals 400 years of pure European rule (862–1240) (more because the tribes were pure for centuries, likely a millennia, before the Kievan unification).

-Mongol Invasion (1223-1240) and introduction of Asiatic genes: The Mongol invasion under Genghis Khan's successors (grandsons) resulted in the Golden Horde's domination of Russia, especially in the region around Moscow. While the Mongols ruled, genetic mixing occurred primarily through rape and forced intermarriage, though the Slavic population remained dominant.

-Golden Horde’s Rule (1240–1480): The Mongols and their Turkic allies ruled over the Russian principalities, collecting tribute and imposing military control. This led to some genetic admixture, but it was not extensive in the ruling or upper classes. The Mongol rule lasted for roughly 240 years, but its genetic influence was not as substantial as its political dominance might suggest. Slavic populations remained the majority, and there was an ongoing effort to maintain the European cultural and racial character.

-Battle of Ugra River and overthrow of Mongol yoke (1480): Ivan III (the Great, of Rurik lineage) officially ended Mongol dominance marking the start of Russia’s re-emergence as a Slavic-European power. While certain regions, especially Central and Southern Russia, had absorbed Asiatic genes, the elite class and much of the population remained ethnically European. By this point, some genetic mixing had occurred, particularly in the lower classes and along the frontier regions. The downward trend of mixing was even recognized back then as being something peasant and dysgenic people did, not healthy virile contributing members of society or those who run it. The Grand Duchy of Moscow established by Ivan III began to unify Russian lands and shift power away from the remnants of Mongol influence.

-The Early Tsars and Ivan IV (who the jews call Ivan the Terrible but he was really great too) (1547-1584): Ivan was of Slavic descent. His reign saw the expansion of Russia into Siberia and other regions, incorporating non-European ethnicities into the empire in fiefdoms and positions of servitude, or . However, the ruling elite maintained their Slavic-European heritage. While some intermarriage occurred, the Tsars and nobility remained overwhelmingly Slavic-European during this time. So then we have 133 years of European resurgence (1480–1613). The times of Troubles briefly led between the authority of the Grand Duchy to that of the Romanov Tsars.

-Romanov Dynasty and complete restoration of European identity (1613 - 1917): The Romanovs beginning with Michael I were of Russian-European descent and placed a heavy emphasis on maintaining racial purity through intermarriage with European royal families (Germany, Austria, England). After years of instability, the Zemsky Sobor who were an assembly of nobles, clergy, and other social estates convened in 1613 and elected Michael Romanov, a young noble, and a son of Patriarch Filaret, a high-ranking Orthodox Church leader, as Tsar. This is the time period that reinforced the idea of Slavic-European racial purity at the highest levels of Russian society. The Romanovs expanded Russia into Siberia and the Caucasus and incorporated many Asiatic and non-Slavic ethnic groups who were relegated to the edges and margins of society or in the empire's lower classes. (Perhaps this was a mistake to not expel them in retrospect, as these non-European's descendants were whipped up into a fury by Bolsheviks who had them rape their way across Europe in 1944-1947.) These were 300 years of reinforced European identity.

-Bolshevik Revolution, Russian Civil War, and USSR (1917/1922-1991): The overthrow of the Romanovs and the rise of the Bolsheviks led to the genocide of millions of White Christian Russians, including the nobility, intellectuals, as well as the peasants. During Stalin's rule policies of forced migration and intermarriage were implemented especially between ethnic Russians and Asiatic Soviet republics (e.g., Kazakh, Turkmen, Tajik, Dagestani, and others). Soviet policies under figures like Ilya Ehrenberg and Genrikh Yagoda encouraged the blurring of racial lines within the Soviet Union, resulting in a more heterogeneous population due to mixing with non-Slavic Soviet peoples. This was essentially 74 years of genocide of the White European true Russians as well as mixing them out of existence.

-Collapse of Soviet Union and Chechen Wars (1991–2000): The post-Soviet period saw local wars in places like Chechnya and Dagestan involving European, Caucasian, and Asiatic peoples. These conflicts in conjunction with the collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in increased migration of Asiatic ethnic groups (from Central Asia, Dagestan, Georgia, etc.) into Russia.

-Under Putin (2000 - present) Russia has seen a significant increase in immigration from Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as efforts to integrate non-Slavic populations into mainstream Russian society, contrary to historical Russia. This has resulted in increased racial mixing in certain urban areas like Moscow and St. Petersburg, not just the fringes of society, further obfuscating Russian identity to a non-blood reality, yet to the Russian people's credit and due diligence the 100% Slavic and Slavic Nords are still a majority for now.

So lets look at the claim of 90% Russians are "ethnic Russians". You're right that of this alleged 90% there are Asiatics and mixes, but these mixes and these Asiatics are not "Rus". They are a majority peasants, people who cannot lead but are always lead hence why they have allowed themselves to be lead into racial oblivion. The more accurate percentage is around 77-78% of Russia is "ethnically" Russian meaning people who are purely 100% Slavic (Slavic or Slavic-Nordic) or people who are Slavic with unfortunate Mongol and Asiatic admixture. Of that 77-78% we can break it down into two further groups, those of the former who are 100% Slavic or Slavic-Nordic, and those who are not. A simple haplogroup and autosomal study, of which many are done, can show which figure is bigger.

