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Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

It blows my mind that in 2024AD people are actually arguing over whether the Earth is flat. Eratosthenes in the 3rd century BC had already measured the circumference of the Earth. Perhaps people should go back and read about how he did it. Either the world's collective IQ has dropped 20-30 points, or this is just another psy-op to keep the masses arguing about stupid things, so it doesn't focus on the crimes against humanity the self-appointed "elites" are carrying out in front of your eyes.
It blows my mind that in 2024AD people are actually arguing over whether the Earth is flat. Eratosthenes in the 3rd century BC had already measured the circumference of the Earth. Perhaps people should go back and read about how he did it. Either the world's collective IQ has dropped 20-30 points, or this is just another psy-op to keep the masses arguing about stupid things, so it doesn't focus on the crimes against humanity the self-appointed "elites" are carrying out in front of your eyes.

Here's a great description of how to do his experiment:

Basically it is done by measuring the angle of shadows from two different location at the same day/time (you could easily do it with a friend).

It is the starting point, however, that matters. It is already assumed that the Earth is round and the light source is distant and so it follows that the sun above in the sky would be different depending on your position on the curve (and you can calculate circumference from this). I'm not very familiar with flat earth models but there are other cosmological models that you could come up with to fit the same results.
He supposedly 'measured' using assumptions aka circular logic. Would work just as well on a flat stationary earth. The expirement itself is ridiculous, taking sun angles at different locations in a time before clocks and any communication is ludicrous. Then the mental gymnastics to conclude you live in a ball, that's straight schizo but in all likelihood this is a made up bed time story to enforce globe agenda and brainwash globies
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Globers don't even understand their giant far away sun requires parallel rays yet we see crepescular rays but wait for the magic handwave 'muh refraction'.
Instead of trying to engage in highly convoluted technical minutia and pointless computations, why can't flat earthers explain incredibly basic considerations like why you can't see the sun on the east coast after sunset while it is still shining over California.

That's like demanind an explanation for the universe. Just because we are not omnipotent doesn't mean you live on a Globe. Maybe if we had like a fraction of nasa's budget and weren't censored and persecuted academically. Or maybe if the elite weren't so determined in keeping the population in ignorance.
He 'supposedly' measured using assumptions aka circular logic. Would work just as well on a flat stationary earth. The expirement itself is ridiculous, taking angles of sun angles at different locations in a time before clocks and any communication is ludicrous. Then the mental gymnastics to conclude you live in a ball, that's straight schizo but in all likelihood this is a made up bed time story to enforce globe agenda and brainwash globies

People would take your arguments more seriously if you toned down the arrogance and sarcasm.
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It blows my mind that in 2024AD people are actually arguing over whether the Earth is flat. Eratosthenes in the 3rd century BC had already measured the circumference of the Earth. Perhaps people should go back and read about how he did it. Either the world's collective IQ has dropped 20-30 points, or this is just another psy-op to keep the masses arguing about stupid things, so it doesn't focus on the crimes against humanity the self-appointed "elites" are carrying out in front of your eyes.
I used to think people in the Middle ages believed that the earth was flat and Columbus first discovered it was round. But that was a lie they taught us in high school, most likely to discredit Christianity and make us look backward. The textbooks depict Columbus as some sort of enlightened, rational hero fighting against the ignorance of the church and the monarchs that were stopping him from sailing. But in reality, any educated person in the Middle ages and back to ancient Greece knew the earth is round.
That's like demanind an explanation for the universe. Just because we are not omnipotent doesn't mean you live on a Globe. Maybe if we had like a fraction of nasa's budget and weren't censored and persecuted academically. Or maybe if the elite weren't so determined in keeping the population in ignorance.

It's not "a demand to explain the universe", it's a very simple question, why can't you see the brightest object in our visible universe from the east coast and the night sky is pitch black, when it is still high up above only 3 time zones away over the west coast? What happens to the sun, is there a giant space lampshade that pops up every evening and gobbles it?

Why is it at any given time daylight is over half of Earth, and nighttime on the other half? The only possible way you can have this is because Earth is a globe, just like all the other planets in the solar system.
It's not "a demand to explain the universe", it's a very simple question, why can't you see the brightest object in our visible universe from the east coast and the night sky is pitch black, when it is still high up above only 3 time zones away over the west coast? What happens to the sun, is there a giant space lampshade that pops up every evening and gobbles it?

Why is it at any given time daylight is over half of Earth, and nighttime on the other half? The only possible way you can have this is because Earth is a globe, just like all the other planets in the solar system.

