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Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

"20 Reasons Against Newtonianism with Geographical Proofs" by Ebenezer Breach:

I found a few more treatises from Ebenezer Breach from the 1890s. They're quite interesting.

The following is from his 1896 work "Downfall of Modern Astronomy" where he lists "Fifty Scientific Facts For Surrender to Nature's Fixed Truths." It is telling that Fact #11, the vanishing ship theory which is a simple optical illusion, is still used today as a supposed proof of curvature yet it was disproven already in the 1890s and is completely disproven again in the modern technological era with zoom camera lenses.

11—The River Nile drops but a foot in 1000 miles. The Island of St. Helena can be seen 100 miles at sea. The national flag of a ship can be discerned 15 miles at sea. “ Most certainly, Sir, the sea is a level,” said a life-long mariner at Point one day. We have heard enough of the baseless vanishing ship theory to make us feel sea-sick all our life, if we live to be 100 years old. There is nothing in it but an optical illusion.
I don't have any single one map for myself, but I can reference to you several historical maps from explorers, navigators, and geographers if you like. The Boston Public Library had a copy from 1892 called the Gleason Map, but many people don't acknowledge it as official. "Flat earthers" don't have an official map outside of the UN. There isn't a "flat earth map", there simply is no evidence of motion or a curve, and ultimately all these concepts cannot work on a ball. There is no official map because there isn't a claim being made. However there are many interpretations as to why the UN would make it their official seal. I'm not in their high offices and echelons to know their whispers, but I know occultists and their behavior. Secret societies like to keep secrets for a reason.

The reason there isn't a flat earth map is because flat earth isn't real.
I'm repeating myself but to add my voice to the list above, there's also no official flat earth map because there simply is no need for one since maps are used for a function (navigation in traveling) and anyone who is going to be traveling around the Earth is going to be using a map that assumes a global Earth since that is what works. I myself provided an example of an early map used by Christopher Columbus that was created by Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli . Since I know an argument commonly used in this thread to discredit to an idea is to associate it with Jews, Freemasons, or Protestants I'll add that the people involved in the Columbus voyage would be considered 'trad Catholics ' by today's standards and that the sponsors of the voyage, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were given titles by the Pope for their defense and support of the Catholic Church and they had actually expelled the Jews from Spain during their reign. If someone is going to argue that having a Jew involved automatically is disqualifying and discredits a theory then by that logic throwing Jews out to the curb must count as undisputable confirmation of that theory.
You obviously have no idea what "the science" is. Science is just a model (a relation of vaiables), that seems quite accruate in predicting +95% of the times. We call that significant.

I didn't use the term "the science" aka scientism. I am referring to the scientific method ie hypothesis, observation, repeatable testing.
The death of God.

But cosmology and astronomy have been around for thousands of years, and they weren't always at odds with the church. I don't even understand why they have to be at odds with each other anyway, I don't see how cosmology is antithetical to God in any way shape or form.

The theory of evolution, the modern understanding of the cosmos in which we can travel, in which the earth is just a speck of dust. The sun as the core of the universe.

Theory of evolution by natural selection* you mean. Evolution is a fact, natural selection is the theory the attempts to explain it. In the same way that general relativity is the theory that attempts to explain the fact of gravity.

Modern cosmology for the last several hundred years has known the Sun is not the center of the Universe btw...were you being serious?

Is a direct opposite to man being the pinnacle of God's creation.

This leads to: We don't matter. Man does't matter.

LOL incorruptable. yeah right..

Get a covid shot and wear a mask please, the science says so brother. Get some drugs the science says so. It's good for you. Trust the state funded "science".
Again, I never said anything approximating "believe the science." If you're going to throw out cosmology then you might as well throw out everything else, but it sounds like you have if you don't even believe in natural selection. What do you think gravity is btw?
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The reason there isn't a flat earth map is because flat earth isn't real.
Where's my globe picture? I'm waiting to be shut up by some real curves here, the kind that would make J-lo blush.

Stop hawking and being selective about what you reply to. I gave you more than enough evidence to attempt to discredit and you have done none.

Here's some more in-your-face proof that there is no curve on the horizon:

"As far as the eye can see"

"Hey look, I found the boats that went over the bendy earth horizon!"

The horizon is not a physical place but an optical phenomenon which can be dramatically effected by environmental conditions. The math does not add up. If it curved then some of our technology would not work. Case in point:

"LORAN proves no curvature"

"LORAN was a naval navigation system developed in the 1940s, it worked by two radio towers on the coast that would transmit radio waves across the ocean. Using the LORAN system a boat then could use the difference in the timing of the radio signals to calculate the other vessels location. These two LORAN stations locations, Sasconset and Bodie Island, were 482 miles apart, and could be over a thousand miles away from the vessel. The Sasconset was 625 feet tall with an added elevation of 10 feet, at that height and distance according to the dimensions of the alleged globe, that would make a target hidden height of 135,000 feet or 25.4 miles. That means that the Bodie tower would have to be 14,000 ft higher than this weather balloon (in video) to have a line-of-sight with the Sasconset station, but the Bodie island station is only around 150ft tall, and these signals reached vessels over a thousand miles away. Given the angle of the towers in their positions on the alleged globe model, the radio waves would be pointed towards "space" and not one another.

The official explanation is that "the radio waves traveling at the speed of light, mysteriously hugged the surface of the earth and wrapped around the curvature, inexplicably jumping bulges of water and earth, dozens of miles tall." Defying logic and reason, globe claims always contain some extraordinary unproven tell why the earth curvature simply disappears without a trace. "

Here's another example, which is somewhat humorous. After England under that fat slob Churchill bombed and murdered all the German civilians in the cities unprovoked, Germany finally responded after numerous failed peace proposals. The German bomber crews were so precise that they did not wish to harm any of the English people, who were of such high class and so similar to the German people, but since it was a war the targets would indeed be military. To accomplish such accuracy, the Lorenz Beam method was used:

"Battle of the Beams"

"The Luftwaffe used a system called Knickebein, in which bombers followed one radio beam broadcast from ground stations on the continent until that beam was intersected by another beam at a point over the target. Lead bombers would then drop incendiary bombs on the target.

British Intelligence lead by R.V. Jones slowly became aware that such bombing beams may have existed and presented the information to Winston Churchill's leading scientific advisor, Frederick Lindemann. Lindemann and others said such a targeting system would be impossible because the supposed curvature of the earth would block the high-energy frequency beams , because VHF waves do not even allegedly bend around the curvature of the earth. England then delayed any countermeasures which resulted in heavy casualties. This incident proves that belief in globe pseudoscience can be disastrous."

Under the globe model, a German bomber would have needed to be higher than 118,025 feet in order for this to be within the line-of-sight of the Knickebein system, but the maximum cruising altitude of a German bomber was only 19,200 feet. So this historical series of counteroffensives would have been impossible under the globe model. Churchill and Lindemann should have listened to Ebenezer Breach from 40 years prior and took Newtonianism out of the British schools (they should have not sold their souls to the jews firsthand, but this is also their doing.

VHF requires line-of-sight. So how was this possible if we are on a helio globe?

Some of you are at least admitting that there are impossibilities with the globe model and the math we are given, others are so hardline on this it it is like you're taking narcan and being in physical agony to admit that there are things that are incredibly wrong with the model. It's ok to admit "I was lied to." It's humbling. I'm not here to argue I'm here to show that we do not know everything and that we must accept that we have been misled. I'm not offering the exact dimensions and mathematics of a "level plane" earth, I don't think we can attain this accurate knowledge with the current devil-spawn running the show. Many things about our histories, lineages, and our reality are revealed once we throw off the yoke of our would-be enslavers.
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^You clearly did not come up with this, someone, or a group of people, spent a lot of time coming up with esoteric, opaque engineering and science riddles packaged to lead to a dead end problematic, producing slick videos and other material which people like you, who bought into their science fair exhibit argumentation, eventually spread.

I ask you very simple basic questions about the flat earth model, that you are unable to answer:

-Show me a basic map of the world in flat earth.

-Why can't you see the sun at 8pm in NY when it's still high up in the sky over LA.

You answered that one with a weird and somewhat ridiculous misinterpretation of an optical phenomenon called vanishing point, as if the brightest object in our universe can be magically cloaked by a set of imaginary squares and lines 12 hours a day...

You certainly didn't come up with that answer either on your own, it is a prepackaged answer using another arcane, pseudo-scientific cognitive sleight of hand theory that a group of people put together for you.

This group of people can put together esoteric, complex puzzles, but they can't come up with a basic map of the world, so you're stuck here.
2-point warning. Do not call people Jewish for no reason, or claim they are being Jewish just because they disagree with you. Unloving insulting behavior is NOT tolerated.
^You clearly did not come up with this, someone, or a group of people, spent a lot of time coming up with esoteric, opaque engineering and science riddles packaged to lead to a dead end problematic, producing slick videos and other material which people like you, who bought into their science fair exhibit argumentation, eventually spread.

I ask you very simple basic questions about the flat earth model, that you are unable to answer:

-Show me a basic map of the world in flat earth.
What have you come up with? You're basically using 911's posts word for word from the old RVF in all of your arguments to come to the defense of globular hegemony at every chance you can. Do you have some kind of vested interest in preventing people from investigating this? Your posting is very jewish, you ignore everything I provide in that you don't even bother to break down the evidence presented in video format or attempt to understand that the people making these videos are using the very same mathematics that the globe-trotting system endorses, and these curious people are finding holes in everything with ammunition that heliocentrics have given them. I never claimed that any of this information is something I have originally arrived at myself.

All knowledge comes from somewhere else, so don't be rash. Learn from others and what they have built on, criticize it, and determine what truths come from it. Unless that's not why you are here. You don't seem to be vested in discovering truth, only to tow a party line on specific issues.

