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Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

Enough Flat Earth nonsense. 1-week timeout for the troll here.

Simply because there are problems with the existing models of earth and space does not mean the Disk Earth model (i.e. Flat Earth) is correct. Quite the opposite and the contradicting evidence against flat models is overwhelming.

Here we can see a guy using a compass in the South Pole, and it points down into itself (which means it's pointing to the North Pole at the other end of the planet, through the crust). No more denying reality or there will be bans.
So the threads about jews controlling the world, satanic pedofiles running hollywood, and covid being a psyop are all ok....but this is the thread that's gonna make potential new members go elesewhere ??
Those other topics are controversial but there is also a benefit to discussing them since they have a direct bearing on why society is clown world today or government actions such as lockdowns. We might lose out on some members that could be valuable to his forum because of the presence of these threads but that cost is worth it since discussion of these matters can actually have some positive effects in the real world. In my own personal life I've been hearing JQ topics being discussed more and that leading to people getting red pilled on what goes on with the media and with US support of Israel etc.

With flat earth (or level plane earth or dome model or whatever name people want to use avoid using the term 'flat earth' even if basically describes the same model as flat earth), I don't really see much upside while there's tons of downside. It alienates people from posting (more so then any of the topics about Jews or Hollywood pedos or COVID) without giving people additional information that will have an direct change on society. If people realize what's going on with Hollywood and mass media and seek alternative media or just avoid watching it all together that is a net benefit. If people started thinking the earth is flat I don't what benefit it really it is to them. If you want to really stretch things and say it helps people be more free thinking then you could say that's an indirect benefit - but you could also do the same more directly by making them think about the JQ or of what goes on in Hollywood.
If people started thinking the earth is flat I don't what benefit it really it is to them. If you want to really stretch things and say it helps people be more free thinking then you could say that's an indirect benefit

I more or less agree with this and it's why I'm indifferent to the "is earth flat question" and not really triggered by it. I think what is driving the trigger is that generally there is an underlying philosophical framework that mankind is progressing (including progressing in our understanding of the cosmos). I believe the opposite is true. Now you can argue we've become extremely focused on manipulating material things but you only need to look around at our present state to be able to question whether there is actual progress in this. The motivations and general spirit driving the "technical progress" is where the elephant in the room stands.
Flat earth is a Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration psyop, period. It blew up around the time he became Obama's "Information Czar", back when the internet/Youtube algorithms were far less controlled, in response to a substantial rise in the amount and quality of material refuting the official versions on 9/11 and other false flags.

Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Paperback – Sept. 1 2010 by David Ray Griffin (Author) 4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 38 ratings

Former Chicago and Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, who in 2009 was appointed by President Barack Obama to direct an important executive branch office, had in 2008 co-authored an article containing a plan for the government to prevent the spread of anti-government 'conspiracy theories,' in which he advocated the use of anonymous government agents to engage in 'cognitive infiltration' of these groups in order to break them up. In his new book, Griffin focuses on the fact that Sunstein's primary target is the conspiracy theory advocated by the 9/11 Truth Movement

They've used FE as a setup to discredit and smear those who see the lies of the deep state, it has become a very good NLP weapon to keep the normies in their plantation, here it is a prime example of FE being used by Obama to gaslight the normies:

The other goal stated by Cass Sunstein in a report he wrote is to sow division and discord among the opposition, and the last few pages of this thread are a good example of that kind of cognitive infiltration being effective.
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Enough Flat Earth nonsense. 1-week timeout for the troll here.

Simply because there are problems with the existing models of earth and space does not mean the Disk Earth model (i.e. Flat Earth) is correct. Quite the opposite and the contradicting evidence against flat models is overwhelming.

Here we can see a guy using a compass in the South Pole, and it points down into itself (which means it's pointing to the North Pole at the other end of the planet, through the crust). No more denying reality or there will be bans.

Maybe move this thread to the troll's lounge subforum, and let those interested, sperg out in a contained environment.
Massive 3 hour open panel on cosmology/ space travel / etc.

I hope someone puts in timestamp links for this soon.

These 7 religious men in this video have a much more calm and rational discussion on this topic, than most others I have seen anywhere else.
In over 3 hours of interesting discussion I didn't hear a single person insult anyone else.
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These 7 religious men in this video have a much more calm and rational discussion on this topic, than most others I have seen anywhere else.
In over 3 hours of interesting discussion I didn't hear a single person insult anyone else.