Have you even looked at very basic flat earth sun and moon explanation? Picture a small lamp illuminating a giant warehouse, as it moves around it will shine in some areas while further away areas will be dark. How do you get from sun shines in half of places to therefore=globe? You can build many models to fit observed reality. You need actual measurements of curvature to show a globe. There are none.

Just try to think without the indoctrination and the cgi nasa pictures. You see circular lights in the sky (see actual telescope images not nasa rendering), you assume big balls in space because we have all been subjected to that at school. Try to view this with an open mind without preconceived notions. You still have a mental image of gigantic sun and physical planets. Those are assumptions. Flat earth is the floor of the known universe not a disc in space. It doesn't rotate and everything revolves around it. You are also assuming infinite sight which is another pitfall.

Funny how we see the sun and moon being same size yet they can hypnotize the population into believing one is many times bigger than earth while the latter is many times smaller but of course by the magical near impossible odds coincidence they appear the same. Proof? CGI and artist drawings

Below is the actual size of sun according to nasa

Watch some basic intro level flat earth videos bro. Watch some debates with witsitgetsit.


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I used to think people in the Middle ages believed that the earth was flat and Columbus first discovered it was round. But that was a lie they taught us in high school, most likely to discredit Christianity and make us look backward. The textbooks depict Columbus as some sort of enlightened, rational hero fighting against the ignorance of the church and the monarchs that were stopping him from sailing. But in reality, any educated person in the Middle ages and back to ancient Greece knew the earth is round.

You believed right tho, all ancient civilizations and religions knew the earth is flat including and especially the Greek. Erast-whatever didn't represent the mainstream greek belief system. I can back this up later if you want evidence
Problem with Catholics is that they are attached to the globe model because they literally invented it. From copernecus to le Maitres and the long list of Jesuit astronomers. They are more responsible than nasa for changing the shape of the earth.
Hey not all Catholics are wanking it to Copernicus. Did you see the Heliosorcery documentary I posted earlier in the thread? There was never a referendum held in the Papal states at the time to ask the peoples if they suddenly wanted to inject some masonic gibberish into Church dogma.

@paternos and @Cooper and anyone else who is adamant about the heliocentric model. The proper term would be "level plane" earth, not "flat". Also no one has offered anything for proof of the existence of spatial curvature on the horizon. The windmill example can be easily disproved for what we are seeing, as I will explain below. Many people are confusing the horizon to be an objective state of reality, whereas the earth as the foundation of the universe, is near infinite in its space. We do not know its boundaries, and we cannot leave this earth. The horizon that we see with our own eyes is a subjective optical phenomena.

The images of the astronauts working on the space station with the earth in the background, an earth without a single one of the 20,000+ alleged satellites, no planes, and you will see bubbles come up in their videos, which means they are all in a pool in front of a green screen.

How does water convex itself? Water does not convex it always becomes level.

The catch-all people keep bring up here is (((gravity))). People in Australia are walking around upside down and trillions of tons of water are sticking to the earth upside down, because of gravity, but a bird is flying over the ocean. So gravity is so strong that it holds all this water but just weak enough that a bird can fly over the ocean, or a fish to swim through that water. It's very strange, this gravity, such a fickle thing.. Sir Isaac Newton was a knighted freemasonic occultist. Out of 550 or so "astronauts" who have "been up in space" about 94% of them are freemasons. I don't believe in gravity, I believe in God.

Water limits how far we can see. As a fluid, or any substance which flows, so does air.

Paternos, this camera proves that the windmill example is just our optical subjectivity in our own eyes not being able to see beyond a certain point:

"A tribute to the Nikon P1000"

How does this phenomena occur? The video below explains it conceptually:

"Perspectives and Horizons explained"

The perspective diagram is a first person point of view that shows that horizontal parallel lines all converge at the vanishing point on the horizon as they get further away from the observer. The lines below us appear to go up, and the lines that are above us appear to go down as they are further away. Similar to looking down a long hallway. We know that both the walls are parallel with one another just as the floor and ceiling are parallel with each other, but our eyes do not see them this way, our eyes converge them all at the horizon.


From a side angle: all the horizontal lines that are visually parallel all intersect at the horizon. It forms a right triangle. The horizonal line being at eye level, and the hypotenuse being the ground, which appears to go up to the vanishing point. They will radiate out of the horizon. Many flat-earth debunkers make presentations that show side-view lines as being parallel, when they should be making their illustrations at angled lines.