The "esoteric, opaque engineering and science riddles packaged to lead to a dead end problematic" is the mainstream science narrative. What I have been posting are people, ordinary people like you and me, who have been poking holes in this freemasonic prepackaged lie. Is it any wonder that jewtube doesn't allow this content? I have to use sources like gab, telegram, bitchute, rumble, and odysee to find anything of value on the internet from others if I do not know them personally.

There is no simple one-hundred percent and accurate map of the world, and if you believe so then you have never done any real navigation, whether on land, air, or sea.

However, to satisfy your tunnel vision inquiry, I will provide you with several concrete examples of "flat earth" maps in a chronological order, as there is no one map but many maps:

1: The Babylonian Map of the World (6th century BCE) - One of the earliest known maps dating back to the 6th century BCE. It is a clay tablet inscribed with cuneiform script and depicts the world as a flat disk surrounded by a circular ocean, which reflected their cosmology and prevalent belief that the Earth was flat. The Babylonians believed in the existence of cosmic waters surrounding the Earth, and these waters were often depicted as an ocean or a boundary separating the habitable world from the unknown or chaotic realms beyond. Their cosmology included a hierarchical view of the universe, with the Earth at the center and various celestial bodies and realms arranged in layers above and below.

2: Greek Flat Earth Maps (5th to 4th century BCE) - Various Greek philosophers and geographers, such as Anaximander and Hecataeus, proposed flat Earth models in their writings. Anaximander described the Earth as a flat, cylindrical shape, with the inhabited landmasses situated on top and surrounded by an ocean. He believed that the Earth was stationary and did not move, and that celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, were separate entities that orbited around it. Hecataeus of Miletus, who lived in the 5th century BCE, was another Greek geographer who contributed to the flat Earth concept. In his work "Genealogies," Hecataeus described the Earth as a flat disc surrounded by a body of water known as the "Oceanus."

3: T and O Maps (Middle Ages) - Medieval European maps prevalent during the Middle Ages from the 6th to the 14th centuries. The name "T and O" comes from the characteristic layout of these maps, where the world is depicted as a circle (O) surrounded by a ring-shaped body of water (Oceanus), with a T-shaped body of water dividing the circle into three regions: Asia, Europe, and Africa with Jerusalem at the center.

4: Hereford Mappa Mundi (c. 1300) - A medieval map of the world housed in Hereford Cathedral, depicting the world as a flat disk with Jerusalem at the center and biblical events and creatures surrounding it. Like many medieval maps, the Hereford Mappa Mundi is circular in shape. It represents the world as a disk, with Jerusalem in a prominent central position on the map, reflecting its religious significance as the center of the Christian world. It is depicted as a walled city with towers and gates. The map includes numerous depictions of biblical events, figures, and locations. Scenes from the Old and New Testaments are illustrated throughout the map, including Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, and the Crucifixion of Christ.. The continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa are depicted, although their shapes and sizes are distorted by medieval cartographic conventions. Surrounding the edges of the map are depictions of monstrous races and mythical creatures, such as giants, cyclops, and bizarre humanoid figures, representing the existence of exotic lands and peoples beyond the known world. The map includes numerous inscriptions, labels, and annotations in Latin, providing explanations and descriptions of the depicted events, places, and creatures. These inscriptions serve as a guide for interpreting the map and understanding its symbolism. It emphasizes the divine order of the universe, the importance of religious pilgrimage and the Christian worldview of its creators and viewers.

5: Fra Mauro Map (c. 1450) - A medieval map created by the Venetian monk Fra Mauro di San Benedetto, who was living in the Monastery of San Michele in Venice. He began work on the map around 1450 and completed it in 1459, which depicts the world as a circular disk surrounded by an ocean, with Jerusalem at the center and various cities, regions, and mythical creatures depicted around the edges. The map is celebrated for its accuracy and attention to detail. Fra Mauro and his collaborators gathered information from various sources, including travel accounts, navigational charts, and geographical treatises. They meticulously depicted coastlines, cities, mountains, rivers, and other geographic features.
It served as a navigational aid for sailors and explorers, who were allowed to study it in preparation for voyages, providing them with valuable information about the geography of the world. At the same time, the map conveyed religious and cultural messages, emphasizing the importance of Christian pilgrimage and the grandeur of God's creation.

6: Urbano Monte's Planisphere of the Earth (1857) - An impressive and detailed depiction of the Earth's surface. Unlike traditional flat Earth maps that often depict a circular or disk-shaped Earth, Monte's map is more akin to a rectangular projection, similar to modern cartographic representations. Monte's map includes numerous geographical features, cities, rivers, and mountain ranges. The map also incorporates intricate illustrations and decorative elements, making it both a practical geographic tool and a work of art, unlike any of the modern soulless maps.

7: Samuel Rowbotham's Zetetic Astronomy Map (1865) - Samuel Rowbotham, a proponent of flat Earth theory in the 19th century, published a map in his book "Zetetic Astronomy", which depicted the Earth as a flat circular plane with the North Pole at the center and Antarctica forming a boundary around the outer edge. Here is the book for those who are interested to peruse its contents:

8: Gleason's New Standard Map of the World (1892) - A flat Earth map created by Alexander Gleason, this map follows a circular design, with the North Pole positioned at the center serving as a focal point for the surrounding continents arranged in a circular pattern around it. It includes Antarctica as an ice wall surrounding the outer edge of the Earth, as well as a representation of the sun's path throughout the year, with concentric circles indicating the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Equator. The accuracy has been questioned consistently but it does show these true cartographic representations:
1: The map uses an equal azimuthal projection, which means that directions from the center of the map to any other point are accurate.
2: Accurate distances from the North Pole: Distances from the North Pole to various points on the map are represented accurately,
3: Circumference of Antarctica: The map accurately represents the circumference of Antarctica as a continuous ice wall surrounding the Earth.
4: Orientation of continents: The orientation and positioning of continents and landmasses on the map are consistent with other Earth models.

9: Orlando Ferguson's Flat Earth Map (1893) - A circular flat Earth map created by Orlando Ferguson, featuring continents arranged in a circular pattern around the North Pole. Ferguson's map portrays Antarctica as a continuous ice wall encircling the flat Earth. This map also includes various biblical references and quotations, many of which have already been posted in this thread. The title is more symbolic, the Earth is not a square, but that could be reference to the four corners of the earth from scripture, and the consistent belief that the earth is fixed, immovable, and not in motion. The presence of luminaries posit that the sun, moon, and stars move in circular or elliptical paths above the Earth's surface.

10: Wilbur Glenn Voliva's Flat Earth Map (Early 20th Century) - Voliva was the leader of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church, based in Zion, Illinois, during the early 20th century. He gained notoriety for his advocacy of flat Earth beliefs and his criticism of mainstream science, particularly the theory of heliocentrism. Voliva's flat Earth map was intended to reflect his religious and cosmological views, which were based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. This map was based on his interpretation of biblical cosmology and his belief that the Earth is a flat, stationary plane. The Voliva Map typically depicts the Earth as a circular disk with the North Pole at the center and Antarctica as an ice wall around the perimeter.

11: John G. Abizaid - A Syrian Professor who's "New Correct Map of the Flat Surface, Stationary Earth" (1910) from his book "The Enlightenment of the World" depicts a similar circular map only this time delineating land masses and oceans within concentric rings growing outwards from the center north pole. There is very little information on this map and it seems highly intuitive. Since I've already maxed out the images on this post, have a look for yourself and see:

His book can be read here:

Oh and all of these mapmakers and cartographers were born before Cass Sunstein by the way, unless he is some kind of time-jew and has the ability to go back and psyop all these different civilizations. If you can provide me with some evidence for that then maybe I'll buy that governments are actively promoting the search for truth.

-Why can't you see the sun at 8pm in NY when it's still high up in the sky over LA.

You answered that one with a weird and somewhat ridiculous misinterpretation of an optical phenomenon called vanishing point, as if the brightest object in our universe can be magically cloaked by a set of imaginary squares and lines 12 hours a day...

You certainly didn't come up with that answer either on your own, it is a prepackaged answer using another arcane, pseudo-scientific cognitive sleight of hand theory that a group of people put together for you.

This group of people can put together esoteric, complex puzzles, but they can't come up with a basic map of the world, so you're stuck here.
The ones hiding in their own esotericism are the people behind every mainstream science! The nature of something being esoteric doesn't automatically make it evil, it's who is hiding it and why they are hiding which determine it's moral and spiritual alignment. If it was a truth about Jesus Christ, like the fact that an archaeological team found fossilized plasma under Calvary with only one set of chromosomes, proving beyond a doubt that He was born of a Virgin, then why is something so beautiful as this not mainstream? Much of the beauty and truth of this world is hidden, and all we are left to see is the ugliness and inane blandness leftover from a life without truth and connection to God's designs.

So you're saying a vanishing point does not exist? Watch the videos again, and go and try some of these experiments yourself.

Your statement is nebulous, at what time of year would you expect to see the sun in NY at 8pm while its still "high up" in the sky over LA? The path of the sun is like a mobile track light on the ceiling of a warehouse illuminating the darkened areas within its coverage. This is why as it moves across landmasses it does not form an arc but rather a pyramid, an ascending line from one side to the peak, and a descending line from the peak to the other side, if you observe its movement in a full day. You have to understand that curvature and luminary circuitry are different and the former does not explain the accurate movements of the sun.

Since you keep asking about the sun, it leads me to believe you truly want to know more. Here is an explanation of the path of the sun and its movements:
"The Path of the Sun"

By taking an entire day-lapse video and observing the path of the sun, it should be making an arc like in the demonstration he did in the beginning with the globe, however ,the sun's path is on a set circuit, and it gets bigger as it approaches its zenith and smaller as it fades away across the horizon. The sun follows the solstice lines hence why there are different hours of daylight at different times of the year. This is not a convoluted esoteric presentation, but a very simple exercise in basic astronomy, so simple a child could understand it.
"Very jewish" "child" etc. I wonder why you use these insults when you use some guy who slurs and shows some random 'map' and explains absolutely nothing in some random video that makes no sense.