I'm only 45 min in. Their point about NASA and Musk waiting for GGI, AI, VR, and brainchips to develop a bit more before landing men on the moon again (or on mars) is a good one. I also think that at some point very near in the future we will no longer be able to distinguish reality from artificial reality. People already believe they are furries, so it's not much of a stretch to assume we'll soon have people wandering around that literally believe they are on mars.
I'm continuing to watch the open panel on cosmology/space travel. Something I like is that they remain detached to a certain extent. Much of this is due to them focusing on the spiritual and metaphysical implications rather than the just the material. This is the route issue with the current way of materialistic thinking. There is rarely a "why does this matter?"

I agree completely with the point made at about 1:20:00 about our "current popular scientific conception" of the cosmos. It results in a descent into nothingness. And this could be a critique of the globe conception. You could argue that it basically leads to this notion that we are on this random speck of dust hurtling through space, where everything is relative, there are infinite multiverses, it's all a quantum chaos, and destined for descent into nothingness. This is the current mythos people are working with. It is for this reason I think it's a worthless model from the start.

I'm also someone who appreciates the phenomenological argument. And that is despite whatever abstracted model is true we directly experience earth as flat day in and day out. Maybe not astronauts but we are naturally meant to experience the world the way we do and God has our attention focused in this way for a reason. Arguing that reason is interesting to me. I suspect it is related to another point brought up by the panel members and that is that it is the Church that is the true image of the cosmos. Using this as a starting point you would end up with a completely different conception of "how the world works" than our current materialistic frame. For example, the idea that the Saints actually hold together the world with their prayers is a very different conception than the popular modern frame.

But going back to the materialistic frame. The thing to understand in all of this is that it is the subtle presuppositions that matter. In our current scientific mythos that would be our conceptions of gravity, electromagnetism, waves, etc. Extremely basic stuff but they are fundamental as a starting point (but not necessarily a perfect, or even accurate, representation of true reality). They are a label, a name, a representation came up with by us. Mathematics is just a very shorthand language used to describe our concepts. It is possible we could have come up with very different fundamental concepts than even basic things like waves or frequencies, or whatever. The higher, or more simple, or more fundamental ideas are always more difficult to conceive of, or switch around, than working out details below them. So what I'm saying is that, at best, they are a somewhat good representation (but could be very off) and we should be more humble in general about what we think about material reality.
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I'm continuing to watch the open panel on cosmology/space travel. Something I like is that they remain detached to a certain extent. Much of this is due to them focusing on the spiritual and metaphysical implications rather than the just the material. This is the route issue with the current way of materialistic thinking. There is rarely a "why does this matter?"

I agree completely with the point made at about 1:20:00 about our "current popular scientific conception" of the cosmos. It results in a descent into nothingness. And this could be a critique of the globe conception. You could argue that it basically leads to this notion that we are on this random speck of dust hurtling through space, where everything is relative, there are infinite multiverses, it's all a quantum chaos, and destined for descent into nothingness. This is the current mythos people are working with. It is for this reason I think it's a worthless model from the start.

I'm also someone who appreciates the phenomenological argument. And that is despite whatever abstracted model is true we directly experience earth as flat day in and day out. Maybe not astronauts but we are naturally meant to experience the world the way we do and God has our attention focused in this way for a reason. Arguing that reason is interesting to me. I suspect it is related to another point brought up by the panel members and that is that it is the Church that is the true image of the cosmos. Using this as a starting point you would end up with a completely different conception of "how the world works" than our current materialistic frame. For example, the idea that the Saints actually hold together the world with their prayers is a very different conception than the popular modern frame.

But going back to the materialistic frame. The thing to understand in all of this is that it is the subtle presuppositions that matter. In our current scientific mythos that would be our conceptions of gravity, electromagnetism, waves, etc. Extremely basic stuff but they are fundamental as a starting point (but not necessarily a perfect, or even accurate, representation of true reality). They are a label, a name, a representation came up with by us. Mathematics is just a very shorthand language used to describe our concepts. It is possible we could have come up with very different fundamental concepts than even basic things like waves or frequencies, or whatever. The higher, or more simple, or more fundamental ideas are always more difficult to conceive of, or switch around, than working out details below them. So what I'm saying is that, at best, they are a somewhat good representation (but could be very off) and we should be more humble in general about what we think about material reality.
Great post @Northumber

The higher, or more simple, or more fundamental ideas are always more difficult to conceive of, or switch around, than working out details below them.

I feel we are stuck in a fundamental error indeed.

at best, they are a somewhat good representation (but could be very off)
That's it.

We can say: With the current models we seem to be able to predict quite accurately what happens on earth.

And that's about it.

It doesn't tell what is, what caused, we just have a behavioral material conception.
We can say: With the current models we seem to be able to predict quite accurately what happens on earth.

That's pretty much what I was going to say to Northumber. I haven't written any posts about black holes or expanding universe or the "big" cosmology questions since I think those much more speculative and anything that can be said about them is going to be more abstract and dependent on indirect and inferred evidence.

