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Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

More confirmation of my post above:

"Former Ukranian president also let the Rothschilds run his huge corporations!

-> Ukraine still has the west in power.

Kiev Post: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has confirmed he plans to sell his businesses and to avoid speculation he will transfer his share in his largest business asset – Roshen confectionary corporation – under a trust agreement to Rotshild investment company which was previously hired to search for buyers.“

A trust agreement with Rotshild on the transfer of my stake in Roshen to the trust management is almost ready,” Poroshenko said in Kyiv on June 5."

And that is why they are waging a desperate war against Russia.

...And why there is a big ongoing effort to try to discredit Russia and Putin among right wingers, effort which MFTP is amplifying here.

"Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made."

Photo: soviet director (((Sergei Eisenstein))) sitting on the Russian Imperial Throne, 1927.

Russians are europeans. They should be considered what? Asians? Lool.
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Check a list here of the 'power' structure. DYOR
Businessman Berezovsky is Jewish; Khodorkovsky is Jewish. And in general, all of Russia's 106 billionaires are Jewish. The heads of Russia's largest state corporations are all Jewish.
All administrative, political, financial, cultural, economic, propaganda power in Russia is in the hands of Jews.

I don't think so.
I was just re-reading Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice...
I just finished reading Macbeth...
What is this a Shakespeare convention?

"If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

Weird how Bill was so hip to the JQ 400 years ago and yet The Donald and Vlad are still clueless.
Weird how Bill was so hip to the JQ 400 years ago and yet The Donald and Vlad are still clueless.

Back then it was easy to pick on Talmuds, they had zero power by comparison to today. Not a fair comparison, for anyone to climb in politics today they have to be very careful around Talmuds as they are the richest group in the world and totally ruthless. They are rightfully feared.
Back then it was easy to pick on Talmuds, they had zero power by comparison to today. Not a fair comparison, for anyone to climb in politics today they have to be very careful around Talmuds as they are the richest group in the world and totally ruthless. They are rightfully feared.
Although I had not thought of that angle, it is a good one. However, if you're going to lose or be "destroyed," (speaking of Trump here) why not go down swinging? I would postulate that Trump is JQ clueless. He points out many American-ills but he either doesn't understand the JQ-source or is living in fear of the ramifications of naming that JQ-source. It seems to me that the former is more plausible than the latter.

Now Putin is a different animal. He is very high IQ (unlike the medium high IQ Trump). But again, Putin went on with Tucker and kissed the JQ-ring which I don't completely understand? Putin was so in-depth on Russian history but failed to mention the JQ and their roll in current American foreign and domestic-tranny-policy or the Bolshevik Revolution? Strange. Putin is in a position of absolute nuclear power over Russia and yet he fears the JQ? Again, I don't get it? Could somebody please explain this to me like I'm 5-years-old?
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Although I had not thought of that angle, it is a good one. However, if you're going to lose or be "destroyed," (speaking of Trump here) why not go down swinging? I would postulate that Trump is JQ clueless. He points out many American-ills but he either doesn't understand the JQ-source or is living in fear of the ramifications of naming that JQ-source. It seems to me that the former is more plausible than the latter.

Now Putin is a different animal. He is very high IQ (unlike the medium high IQ Trump). But again, Putin went on with Tucker and kissed the JQ-ring which I don't completely understand? Putin was so in-depth on Russian history but failed to mention the JQ and their roll in current American foreign and domestic-tranny-policy or the Bolshevik Revolution? Strange. Putin is in a position of absolute nuclear power over Russia and yet he fears the JQ? Again, I don't get it? Could somebody please explain this to me like I'm 5-years-old?

Rich people have a lot of underlings. Attacking rich people means any one of these Judas' will come after you. Best not to publicly attack rich people, because people will do anything for money.
Although I had not thought of that angle, it is a good one. However, if you're going to lose or be "destroyed," (speaking of Trump here) why not go down swinging? I would postulate that Trump is JQ clueless. He points out many American-ills but he either doesn't understand the JQ-source or is living in fear of the ramifications of naming that JQ-source. It seems to me that the former is more plausible than the latter.