I actually always wondered why they tried to 'hide' the flat Earth from us. What is the point and what would be the reason to do so? The Copernicus' and Galileo's were the outliers or rebels in their time and they certainly weren't jewish or masons.

Again what is the point of even discussing this nonsense when you have much MUCH greater issues in the world today. Seems like a waste of time unless you're trying to poison the well.
To all flat earthers:
Do you want to be a multi-millionair within a month?
Set aside a small budget for an expedition. Put your money where your mouth is. It shouldn't take more than $10.000 to travel to the edge of the world with a good camera.
Lean over and take a photo of the abyss. Or maybe it's a huge ice wall. Whatever the case, think of the money and fame you will get when you reveal the big secret to the world, with undisputable photos to back your discovery.
To all flat earthers:
Do you want to be a multi-millionair within a month?
Set aside a small budget for an expedition. Put your money where your mouth is. It shouldn't take more than $10.000 to travel to the edge of the world with a good camera.
Lean over and take a photo of the abyss. Or maybe it's a huge ice wall. Whatever the case, think of the money and fame you will get when you reveal the big secret to the world, with undisputable photos to back your discovery.
"There be dragons............"
To all flat earthers:
Do you want to be a multi-millionair within a month?
Set aside a small budget for an expedition. Put your money where your mouth is. It shouldn't take more than $10.000 to travel to the edge of the world with a good camera.
Lean over and take a photo of the abyss. Or maybe it's a huge ice wall. Whatever the case, think of the money and fame you will get when you reveal the big secret to the world, with undisputable photos to back your discovery.
I been bringing up that there's already been people in that past (who weren't Jews or Protestants or occultists or modernists) that had already sailed to what looked like the edge and then came back to report on what their voyage was like. For some reason this point isn't been addressed by the flat-earth/level plane earth people on this thread. It's strange because it seems like the most common sense and elegant way to see which model is more accurate would be simply to address this issue rather than to dive into more complicated issues of optics and how theories of how our subjective senses aren't accurate.

I suppose a comeback to this is that these people were all lying and there was some sort of conspiracy that's been maintained not just by the explorers as well as their sponsors as well as the other people that would have working and studying around them (the many cartographers, merchants hoping to take advantage of the same routes, etc.) and that this conspiracy was maintained not only during the time these people lived but for centuries afterwards. The problem is that none of the people involved in all these voyages were the typical characters you as part of the plots for a lot of these alternative theories (Freemasons, Illumnati members, Protestants, Jews, etc.) so I'm not sure how the typical "this must be a cover up because there's a Jew or occultist involved" angle would work. A lot of these people were actually "based trad Catholics" as well which doesn't vibe well with a world view that global earth and heliocentrism was created as a way to destroy the traditional Catholicism.
1. Because the earth has no axis, therefore nothing on which to revolve an imaginary mathematical line is substituted, but no solid body could revolve on an imaginary axis or line. It is an imaginary cause that can only produce an imaginary effect. So that follows such a cause, must be imaginary. If anything be placed on top of a revolving body, it will fly off at a tangent.

All of these "proofs" are junk, this guy doesn't understand what inertia is. If I'm in a car moving at 60 mph and throw a ball up in the air, the ball lands right back in my hands. It doesn't go flying off or hit my face, because the ball is moving at 60 mph before I throw it. Likewise nothing would fly off a globe at a tangent because we're all moving on the same globe. This doesn't disprove anything about the globe.

This is bad post here, and anyone who liked it doesn't grasp physics. I don't need to read anything beyond this because the premises are wrong.

I notice, no one here has responded to the video of the guy in Antarctica with a compass, which I posted a few pages ago.

Where's my globe picture? I'm waiting to be shut up by some real curves here, the kind that would make J-lo blush.

Stop hawking and being selective about what you reply to. I gave you more than enough evidence to attempt to discredit and you have done none.

Here's some more in-your-face proof that there is no curve on the horizon:

"As far as the eye can see"

"Hey look, I found the boats that went over the bendy earth horizon!"

The horizon is not a physical place but an optical phenomenon which can be dramatically effected by environmental conditions. The math does not add up. If it curved then some of our technology would not work. Case in point:

"LORAN proves no curvature"

"LORAN was a naval navigation system developed in the 1940s, it worked by two radio towers on the coast that would transmit radio waves across the ocean. Using the LORAN system a boat then could use the difference in the timing of the radio signals to calculate the other vessels location. These two LORAN stations locations, Sasconset and Bodie Island, were 482 miles apart, and could be over a thousand miles away from the vessel. The Sasconset was 625 feet tall with an added elevation of 10 feet, at that height and distance according to the dimensions of the alleged globe, that would make a target hidden height of 135,000 feet or 25.4 miles. That means that the Bodie tower would have to be 14,000 ft higher than this weather balloon (in video) to have a line-of-sight with the Sasconset station, but the Bodie island station is only around 150ft tall, and these signals reached vessels over a thousand miles away. Given the angle of the towers in their positions on the alleged globe model, the radio waves would be pointed towards "space" and not one another.

The official explanation is that "the radio waves traveling at the speed of light, mysteriously hugged the surface of the earth and wrapped around the curvature, inexplicably jumping bulges of water and earth, dozens of miles tall." Defying logic and reason, globe claims always contain some extraordinary unproven tell why the earth curvature simply disappears without a trace. "

Here's another example, which is somewhat humorous. After England under that fat slob Churchill bombed and murdered all the German civilians in the cities unprovoked, Germany finally responded after numerous failed peace proposals. The German bomber crews were so precise that they did not wish to harm any of the English people, who were of such high class and so similar to the German people, but since it was a war the targets would indeed be military. To accomplish such accuracy, the Lorenz Beam method was used:

"Battle of the Beams"

"The Luftwaffe used a system called Knickebein, in which bombers followed one radio beam broadcast from ground stations on the continent until that beam was intersected by another beam at a point over the target. Lead bombers would then drop incendiary bombs on the target.

British Intelligence lead by R.V. Jones slowly became aware that such bombing beams may have existed and presented the information to Winston Churchill's leading scientific advisor, Frederick Lindemann. Lindemann and others said such a targeting system would be impossible because the supposed curvature of the earth would block the high-energy frequency beams , because VHF waves do not even allegedly bend around the curvature of the earth. England then delayed any countermeasures which resulted in heavy casualties. This incident proves that belief in globe pseudoscience can be disastrous."

Under the globe model, a German bomber would have needed to be higher than 118,025 feet in order for this to be within the line-of-sight of the Knickebein system, but the maximum cruising altitude of a German bomber was only 19,200 feet. So this historical series of counteroffensives would have been impossible under the globe model. Churchill and Lindemann should have listened to Ebenezer Breach from 40 years prior and took Newtonianism out of the British schools (they should have not sold their souls to the jews firsthand, but this is also their doing.

VHF requires line-of-sight. So how was this possible if we are on a helio globe?

Some of you are at least admitting that there are impossibilities with the globe model and the math we are given, others are so hardline on this it it is like you're taking narcan and being in physical agony to admit that there are things that are incredibly wrong with the model. It's ok to admit "I was lied to." It's humbling. I'm not here to argue I'm here to show that we do not know everything and that we must accept that we have been misled. I'm not offering the exact dimensions and mathematics of a "level plane" earth, I don't think we can attain this accurate knowledge with the current devil-spawn running the show. Many things about our histories, lineages, and our reality are revealed once we throw off the yoke of our would-be enslavers.

These vids are also junk, the horizon is way further out than a mere 30 miles.
"Very jewish" "child" etc. I wonder why you use these insults when you use some guy who slurs and shows some random 'map' and explains absolutely nothing in some random video that makes no sense.

I actually always wondered why they tried to 'hide' the flat Earth from us. What is the point and what would be the reason to do so? The Copernicus' and Galileo's were the outliers or rebels in their time and they certainly weren't jewish or masons.

Again what is the point of even discussing this nonsense when you have much MUCH greater issues in the world today. Seems like a waste of time unless you're trying to poison the well.
I am not trying to poison the well, I am exploring this topic and trying to bring in counterarguments to iron out the wits on both sides of this because this is the only way to arrive at ultimate truth. All of what I am doing is with intent to extract poison from the well.

I didn't hear any slurring, the guy's voice does sound like James Woods though. If only every video was made with completely flawless English, then yes it would be more widely-received by larger audiences for contemplation. However there are plenty of videos out there of liars with forked-tongues hissing deceit under a veneer of perfect grammar, syntax, and charisma.

I used to wonder the same thing as well, like why does it matter what the world is, but through a historical analysis I've come to understand that it is more along the lines of planning for a one-world government and containment that our "model' was drawn up in.

It was the real beginning of the New World Order, because many jews were expelled from parts of Europe at the time, the subterfuge of the Marranos which made the Spanish Inquisition endure saw them taking on different roles and continuing their subversive influence in other arenas, like in the mystery schools which descended from Babylonian and even Canaanite spiritual practices. The templars of course inherited these practices from their time in the Holy Land, and they brought these blasphemous fraternal ordeals with them back to Europe.

The Copernican revolution is a result of these groups, and it is something no one has delved upon here yet. This is when the cosmological teachings drastically shifted. Nicolaus Copernicus himself was not a confirmed freemason or jesuit, according to many sources he was a monk with an extensive education, but there is always more beneath the surface when it comes to politics and theology intermeshing.