In contrast, ideas such as flat earth or gravity not being real are more concrete and can be observed via direct observation. Hence why I feel more confident on commenting on these ideas. A lot of the questions I was bringing up such as what would happen if someone kept moving in one direction on earth or why it seems like the global model that the early maritime explorers assumed when they were on their voyages ended up working for them. If earth is flat then I don't how things that are mundane to us now such as traveling around the earth using navigation that assumes a global earth would be possible.
That's pretty much what I was going to say to Northumber. I haven't written any posts about black holes or expanding universe or the "big" cosmology questions since I think those much more speculative and anything that can be said about them is going to be more abstract and dependent on indirect and inferred evidence.

In contrast, ideas such as flat earth or gravity not being real are more concrete and can be observed via direct observation. Hence why I feel more confident on commenting on these ideas. A lot of the questions I was bringing up such as what would happen if someone kept moving in one direction on earth or why it seems like the global model that the early maritime explorers assumed when they were on their voyages ended up working for them. If earth is flat then I don't how things that are mundane to us now such as traveling around the earth using navigation that assumes a global earth would be possible.
"Flat earth" is just an alternative presented fundamental error.

When we loose our fundamental model of the universe, we get into a phase of wonder: What is really going on?

I was walking outside yesterday and thought how ownderful that we have a "night light" in the moon. It's so wonderful. Being able to walk the woods by night light.

By loosing the current paradigm; all the NASA fakery. We encounter a mystery. Which leaves us in wonder. We can find God there as is written over and over in the psalms.

"flat earth" is just the other side of the plantation. It's not what it's about. Same slavery. Same rulers. Like the "vaccine kills" crowd is the same as the "vaccine saves" crowd. Or the pro-Palestine is the same as the pro-Israel crowd.

We have hi-jacked souls.

Just walk in the woods at night and look up. That wonderful incomprehensible scenery we see. That we can seem to predict with models. But can not grasp. Not nearly. No closely. Just left in mystery by God.
Does that map represent one of the level earth models? It seems that if it were then traveling along the boundary of Antartica would be the maximum route.

There have been recent circumnavigations of Antartica. The people doing it seem like more or less normal people (yacht enthusiasts) and not government or corporate backed.

Here was their route. It took them 100 days:

Edit: They were tied to the International Scientific ARGO Program
I see your edit but just to clarify, these "expeditions" were funded under a collaboration of government and corporative initiatives, all ran by the same usual suspects.

The "International Scientific ARGO Program" is mainly funded by these four questionable entities:
1. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO: The IOC, a specialized agency of the United Nations, played a leading role in initiating and coordinating the Argo Program. The IOC provided institutional support and facilitated collaboration among participating countries and organizations.
2. World Meteorological Organization (WMO): The WMO, another specialized agency of the United Nations, contributed to the establishment of the Argo Program by providing expertise in meteorology and oceanography. The WMO helped ensure that Argo data would be integrated into global weather and climate forecasting systems.
3. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): NOAA, an agency within the United States Department of Commerce, has been a major participant in the Argo Program, providing funding, technical support, and expertise in oceanography and marine research.
4. European Space Agency (ESA): ESA has supported the Argo Program by providing satellite technology and infrastructure for transmitting data from Argo floats to data centers onshore. Satellite-based communication is essential for the real-time operation of the Argo float array.

There are various other research institutions that contribute to this pool, but the primary ones so far are already guilty of lying en masse. Two agencies of the UN, one within the US Dept of (((Commerce))) and another NASA knockoff.

Flat earth is a Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration psyop, period. It blew up around the time he became Obama's "Information Czar", back when the internet/Youtube algorithms were far less controlled, in response to a substantial rise in the amount and quality of material refuting the official versions on 9/11 and other false flags.

They've used FE as a setup to discredit and smear those who see the lies of the deep state, it has become a very good NLP weapon to keep the normies in their plantation, here it is a prime example of FE being used by Obama to gaslight the normies:

The other goal stated by Cass Sunstein in a report he wrote is to sow division and discord among the opposition, and the last few pages of this thread are a good example of that kind of cognitive infiltration being effective.

How many times do you have to keep bringing up this perfidious jew? And how many times do I have to keep debunking it? You never responded to my previous posts where I explained this at length and in detail. These are the literal same phrases you've posted over and over before. Obama calling Republicans "flat earthers" does not mean anything, as we see now that the Republicans are the real wolves in sheeps clothing who are nothing but jew lickers in every conceivable form. They are all in on the same cons and the only division they have is in front of the camera. In nothing that you've posted is there any evidence that the discussion of earth's cosmology is actual government psychological operations policy. In jewstein's report he does not mention flat earth and he never has talked about it in any of his writings. There is no logical connection to those who discredit 9/11 and US foreign policy to those who discredit heliocentrism as both being targeted to the same level of control of the narrative by alphabet agencies and their proxies.