Now Putin is a different animal. He is very high IQ (unlike the medium high IQ Trump). But again, Putin went on with Tucker and kissed the JQ-ring which I don't completely understand? Putin was so in-depth on Russian history but failed to mention the JQ and their roll in current American foreign and domestic-tranny-policy or the Bolshevik Revolution? Strange. Putin is in a position of absolute nuclear power over Russia and yet he fears the JQ? Again, I don't get it? Could somebody please explain this to me like I'm 5-years-old?
Fear, apathy, blackmail, treachery, cluelessness, the reasons for refusing to tackle the JQ are numerous. These people, the rich jews, are only as powerful as their credit enables them to buy the morals of a hungry man for a price to extinguish the life of a man who questions or opposes their phony rule.

It is not a zero sum game. If you take on the jew, you must be prepared to lose everything. This is because to them any war is total war. Mr. Putin is indeed much more intelligent than Mr. Orange, and it looks like he plays a different game to the untrained eyes, but it is ultimately not so. The notion that one must enter into political cooperation with jews in their own country in order to eventually outmaneuver them is laughable, it will never escalate to removing jews from power in their own country, it will only dig them in further. Had he not isolated and pushed back the ethnic Russians and turned European opinion against him, I could possibly see him stalling, but the level of the power of Chabad within Russia is an affront to anyone who foresees an allegedly Christian country surviving long term.

You cannot have jewry on equal footing and representation as the Church in a Christian country. They are anathema to one another unless the Church is corrupted. You either have strong Church, weak jewry, or strong jewry, weak Church.

This is a shadow war, and even if you had trained and armed men running around killing off all the shabbos goys who enable jewish power in pre-dawn silent raids, eliminating traitor after traitor, it still wouldn't stop until someone starts waging a high frequency low signature kinetic impact war against the very murderers themselves. If USA Devgru or Rangers went rogue, then perhaps they could effectively rattle the talmudic cage a bit, but they're all brainwashed. I believe the Holy Spirit will imbue certain believers with ability and protection for such a righteous cause, but there are few crusaders left, and how God chooses His champions for the faith is something to be pondered on.

When you play by their rules, you see that theatricality and deception are only the first step into their abyss. West and East are only points on a compass, one just as stupid as the other. The rifts between jewry that are broadcasted for us "goyim" to observe are merely a surface tension, and do not last the more you go down those stairs into the demons nest.

Ultimately all our conflicts are sowed through their discordant seeds of deception, with the long-term jewish supremacy the mandate of the mitzvah. They would wage more open war but there is some hesitancy on their part for spilling jewish blood, hence why all the proxies, front movements, shabbos goys, and shadow warfare. Their Talmud tells them not to murder each other, and though there are exceptions to this, they conduct their war according to their false god's desires.
Mr. Putin is indeed much more intelligent than Mr. Orange, and it looks like he plays a different game to the untrained eyes, but it is ultimately not so.

You have no idea what's going on, that much is obvious.

The notion that one must enter into political cooperation with jews in their own country in order to eventually outmaneuver them is laughable, it will never escalate to removing jews from power in their own country, it will only dig them in further.

Wrong, both Stalin and Hitler did so. Why is your history so weak man?

Had he not isolated and pushed back the ethnic Russians and turned European opinion against him, I could possibly see him stalling, but the level of the power of Chabad within Russia is an affront to anyone who foresees an allegedly Christian country surviving long term.

Chabad's power in Russia is absolutely nothing compared to the USA or Europe. Man you are clueless. After the War in Ukraine started, most of the Talmuds in Russia were given the option to leave or be destroyed with the rest of Russia.

Those who stayed are now on hitlists:

Sanctioned Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning earlier this month after a meeting in Kyiv, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has reported.