Copernicus' social circle was more interesting. Pope Paul III's real name was Alessandro Farnese, of one of the Venetian Black Nobility families. These families were not European originally, but Persian, and fled to Rome from Persia. The Farnese's and the Borgia's created the jesuits in 1539. Copernicus' theory, from his own statements, said it was merely a hypothesis and not meant to be taken seriously. He dedicated his heliocentric treaties to this very same Farnese Pope Paul III, which was a huge subject of the Council of Trent from 1545-1563, aka the council of the "counter-reformation". Martin Luther and John Calvin did not like this theory about heliocentrism, and were adamantly against it. I know it may seem strange a Catholic is outing his own ancestral Church offices, but the truth must come out one way or another. The 30 years war was fought over much of this new establishment, with many of the Protestants fleeing to the Americas.

Copernicus' model was only the beginning. Giordano Bruno was a philosopher and friar who conceived of "cosmic pluralism," something we see so common in many of the jewish media, television, degenerate literature, and faux-spirituality, that being the concept of an infinite number of stars and suns and worlds with the possibility of "earth-like" planets similar to our own. This is a pure pantheist expression and it saw Bruno executed for heresy in 1600 for it. So the Catholic Church was not completely corrupted then to accept such a radical idea. However, it wasn't enough to keep the containment mechanism for future "globalism" from settling in its roots and growing.

So when you look at history you begin to see how much of the push for this acceptance of helio-cosmology is a control force, and the concept of the globe gave rise to all other forms of control the current forming antichrist system is attempting to implement, all the ideologies we are bombarded with now are packed with this rhetoric: "global warming" "global community" "global governance" "global finance" "global lockdowns" "global religion" and on and on. The only globe that exists that I've ever seen was the one on my grammar school teacher's desk where it said "not to be used for educational purposes" on the bottom of its stand.

To all flat earthers:
Do you want to be a multi-millionair within a month?
Set aside a small budget for an expedition. Put your money where your mouth is. It shouldn't take more than $10.000 to travel to the edge of the world with a good camera.
Lean over and take a photo of the abyss. Or maybe it's a huge ice wall. Whatever the case, think of the money and fame you will get when you reveal the big secret to the world, with undisputable photos to back your discovery.
Easier said than done. I have my suspicions about many aspects of what we're told of Antarctica but I cannot confirm most of them. I wouldn't post something in bad faith if I did not do a thorough analysis myself. According to Scripture there is no abyss but a foundation. I posted on this earlier in the thread if you want to see the passages. We do not know how far it goes, down or out. The description of the earth was never given a scale of measurement in the Bible. In the Old Testament there are descriptions of measurements for the construction of the Tabernacle and the Temple including dimensions for various parts of these structures (Exodus 25-27; 1 Kings 6) similar to how we are given the description of measurements of Noah's Ark.

Do I personally believe in the "flat earth"? I dont' see things in such simple geometries. believe that God did not make the earth measurable to a system of man. God's power and creation cannot be drawn and quartered and for us to attempt to do it with human models is an error. This is why there is a metaphysical portion of our world that we cannot create a system of mathematics to understand. All of the theories we have learned in schools and universities are simply that, theories. All of the evidence in the last half century cannot back up these theories as they are lies. I understand the concept of all the space agencies being controlled appears like a kook-fest magnet. My own sense of skepticism kicks in half the time to think, are they really all in this together, every nation's space agency and naval powers and private research initiatives? After a long enough time researching these questions, I come to see them all as basically NASA knockoffs, leeching money from their nation's public tax base and producing and delivering utter crap in return.

I'm not asking anyone to become a flat-earther. I'm asking you all to look at this undeniable evidence for something that does not add up to what we have been told. Look at it and don't worry about a massive conspiracy from hundreds of years ago until the present and just state to yourself what your eyes see. The premise that one must either be a glober or a flatter is ridiculous. There is a third model which I find interesting which I have brought up before, and that is the Torus Field. I will explain a bit more below in my response to another member.

I been bringing up that there's already been people in that past (who weren't Jews or Protestants or occultists or modernists) that had already sailed to what looked like the edge and then came back to report on what their voyage was like. For some reason this point isn't been addressed by the flat-earth/level plane earth people on this thread. It's strange because it seems like the most common sense and elegant way to see which model is more accurate would be simply to address this issue rather than to dive into more complicated issues of optics and how theories of how our subjective senses aren't accurate.

I suppose a comeback to this is that these people were all lying and there was some sort of conspiracy that's been maintained not just by the explorers as well as their sponsors as well as the other people that would have working and studying around them (the many cartographers, merchants hoping to take advantage of the same routes, etc.) and that this conspiracy was maintained not only during the time these people lived but for centuries afterwards. The problem is that none of the people involved in all these voyages were the typical characters you as part of the plots for a lot of these alternative theories (Freemasons, Illumnati members, Protestants, Jews, etc.) so I'm not sure how the typical "this must be a cover up because there's a Jew or occultist involved" angle would work. A lot of these people were actually "based trad Catholics" as well which doesn't vibe well with a world view that global earth and heliocentrism was created as a way to destroy the traditional Catholicism.

Before I address this insight, here is a bit of non-mainstream information on the Columbus Expedition years:

"The Christopher Columbus Deception"

"The study of how the subject history has been manipulated, is surely one of the most interesting of all subjects."

"The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans, than any single thing known to mankind." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"History is the lie commonly agreed upon." - Voltaire

He quotes David Icke a bit, which I think is kooky on some subjects, but on the historical lineages this guy is pretty spot on.

There are disputes on this subject that make all of our conceptions of this historical period superfluous. The mystery of the Rosslyn Chapel built by Templars in the mid 1400s, finished in the 1480s, bearing architectural features in the stone cuttings of crops and cacti yet-to-be-discovered by Europeans in America. Christopher Columbus was not the one who first sailed across the ocean to the Americas, the Phoenicians, Norse, Britons, Welsh, Irish, Basque, Portuguese all sailed to America before him, and so did Prince Henry Sinclair of Rosslyn. Sinclair and other members of a Black Nobility (Venetian) family landed in Nova Scotia in 1398. He was not financed by the King and Queen, but by his connections to the Templars. His father and law was a former Templar, and his voyage was financed by Catherine de Medici's family.

I disagree with this guy on many things, especially him not bringing up that these "Black Nobility" families were not European but likely cryptos or mystics who descended from the Orient. The desire to pilfer the wealth of foreign lands does not come from a European mind, it comes from a parasite mind, of which we are all too familiar.

On the topic of skeptics mustering against the association of something the jews, jesuits, freemasons, and occultists push by simply dismissing it all, I think you're misunderstanding that sentiment, of corroborating jews, freemasons, jesuits, and occultists with something being fake versus them hiding something that is real and spreading something that is fake. Some of these people are very clever and knowledgeable despite being virtually soulless. That it is fake simply because they push it is not the argument I am making. I am saying that they purposefully know something and then spread the opposite of it in availability to the masses. Of course one could not accept this premise unless they knew that the nations were under the heel of these types. If you've been on this corner of the internet for long, and I know you have, then you know that there is enough evidence to prove a conspiracy of control by a select group of people, families, and extended tribesmen. Do you understand their concept of esoteric versus exoteric? They pride themselves on knowledge that they believe they have earned through spiritual "contracts" something which is forbidden under God: oath-taking to malevolent archaic practices, invoking heretical and blasphemous speech in derelict tongues, and subjecting one's body and temple to unholy practices of the flesh and spirit.

The oaths of secrecy they swear are to safeguard this knowledge from falling into the hands of the "uninitiated," or as I said earlier, "profane" masses. What better way to keep it hidden, or esoteric (known by few unknown by many) than to provide a contrapositive for mass consumption. Here is an example:

Original model: "If the Earth is at the center of the solar system, then the Sun is not at the center and the planets do not orbit around it."

Contrapositive model: "If the Sun is at the center of the solar system and the planets orbit around it, then the Earth is not at the center of the solar system."

I don't think any of us understand how hard they worked to spread this lie, and it took generations to take hold, and centuries to set in and ferment. The dichotomy that there is now, with a dominant globe model and an outcast flat model also seems highly astro-turfed in the present day. The ancient cosmologies were rife with more spiritual descriptions of reality and not simple Euclidean geometries. So the concept of the Torus Field earth is also one that is practiced by occultists. I do not support occultism and if I had the power to do so I would inquisition them all to a burning stake, but that does not mean the knowledge they hide on purpose is false.

Here is a supposed Russian freemason offering his "knowledge" of the world. I cannot confirm who the man is, when this video was taken, or why he was showing this, but it provides a completely different model of our cosmology than both the heliocentric model fed to us, and the "flat earth" model that seems to be the automatic go-to for those who question the helio model:

"Russian Freemason reveals and explains the shape of the Earth"

This model is vastly different from both the globe and the flat ideas, and it appears entirely symbological, which is more aligned with a metaphysical interpretation than a material one.

The diagram he constructs seems to be what the masonic sigils and pillars are based on, along with the symbol of the compass (sextant) and square. Of course this raises more questions than answers. Is he an ex-freemason? Why the change of heart? Why would one release such information that he likely had to do some vulgar fornicating with children in order to be trusted with? Is the truth supposed to be dismissed as an actual theory of their conspiracy?

Continuing on your earlier post about my mention of an "infinite earth," I am mentioning how there are more than two models for our cosmology, there are a dozen in fact. The geometries are different, but I think when we begin to look beyond the material, to the electromagnetic frequency spectrum, we see that there is so much more than a singular "shape" that defines our reality. This is why the fixed luminaries in the sky, the stars, are likely made of various frequential patterns and not solid bodies that our mainstream would have us believe. It is an expression of the search for truth to ascertain this with effort. Some people here would dismiss it all and say "I don't have time to go through every video to attempt to debunk everything" then they should not be speaking on the subject matter. These people should not be in charge of what those who do take the time to research have to say. I take the time to study and learn, as well as unlearn many things. Learning and education is not a continual upward progress, sometimes its one or two steps backwards, one step forwards.