For other readers out there, I will say that there are a lot of people on both sides of the bell curve who believe in "level plane" earth, and disbelieve in the heliosatanic model lie. Here is one of the main proponents of the theory discussing this exact subject of federal government psychological operations:

"Is Flat Earth a Government Psyop?"
Bro, denying anything about space, including the moon landings is straight retarded (though I can at least understand that one). Pick a lane people, and stay in your element. Refuting actual science is going to cause you to lose massive credibility with the normies. You have no idea how much information we have on cosmology, and you better be prepared to back up your claims if you don't even know how to explain Newtons laws, general relativity, redshifting, etc. The only counter argument is that "it's all made up and fake" which would require a massive conspiracy by countless astronomers and cosmologers throughout human history - why would they do that? What possible financial/political gain is there to making people believe false things about the nature of the cosmos!?

Cosmology is the hardest science out there and has had more intelligent, well meaning scientists working on it than any other field in human history, and it's incorruptible. To deny cosmology is to deny physics and all observational, testable science in general.
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I see your edit but just to clarify, these "expeditions" were funded under a collaboration of government and corporative initiatives, all ran by the same usual suspects.

The "International Scientific ARGO Program" is mainly funded by these four questionable entities:
1. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO: The IOC, a specialized agency of the United Nations, played a leading role in initiating and coordinating the Argo Program. The IOC provided institutional support and facilitated collaboration among participating countries and organizations.
2. World Meteorological Organization (WMO): The WMO, another specialized agency of the United Nations, contributed to the establishment of the Argo Program by providing expertise in meteorology and oceanography. The WMO helped ensure that Argo data would be integrated into global weather and climate forecasting systems.
3. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): NOAA, an agency within the United States Department of Commerce, has been a major participant in the Argo Program, providing funding, technical support, and expertise in oceanography and marine research.
4. European Space Agency (ESA): ESA has supported the Argo Program by providing satellite technology and infrastructure for transmitting data from Argo floats to data centers onshore. Satellite-based communication is essential for the real-time operation of the Argo float array.

There are various other research institutions that contribute to this pool, but the primary ones so far are already guilty of lying en masse. Two agencies of the UN, one within the US Dept of (((Commerce))) and another NASA knockoff.

How many times do you have to keep bringing up this perfidious jew? And how many times do I have to keep debunking it? You never responded to my previous posts where I explained this at length and in detail. These are the literal same phrases you've posted over and over before. Obama calling Republicans "flat earthers" does not mean anything, as we see now that the Republicans are the real wolves in sheeps clothing who are nothing but jew lickers in every conceivable form. They are all in on the same cons and the only division they have is in front of the camera. In nothing that you've posted is there any evidence that the discussion of earth's cosmology is actual government psychological operations policy. In jewstein's report he does not mention flat earth and he never has talked about it in any of his writings. There is no logical connection to those who discredit 9/11 and US foreign policy to those who discredit heliocentrism as both being targeted to the same level of control of the narrative by alphabet agencies and their proxies.

This whole "NASA lies therefore the earth is flat" is, to put it bluntly, a very naive rumination. Centuries before NASA came about scientists had established that the earth is round, just like all the other planets!

For other readers out there, I will say that there are a lot of people on both sides of the bell curve who believe in "level plane" earth, and disbelieve in the heliosatanic model lie. Here is one of the main proponents of the theory discussing this exact subject of federal government psychological operations:

No, there are hardly any people on the right side of the bell curve who believe in flat earth. A lot of the FE crowd are loopy new agers and women, no serious level-headed academics can buy into FE. The smart ones who advocate for flat earth are the glowies who get off (and are paid) by gaslighting credulous anti-establishment types.

BTW, can you show me what your flat earth world map looks like?
Bro, denying anything about space, including the moon landings is straight retarded (though I can at least understand that one). Pick a lane people, and stay in your element. Refuting actual science is going to cause you to lose massive credibility with the normies. You have no idea how much information we have on cosmology, and you better be prepared to back up your claims if you don't even know how to explain Newtons laws, general relativity, redshifting, etc.
You obviously have no idea what "the science" is. Science is just a model (a relation of vaiables), that seems quite accruate in predicting +95% of the times. We call that significant.

The only counter argument is that "it's all made up and fake" which would require a massive conspiracy by countless astronomers and cosmologers throughout human history - why would they do that?
A model can be a nice predictor, but it is not the cosmos. It's a formula.

What possible financial/political gain is there to making people believe false things about the nature of the cosmos!?
The death of God.