There are 3 haplogroups which can now trace a European versus an Asiatic versus a hybrid, even unto the tenth generation (Deuteronomy 23:2):

-Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA): This haplogroup is predominant among Eastern Europeans, including Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians, and Scandinavians. Subclades of R1a are strongly associated with Slavic populations (R1a-M458), while Nordic populations may carry R1a-Z284.
This haplogroup indicates Indo-European ancestry, which is prevalent in Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic populations.

-Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA): Found primarily in Nordic populations (Sweden, Norway, Denmark), I1 is one of the most common haplogroups in Northern Europe. This haplogroup is also associated with Germanic peoples, and while it can be found in some Russians it's more common among Scandinavians.

-Haplogroup N1c1 (Y-DNA): This haplogroup is common in Northern Eurasia and Finno-Ugric peoples like Finns, Estonians, and some populations in Northwestern Russia. While it is not exclusive to Slavs, it is present in Northern Russian populations and marks a northern European ancestry.

Whereas in an Asiatic or a hybrid there are significantly different markers:

-Haplogroup C2 (Y-DNA): This haplogroup is one of the markers of Mongol ancestry and is commonly found among Mongols, Central Asians, and some Siberian populations. C2 is associated with Genghis Khan's lineage and can be found in populations historically impacted by the Mongol invasions. If C2 appears in a Russian’s DNA, it is indicative of Asiatic ancestry from Mongol or Turkic sources.

-Haplogroup Q (Y-DNA): Haplogroup Q is associated with Central Asia and Native American populations. It is common among Turkic peoples of the Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan). If it showed up on a Russians genetic analysis, its presence would indicate Asiatic influence or ancestry from Turkic or Mongol populations.

-Haplogroup O: Found in East Asian populations such as Chinese and Japanese, this haplogroup would indicate East Asian ancestry. It is very rare in European Russians but could show up in individuals with ancestry from the Siberian or Far Eastern regions of Russia.

If this were an ultimatum of choice, the answer lies in longevity. Here is the final tally:

Pure European Periods:
  • Kievan Rus to Mongol Invasion: 400 years
  • End of Mongol Rule to End of Romanov Dynasty: 433 years (1480–1917)
Total European-dominated years: 833 years

Mixed-Race Periods:
  • Mongol Rule: 240 years (1240–1480)
  • Soviet and Post-Soviet Era: 104 years (1917–present)
  • Total mixed-influence years: 344 years
So in totality we have:
  • European-dominated: 833 years
  • Mixed-influence: 344 years
Thus Russia has experienced more time as a predominantly European state (833 years) compared to a mixed-race state (344 years), particularly due to the Romanov dynasty's focus on maintaining European purity and the relatively brief period of Mongol influence.

The Proto-Slavs are estimated to have existed by at least 1000 BC (though estimates are earlier from 1300-1500), and their ethnic lineage remained 100% European through the development of Slavic tribes in Eastern Europe. From at least 1000 BC to 862 AD, when Kievan Rus was established, the population remained Slavic-European without significant admixture from Asiatic groups, given that large-scale Mongol or Turkic invasions occurred much later.

Now add a thousand years of pre-existing Slavic tribes to the "formal" establishment of Kievan Rus and the total becomes 1833 years of European-dominated versus 344 years of unnaturally-forced mixing and conquest rape in a struggle to survive, and the pure Slavic population is still the majority despite all of this.

So therefore Russia's natural state is White European without Asiatic presence, which it owes greatly to the Orthodoxy of the Romanovs and their synthesis of Church and State for reviving it.
@MusicForThePiano Do you honestly believe it's possible to go back to those times? I understand what your frustrations are as it also reflects some of mine but the Russian spirit has always been one of embracing other cultures, it's part of their colonial history as witnessed in this unbelievably beautiful film (directed by a Jap nonetheless):


Maybe cross post this with the movie thread.
Russia is 90% ethnic Russians.

It became obvious Pootin groupies aren't too big on facts a long time ago - especially when it doesn't fit their make believe worldview, but this is getting a bit out of hand.

It might come as a surprise, but they actually do censi in Russia, meaning that - aside from the ballooning 15+ million strong legal and illegal immigrant population, we know very well what percentage of the Russian population is ethnically Russian and what percentage is not.

General census of 2021.

Number of ethnic Russians in Russia: 105,620,179

Ethnic Russians as a percentage of the population: 71.76%

General census of 2010

Number of ethnic Russians in Russia: 111,016,896

Ethnic Russians as a percentage of the population: 77.6885%

General census of 2002

Number of ethnic Russians in Russia: 115,889,107

Ethnic Russians as a percentage of the population: 79.83%

Facts that don't care about feelings and narratives: barely 70 percent of Russian citizens is ethnically Russian. More facts: the ethnic Russian part of Russia's citizenry has decreased by more than 10 million in number and dropped from 80 percent to a little over 70 percent.

Even more facts: there are at least 12 million legal immigrants in Russia, according to ROSSTAT data from 2019. That's around 9 percent of the official Russian population. Some additional facts: according to official Russian sources there are about 1 million illegals in Russia, unofficial sources put the number at 3-4 million.