Also per your reply to protestants being included in one of my mentions, this was not all of them. Martin Luther himself was vehemently against this new cosmology. He was diametrically opposed to Copernican cosmology. Luther held a literal interpretation of Scripture that the Bible presented a geocentric cosmology. He expressed reluctance to accept any scientific theory that contradicted the clear teachings of Scripture. Luther famously remarked, "There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth." He is of course referring to Joshua 10:13, where Joshua commands the sun to stand still.

Calvin said on Copernicus: "We will see some who are so deranged, not only in religion but who in all things reveal their monstrous nature, that they will say that the sun does not move, and that it is the earth which shifts and turns. When we see such minds, we must indeed confess that the devil possesses them. And that God sets them before us as mirrors, in order to keep us in His fear."

There was much theological differences that fomented a growing divide between the reformers and the Catholics because of this model, and for that alone, without even all of the other considerations I have raised in this thread, I am against something that divides Christian brothers from one another so vehemently.
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I am not trying to poison the well, I am exploring this topic and trying to bring in counterarguments to iron out the wits on both sides of this because this is the only way to arrive at ultimate truth. All of what I am doing is with intent to extract poison from the well.

I didn't hear any slurring, the guy's voice does sound like James Woods though. If only every video was made with completely flawless English, then yes it would be more widely-received by larger audiences for contemplation. However there are plenty of videos out there of liars with forked-tongues hissing deceit under a veneer of perfect grammar, syntax, and charisma.

I used to wonder the same thing as well, like why does it matter what the world is, but through a historical analysis I've come to understand that it is more along the lines of planning for a one-world government and containment that our "model' was drawn up in.

It was the real beginning of the New World Order, because many jews were expelled from parts of Europe at the time, the subterfuge of the Marranos which made the Spanish Inquisition endure saw them taking on different roles and continuing their subversive influence in other arenas, like in the mystery schools which descended from Babylonian and even Canaanite spiritual practices. The templars of course inherited these practices from their time in the Holy Land, and they brought these blasphemous fraternal ordeals with them back to Europe.

The Copernican revolution is a result of these groups, and it is something no one has delved upon here yet. This is when the cosmological teachings drastically shifted. Nicolaus Copernicus himself was not a confirmed freemason or jesuit, according to many sources he was a monk with an extensive education, but there is always more beneath the surface when it comes to politics and theology intermeshing.

Copernicus' social circle was more interesting. Pope Paul III's real name was Alessandro Farnese, of one of the Venetian Black Nobility families. These families were not European originally, but Persian, and fled to Rome from Persia. The Farnese's and the Borgia's created the jesuits in 1539. Copernicus' theory, from his own statements, said it was merely a hypothesis and not meant to be taken seriously. He dedicated his heliocentric treaties to this very same Farnese Pope Paul III, which was a huge subject of the Council of Trent from 1545-1563, aka the council of the "counter-reformation". Martin Luther and John Calvin did not like this theory about heliocentrism, and were adamantly against it. I know it may seem strange a Catholic is outing his own ancestral Church offices, but the truth must come out one way or another. The 30 years war was fought over much of this new establishment, with many of the Protestants fleeing to the Americas.

Copernicus' model was only the beginning. Giordano Bruno was a philosopher and friar who conceived of "cosmic pluralism," something we see so common in many of the jewish media, television, degenerate literature, and faux-spirituality, that being the concept of an infinite number of stars and suns and worlds with the possibility of "earth-like" planets similar to our own. This is a pure pantheist expression and it saw Bruno executed for heresy in 1600 for it. So the Catholic Church was not completely corrupted then to accept such a radical idea. However, it wasn't enough to keep the containment mechanism for future "globalism" from settling in its roots and growing.

So when you look at history you begin to see how much of the push for this acceptance of helio-cosmology is a control force, and the concept of the globe gave rise to all other forms of control the current forming antichrist system is attempting to implement, all the ideologies we are bombarded with now are packed with this rhetoric: "global warming" "global community" "global governance" "global finance" "global lockdowns" "global religion" and on and on. The only globe that exists that I've ever seen was the one on my grammar school teacher's desk where it said "not to be used for educational purposes" on the bottom of its stand.

Easier said than done. I have my suspicions about many aspects of what we're told of Antarctica but I cannot confirm most of them. I wouldn't post something in bad faith if I did not do a thorough analysis myself. According to Scripture there is no abyss but a foundation. I posted on this earlier in the thread if you want to see the passages. We do not know how far it goes, down or out. The description of the earth was never given a scale of measurement in the Bible. In the Old Testament there are descriptions of measurements for the construction of the Tabernacle and the Temple including dimensions for various parts of these structures (Exodus 25-27; 1 Kings 6) similar to how we are given the description of measurements of Noah's Ark.

Do I personally believe in the "flat earth"? I dont' see things in such simple geometries. believe that God did not make the earth measurable to a system of man. God's power and creation cannot be drawn and quartered and for us to attempt to do it with human models is an error. This is why there is a metaphysical portion of our world that we cannot create a system of mathematics to understand. All of the theories we have learned in schools and universities are simply that, theories. All of the evidence in the last half century cannot back up these theories as they are lies. I understand the concept of all the space agencies being controlled appears like a kook-fest magnet. My own sense of skepticism kicks in half the time to think, are they really all in this together, every nation's space agency and naval powers and private research initiatives? After a long enough time researching these questions, I come to see them all as basically NASA knockoffs, leeching money from their nation's public tax base and producing and delivering utter crap in return.

I'm not asking anyone to become a flat-earther. I'm asking you all to look at this undeniable evidence for something that does not add up to what we have been told. Look at it and don't worry about a massive conspiracy from hundreds of years ago until the present and just state to yourself what your eyes see. The premise that one must either be a glober or a flatter is ridiculous. There is a third model which I find interesting which I have brought up before, and that is the Torus Field. I will explain a bit more below in my response to another member.

Before I address this insight, here is a bit of non-mainstream information on the Columbus Expedition years:

"The Christopher Columbus Deception"

"The study of how the subject history has been manipulated, is surely one of the most interesting of all subjects."

"The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans, than any single thing known to mankind." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"History is the lie commonly agreed upon." - Voltaire

He quotes David Icke a bit, which I think is kooky on some subjects, but on the historical lineages this guy is pretty spot on.

There are disputes on this subject that make all of our conceptions of this historical period superfluous. The mystery of the Rosslyn Chapel built by Templars in the mid 1400s, finished in the 1480s, bearing architectural features in the stone cuttings of crops and cacti yet-to-be-discovered by Europeans in America. Christopher Columbus was not the one who first sailed across the ocean to the Americas, the Phoenicians, Norse, Britons, Welsh, Irish, Basque, Portuguese all sailed to America before him, and so did Prince Henry Sinclair of Rosslyn. Sinclair and other members of a Black Nobility (Venetian) family landed in Nova Scotia in 1398. He was not financed by the King and Queen, but by his connections to the Templars. His father and law was a former Templar, and his voyage was financed by Catherine de Medici's family.

I disagree with this guy on many things, especially him not bringing up that these "Black Nobility" families were not European but likely cryptos or mystics who descended from the Orient. The desire to pilfer the wealth of foreign lands does not come from a European mind, it comes from a parasite mind, of which we are all too familiar.

On the topic of skeptics mustering against the association of something the jews, jesuits, freemasons, and occultists push by simply dismissing it all, I think you're misunderstanding that sentiment, of corroborating jews, freemasons, jesuits, and occultists with something being fake versus them hiding something that is real and spreading something that is fake. Some of these people are very clever and knowledgeable despite being virtually soulless. That it is fake simply because they push it is not the argument I am making. I am saying that they purposefully know something and then spread the opposite of it in availability to the masses. Of course one could not accept this premise unless they knew that the nations were under the heel of these types. If you've been on this corner of the internet for long, and I know you have, then you know that there is enough evidence to prove a conspiracy of control by a select group of people, families, and extended tribesmen. Do you understand their concept of esoteric versus exoteric? They pride themselves on knowledge that they believe they have earned through spiritual "contracts" something which is forbidden under God: oath-taking to malevolent archaic practices, invoking heretical and blasphemous speech in derelict tongues, and subjecting one's body and temple to unholy practices of the flesh and spirit.

The oaths of secrecy they swear are to safeguard this knowledge from falling into the hands of the "uninitiated," or as I said earlier, "profane" masses. What better way to keep it hidden, or esoteric (known by few unknown by many) than to provide a contrapositive for mass consumption. Here is an example:

Original model: "If the Earth is at the center of the solar system, then the Sun is not at the center and the planets do not orbit around it."

Contrapositive model: "If the Sun is at the center of the solar system and the planets orbit around it, then the Earth is not at the center of the solar system."

I don't think any of us understand how hard they worked to spread this lie, and it took generations to take hold, and centuries to set in and ferment. The dichotomy that there is now, with a dominant globe model and an outcast flat model also seems highly astro-turfed in the present day. The ancient cosmologies were rife with more spiritual descriptions of reality and not simple Euclidean geometries. So the concept of the Torus Field earth is also one that is practiced by occultists. I do not support occultism and if I had the power to do so I would inquisition them all to a burning stake, but that does not mean the knowledge they hide on purpose is false.

Here is a supposed Russian freemason offering his "knowledge" of the world. I cannot confirm who the man is, when this video was taken, or why he was showing this, but it provides a completely different model of our cosmology than both the heliocentric model fed to us, and the "flat earth" model that seems to be the automatic go-to for those who question the helio model:

"Russian Freemason reveals and explains the shape of the Earth"

This model is vastly different from both the globe and the flat ideas, and it appears entirely symbological, which is more aligned with a metaphysical interpretation than a material one.

