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Conspiracy Theory Thread

All in all, after reading that book and his one on Laurel Canyon as well as a few others. That era of American history is very dark, intelligence agencies were operating in the entertainment industry as well as conducting mind control experiments (some of which literally had the aim of creating mind-controlled assassins.)
Odds are it is all of the above, yes. When you tell people about Kaczynski's history it becomes a far more compelling tale about how the government has its grubby little hands everywhere. The simple man just wants to believe "that guy just went crazy" which is why you see the lying history about world leaders and even now, it persists.
I don’t know much about the two cases listed, but have you read Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, by Dave McGowan? It’s a great read, sometimes a little speculative but it convinced me that there is something more going on with serial killers. There are so many weird coincidences and similarities between cases, inexplicable incompetence and negligence of law-enforcement and lots of military intelligence connections.

I think it’s likely that psychological warfare operations in Vietnam like operation Phoenix unleashed psychopathically violent men into the general populace. But I don’t think this covers everything.

Contract killings, occultism and satanic ritual probably also comes into it.

All in all, after reading that book and his one on Laurel Canyon as well as a few others. That era of American history is very dark, intelligence agencies were operating in the entertainment industry as well as conducting mind control experiments (some of which literally had the aim of creating mind-controlled assassins.)
I have not read the book. Are you familiar with any other strange occurrences that may be tied to fed activities?
I have not read the book. Are you familiar with any other strange occurrences that may be tied to fed activities?

I may be misremembering, but I’m fairly sure there’s evidence that Ted Bundy (eyewitness accounts of survivors nearly always claimed accomplices were present) lived with a an intelligence agent
What's the angle on distraction and doping (keep them happy with drugs and computer games) stated by Harari?

Is it the long game of depopulation through lowering the birth rate? They play long games, so this is the only thing I can come up with. It also fits that the "peace time" hasn't been exactly peaceful, it's been a covert war of depop. If you combine it with boomers dying over time, energy, food and war issues, you can easily see a massive reduction in population within 20-30 years.

It's sad, but I think the reason to not be all that worried about it is that it seems to be unstoppable and if people fall for it, like the covid scam, what are you going to do about it anyway? On a population level, it seems inevitable (see my cycle and population thread).
Operation Warp Speed (War Seed) logo is full of Illuminati death cult symbolism.


I did find this. It aligns with the projections for PNAC and "greater israel project" pre-9/11 in a summary from 2000 where only six countries did not have a Rothschild-controlled central bank: Libya, Sudan, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea. (I don't know about Afghanistan or Somalia, nor Syria, they may have also not had them then).

(The seven countries highlighted for invasion, "regime-change," and destruction for the GIP in PNAC were: Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Iran)

Then 2003 after the invasion of Iraq, it is off the list, and the official list is down to five. Then in 2011 after killing Gaddafi, Libya and Sudan are removed and it's down to three.

Some people say now that Russia and Syria (due to Russian intervention) do not have Rothschild-controlled central banks. However, Putin is in bed with Chabad Lubavitch so I doubt any claim about Russian economic independence.

"Only 3 countries left without a Rothschild Central Bank"

8-minute re-cap on PNAC, for those who are interested:

Thanks for that I watched all the videos. Was not that many minutes. This theory is definitely plausible, not like someone (!) is saying satellites don't exist.

It is worth noting what the official line is. Just like the Lee Harvey Oswald official line for JFK or the 6 million official line for the holocaust.

I believe that the official line is that for example the American Federal Reserve is owned by the state. Or does it officially have other private shareholders, or is a listed company?

I have not looked into other countries.

I think officially the Rothschild family owns or is a major shareholder in a few private banks, about five or so, mansions in the countryside in Europe and England and wineries. Not sure what else.

Unofficially they are the wealthiest group in the world, but secretly, not transparently, so way wealthier than Elon Musk for example. Secret ownders of the central banks. Do they supposedly own these central banks through economic might or is it more of a bloodlines agreement thing..

I think that the official line does not include any Rothschild ownership of any central banks.

So it is a conspiracy theory. Often mentioned in the same breath as Protocol of the Elders of Zion.

So as yourself and the videos point out, the central banks independent of the Rothschild family (according to the theory) used to be :
Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Iran

Then after some regime change it was reduced to 3 : Iran, North Korea and Syria.

Not sure what the story is exactly with Egypt and Lebanon.

So out of 195 countries in the world, the theory is that 192 have a Rothschild Central Bank.

What surprises me is that none of the 44 countries of Europe are free of this supposed Rothschild Central Bank. You'd think there's be at least one or two.

Interesting quotes from the video were project for the new american century, and they got their rothschild state of israel and rothschild central banks.

Also, they mentioned 911 as being a new pearl harbour that they much wanted.

If true, this theory is probably more important than the questions such who shot JFK and why, who did 911 if it was not Bin Laden, did Elvis fake his death and did Hitler fake his suicide, flee the country and go on to live a quiet life in South America with a local woman.

I honestly don't know but remain a bit curious.
I believe that the official line is that for example the American Federal Reserve is owned by the state. Or does it officially have other private shareholders, or is a listed company?
I haven't looked into the Federal Reserve beyond reading the wikipedia article about it, but if I recall correctly the problem with it is that the leadership of private banks has voting power that directly influences federal financial policy. So in a de facto sense it's at least a partially privately held organization that sets national economic policy.
I haven't looked into the Federal Reserve beyond reading the wikipedia article about it, but if I recall correctly the problem with it is that the leadership of private banks has voting power that directly influences federal financial policy. So in a de facto sense it's at least a partially privately held organization that sets national economic policy.
Oh no :(

Probably worth having a link to the Rothschild Family wiki here -

It all smells, they are not the only family which has been going for hundreds of years with incredible wealth.

Question is just where does the official story end and the conspiracy begin.
This story stinks to high heaven:

Rahamim 'Rami' Shy, who worked for the White House under both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is accused of arranging the commission of a child sex offense, possessing two 'category C indecent images of children, and 'possessing a prohibited image of a child,' the Daily Mail reports.

So, they "found" CP on his devices, and now he's guilty. I wonder which high level banker he crossed.

This is all they have to do to destroy someone now: just hack any of your devices, put CP on it, and all the public hates you.

I think his error was to work for the Demonrats in the first place. Trust a snake, get thrown in the lake (of fire).