Russia is literally the brownest country of Europe - by quite the margin. Musings of westoid boomers, brown thirdworlders and other propagandized& disenfranchised social rejects on Based and Trad Russia are a never ending source of hilarity. Please keep that delusion coming, the denial and cope are a delight to read every single time!
As someone who loves Russian people and Russian history, it is critical for me to assess who or what a Russian is, historically, before looking at what we are told it is today by one heterogenous political bloc opposed to another heterogeneous political bloc. It takes more understanding than the level of textbook centurial analysis to sift through genetic truths, but this is the emptiness that we are taught in any institution that proclaims to educate the curious soul on history, so we must learn it for ourselves.

You are absolutely right about America, it really is a nation that is, as one man once put it, "a state that is one half negrified and one half jewified." So most Americans do not know what they are talking about when it comes to Russia. They really don't understand the ethnic struggle that has been its entire history as an intercontinental frontier between two vastly different ways of life.

This will be a long post because this is not something a simple wikipedia article can answer, and I think it's important for people to discuss every nation from its founding stock to the present to understand it entirely, if they truly care about it.

The founding of Russia began long before any Mongol ever stepped foot onto the steppe, so to say. Kievan Rus is the precursor to modern Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and it was founded by Vikings, also called Varangians, who were of Nordic and Germanic origin. These Vikings mixed with the local Slavic populations (whose genetic markers also put them entirely into the Aryan Indo-European peoples) to create what would become the early Slavic states. The Varangians were invited by the Slavs to establish order and bring governance to the region. They were a Nordic-Slavic blend, with no influence from Asiatic or Mongol groups at this early stage. During this period, racial purity was maintained through marriage customs, especially within the ruling classes. The Varangians intermarried with local Slavic elites, but the population was entirely Slavic European.

Fully breaking Russia down racially on a historical timeline it would go like this:

-Varangian-Slavic Unification circa 862 AD: The Varangians, who were Nordic Vikings, were invited by the Slavic tribes to bring order to the region which lead to the formation of Kievan Rus. This period was entirely a Nordic-Slavic mixture, 100% purely European society, culturally tied to both Byzantium and northern Europe

-Orthodox Christian Arrival (988 AD): Vladimir the Great converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Christianized Kievan Rus. The people were still 100% European, primarily a mix of Slavic and Nordic bloodlines. This totals 400 years of pure European rule (862–1240) (more because the tribes were pure for centuries, likely a millennia, before the Kievan unification).

-Mongol Invasion (1223-1240) and introduction of Asiatic genes: The Mongol invasion under Genghis Khan's successors (grandsons) resulted in the Golden Horde's domination of Russia, especially in the region around Moscow. While the Mongols ruled, genetic mixing occurred primarily through rape and forced intermarriage, though the Slavic population remained dominant.

-Golden Horde’s Rule (1240–1480): The Mongols and their Turkic allies ruled over the Russian principalities, collecting tribute and imposing military control. This led to some genetic admixture, but it was not extensive in the ruling or upper classes. The Mongol rule lasted for roughly 240 years, but its genetic influence was not as substantial as its political dominance might suggest. Slavic populations remained the majority, and there was an ongoing effort to maintain the European cultural and racial character.

-Battle of Ugra River and overthrow of Mongol yoke (1480): Ivan III (the Great, of Rurik lineage) officially ended Mongol dominance marking the start of Russia’s re-emergence as a Slavic-European power. While certain regions, especially Central and Southern Russia, had absorbed Asiatic genes, the elite class and much of the population remained ethnically European. By this point, some genetic mixing had occurred, particularly in the lower classes and along the frontier regions. The downward trend of mixing was even recognized back then as being something peasant and dysgenic people did, not healthy virile contributing members of society or those who run it. The Grand Duchy of Moscow established by Ivan III began to unify Russian lands and shift power away from the remnants of Mongol influence.

-The Early Tsars and Ivan IV (who the jews call Ivan the Terrible but he was really great too) (1547-1584): Ivan was of Slavic descent. His reign saw the expansion of Russia into Siberia and other regions, incorporating non-European ethnicities into the empire in fiefdoms and positions of servitude, or . However, the ruling elite maintained their Slavic-European heritage. While some intermarriage occurred, the Tsars and nobility remained overwhelmingly Slavic-European during this time. So then we have 133 years of European resurgence (1480–1613). The times of Troubles briefly led between the authority of the Grand Duchy to that of the Romanov Tsars.

-Romanov Dynasty and complete restoration of European identity (1613 - 1917): The Romanovs beginning with Michael I were of Russian-European descent and placed a heavy emphasis on maintaining racial purity through intermarriage with European royal families (Germany, Austria, England). After years of instability, the Zemsky Sobor who were an assembly of nobles, clergy, and other social estates convened in 1613 and elected Michael Romanov, a young noble, and a son of Patriarch Filaret, a high-ranking Orthodox Church leader, as Tsar. This is the time period that reinforced the idea of Slavic-European racial purity at the highest levels of Russian society. The Romanovs expanded Russia into Siberia and the Caucasus and incorporated many Asiatic and non-Slavic ethnic groups who were relegated to the edges and margins of society or in the empire's lower classes. (Perhaps this was a mistake to not expel them in retrospect, as these non-European's descendants were whipped up into a fury by Bolsheviks who had them rape their way across Europe in 1944-1947.) These were 300 years of reinforced European identity.