The theory of evolution, the modern understanding of the cosmos in which we can travel, in which the earth is just a speck of dust. The sun as the core of the universe.

Is a direct opposite to man being the pinnacle of God's creation.

This leads to: We don't matter. Man does't matter.

Cosmology is the hardest science out there and has had more intelligent, well meaning scientists working on it than any other field in human history, and it's incorruptible.

LOL incorruptable. yeah right..

To deny cosmology is to deny physics and all observational, testable science in general.
Get a covid shot and wear a mask please, the science says so brother. Get some drugs the science says so. It's good for you. Trust the state funded "science".
Bro, denying anything about space, including the moon landings is straight retarded (though I can at least understand that one). Pick a lane people, and stay in your element. Refuting actual science is going to cause you to lose massive credibility with the normies.
You are late to the party, read the entire thread and attack the facts those of us who are questioning the narrative have posted, not make it sound like those of us who question are simply making generic "denial" accusations, because I assure you if you took the time to read through what has been posted and not been as dismissive as your reply, you would see that there is a discussion here that is being derided at every opportunity by those who simply do not want to venture down this exploration. There is abject refusal to even consider the evidence to the contrary.

You have no idea how much information we have on cosmology, and you better be prepared to back up your claims if you don't even know how to explain Newtons laws, general relativity, redshifting, etc. The only counter argument is that "it's all made up and fake" which would require a massive conspiracy by countless astronomers and cosmologers throughout human history - why would they do that? What possible financial/political gain is there to making people believe false things about the nature of the cosmos!?

I do have a modicum of an idea of how much information there is available on cosmology, both from a historically spiritual perspective of various world religions and from an evolving technological standpoint, therefore I can contribute a debatable topic and not merely an argument against a transfixed pillar of modernity for argument's sake. I have already posted what numerous ancient civilizations have believed in the cosmos in earlier pages (once again, if you took the time to read the thread you would see). These aspect of physics you mention, "netwon's laws," "general relativity," and "redshifting," among other abstract buzzwords have no basis in actual scientific merit. You believe too much kosher, here's a clip from Europe the Last Battle that exposes Einstein for the fraudulent communist that he is:

"Einstein Exposed"

Here are a couple of short clips that demonstrate lies we have been fed about the helio model:

"Nikon's Confirmation places stars within 100 miles"

The childlike argument that man went to the moon but they destroyed the technology that allowed them to have the ability to do so is such a puerile lie, anyone with a decent antenna for truth can see right through it:

"Modern Optics Reveals Sun to be Localized"

The frequency of light clearly shows the sun rolling through the clouds, The sun is a localized entity and not 93 million miles away, the early theories about luminaries being comprised of energy and not physical matter were dropped in the mainstream after the fake space race and the NASA takeover. If you understand modal vibrational phenomena, it is easy to make the distinction of the sun being a cymatic luminary with no physicality. It is also not as hot as we have been told otherwise these clouds would have been vaporized into steam and then dissipate.

"Footage of the Sun and the Moon between the Clouds on the Earth"

So objective truth is out there, but it's up to us to re-evaluate the laws of nature and figure out what we have been lied to about, or perhaps what human ignorance thinks is true but is not. The idea that the collective human consensus is absolutely correct on everything is a prideful vanity. The argument's put forth, at least on my end as a poster, are not that "everything is all made up and fake," its more humble than that. It's something many of you refuse to do: admit you've been lied to your whole lives.

Cosmology is the hardest science out there and has had more intelligent, well meaning scientists working on it than any other field in human history, and it's incorruptible. To deny cosmology is to deny physics and all observational, testable science in general.

No, cosmology is most definitely corruptible. Esoteric cults and fraternal orders who have a greater understanding of these fields certainly do not want the profane masses knowing these truths. Your beloved Isaac Newton is, like I said in a previous post, a knighted occultist freemason.

Here is a pamphlet that was written in 1898 in England during the time when most of the schools began teaching Newtonianism en-masse, I wrote it out so people can see it and not have to go find the audio:

"20 Reasons Against Newtonianism with Geographical Proofs" by Ebenezer Breach:

1. Because the earth has no axis, therefore nothing on which to revolve an imaginary mathematical line is substituted, but no solid body could revolve on an imaginary axis or line. It is an imaginary cause that can only produce an imaginary effect. So that follows such a cause, must be imaginary. If anything be placed on top of a revolving body, it will fly off at a tangent.

2. Because the earth has no orbit, it was supposed in stardate that the earth required an orbit of 600 million miles, but it was afterwards reduced to 190 million, and even 85 million, so if it had to lose 410 million miles, it might as well lose all, and say nothing about it, and we may be sure that it has no orbit, axis, or poles.