Abramovich, who accepted a Ukrainian request to help negotiate an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and at least two senior members of the Ukrainian team, were affected, Monday’s report said, citing people familiar with the matter.

The remaining Talmuds who stayed in Russia after the BIS pulled out are dead if the west wins in Ukraine.

The idea that all Talmuds are friendly with each other is nonsenes, parasites kill each other all the time. There is only so much host and these Russian Talmuds are forced to fight for Russia or get killed by their own cousins.

This is what war looks like.
You have no idea what's going on, that much is obvious.

Wrong, both Stalin and Hitler did so. Why is your history so weak man?

Chabad's power in Russia is absolutely nothing compared to the USA or Europe. Man you are clueless. After the War in Ukraine started, most of the Talmuds in Russia were given the option to leave or be destroyed with the rest of Russia.

Those who stayed are now on hitlists:

The remaining Talmuds who stayed in Russia after the BIS pulled out are dead if the west wins in Ukraine.

The idea that all Talmuds are friendly with each other is nonsenes, parasites kill each other all the time. There is only so much host and these Russian Talmuds are forced to fight for Russia or get killed by their own cousins.

This is what war looks like.
War indeed, there are jews in both armed forces, but statistically the percentage of jews in the Russian armed forces and the Ukrainian and western armies is very low. While the Russian military does not publicly release detailed religious demographic statistics, the breakdown within the armed forces mirrors the country's overall religious distribution with jews being less than 1% of it, and therefore they are not dying anywhere near the level of Orthodox White Russian Christians.

You never mention Rabbi Berel Lazar in any of your posts where you claim Chabad has little power in Russia. He is the "Head Schliach" and Chief Rabbi of Russia. Your argument for Russia not being controlled by jews rests entirely on the irrelevant BIS "suspension" which is something that only happened after February 2022, the occasional booting of an (((Oligarch))), as well as the notion that jews can be divided or attack each other beyond a surface level or short term ploy. The last one is the most debatable, and applies heavily to this thread here.


This clip of Lazar was from a few months ago, long after this "BIS" issue from February 2022:

"Berel Lazar: Whatever Russia does in the Middle East is fully in coordination with Israel"

The jews do not kill each other unless it is an absolute necessity to prevent their cult from losing power. They have killed other jews in the past over exposing corruption of the israeli government, and some for other minor reasons of what they look at as a betrayal to the cult to get the heat of goyim investigators off their backs, but it is not a big enough divide where the western and eastern jews are at each others throats. Chabad is not against Russia whatsoever, even if some of the kvetching desert kïkes and their globohomo-pushing B'nai B'rith cousins in Washington "hate" it. A lone Oligarch who is poisoned is not representative of a schism within the existing jewish criminals and their plundering of the Russian people.

I want to believe that international jewry is divided, but I know better. It's called the synagogue of satan for a reason, it is organized and international and beyond borders, their disdain for Christ and everything He has given us is their only truly uniting chain, and this cannot be broken with them. They will never betray their false god and their corrupted demonic kin for any goyim or gentile cause. Their end game is generational. A few statistical outliers of jews breaking free of this mold is not enough to sever the beast in two.


As far as historical leaders entering into political arrangements with jews, what Stalin and Hitler did is not the same thing as the actions taken by Mr. Putin. The USSR was a jewish creation, and Stalin's alleged anti-semetism came about only after the war, and is laughable when one looks at how the jewish USSR annihilated Christendom from Russia. The jews love to use deflection and lie about this. On the other side, Hitler's only political agreement with any jewish group was the Haavara (transfer) agreement which was part of the legal deportation proceedings for jews out of Europe.