Many flat-earth debunkers will also say that the sun will never set on a flat earth, and they create side-view illustrations showing that the angle of the observer would see the sun, and that at no point would the sun ever fall below the ground. They say the same about objects on the ground that are moving further away, they say the boat will never vanish beyond the horizon. This type of illustration is completely wrong, the ceiling must be converged with the floor at eye level. They all converge at the horizon, including the ground. If the ground line is continued in this visualization, to picture a boat sailing away from the observer yet still on the "ground" even if it is beyond the observer's horizon. No observer can see the face of the ground past their horizon, but you can see things above the ground past the horizon. Hence why we see upper parts of boats, skyscrapers, windmills, or smokestacks when they are past our visual horizon yet not their lower part. The mistake is to think that these objects are "over the curvature" hence why we can't see their bottoms.


The same phenomena happens with the sun. In the side-view diagram, the sun will be on the top line of parallel lines converging at our horizon, and the observer does not see it once it goes beyond the observers horizon. An example video of an airplane at 30000 feet it shows that the sun does diminish in size as it gets further away until it hits the observer's horizon, until it vanishes. So why do we see the bottoms of buildings obscured by the horizon in pictures? The same reason why we see the sun "set". We know the distance to the horizon is an actual set distance, and the offset of that distance and what is at that point can be seen by us, until that point is further out than the horizon, wherein the ground will no longer be visible but objects above it will be.


If you zoom in on the horizon, you will not be able to see the ground any further past your horizon, only the things that are already visible will be magnified. The main issue with the globe model and this phenomena is that the buildings and structures should appear to be leaning over at an angle the further away the observer is from them. Yet they are all very straight and not slanted when zoomed in on with a camera. You will never see buildings or boats "tilt" over. The horizon will always remain at eye level, it does not fall. So reality matches with the perspective optics of a level plane, not with a round ball.



I am totally convinced that banning this subject is a mistake for true Christians. It must be investigated. To those of you saying that everyone in history knew the earth was round, this is also a hyperbole of sentimentality. There are so many level plane earth maps from many centuries:

"The Physical Planisphere of Earth" by Phil Buache, 1766:

Use your eyes, your senses, your logic. Don't fall back on institutionalized beliefs simply because they are there. If you stand on the beach, a plain or a prairie, you will find that the horizon extends about 3-6 miles around you, depending on the weather. The range of the human eye, our field of vision, is from 110 to 1 degree, and the smallest angle under which an object can still be seen, is 1/60th of 1 degree, so that when an object is 3000 times its own diameter away from an observer, it will cease to be visible.

So for example, the furthest distance at which one can see a one inch-diameter penny, is 3000 inches, or 250 feet. With the aid of the best telescopes on the clearest days, we can resolve objects a few hundred times smaller or further away.

Every lie will be exposed, it is written.

"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." - Luke 12:2
It blows my mind that in 2024AD people are actually arguing over whether the Earth is flat. Eratosthenes in the 3rd century BC had already measured the circumference of the Earth. Perhaps people should go back and read about how he did it. Either the world's collective IQ has dropped 20-30 points, or this is just another psy-op to keep the masses arguing about stupid things, so it doesn't focus on the crimes against humanity the self-appointed "elites" are carrying out in front of your eyes.
I hope you'll also study the fact that Eratosthene's 'experiments' were heavily debunked with regards to this subject.
We're better than keeping this discussion at 'Professor Dave Explains' level, are we?

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1,000 years ago, Persian scientist Al-Burini was able to estimate the radius of Earth within a 99% accuracy by using trigonometry:

Anyone can replicate that experiment.

Also, why can't you even see the sun after sunset in NYC when it's still high up above "pizza earth" only 3 time zones away on the west coast??
Also, why can't you even see the sun after sunset in NYC when it's still high up above "pizza earth" only 3 time zones away on the west coast??
Whooaa I am a globber now j/k

Mention also the season please (tropics circles of the local sun on the pizza earth). A lot of it has to do with law of perspective anyway; look it up in the photo below. Sun is local and can be easily obstructed (so it vanishes) by many obstacles and there's also atmospheric conditions at play.

Similarly, this is how many claim to be a curvature as ships vanish in the horizon only to find them with a good Nikon P1000 zoom. But hey there's a new globie invention to cope with this devastating blow...IT'S A MIRAGE BRO.

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I really like this thread. One of the last lies by (((them))) is debunked here. Thanks to MFTP for his great contributions.
I really like this thread. One of the last lies by (((them))) is debunked here. Thanks to MFTP for his great contributions.
Viruses and contagiousness lies weren't demolished enough for my taste here and on RVF too and that's also very very important (the tool of choice for the globalists to lock us down) but yes, I completely agree, it is good that we can have this discussion to debunk one of the last big lies.