-Bolshevik Revolution, Russian Civil War, and USSR (1917/1922-1991): The overthrow of the Romanovs and the rise of the Bolsheviks led to the genocide of millions of White Christian Russians, including the nobility, intellectuals, as well as the peasants. During Stalin's rule policies of forced migration and intermarriage were implemented especially between ethnic Russians and Asiatic Soviet republics (e.g., Kazakh, Turkmen, Tajik, Dagestani, and others). Soviet policies under figures like Ilya Ehrenberg and Genrikh Yagoda encouraged the blurring of racial lines within the Soviet Union, resulting in a more heterogeneous population due to mixing with non-Slavic Soviet peoples. This was essentially 74 years of genocide of the White European true Russians as well as mixing them out of existence.

-Collapse of Soviet Union and Chechen Wars (1991–2000): The post-Soviet period saw local wars in places like Chechnya and Dagestan involving European, Caucasian, and Asiatic peoples. These conflicts in conjunction with the collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in increased migration of Asiatic ethnic groups (from Central Asia, Dagestan, Georgia, etc.) into Russia.

-Under Putin (2000 - present) Russia has seen a significant increase in immigration from Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as efforts to integrate non-Slavic populations into mainstream Russian society, contrary to historical Russia. This has resulted in increased racial mixing in certain urban areas like Moscow and St. Petersburg, not just the fringes of society, further obfuscating Russian identity to a non-blood reality, yet to the Russian people's credit and due diligence the 100% Slavic and Slavic Nords are still a majority for now.

So lets look at the claim of 90% Russians are "ethnic Russians". You're right that of this alleged 90% there are Asiatics and mixes, but these mixes and these Asiatics are not "Rus". They are a majority peasants, people who cannot lead but are always lead hence why they have allowed themselves to be lead into racial oblivion. The more accurate percentage is around 77-78% of Russia is "ethnically" Russian meaning people who are purely 100% Slavic (Slavic or Slavic-Nordic) or people who are Slavic with unfortunate Mongol and Asiatic admixture. Of that 77-78% we can break it down into two further groups, those of the former who are 100% Slavic or Slavic-Nordic, and those who are not. A simple haplogroup and autosomal study, of which many are done, can show which figure is bigger.

There are 3 haplogroups which can now trace a European versus an Asiatic versus a hybrid, even unto the tenth generation (Deuteronomy 23:2):

-Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA): This haplogroup is predominant among Eastern Europeans, including Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians, and Scandinavians. Subclades of R1a are strongly associated with Slavic populations (R1a-M458), while Nordic populations may carry R1a-Z284.
This haplogroup indicates Indo-European ancestry, which is prevalent in Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic populations.

-Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA): Found primarily in Nordic populations (Sweden, Norway, Denmark), I1 is one of the most common haplogroups in Northern Europe. This haplogroup is also associated with Germanic peoples, and while it can be found in some Russians it's more common among Scandinavians.

-Haplogroup N1c1 (Y-DNA): This haplogroup is common in Northern Eurasia and Finno-Ugric peoples like Finns, Estonians, and some populations in Northwestern Russia. While it is not exclusive to Slavs, it is present in Northern Russian populations and marks a northern European ancestry.

Whereas in an Asiatic or a hybrid there are significantly different markers:

-Haplogroup C2 (Y-DNA): This haplogroup is one of the markers of Mongol ancestry and is commonly found among Mongols, Central Asians, and some Siberian populations. C2 is associated with Genghis Khan's lineage and can be found in populations historically impacted by the Mongol invasions. If C2 appears in a Russian’s DNA, it is indicative of Asiatic ancestry from Mongol or Turkic sources.

-Haplogroup Q (Y-DNA): Haplogroup Q is associated with Central Asia and Native American populations. It is common among Turkic peoples of the Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan). If it showed up on a Russians genetic analysis, its presence would indicate Asiatic influence or ancestry from Turkic or Mongol populations.

-Haplogroup O: Found in East Asian populations such as Chinese and Japanese, this haplogroup would indicate East Asian ancestry. It is very rare in European Russians but could show up in individuals with ancestry from the Siberian or Far Eastern regions of Russia.

If this were an ultimatum of choice, the answer lies in longevity. Here is the final tally:

Pure European Periods:
  • Kievan Rus to Mongol Invasion: 400 years
  • End of Mongol Rule to End of Romanov Dynasty: 433 years (1480–1917)
Total European-dominated years: 833 years

Mixed-Race Periods:
  • Mongol Rule: 240 years (1240–1480)
  • Soviet and Post-Soviet Era: 104 years (1917–present)
  • Total mixed-influence years: 344 years
So in totality we have:
  • European-dominated: 833 years
  • Mixed-influence: 344 years
Thus Russia has experienced more time as a predominantly European state (833 years) compared to a mixed-race state (344 years), particularly due to the Romanov dynasty's focus on maintaining European purity and the relatively brief period of Mongol influence.