The Haavara had nothing to do with giving them equal representation in power structures within Germany, unlike the Russian government of today giving these people legal protection and allowing them to continue with their usury upon the people of the nation. In Russia the shopping centers are run by jews, the airlines, the banks, the gas stations, all the downtown central business districts, virtually everything in large cities is owned by jews, and Chabad is 98% of jewry in Russia. No BIS required for international jewry in Russia to thrive. As long as their financial parasitical practices are not outlawed, a jew will generate money out of thin air and commit the sin of usury from creating something out of nothing.

The symbology of the USSR and the modern allegedly Christian Russian government not appropriately doing a de-communisation of their past begets questioning. The hammer and sickle are the satanic banner under which more Christians were persecuted and murdered than any other cause or group in history, not by Genghis Khan, not by pre-Christian Rome, not by any brother war in Medieval Europe, and not even by any Muslim Caliphate.


"One thing that we have seen in the last eight years of Mr. Putin’s presidency is his great support fighting for the jewish community against anti-semetism. No other president in the world has come out so forcefully in such a radical way against anti-semetism." - Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar, May 2022.

Chabad Rabbi Gorin 2016: "Phase Aleph of the jewish revival of Russia is more or less complete. The Talmud translation has us continuing to grow well into phase Bet."

Bet = ‘Making a home for "g-d." ie. moshiach/antichrist. Hence, Putin’s Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar 1993: “Russia ready to meet Moshiach.”

There are also the lies of the persecution of jews in Soviet-Russia, which are also spread by the same man who is the head of jewry now in Russia. Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar: “Through 75 years of communism, one was not allowed to do anything jewish.”

On the contrary: Major Robert Williams 1947 – WHY DO SO MANY JEWS LOVE RUSSIA?

“(jew) Louis Levine paid an extended visit to Russia in 1946 & came back hysterical in enthusiasm for the Soviet regime. In an article in Soviet Russia Today, Levine (billed as ‘Outstanding leader of American jewry’) wrote:

‘Special concern for the jewish people has characterized the Soviet Union since its birth in the 1917 Revolution.

A week after the Tzar was overthrown, the infant Socialist government, headed by Lenin, legally abolished national oppression, making it the first country in the world to declare countersemitism a crime. Every manifestation of countersemitism was fought openly & sternly.’

Levine describes his 6,000-mile trip inside the Soviet Union, going wherever he pleased without surveillance – a rare concession, made not even to our ambassadors.

Everywhere, he says, he encountered jewish culture – more than in any other country in the world, jewish literature, theater, poetry is considered basic to a full cultural life.’

Levine wrote of meeting jewish surgeons, a jewish general & many high government officials of jewish origin. ‘It was apparent Soviet jews participate fully & freely on every level of government activity.’

He said many high ranking government officials were jewish & many jewish officials didn’t look jewish, but spoke privately in Hebrew or Yiddish.

‘One doesn’t dare be countersemitic in Russia.’ he said. ‘They have opened their synagogues again & jewish people enjoy complete religious freedom.”

The entire Soviet Union project was a part step to bring in moshiach and was based on this line from the Psalms:

Psalm 59:1: ‘Into Edom will I stretch out my shoe: to me the foreigners are made subject.’
You make the argument that Putin cannot go against the jews because he would be killed. Well if one's country isn't run by jews, then this should not be possible, especially with the level of security he has around him. Mr. Putin cannot oppose jewish supremacy, openly or discretely, and not long-term strategically with this Q-level tard logic of nth-dimensional chess against them, because they see this, and he would be replaced or have attempts on his life due to the reason that jews have control over Russian government and finance.

Conversely, Putin is not working against a long-term world where jews have less power, he is pushing forward a world where jews will have the only power. Washington is doing the same thing in the long run, just with more psychological and spiritual trauma on everyone they subjugate with their disgusting faggotry.

Multiculturalism (‘multinationality’) is the official Putinist ideology. Ten years ago there were virtually no alien migrants in Russia. Now there are 15 million of them, mostly Central Asians — numbering 10% of the total population. Most of them are males of military age.