3. Because this is a system that Copernicus restarted that the assertion that "it was not necessary that the hypothesis be true, so long as the calculations agree with calculations, but we say that if the hypothesis be not true, and data correct, all mathematical calculations are nonsense and deceptions. Mathematics becomes a demonstration of the assumed, or unknown quantity.

4. Because there is but one central north star or constellation in the heavens, the diameter and circumference of the heavens are commensurate with the earth. No star has more than 90 degrees declination so there is no nadir, or point of the heavens, under our feet, and no south star or constellation or match with the globular self-center. That would have to be a star of 180 degrees declination.

5. Because we have no antipodes or colonials under our feet, if the Australians are facing the north center and the Europeans are doing the same, they stand face to face, not feet to feet like flies on the ceiling, so foolishly supposed and taught. And if people actually believe it true, none more gullible than the English people.

6. Because the earth is not an oblate spheroid as Newton foolishly imagined and hastily decided upon by the tick of his watch, it was found to have lost a few seconds near the tropics through heat relaxing the works to what it gained in Paris so the imaginative speculative philosopher sat in his armchair and there and then decided the earth a spheroid as its motion was supposed to be less of the tropics according to the tick of his watch. So all are taught to believe the spheroid ever since, the sun also is at least 2,853 miles farther from us in winter than in summer.

7. Because Newton's imagination led him to believe that if the matter of the whole earth were compressed into absolute solidity, it might be reduced to a body but a few yards in diameter and reduced to a sphere one mile in diameter, the matter in the interstice would be as 1 to 510 billion.

8. Because Newton's supposed law of gravitation was lost in the moon, Newton found that the moon ought to require 18 years to perform its revolution in the heavens, while observation showed that the revolution performed in one half of this period. He exhausted all of his skill and power to overcome the difficulty and die leaving the problem unsolved. His successor also finally abandoned the law of gravitation in despair and being incapable of explanation, a problem still unsolved, a mechanical impossibility.

9. Because the inertia of matter is the stability of the universe, therefore it is absolutely false that all particles of matter attract each other according to their size and square distance. Glass is not attracted to wood, nor cloth iron, nor cotton attract wool, nor liquids attract solids, nor does fruit attract grain.

10. Because the primitive idea of simplicity is a just one, founded in nature and adopted in reason, the real objective true science should be to make the laws of nature simple, sublime, and self-evident to the people. The Creator would not direct to a bright consideration of His works, knowing that they were inconsiderable and unapproachable, except by the very learned, who have mystified them by their outrageous mathematical calculations, General Draison rightly accuses scientific professors of arrogant and ignorant exclusiveness.

11. Because Newtonianism is entirely misleading and incorrect in picturing the orbits of the sun, moon, and planets to the uninitiated, it places the earth where the sun aught to be. In reality the moon should be placed first, as having the shortest orbit around the heavens, only 30 days. Mercury should be next, with 88 days, then Venus with 224 days, then the Sun, not the earth, with 365 and a quarter days. The motion of the sun is absolute and not apparent, as Josephus states, "it is driven along the circuit of heaven by necessity." Venus gets around quicker than the sun, and is able to be a morning or evening star. Mr. Norman Lockyear in his primer, declares the sun to be the "nearest star" so a sunny day is starshine, not sunshine.

12. Because the foundation of modern astronomy is laid on Newton's feet, the sun is the center of the solar system and immovable, but Sir William Herschel that it had a movement towards Hercules and the downfall of modern astronomy aught at once to have been announced. The late R.A. Proctor declared the motion of the sun thus "it climbs the eastern sky, slides down in the west, moves slowly towards the north quarter of the heavens, and moves away from overhead at the equator to the southern quarter of the heavens from September to December. There could be no power in the sun without motion".

13. Because the system introduces and calculates by millions, billions, and trillions of miles in distances that never existed, thus the planet Neptune is said to be 2,755,000,000 miles distant from the sun, yet it has to derive its light from the sun, and must be near it to do so. The fact is, a simple curve called the ecliptic marks out the pathway of the sun, moon, and planets among the fixed stars. They never leave this pathway, it is not 2000 miles broad, and as the sun travels at the rate of 900 miles per hour, 900 * 24 = 22,600, so that no planet can ever be farther from the sun than 25,000 miles, not even when it is 23.5 degrees to the north or south solstice. Where is their billions, millions, and trillions? Space is the extension of matter. Where matter ends, space ends.