The Proto-Slavs are estimated to have existed by at least 1000 BC (though estimates are earlier from 1300-1500), and their ethnic lineage remained 100% European through the development of Slavic tribes in Eastern Europe. From at least 1000 BC to 862 AD, when Kievan Rus was established, the population remained Slavic-European without significant admixture from Asiatic groups, given that large-scale Mongol or Turkic invasions occurred much later.

Now add a thousand years of pre-existing Slavic tribes to the "formal" establishment of Kievan Rus and the total becomes 1833 years of European-dominated versus 344 years of unnaturally-forced mixing and conquest rape in a struggle to survive, and the pure Slavic population is still the majority despite all of this.

So therefore Russia's natural state is White European without Asiatic presence, which it owes greatly to the Orthodoxy of the Romanovs and their synthesis of Church and State for reviving it.

One can write walls of text, but if you fail to properly psychologize the average Pootintard you are not going to get far.

The reason why many (formerly) alt right people became turdworld advocates is because they correctly view themselves as powerless and disenfranchised in the West. However, where they take the wrong turn is when they start to project their own fringe socio-(geo)political belief systems onto said outsider forces. Obviously in the long term when confronted wihh reality this then leads to first massive cope, spin and denial, and eventually disappointments as we see in this thread.

Latest addition in a long list of clownesque examples: the Russian migration debacle. Bastrykin couple of months ago said there were 4 million entries in 2024 already - breaking all previous records but none of this matters because look at this cool video of 100 illegals getting deported.

Clowns gonna clown.

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So where is it we should go mr. Negra?

If you can't then at least give us some advice on how to live in the swamp for us common folk.
Here's some more super duper cool pictures of the Russian Migration Service dealing with illegals.

Russian authorities putting the migrants in bare cages in uncomfortably cold circumstances

images - 2024-10-14T162550.294.jpeg

Russian border police on horse using a whip to get rowdy migrants in line

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Russian border police rounding up some more migrants

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Russian police escorting migrants to the plane

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Migrants arrested and cuffed by Russian border police.


It is obvious there as no migrant crisis in Russia. The pictures speak for themselves. Russias total number of deportations is lower than the US' but is this no biggie because Russia is trad and based. It's time to close this book and start singing the praises of Dear Leader again.
I am castigated by these very agents for being opposed to the brother war in Ukraine in general, whereas they in their Duganist outlook want to see Ukraine destroyed but don't understand that by destroying it and the destruction of the genetic Slavs who live there, the supplanting of these once pure people with a bunch of melanated slaves for the jews who are now moving back there en masse is policy of the "Russian Federation" and is no different than what the United States is doing to its own people through more subversive means...
Putin is a jew loving low IQ war monger. A real man would lead his people by example, living like a monk, being an anti-materialist living in a yurt in Siberia to demonstrate that he puts God above things, power, and money. He's part of the problem, not the solution. If he was truly a high IQ man of God he would of attacked Israel instead of Ukraine.
... the demographics of Russia are indeed changing now faster than any Soviet Kremlin jew could have ever wet-dreamed of...
JQ mission accomplished.
@MusicForThePiano Do you honestly believe it's possible to go back to those times? I understand what your frustrations are as it also reflects some of mine but the Russian spirit has always been one of embracing other cultures, it's part of their colonial history as witnessed in this unbelievably beautiful film (directed by a Jap nonetheless):


Maybe cross post this with the movie thread.

That Jap happens to be Akira Kurozawa, one of the greatest film directors of all time. This is an awesome movie, one of my all-time favorites.

One thing about ethnic minorities in Russia, this woman who is a popular Russian vlogger is a Tatar:

These people are not ethnic Russians, counted as ethnic minorities in Russia, but they are by western standards caucasian/white:

The Russian doomers on this thread want you to believe that these people are comparable to the hordes of migrants invading London, Paris or Springfield, Ohio.

These minorities are Russian citizens and patriots who usually speak Russian as well as their native language, and who are patriots, dying at higher rates than ethnic Russians:

Russian losses in Ukraine (2).png
The people from Eli's native province of Bashkortostan have had the highest rates of casualties in all of Russia in the war against Victoria Nuland's Banderists.

One thing as well that the anti-Russian propagandists like the blackbird here will fail to mention when it comes to Russian demography is that Russia will be adding over 10-15 million ethnic Russians as the country retakes Novorossiya from ((Natostan)).
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General census of 2021.

Number of ethnic Russians in Russia: 105,620,179

Ethnic Russians as a percentage of the population: 71.76%

Your own source disproves everything you say.

READ what you post:

The largest group, "Ethnic Russians," clocking in at 70%. The next largest group, Tartars, clocking in at ~3%. Like I said, compare this to America, where Whites compete with Latinos, who are the next largest ethnic group at 25%+ and growing. And all of these Latinos have arrived in the last 40 years.

Conversely, every single ethnic group in Russia has been there between 500-1000 years. Thus, they are Russian by any sense of the definition. Just because the Russian census is classifying ethnicities by more distinctions means nothing, it's just a distinction without a difference.