The diagram he constructs seems to be what the masonic sigils and pillars are based on, along with the symbol of the compass (sextant) and square. Of course this raises more questions than answers. Is he an ex-freemason? Why the change of heart? Why would one release such information that he likely had to do some vulgar fornicating with children in order to be trusted with? Is the truth supposed to be dismissed as an actual theory of their conspiracy?

Continuing on your earlier post about my mention of an "infinite earth," I am mentioning how there are more than two models for our cosmology, there are a dozen in fact. The geometries are different, but I think when we begin to look beyond the material, to the electromagnetic frequency spectrum, we see that there is so much more than a singular "shape" that defines our reality. This is why the fixed luminaries in the sky, the stars, are likely made of various frequential patterns and not solid bodies that our mainstream would have us believe. It is an expression of the search for truth to ascertain this with effort. Some people here would dismiss it all and say "I don't have time to go through every video to attempt to debunk everything" then they should not be speaking on the subject matter. These people should not be in charge of what those who do take the time to research have to say. I take the time to study and learn, as well as unlearn many things. Learning and education is not a continual upward progress, sometimes its one or two steps backwards, one step forwards.

Also per your reply to protestants being included in one of my mentions, this was not all of them. Martin Luther himself was vehemently against this new cosmology. He was diametrically opposed to Copernican cosmology. Luther held a literal interpretation of Scripture that the Bible presented a geocentric cosmology. He expressed reluctance to accept any scientific theory that contradicted the clear teachings of Scripture. Luther famously remarked, "There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth." He is of course referring to Joshua 10:13, where Joshua commands the sun to stand still.

Calvin said on Copernicus: "We will see some who are so deranged, not only in religion but who in all things reveal their monstrous nature, that they will say that the sun does not move, and that it is the earth which shifts and turns. When we see such minds, we must indeed confess that the devil possesses them. And that God sets them before us as mirrors, in order to keep us in His fear."

There was much theological differences that fomented a growing divide between the reformers and the Catholics because of this model, and for that alone, without even all of the other considerations I have raised in this thread, I am against something that divides Christian brothers from one another so vehemently.

Great post @MusicForThePiano

I think you are on a track here.

Do I personally believe in the "flat earth"? I dont' see things in such simple geometries. believe that God did not make the earth measurable to a system of man. God's power and creation cannot be drawn and quartered and for us to attempt to do it with human models is an error. This is why there is a metaphysical portion of our world that we cannot create a system of mathematics to understand. All of the theories we have learned in schools and universities are simply that, theories. All of the evidence in the last half century cannot back up these theories as they are lies. I understand the concept of all the space agencies being controlled appears like a kook-fest magnet. My own sense of skepticism kicks in half the time to think, are they really all in this together, every nation's space agency and naval powers and private research initiatives? After a long enough time researching these questions, I come to see them all as basically NASA knockoffs, leeching money from their nation's public tax base and producing and delivering utter crap in return.

I'm not asking anyone to become a flat-earther. I'm asking you all to look at this undeniable evidence for something that does not add up to what we have been told. Look at it and don't worry about a massive conspiracy from hundreds of years ago until the present and just state to yourself what your eyes see. The premise that one must either be a glober or a flatter is ridiculous.

I agree here. I spoke in other threads on this. Our rulers love false dichotomies. Either this or that. Globe solar system vs Flat earth.

In my opinion everyone pushing flat earth is just as much a fool as anyone pushing NASA solar system.

I see this all the time, when I speak to friends questioning the NASA version they laugh at me and say "so you think the earth is flat?"

They imprinted this message in our heads.

Continuing on your earlier post about my mention of an "infinite earth," I am mentioning how there are more than two models for our cosmology, there are a dozen in fact. The geometries are different, but I think when we begin to look beyond the material, to the electromagnetic frequency spectrum, we see that there is so much more than a singular "shape" that defines our reality. This is why the fixed luminaries in the sky, the stars, are likely made of various frequential patterns and not solid bodies that our mainstream would have us believe.

Intuitively I think there might be something here. Stars being radiating shiners vs pieces of rock illuminated by the sun.

You open up also the possibility for a new understanding.

The earth / moon / are perfectly predictable following this model below.

If that's the reality it's a second.

In my quest to look at it I once did a calculation of flight times between continents. And connects those spots in hours of flight. I come to the conclusion the globe model is most accurate.

I replicated this research:


And the globe model perfectly predicts flight times between cities. Globe distance = flight time.

The globe is the best predictive model, verifiable on earth. And keep talking about flat earth stifles all other cosmologic debate as:

Aren't stars radiating lights vs illuminated rocks?

Is gravity really the leading model or is gravity just the invention to predict the universe perfectly? My hypothesis is that gravity leading to orbits. Is just a way to create this perfect model.

We have no way to test gravity outside the earth as we have never been there.

I don't believe the sun is 400 times bigger (this is the narrative) than the moon as we see it on the same size on earth.

The solar model implies all sorts of distances, sizes, substances, gravities which can never be tested. (90% is model, imaginary)

We just need to believe the sun is 400x further away than the moon. But is it really?

So solar system model is an unverifiable model.

The globe earth is verifiable.

As with the experiment I just shared. Take the flight times.

I believe other things like magnetism. Elektromagnetic waves / light. Are of a larger importance.

And deep down I think we will not be able to grasp god's creation. That's a humbleness that's needed.

It's not flat earth (verifiable false) vs solar system globe earth (arrogant juggling of numbers with size / distance to predict all)

I think a newer letting go of concepts is needed, that we might not understand and by that understand.
To all flat earthers:
Do you want to be a multi-millionair within a month?
Set aside a small budget for an expedition. Put your money where your mouth is. It shouldn't take more than $10.000 to travel to the edge of the world with a good camera.
Lean over and take a photo of the abyss. Or maybe it's a huge ice wall. Whatever the case, think of the money and fame you will get when you reveal the big secret to the world, with undisputable photos to back your discovery.
This times 1000. With modern high speed planes and boats, etc. anybody who is convinced the earth if flat can just hire a private plane or yacht and travel until they reach "the edge" of the flat earth and prove everybody wrong. Or will the flat earthers say that planes and boats are not real and we are in the matrix? The fact that so many rich people own jets and yachts yet none of them have ever come back and reported that the earth is flat proves the point.
This times 1000. With modern high speed planes and boats, etc. anybody who is convinced the earth if flat can just hire a private plane or yacht and travel until they reach "the edge" of the flat earth and prove everybody wrong. Or will the flat earthers say that planes and boats are not real and we are in the matrix? The fact that so many rich people own jets and yachts yet none of them have ever come back and reported that the earth is flat proves the point.

It's because they don't want to "fall off".
All of these "proofs" are junk, this guy doesn't understand what inertia is. If I'm in a car moving at 60 mph and throw a ball up in the air, the ball lands right back in my hands. It doesn't go flying off or hit my face, because the ball is moving at 60 mph before I throw it. Likewise nothing would fly off a globe at a tangent because we're all moving on the same globe. This doesn't disprove anything about the globe.
Yes its true that throwing a ball up in a moving car and having it land back in your hands demonstrates the principle of inertia, however it's important to recognize the difference between linear motion and rotational motion. In the idea of the Earth spinning around an axis, we're not dealing with linear motion along a straight path, but rather with rotational motion around that axis.

The ball scenario is easily explained without anything related to Newtonian Mechanics. As the ball is thrown upward in the moving car, it encounters resistance from the air, which slows down its upward motion. However, the ball's density is greater than that of the air, so it tends to sink downward. Meanwhile, the car continues moving forward at a constant velocity. Due to its density, the ball gradually descends relative to the car's frame of reference, maintaining a path closer to the driver's hand. This downward motion is governed by the density differential between the ball and the surrounding air, rather than any gravitational force. Air behaves as a fluid due to its ability to flow and conform to its container, driven by differences in density and pressure gradients, and the behavior of objects in fluids of varying densities determines their trajectories, which we can apply to every object across the Earth.

The crucial distinction here is that the idea of the Earth's rotation involves a change in direction as well as speed. If the Earth were a spinning globe, objects on its surface would not only have the Earth's rotational speed but also experience a change in direction as they move along its curved surface. Imagine spinning a bucket of water around in a circle. I'm sure many of us did this as kids at some point. The water stays in the bucket because it's contained by the bucket's walls, preventing it from flying off tangentially. Similarly, if the Earth were spinning on an axis, there would need to be a physical mechanism holding everything in place against the centrifugal force pulling objects away from the axis of rotation. We can talk about gravity here but that's a moot point because they have no provable explanation for it outside of theoretical models.

So basically this first point made by Ebenezer Breach is that without a physical axis for the Earth's rotation, being a solid body upon which objects can revolve, the concept of rotational motion becomes purely theoretical and lacks a tangible basis in physical reality.

These vids are also junk, the horizon is way further out than a mere 30 miles.
Depends on where you are. According to the mathematics of the estimated globe measurement, if you are at sea level, the horizon is roughly 3 miles out. So while our eyes cannot distinguish what is at the wave line at 3 miles out, the Nikon cameras should not be able to either from a perspective of roughly 2 meters above sea level, nor should they be able to zoom in on boats past the convergence of perspective lines at the vanishing point. These cameras have a zoom feature of 125x compared to Galileo's telescope of 20x. If you are at 30,000 feet the horizon is 170 nautical miles calculated to 195 miles. I've seen geographic features a lot further than that at a lot lower than 30,000 feet.

Here is an example of a mathematical model for this phenomena, albeit it not being a universal absolute:
I do not believe that because the math can be proven wrong, logic dictates that the globe is immediately wrong. But it begets the question, what are we dealing with? I believe that we must take on an entire higher subject of luminaries, celestial phenomena, electromagnetic fields, and an in-depth analysis of Newtonian Mechanics and Copernican models to come anywhere near that assessment.