14. Because though everything in the solar system is measured according to the assumed measurement of the sun, yet astronomers have widely differed in the measurement of that indispensable and solitary body. Pythagoras took it to be 45,000 miles distant. 2 or 3 have made a second guess after their first measurement. Sir Isaac did, and it is has been measured from 45,000 up to 112,000,000 miles distant, and all were supposed to measure by mathematical calculation. Newtonianism has an innate conception that authority ought to be silent before reason. It's prevailing philosophy is perfectly ridiculous, but prejudice, and custom throws a veil over it, and prevents its deformity from being perceived, setting aside natures facts, cocksureness is master of the field.

15. Because in meeting Professor Hagardy, one morning in Portsmith, to whom we were introduced by a scientist as the gentlemen who believed the earth to be flat, he informed us that "the astronomers have found out they have been making a mistake of 100,000,000 miles in the parallax of the sun. After informing him of my researches and measurements of the sun's distances, he remarked, "well it would all amount to the same thing, if only measured a few thousand miles distant." This professor had spent most of his life in the telescope rooms, reading our 50 scientific facts made no particular objection, but thought it was possible for a grain of dust to eclipse the town hall. When we told him how impossible it would be for eclipses to occur according to their measurement of the heavenly bodies, he was confused and amazed.

16. Because no philosopher can be considered a real astronomer without a right understanding of the physical construction of the earth and the heavens, that they are two parallels, one above the other, the two plates that the sun is not more than half the diameter of the earth, the moon, one quarter, the largest of the planets or stars not more than one hundred miles in diameter, as proved by the occultation of Jupiter, and would most probably range from 10 to one hundred miles in diameter. That the earth is ten thousand miles in diameter, not eight thousand, as that is only the length of North and South America. And what of the oceans beyond? Newton was a thoughtful scientist, but not an astronomer. Though he is by some considered as the only scientific trustee of the universe.

17. Because Newtonianism takes away the necessity of a firm crystal sky, for crystal light giving bodies to revolve upon. The sky is a fixed canopy over the earth. "You are quite right," said a jewish rabbi to me, according to the Hebrew, certain it is had there'd been revolution in the earth a globe, the jews were bound to have known it, so would the Chaldeans, and patriarchs with Adam, the first man who understood the physical construction of nature intuitively, and Josephus' assertions are dead against the astronomers.

18. Because the waterfalls of Niagara are against a revolving earth, it never turns its streams in an opposite direction but always does a constant perpendicular flow. All wells would be empty if a revolution occurred. The sands of the desert would be gone, all articles, fruit, etcetera, on the tradesman's boards would disappear in two minutes, and where would Jacob's Ladder have been, or any other ladder? No clock would give correct time, as the perpendicular action of the pendulum must not vary the one-hundredth of an inch. There could be no standing fogs with the atmosphere in motion.

19. Because whether the sun is shining and traveling in the northern or southern of its spiral course in the heavens, the moon always reflects her light the same, so the sun can never at any time be under the earth as many Newtonians suppose, but ever has its position on a parallel sky with the moon, planets, and heavenly bodies, none of which are ever more than 5 or 6 thousand miles from the earth.

20. Because the Newtonian system was introduced and supported by heathens, infidels, and skeptical astronomers, and we are compelled to acknowledge that our philosophers that have followed such a system have not taken the right road, but a road full of the brambles of stupidity, unreality, monstrosity, sheer imagination, bewildering labyrinths of calculations, stumbling over phenomena that never existed, measurements that will never be realized, with endless deceptions and contradictions, but in nature there are no contradictions. The sooner such a system is abolished as a compulsory system, the better. It will all go for smoke in that day when God restores the world now fallen with mankind into perfection. "The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved. I will re-establish it. They that will not believe, shall not be able to exalt themselves." There is a most deplorable famine of common sense on this important subject in the Universities in Greenwich also at Whitehall, consequently throughout the land. But this is the age of inquiry, and knowledge which must be true, shall be increased.

And some visuals for reference:




So keep worshiping your masonic filth and every other concocted personality from Scaligerian history that "proved" the Earth was a globe, but I don't put my faith in these liars. I don't see any non-globe detractors here refuting the horizon and perspective phenomena, nor parallax motion, nor any other number of physical phenomena which does not show a curved earth. When the argument begins to fall away from the favor of those interested in upholding the status quo of information and knowledge, they begin to panic, as I have seen in this thread and others when these conventional lies are attacked head on.
This whole "NASA lies therefore the earth is flat" is, to put it bluntly, a very naive rumination. Centuries before NASA came about scientists had established that the earth is round, just like all the other planets!

No, there are hardly any people on the right side of the bell curve who believe in flat earth. A lot of the FE crowd are loopy new agers and women, no serious level-headed academics can buy into FE. The smart ones who advocate for flat earth are the glowies who get off and are paid to gaslight credulous anti-establishment types.
I have never made the assertion that simply because "NASA lies therefore the earth is flat". Where has anyone made this claim in this thread? I expose NASA's lies and rip on them just as much as any other truther, but they aren't even the icing on the cake. They are merely the agency which has hijacked heliocentrism and fed it steroids over the last 60 years to ridiculous proportions.