Claiming the Tatars, Chechens, Bashkir, Chuvashs, Avars, Ukrainians, Dargins, Kazaks, and the other 100 tiny ethnicities within Russia, are anything but Russian is just dishonest nonsense.

They've been part of the country of Russia for over 800 years, nearly 3x as long as the existence of America. As for other immigrants who've come into Russia, probably from the Central Asia area, they make up less than 10% of the population.

All the "Russia is losing it's White population!!!" is pure bullshit, 100% Talmudic word games of reclassifying the existing groups of people who've always been a part of the Russian state into new ethnicities.

For example, calling Ukrainians distinct from Russians is total bullshit, everyone knows they are the same people. But if someone decides to reclassify them as a "distinct" people, then suddenly the proportion of Russians goes down by another 1%. It's so obviously politically motivated, and serves no real purpose.

90% of the ethnic groups inside of Russia are distinctions without a difference, prove me wrong. They are all Russian and they all have been part of the same country for 800+ years. They have far more in common with each other than 80% of Americans do.
It's always fun to ridicule westoid Putin groupies online. Disgruntled busy bodies spending half their waking hours talking up kosher foreign dictators based on flimsy (non-) arguments, cherry picked (and often fake) news articles and hilariously amateuristic propaganda videos. The gap between their online circle jerk echo chamber and reality on the ground is gigantic, and makes any argument a formality. Shooting holes in their make believe worldview is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Their latest hill to die on is immigration to Russia. These are the dopes& jesters claiming there is 'no serious immigration to Russia' because they just saw a 50 second long video of Russian ((socialites)) partying in downtown Saint Petersburg or whatever - but ignore official ROSSTAT statistics and the subsequent alarm bells getting rung by some of the Kremlin's top dogs, labeling everyone not interested in partaking in their propaganda induced psychosis as 'CIA'.

In this case it's Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee. One of the few people orbiting the Kremlin that is actually ethnically Russian and doesn't sound like he's been totally bought and paid for by Chabadnik Jews. Bastrykin is sounding the alarm over Russia getting flooded with the proverbial inbred unibrown migrants, many of whom have a criminal nature and hate Russia (and Russians) with a vigor.

Alexander Bastrykin after the Crocus City terror attack earlier this year, which he tried to use to bring about change in Russia's disastrous immigration policies. Obviously nothing has changed since then but you have to applaud the man for trying - unless of course he is simply a release valve playing his role in soothing the domestic population as they are getting replaced.

Hmm, who should I believe?

🇷🇺The Great Replacement:

Bastrykin, head of the Investigative commitee of the RF, outlined the real statistics on migration in Russia

Everyone knows that the scale of the importation of migrants to Russia has become horrific, but specific figures have not been announced for a very long time. Existing official estimates are named for the first time. Every tenth person in Russia is a migrant.

There are very different estimates. We don’t really know how many migrants there are in Russia—14.5 million or 16.5 million. There are 145 million of us. It turns out that every tenth person is a foreigner.

The scale of concentration of migrants in large agglomerations is especially striking. According to the Investigative Committee, 1.2 million migrants were brought to Moscow this year alone, 880 thousand to the Moscow region, and 860 thousand to St. Petersburg.

Even taking into account new regions and the flow of ethnically and culturally close refugees from Ukraine, the number of migrants may even exceed 10% of the country’s total population. This is not yet 22.5% of the population with a “migration past”, as in Germany, but something as close as possible. While we were criticizing the migration policies of the West and predicting problems for them, a similar catastrophe crept up on Russia.

In 2023, the number of crimes committed by migrants amounted to almost 39 thousand, and this does not take into account crimes committed by foreigners who have already received Russian citizenship. The number of especially serious crimes committed by migrants has especially increased - +32% per year, and the share of especially serious crimes has also increased to 26%. The number of sexual crimes in the drug sphere has also increased significantly - +27%.

“Crocus” is only the most striking symptom. The number of “extremist” crimes has already increased by 147% year on year. It is necessary to take immediate measures, otherwise we will soon be making jokes about the “decaying West” in Tajik.

@jaguarcat Bytheway, it turns out that your sentiments on Russians and Ukrainians dying on the frontline whilst immigrants quietly move in to take their place is shared by at least some high up Russian officials

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It's always fun to ridicule westoid Putin groupies online. Disgruntled busy bodies spending half their waking hours talking up kosher foreign dictators blah blah blah

You can always count on blackbird/fakerooskietrollhandle to relay nice NATO blackpill Russia talking points, but usually he's not nearly that sloppy.


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace receives most of its revenue in the form of contributions and grants from private grantmaking foundations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Ford Foundation.

Quoting a literal former car salesman employed by NATO think tanks concern-trolling about Russia!

Also, I am not sure how bad the Russian immigration problem really is going to get when you have people like the other guy birdie is quoting in charge:

Imagine having people like this guy in charge instead of Alejandro Mayorkas...
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That Jap happens to be Akira Kurozawa, one of the greatest film directors of all time. This is an awesome movie, one of my all-time favorites.