In Moscow they commit half of all violent crimes. Moscow is no longer a Russian city. Now not a single month passes without some minor ethnic riot occurring in some part of the country, triggered by the depressingly similar scenario: a migrant kills a Russian, police either let the murderer go or don’t do anything, local authorities blame Russians for xenophobia, locals arise and protest.

This is in fact good development as Russians learn that only rioting makes authorities listen. Unfortunately, as a result, the most active members of such events then go to prison.

You are not an ethnic Russian, nor a Russian Nationalist, only a sympathizer of the current Russian Federation living in the United States, likely as a rage against the jewified Washington DC government and all the gay stuff they do everywhere. There is nothing wrong with that, but you are looking one way and missing a lot of information in the hopes that this war will destroy globohomo and end the jewish control of non-jewish people. It won't, no matter which side "wins". Israel will trade with BRICS partners India and China like it always has, it doesn't need the dollar. On the other hand if the "west" crushes the "east" and BRICS fails in Russia because now Blackrock owns the land, the Chabad power structure in Russia is not f---ed, they simply will do what jews have done for thousands of years and adapt their malignancy to the new host body.

This is war, and it is 100% jewish. None of us here are jewish (God willing) so we have nothing to gain from participation or support in any of their wars. That is why anti-war propaganda is important. Everyone needs to be called out for any pro-jewish activities, especially if they are Christian, or influential figures who claim to be. There is always more than one position to take within their given choices. Their war is divisive, the true war is exposing them and not fighting either propped-up side, which can be accomplished by massive protesting and forcing the controlled governments to take escalating actions that would ultimately lead to their collapse against revolting populaces. Always easier said than done of course, but a shared suffering is a humble blessing, and not a burden that only one man would have to shoulder.

Colossians 3:9-10: "Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator."

Matthew 5:9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
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Berel Lazar has no real power in Russia, and serves as a diplomatic figurehead representing Jewry inside of Russia. According to wikipedia, he does not even reside in Russia anymore, but in Italy.

For the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine six months ago, dozens of Russian rabbis from that country convened for an emergency meeting that ended with a politically fraught plea for an end to the bloodshed.

At a two-day gathering in Moscow that ended Tuesday, more than 75 Chabad-affiliated rabbis from across Russia issued a statement that read: “We pray that no more blood be spilled, and call upon people of good conscience everywhere to help aid those in need, including refugees, and end the suffering.”

The statement does not use the words “war” or “invasion,” which can carry legal risk in Russia when applied to the deadly offensive that Russian president Vladimir Putin initiated in February, nor does it mention Ukraine explicitly. But it can easily be construed as disapproval of the war at a time when other state-recognized clergy, including in the Russian Orthodox Church, have backed it.

The church’s head, Patriarch Kirill, has justified the invasion of Ukraine on spiritual and ideological grounds. He’s called it a “metaphysical” battle with the West and has blessed Russian soldiers going into battle. He’s also dismissed the Ukrainian national identity, saying Ukrainians are really Russians.

Notice how while the Orthodox Church has blessed the invasion of Ukraine, Chabad meekly calls for an end (but careful not to step on any toes lest they be destroyed).

So much for your "Jewish power" in Russia. Talmuds in Russia are probably only 1% as strong as they are in the (((West))). If Talmuds had control in Russia, there would not have been any attack on Ukraine.

Just stop posting man - read more, post less. You don't know what you're talking about. Chabad is completely opposed to the war in Ukraine, yet the war continues on.

Chabad is an international movement with many donors in Western countries, where there is little support for Russia’s war. In terms of following and funding, Chabad is also the main Jewish group both in Russia and in Ukraine. Those two countries have by far the largest Jewish population in Eastern Europe, estimated at 150,000 and 47,000 at least, respectively.

There was a meeting between Lazar and Putin just recently, and Putin straight up told him to his face that Russia supports Hamas:

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening,

You know that following the surge of tensions in the Middle East, Russia is doing its best to help people who have been taken hostage. It is common knowledge that the Russian Foreign Ministry is cooperating with the political wing of Hamas, and, generally, there are certain results.