Interesting that you say there are people paid to promote flat earth yet I just showed a video from Eric Dubay, who is clearly not wealthy, and not being paid to promote this, yet he is ridiculed all over the internet for his views by people who make these accusations.

What proof do you have that there are people being paid to promote flat earth? And that they are being paid on the GS pay scale by an intelligence agency? I can guarantee you the feds will pay for a lot of bs that harms many people, but they won't cough up a penny for anything that would lead people towards God or truth, even if it isn't through conventional means.

I don't see any women who acknowledge the true cosmology of Earth and connect it to a highly important theological reality unless they are quoting Scripture passages that describe the Earth. There will always be these other types that simply go against the grain because they are skeptics for the sake of skepticism, not researchers and not truly brilliant. You will find this differing personality, NPC or otherwise, on just about any major issue. Women are notorious for this kind of basic contrarian behavior.

The spiritual implications of our cosmology are very serious. We have physical and historical evidence of these Scriptures and Holy texts from thousands of years ago, which explicitly describe the Earth. Any manipulations to them like in the English translations are an obvious tell of some interloper falsifying the Word of God. There is nothing to indicate that God's design is incorporative of a Renaissance model that is inherently satanic at its core.

Now even the Calvinist and Protestants believe in the moving Earth and Heliocentric model, it suits them. Read the intro to Hobbes' theory of the artificial man called the State. Hobbes the Protestant admitted he believed Galileo's nature's "natural state" is one of movement in a vacuum , rather than man at rest. For the State to exist a new definition of man's natural state is needed- one of movement rather than rest. ' For what is a heart but a spring and the nerves so many strings' - implies movement is man's natural state.

This may not be the forum to discuss this since many of you are still blinded by jewish and masonic lies, despite believing otherwise, but if I see someone parroting a lie, then I am commanded by my God-given sense of truth to voice an exposure of that lie. However, when the question arises, as the OP knew what was going to happen when making this thread, it prompts a response. It's not my fault that I simply don't accept what I am told by a heathen system, I want to know why they are wrong, and I make serious efforts to investigate our world. So should all of you.

BTW, can you show me what your flat earth world map looks like?

I don't have any single one map for myself, but I can reference to you several historical maps from explorers, navigators, and geographers if you like. The Boston Public Library had a copy from 1892 called the Gleason Map, but many people don't acknowledge it as official. "Flat earthers" don't have an official map outside of the UN. There isn't a "flat earth map", there simply is no evidence of motion or a curve, and ultimately all these concepts cannot work on a ball. There is no official map because there isn't a claim being made. However there are many interpretations as to why the UN would make it their official seal. I'm not in their high offices and echelons to know their whispers, but I know occultists and their behavior. Secret societies like to keep secrets for a reason.


Now can you show me a picture of your globe earth that is not from the usual suspects computer laboratory? It's ok, I know none exist, but I came to terms with that long ago.

It's also apparent that you are simply recycling posts from old users on RVF, I recognize them as another users and not your own words. You keep posting the same sentiments, sometimes word for word, over and over again, and not actually discussing a dialectic or a debate. Anyone else reading this can see this and doesn't need me to tell them.

As a Catholic, you should be more aware of the masonic jesuit infiltration in our faith and national histories, which has given rise to the takeover of our peoples by the jews and their golems:

"Debunking the Copernicus Model"

The hypothesis of jesuit Copernicus is not to be taken as absolute truth. The bottom line is that the globe model is the globalist model of the new world order and is Lucifer's model.

I think many of us are in the "I still believe the Earth is a sphere I'm just having a very hard time proving it" stage. It will pass.
"Owen Benjamin's 7 stages of grief on flat earth"
(caution: some language)

"There is literally no curve, it does not exist, and that terrifies a certain type of human being, so then they will just latch on to anything that allows them to stay in the lie."

I disagree with both of the above guys on other issues I consider important, but there is a general understanding of something not being right when it comes to the cosmology we are bathed in since birth.

You will find former jews, former homosexuals, former atheists, but never former flat earthers. That's what many people don't understand, I ridiculed these people like Owen did for years and simply dismissed them all as tards. In my own search to disprove flat earth, I only end up disproving globe earth.

All of the vitriolic reactions show me and others that can see the truth in these kinds of investigations. The reason why this topic was considered being banned is not because of "spergy flat earthers," but because the attackers can't contain themselves and it ends up being the most divisive thread on the forum because of them, not those who simply wish to discuss it.
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