One thing about ethnic minorities in Russia, this woman who is a popular Russian vlogger is a Tatar:

These people are not ethnic Russians, counted as ethnic minorities in Russia, but they are by western standards caucasian/white:

The Russian doomers on this thread want you to believe that these people are comparable to the hordes of migrants invading London, Paris or Springfield, Ohio.

These minorities are Russian citizens and patriots who usually speak Russian as well as their native language, and who are patriots, dying at higher rates than ethnic Russians:

View attachment 13169
The people from Eli's native province of Bashkortostan have had the highest rates of casualties in all of Russia in the war against Victoria Nuland's Banderists.

One thing as well that the anti-Russian propagandists like the blackbird here will fail to mention when it comes to Russian demography is that Russia will be adding over 10-15 million ethnic Russians as the country retakes Novorossiya from ((Natostan)).

I hope you understand me calling Akira Kurosawa a "Jap" was tongue in cheek. But yeah everything else you said was spot on.

I think most of these "Russia doomers" as you call it have absolutely no idea of what Russia (or it's history) actually is. They spend all this time disproving the fact that Russia isn't falling apart while they have sub Sahara invading their once clean neighborhoods.
Back to critiqueing the power structure in Russia... Putin is an idiot and his unnecessary, JQ-for-profit invasion of Ukraine will one day be seen as one of the biggest military blunders in history (as it was designed to be).
Back to critiqueing the power structure in Russia... Putin is an idiot and his unnecessary, JQ-for-profit invasion of Ukraine will one day be seen as one of the biggest military blunders in history (as it was designed to be).

How in the world is the Ukraine war "unnecessary"? Ukraine was about to overrun the Donbas and take over Crimea, they would have massacred the rebels. Ukraine broke every peace treaty they were offered (Minsk1 and 2, Istanbul). Putin bent over backwards to accommodate the Banderists and Nulands pulling their strings.

The JQ money is tied to the lands and resources they have acquired in eastern Ukraine for pennies on the dollar. They can kiss that goodbye.

Cooper you still think this war is between Nudleman and Shelomova, it isn't. This war is designed to play out at the lower level of the echelons of power, who are both ultimately under control of international jewry. Your simplification of this conflict isn't the right assessment. The EU/NATO and the "new east" are both anti-White as well as inherently anti-Christian. This war killed over a million Slavic White Europeans, combatants and non-combatants, a majority of them Christians, in 2022 alone, and the 8 years building up prior to that there were still many being killed. 8 years from now there may be none left.

Putin bent over backwards to accommodate the Banderists and Nulands pulling their strings.
The people from Eli's native province of Bashkortostan have had the highest rates of casualties in all of Russia in the war against Victoria Nuland's Banderists.

The fact that you and every Russophile who licks Shelomova's heels on telegram thinks they're fighting "knotzees" shows how much of the world thinks on levels far below the orchestrators. The jews are literally setting up their 2nd bandit state in those war-torn Oblasts and all these simpletons think that the enemy is some kind of European nationalist extremists. Massive simpletons. There are no "knotzees" and this faux-resurrection of nationalism that is permitted, repeat that, permitted to operate on some level in Ukraine is permitted because it allows for the lower-divisions between the political blocs to engage one another in war. Some Rothschild grandchild was probably whining too much and they wanted to start a war to satisfy him. What is goyim blood to the jew but nothing? What is NATO but a jew puppet? What are these BRICS mutts but globalization of another flavor? The jew is always the master of bastardized people.

Why can't you raise your awareness one level higher to see the puppet strings on both NATO and the Russian Federation go back to international jewry? The agenda is the same.

Much like Chinese culture, Russian culture has suffered greatly from the Bolshevik communist cultural and physical genocides, part of the reason its recovery might seem meek or even compromised for its critics from the right wing. There is no doubt however that it is recovering, well on its way to be restored to its former Tsarist glory.

Another erroneous quip you and others keep making here is this fantasy that Shelomova is somehow restoring the glory of the Tsarist Russia. Nothing could be further from the truth than this, and were I Orthodox, I would find it insulting to my Church to hear this.

You are severely mistaken if you thinks Shelomova is restoring Russia to the "former glory" of the Tsars. The Tsarist Russian Empire was a hierarchical Orthodox Christian kingdom, where both the Church and Tsar were central authorities and the faith played a dominant role in shaping the moral and political order. Tsarist Russia viewed the Tsar as a divine ruler, and the Orthodox Church was the ultimate spiritual authority, upholding strict hierarchies in both religious and ethnic matters. Not a "state duma" that is so easily filled with communistas and anti-White scum.

In contrast, Shelomova's Russia is built on a secular, oligarchic system. Even though Shelomova has allegedly "embraced" Orthodox Christianity publicly, his political alliances with jewish oligarchs and Chabad Lubavitch are a stark departure from Imperial Russian values. The Tsars never once made concessions of power to jews; in fact, the Pale of Settlement confined them to a limited geographical area, and they were politically marginalized. Under Shelomova, jewish oligarchs hold immense wealth and influence which would have been unthinkable in the Tsarist era. The complete opposite. The Tsars even commissioned paintings of jewish ritual child sacrifice to let their people know to stay away from them.