Of course, our attention is focused on citizens of the Russian Federation, but not only on them. We also help citizens of other countries, including elderly people, who went through the Holocaust, and their family members.

As I said, there are certain results, but I understand and know that these efforts must continue. This is what we are doing, and I wanted to discuss details of this work with you.

Whatever slop you are getting your info from is just Talmudic propaganda designed to trick low-info right-wingers (such as yourself) into believing Russia are actually the bad guys.

In reality they are one of the few countries not controlled by Talmudic power and any cursory examination reveals this.
Although I had not thought of that angle, it is a good one. However, if you're going to lose or be "destroyed," (speaking of Trump here) why not go down swinging? I would postulate that Trump is JQ clueless. He points out many American-ills but he either doesn't understand the JQ-source or is living in fear of the ramifications of naming that JQ-source. It seems to me that the former is more plausible than the latter.

Now Putin is a different animal. He is very high IQ (unlike the medium high IQ Trump). But again, Putin went on with Tucker and kissed the JQ-ring which I don't completely understand? Putin was so in-depth on Russian history but failed to mention the JQ and their roll in current American foreign and domestic-tranny-policy or the Bolshevik Revolution? Strange. Putin is in a position of absolute nuclear power over Russia and yet he fears the JQ? Again, I don't get it? Could somebody please explain this to me like I'm 5-years-old?

Berel Lazar has no real power in Russia, and serves as a diplomatic figurehead representing Jewry inside of Russia. According to wikipedia, he does not even reside in Russia anymore, but in Italy.

Notice how while the Orthodox Church has blessed the invasion of Ukraine, Chabad meekly calls for an end (but careful not to step on any toes lest they be destroyed).

So much for your "Jewish power" in Russia. Talmuds in Russia are probably only 1% as strong as they are in the (((West))). If Talmuds had control in Russia, there would not have been any attack on Ukraine.

Just stop posting man - read more, post less. You don't know what you're talking about. Chabad is completely opposed to the war in Ukraine, yet the war continues on.

There was a meeting between Lazar and Putin just recently, and Putin straight up told him to his face that Russia supports Hamas:

Whatever slop you are getting your info from is just Talmudic propaganda designed to trick low-info right-wingers (such as yourself) into believing Russia are actually the bad guys.

In reality they are one of the few countries not controlled by Talmudic power and any cursory examination reveals this.
I don't think Russia is 'the bad guy.' I detest the west to a greater extent because of what they openly allow to happen to children. You should understand, even if you do not agree with nor sympathize with, the plight of the Nationalists in all European countries and that they find neither sanctuary nor honest relations in either the west or the east, because all of their countries are occupied by people who detest them. This is an unnatural state of affairs.

Echoing Putin's sentiments which became law against Nationalism doesn't make it true, it just pushes them towards other methods. The west and the east cannot both suppress millions of people who want their own manifest destiny in their own lands, it will never solve things.

Trusting sources on what jews say they want is also a skeptical consideration. We must always be skeptical any time a jew opens their mouth.

As for the articles, yes they are legit Kremlin-sponsored news. However, they still believe in the Holobunga, which is ridiculous in this day and age. Common sense of children can disprove it yet they still embrace the scam. I, along with every other truth-seeker, would be much more of an ardent Putin supporter if he stops this holohoax compliancy nonsense in the very least. That would be a start. This jewish racket has to end, and they must be made to face their crimes.

As for the war, I am not an adherent in the Orthodox Church of Russia, but on a whole more Christians have died in this conflict than non-Christians. It too must end, whether the Chabad spokesman slyly says so or not to manipulate opinion.

Time will tell the extent of who is in control, and for what purposes. I know I'm not the only one who can feel it, there will be many more deaths in the coming years from all of this theater.