The formulas are not infallible, which is why I refuse to side completely with both model's proponents and push for more exploration and proof done by those with an open mind and not an agenda. The purpose is not to prove one's model true, sure we can have a hypothesis, but it should be to undertake a measurement of truth. So much of the globe model is based on extra-terrestrial criteria that we do not have any objective way of measuring. Nothing is really being accomplished or proven.

This is bad post here, and anyone who liked it doesn't grasp physics. I don't need to read anything beyond this because the premises are wrong.
I acknowledge that Newtonian physics is a theoretical framework, and by doing so I invite a broader discussion about different perspectives and interpretations of physical phenomena. There is nothing wrong with encouraging critical thinking and openness to exploring alternative explanations, including those that may challenge supposed conventional scientific paradigms. That is what a forum was historically used for.

However, I won't be insulting anyone's knowledge of physics or lack thereof (if it's garbage in, it's garbage out, and better without), but I would ask you to read each of Ebenezer Breach's twenty points and consider the context of the era and what the educational system was like during those years before making an automatic bias. A complete judging without a full examination is the pinnacle of nescience, and I know you are both intelligent and discerning. I also know most people don't have time for essays, but I do appreciate a reciprocal debate from anyone.

I notice, no one here has responded to the video of the guy in Antarctica with a compass, which I posted a few pages ago.

I have to make an effort to reply to everyone who posts here because of how much interest I have in this subject.

@Wutang @RedLagoon @KomnenAl @Cooper

I know you all are tired of me, but I promise the rest of this lengthy post is worth it.

Here we can see a guy using a compass in the South Pole, and it points down into itself (which means it's pointing to the North Pole at the other end of the planet, through the crust). No more denying reality or there will be bans.

I have met several people who have traveled to Antarctica from airports in southern Oceania as part of weather monitoring teams working for government-subsidized research organizations, however their testimony of the time they spent there does not prove anything one way or the other. From what I know of people who have been to Antarctica, it's similar to most government/military TDY's, they stay in their area and then they leave when their rotation is done. There is very little personal exploration anywhere inland, mostly just someone pointing to a distant spot and saying "there is Ross Island," or some other geographical feature.

Most people who want to visit that do not get flown there for work have to pay anywhere from around $10,000 - 30,000 for a guided tour that takes them to places like Deception Island (go figure). These islands exist and are observable and touchable for all, but when it comes to the deeper treks inland it is virtually impossible to do this on one's own after the Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959. There were plenty of earlier expeditions that did find questionable things of a different nature (not so much the edge of the world but rather ruins of alleged ancient civilizations among vast swathes of nothing). There have not been any recorded circumnavigations of Antarctica or a globular north-south path, likewise there is no record of any barrier beyond Antarctica. These kinds of boundary-verifying cosmological quests are bigger than most people could ever fathom given all that we do not know.

For the content of the video, this guy is too busy over there doing science™ to explain his compass completely, and though he does state correct observable phenomena with how its reacting, he does not understand the cause of it. I will do my best to make this briefer than usual:

True vs Magnetic north:
In our education, we are taught that true north is not the same as magnetic north. Most compasses have one needle which mainly points towards magnetic north. The compasses with two needles which the PolarTREC guy uses have a declination needle which accounts for the directional difference between the two alleged "poles," true north and magnetic north. He notes that the magnetic "south pole" is in the ocean and not even on Antarctica, yet the concept of the geographic south pole is an internally agreed-upon location surrounded with the flags of the countries who signed the treaty. This is what we believe based on the theory of magnetic fields of the earth.

Magnetic fields:
The conceptions for earth's ground-based magnetic field has a shaky foundation as they are also built from abstract models like the geocentric dynamo theory, which, like all theories is still subject to ongoing research and refinement. We are told Earth's magnetic field is generated by these complex processes deep underground such as the movement of molten iron. If this is true, these processes produce fluctuations and anomalies in the magnetic field over time, but they do not necessarily imply a complete reversal or rapid shift of the magnetic poles, which is what the declination needle is implying to be used as a correctional navigation aid for. So even by mainstream science, there are issues with trusting these compasses for accurate readings at the poles because of this uncertainty about the magnetic fields source.

Number of poles:
With our current model it gives us four poles essentially, two true geographic locations and two magnetic centers based on the theory of shifting magnetic fields. The majority of flat earth proponents usually only offer a single pole model. The issue with this is that it does not take into account the rotation of the stars, which disproves both heliocentric earth and the Gleason flat earth conceptions of polarities and instead posits a bi-polar axis of rotation for the celestial bodies around Polaris (north) and Sigma Octantis (south). The arguments that everything is just "perspective" fall flat against the presence of these celestial proofs.

Directions and Polaris navigation:
Unlike the cardinal directions on a compass rose, north, south, east, and west on earth are not simply straight lines separated by 90 degrees. In the unipolar flat-earth model, north, rather than being an upward shooting arrow, is a center-point known as the geographic north pole, situated directly below Polaris, the North Pole Star, the star in the heavens which marks the exact northern center-point of the sky. South, rather than being a downward shooting arrow, is actually every line tangent to the northern center-point, or in other words, every straight line extending outwards from the north pole, hence, due south. East and West, rather than being right and left-facing arrows, are clockwise and counter-clockwise circles around the pole. In the real observable and accurate pattern of the two fixed stars of Polaris and Sigma Octantis, it is slightly different, and it debunks this particular model, but it does not prove heliocentrism nor globe earth.

North is still defined as the direction towards the North Pole, where Polaris, the North Star, is situated. This point acts as the central reference for the northern hemisphere. South, on the other hand, is now defined as the direction away from the southern celestial pole, which is marked by Sigma Octantis. This pole serves as the counterpart to Polaris in the southern celestial hemisphere. East and West are determined by the apparent rotation of the stars around the celestial poles. In the northern region, the stars appear to rotate counterclockwise around Polaris, defining the east-west axis of the heavens accordingly. In the southern regions, the stars appear to rotate clockwise around Sigma Octantis, leading to a different interpretation of east and west compared to the northern regions. Don't be confused by my usage of "hemisphere" here, it is more like a tunnel of stars that create the visual effect of being inside a circular entity, as I will show in the pictures below.

Navigators since ancient times have used Polaris to guide their ships, knowing that Polaris was the heavenly north pole, south meant traveling keeping your back to Polaris, east meant traveling keeping your left shoulder 90 degrees to the pole star, and west meant traveling keeping your right shoulder 90 degrees to the pole star. I will explain why they did not base their navigations on a southern pole below.

Octantis phenomena:
The contested southern pole Sigma Octantis lies within the Octans constellation. It is definitely nowhere near as bright as Polaris, in fact it is very faint, but there is a southern axis point, just as in the northern sky's boundary. The navigators of the exploration eras could not make it out in the still night sky, but we can today with different visual instruments. One of the remarkable similarities between the two is that they both exhibit lights, the northern lights are called the Aurora Borealis and the southern lights produced by the south pole are called the Aurora Australis. This conception of the firmament of the heavens renders itself as a circular entity that rotates on the two poles.

Magnetism in Celestials:
The magnetic field theory and celestial polarities serve different purposes and are not mutually exclusive. While we have yet to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the complete veracity of the geo-dynamo and molten core causing magnetism, there is complete proof that the two stars are fixed positions in the sky and the other stars rotate about them. This is why ancient civilizations constructed their cosmologies of the known universe as a level plane surface with an indistinguishable underworld of varying depictions inside of a rotating dome, or firmament, which can create the illusion of being on a sphere if the phenomena is inverted like it is in the heliocentric model.

Magnets have two poles, so understanding our cosmos within our limited knowledge of magnetism on a cosmic scale would yield currents going one direction in the north pole and the opposite direction in the south pole in the path of the stars as seen in time-lapses. Imagine interlocking clocks in the sky, with one cog turning clockwise and the other turning counter-clockwise, now put that side-by-side with the time lapse from the Equator side-by-side, and you see the dual vortices in motion together. From the equator, if you observe this phenomena, you just see it going over your head. If you face north from the equator, you will see Polaris with its clockwise spiral, and if you face south from the equator you will see Octantis with its counter-clockwise spiral (in time lapses):

North and south:

The fixed positions of Polaris and Sigma Octantis relative to the observer's location are evident that they are anchored to celestial poles rather than being distant objects around a spinning Earth. There is also no detectable stellar parallax for Polaris and Sigma Octantis which corroborates that they are not distant objects but rather fixed points in the sky. If Polaris and Sigma Octantis were distant stars orbiting a spinning Earth, their positions in the sky would gradually change over time due to factors such as precession and the Earth's axial tilt according to the heliocentric model. However, historical astronomical records and observations have notated that these stars have remained fixed in their respective positions, suggesting that they are anchored to celestial poles rather than being subject to the alleged motion of Earth's rotation.

Both the Copernican heliocentric globe and the Cheeseburger with a frost-bitten perimeter model of flat earth that is provided by many who do not do proper research are fallacies compared to this originally antediluvian conception. The Gleason azimuthal equidistant map is basically a flattened globe, and this globe model is just a ball-wrapped Mercator. Both of these fallacies are based around the two-poled Mercator. The original Mercator map predates our modern heliocentric globe model, which was first produced in its current iteration by Englishman John Cary (the Cary terrestrial globe), the difference in their release was about two hundred and twenty years or so, from 1595 to 1815, give or take a year.

Celestial Poles vs. Magnetic Poles:
One has to understand how magnetism works on an illustrative scale, and then you can see that this behavior fits observable phenomena much more than either two models. Instead of the "magnetic" pole we are told is emanating from earth's magnetic fields which are not proven to exist beyond the theoretical stage, we have the geographic poles juxtaposed and the celestial poles taking the place of the magnetic poles:
The Geographic North Pole is the point on the Earth's surface where the axis of rotation intersects the northern hemisphere's celestial rotation. It serves as a geographical reference point for navigation and mapping.
The Geographic South Pole is similar, this is the point on the Earth's surface where the axis of rotation intersects the southern hemisphere's celestial rotation.
The Celestial North Pole is the fixed point in the sky directly above the Earth's geographic North Pole. It is marked by the star Polaris and serves as a reference point for celestial navigation in the northern regions.
The Celestial South Pole is the fixed point in the sky directly above the Earth's geographic South Pole. Although visibly Sigma Octantis is no bright star like Polaris, it still serves as the source of the rotation for the stars in this celestial hemisphere and a reference point for celestial navigation in the southern regions.