This idea of Shelomova "restoring" Tsarist Russia becomes even more absurd when we look at his relationship with Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Chechnya. Kadyrov is a Muslim warlord who wields significant power in the Russian Federation and has been accused of running Chechnya under Sharia law in all but name. He imposes Islamic practices in Chechnya, a far cry from the traditional Orthodox values of Tsarist Russia.

Historically Tsarist Russia maintained a strict hierarchy that placed Orthodox Christianity at the center of power, and non-Christian groups, especially Muslims, were marginalized. Muslim communities were purposefully and righteously repressed and subjected to forced Russification. The Tsars would never have tolerated the rise of a Muslim leader like Kadyrov in any Russian territory, let alone allow him to wield such influence over the Kremlin.

Imperial Russia dealt harshly with Muslim uprisings, such as the suppression of the Caucasus in the 19th century, when Tsarist forces ruthlessly crushed Muslim resistance and placed those regions firmly under Christian rule. Sharia law was unheard of in the Russian Empire, and Orthodox supremacy was upheld at all costs. Kadyrov’s rule in Chechnya today is a marked departure from this precedent.

Additionally Shelomova’s heavy concessions to Kadyrov including the vast amounts of federal funding that flow into Chechnya would be unimaginable under the Tsars. Instead of exerting Orthodox dominance, Shelomova has effectively decentralized power in this key Muslim region, allowing Kadyrov to run Chechnya as a quasi-independent Islamic state. "Muh Putin balancing act" my foot.

Moreover immigration under Shelomova has surged bringing in populations from Central Asia and beyond that created a more multi-ethnic society than ever before, which further dilutes Russian identity. In contrast, the Tsarist Empire, especially during the Romanovs, sought to maintain a distinct Russian identity, with Orthodox Russians and Slavic peoples dominating the Empire's leadership and cultural life and these Asiatics kept in the margins on purpose.

The cultural degeneracy and secularism in modern Russia also stand in sharp contrast to the values of the Tsarist era. The Romanov dynasty promoted a rigid, traditionalist society. It emphasized Orthodox Christian values and a monocultural vision for Russia. Today’s mixed marriages, or unmarried bastards, and the integration of immigrants into the folds of mainstream Russian society, and all the secular policies are anathema to Tsarism and Christianity.

On top of that, you are so embedded in the institutionalized news media of the Russian Federation itself that any evidence to the contrary of your claims is "deep state propagnda" or "glowing" no matter where it comes from. You have chosen to shut off the valve letting the flow of truth in to your mind and have chosen this sad little hill to die on, and if the audience here were bigger there is a potential for many other people to be mislead by your claims about Russia, this phony brother war that's now just a mystery mutt meat wave simulator, and the nature of geopolitical power.

How in the world is the Ukraine war "unnecessary"?

The war is unnecessary like every other war of the past 250 years. You aren't watching daily videos of Russian soldiers committing suicide in droves. It is ridiculous. This war is absolute hell and and if you think it is necessary then you are condoning all these souls to hell and you are complicit and guilty in this spiritual malefactor for encouraging it. All who encourage it are. These men are committing suicide for absolutely nothing. You should feel guilty for supporting this. All of you here who support the death of the European race through petty jew-owned political bloc struggles are complicit in its destruction and will be held accountable for it one day, if not in this life then before the gates of St. Peter. Think on this.

In fact, I want you to get a taste of what you support. Watch this and then come back and say this war is necessary:

Just so the mods don't overstep their bounds with this post I am citing the rules here. Some Christians are too bloodthirsty for all-out war that serves no purpose other than benefitting jews at the expense of millions of Christian lives and they need a reality check:

From the Rules thread:
"4. All posted images and videos must be clean. No posting whores, or soft-porn(genitals being visible through clothing), no gore, or excessive violence. Videos of events that really happened may always be posted, unless it is truly horrific. In general, showing reality is preferred no matter how ugly or offensive it may be, with the exception of scat or extremely vulgar images and videos must use SPOILER tags. But something like posting the torture of someone is not allowed"

These are real events and they are occurring daily. I suggest anyone who thinks they have the moral high-ground to push for war to watch these men lose their souls and then come around here with this tough talk.
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There are very different estimates. We don’t really know how many migrants there are in Russia—14.5 million or 16.5 million. There are 145 million of us. It turns out that every tenth person is a foreigner.

Brother, you've literally confirmed exactly what I've said over the past two posts - that Russia is 90% Russian. 1 out of 10 is an immigrant, which means 90% is Russian.

The amount of immigration into Russia is 1/4 of what it is in America - it is tiny, small potatoes by comparison.

Russia is where America was back in 1960, in terms of immigration. I'd take Russia's problems over America's problems any day of the week.
How in the world is the Ukraine war "unnecessary"?
This has already been thoroughly outlined but because you and @Nevsky and many others on this forum are under the JQ propaganda spell of "Meh, Putin Good, Zelensky bad" (both of whom are jews) you refuse to read between the lines.
Ukraine was about to overrun the Donbas and take over Crimea
That's like saying the Mexican government is about to overrun the state of Texas. If you believe that, then I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you... But go ahead, go volunteer for the Russian front lines and get your ass blown up for nothing. World War 3 for a seaport, yeah, totally worth it.