Celestial Rotation and Compass Reaction in Antarctica:
The apparent malfunction of the compass near Ross Island is not indicative of an issue with Earth's south magnetic pole but rather reflects the influence of celestial magnetic fields emanating from Sigma Octantis, the real south pole. While the compass may still point towards the magnetic north, which corresponds to Polaris in the sky, its erratic behavior near Ross Island can be attributed to the intense magnetic fields generated by Sigma Octantis and other celestial bodies in the southern celestial hemisphere.

Therefore, even in Antarctica, or the Arctic regions where the magnetic compasses still point towards the magnetic north (Polaris) and south (Octantis counterpart), their behavior is explained by the influence of the magnetic fields generated by these fixed celestial poles rather than any hypothetical magnetic field originating from the Earth's interior.

Declination needle explanation:
When using a compass in different locations on Earth, the declination needle adjusts its orientation based on the relative positions of the observer and the celestial poles (Polaris and Sigma Octantis). In the Northern regions where Polaris is the celestial pole, the declination needle aligns with the magnetic field generated by Polaris. Conversely in the southern regions where Sigma Octantis is the celestial pole, the declination needle aligns with the magnetic field generated by Sigma Octantis.

Simply because there are problems with the existing models of earth and space does not mean the Disk Earth model (i.e. Flat Earth) is correct. Quite the opposite and the contradicting evidence against flat models is overwhelming.
I have been saying this too.

The pro arguments basically say we must take the word of our institutions at face value even though there are inaccurate observable proofs based on a theoretical framework with more holes than a patchwork quilt, but everything functions so why question it, while the true con arguments basically say we must not and we must search for observable proof because there are enough inaccuracies in the presented theory to reckon a reanalysis. The issue with the impatient con argument, which is to jump immediately to "flat earth" without investigating all these histories, concepts, models, dialogues, and observations. With all the trouble we have to deal with these days, who has the time indeed? Just as the Desert Fathers contemplated many things in understanding God's laws for both man's daily life and that of our realm and how it would be interwoven with a future Christian civilization, we too must emulate this higher ideal of thought than the base desires our material society has presented us with, and that is why this discourse is truly important, along with many others of a similar nature.

There are absolutists in both camps who do not want people believing in anything but what their model represents. When it comes to conflict in ideas, there are flat earth proponents are guilty of attempting to argue with globe earthers just as much as the other is with them, and all this rhetorical back-and-forth gets the dialogue nowhere without looking beyond what we do not know. In the very least it should be a question, and an answer, a gentlemanly game of philosophical posits combined with measurable experiments set out to prove or disprove a contrary claim, and then growing from that result. There are people who do not believe in the globe who are doing the latter, but it is not widespread among dissenters yet. I encourage them to do more experiments, because it is how we have defined our reality historically, up until the recent woke times where all of this analysis of nature is thrown out. Cosmology certainly has the potential to be one of the highest spiritual topics of the day outside of Salvation and the Gospel, were it cleaned up a little bit. The arguments between the mainstream globe and the alt-mainstream flat models are becoming like democrats and republicans, except they hate each other for real.

The closer truth is always a synthesis of the dialectic. Starting with a thesis, reacted to by an antithesis, and the ensuing conflict generates a synthesis. It always proceeds in a step-ladder type chain reaction of the next antithesis to the first synthesis (which acts as the first thesis for the next round), followed by a second synthesis resolving that conflict, and so on. Aspects that were stitched to Copernicus' model are real observable and true, but unexplainable phenomena like a lack of curvature can be explained by a level plane surface are also evident. When you combine the truths of both together and discard the fallacies, a clearer picture emerges of something very different than either one, yet it is still incomplete. Why is this?

I must yield to Scripture even after all of this analysis and research that I have done, and so should everyone else. We cannot contain all of God's creation within a human-conceived model. What did God say to Job?

From the Masoretic Text: Job 38:4-7:

אֵיפֹה הָיִיתָ בְּיָסְדִי אֶרֶץ הַגֵּד אִם יָדַעְתָּ בִּינָה תַּגִּיד. מִי שָׂם מְמַדֶּיהָ כִּי תֵדָע אוֹ מִי טָּק עָלֶיהָ קָו. עַל מֶה אֲדָנֶיהָ יֻסַּדוּ אוֹ מִי הֵשִׂים אֶבֶן פִּנָּתָהּ. בְּהַרְאוֹתִי בָרֶקֶת בְּקֶרֶב הַיָּם וָאֶסְפֵּר עָלֶיהָ חֻקִּים. בְּעָז יָם אֶעֱצֹר וְאֶשְׂפֹּר עָבֵים בְּאוֹם יַעֲרָב. בְּמָה יָדַעְתָּ כִּי יַלִּיד וְאוֹ כִּי יָצוֹא חֹשֶׁךְ. מֵאֵיפֹה יִפָּרֵץ כַּרְעָב. וְאַרְץ דְּשָׁעָתָהּ מִי נָתַן יַלֶּקֶת. הַיָּלִיד לִשְׁלָאֹות כְּמוֹ תֹוצֵא חָדָשׁ אִילוּן רְחֹמֶיהָ.

Eifo hayita be-yasdei eretz; haged im yada'ta binah tagid. Mi sam memadeiha ki te'da o mi taq alaiha qav. Al meh adaneiha yussadu o mi hesim even pinatah. Be-harot'i ba-reket be-qerev ha-yam, va'esper aleiha chuqqim. Be-az yam e'etzor ve'espor avayim, be'om ya'arav. Be-mah yada'ta ki yalid ve'o ki yatsa choshekh. Me'eifo yiparets kar'av, ve'aretz deshaatah mi natan yaleqet. Ha-yalid li-shela'ot ke-mo totzei chadash iylun rechomeiha.

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, and said, 'Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed'? Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place, that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?"

There is an implication in the book of Job that Job may have harbored a sense of pride or presumption in his understanding of God's ways. God appears in a whirlwind and challenges Job with a series of questions that highlight the limitations of human understanding compared to God's wisdom and power. God questions Job about his knowledge and involvement in the creation and ordering of the Earth, emphasizing the vastness and complexity of creation and the divine authority and sovereignty over it.

So for those of you who tout that the globe is a definite surety based on "centuries of worldly knowledge," the passage in Job 38 serves as a powerful indictment against the arrogance of those who assert the heliocentric model as an absolute truth. The same goes for charlatans hawking the unipolar flat earth and attempting to sell it. It challenges the hubris of claiming complete understanding of the cosmos and highlights the limitations of human knowledge. Job 38 demands humility in the face of creation's mysteries and admonishes against the false certainty of scientific dogma.

Since the heliocentric model specifically asserts that the sun is the center of our solar system with the Earth revolving around it. However, Job 38 reminds us that the mysteries of the movements of celestial bodies are beyond human comprehension. This again denies the unipolar flat earth model as well. It questions the arrogance of those who claim to have unlocked the secrets of the universe, urging us to acknowledge the limitations of our understanding.

Furthermore, Job 38 calls into question the notion of an Earth in motion, orbiting the sun at tremendous speeds. It challenges both the heliocentric model's assertion of a dynamic, constantly moving Earth, suggesting instead that the Earth may occupy a unique and stationary position in the cosmos, but does not reduce this creation to a singular clockwork disc with an unremarkable cosmos surrounding the way basic flat-earth proponents do.

Food for thought.
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Under the assumptions of the flat-earth model, even if you travel east or west you will eventually reach Antarctica or whatever land mass or ocean exists at the edge. You don't have to travel south. A series of flights to the west would eventually get you to the edge of the earth OR back to America where you started. But then I expect you will argue that there exists some grand mistake in our navigation skills and our pilots never find true west to begin with.
To all flat earthers:
Do you want to be a multi-millionair within a month?
Set aside a small budget for an expedition. Put your money where your mouth is. It shouldn't take more than $10.000 to travel to the edge of the world with a good camera.
Lean over and take a photo of the abyss. Or maybe it's a huge ice wall. Whatever the case, think of the money and fame you will get when you reveal the big secret to the world, with undisputable photos to back your discovery.

Private solo journeys to Antarctica (by ship or plane) are not permitted (no matter how wealthy you are). The entire continent is also governed by a 1950s international treaty in part to also keep unauthorised nosy strangers away.

You can only go with authorised tours in which you as a traveller have no control over where they take you to. Official tours usually leave from southern Argentina or Chile and usually only sail alongside a small portion of the Antarctica., not around the whole continent, and NONE of these tours crosses Antarctica by land. Antarctic land crossings would take weeks or months anyway and you'd need a crap ton of survival gear and supplies. Most Antarctic stations/bases are situated near the water anyway.

But even if you did get there by your own ship this is what the so called "the edge" looks like:
(You need a ship crane to get on top of the ice shelf, and once on top, it's hundreds of miles of endless desolate landscape)
Not all parts of Antarctica are like this, but most are.


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Interestingly, Hitler wanted a portion of Antarctica for Nazi Germany and sent ships there in the late 1930s to claim it.
The area was then called "Neuschwabenland" and had it's own crest and was an official overseas nazi colony. Whether you believe in globe or flat earth, it sure is weird that Hitler thought this very far away area of the world was important enough to sent ships and soldiers there to claim it.

You can read about it here:


A map of Nazi Germany's Antarctic colony based on a globe map

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