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Conspiracy Theory Thread

This is all they have to do to destroy someone now: just hack any of your devices, put CP on it, and all the public hates you.
They don't even have to hack anything.
I wonder, if you are accused of dirty images, do they ever even show you the images?
Many times the accusation alone is enough to destroy someone. If one were charged with such a crime, with zero evidence, and no trial ever occurred, and they just let the judge dismiss the case when no one showed up, it would still be devastating, and people would still think you were a sicko.

But they could go to trial, where the feds have something like a 98% success rate at beating you in their own courts, and your lawyer will probably push for a plea agreement, not believing you are innocent because EVERYONE even prisoners hate molesters. So actual dirty pictures of kids need not even exist (I have always thought such a thing is vastly overblown because I've accidentally seen all sorts of gross stuff throughout my college years, including poop and bestiality but never anything like this).

I mean I hate to be the one saying "Show us the CP" but I honestly don't believe it until it's proven (as you point out it is not difficult to plant, and if anyone has such pictures in our society it's the US Federal Government lol)

Apparently he used to do autographs backstage for his staff and drink beer with them so he probably wasn't fully blind, I think it"s all part of the show the same with Ray Charles where his ex wife said he used to pretend to be blind to get more sympathy and $.

Stevie Wonder was a huge boomer sweetheart so the subject breaks many hearts.

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Rogan interviews Tom O'Neill, author of "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties."

O'Neill has linked Manson to the CIA shrink/s that effected the LSD trials (MK Ultra), who is linked to Jack Ruby (assigned as his shrink pre-trial). There's some discussion of the Spann Ranch and the CIA/FBI involvement and targeting of the hippie movement, allegedly to discredit the 60's counterculture (this is a somewhat different take from Jay Dyer's account of the era).

O'Neill took 20 years to research and write the book. I'll be ordering that book soon.
The notion that human bones are used to make diamonds is very whacky, or human skin being used to make Kate Spade leather purses for that matter. That site is either trash or disinfo, they mix some good info on masons etc with complete tabloid trash like that post above.

Almost all the Tutsis massacred in Rwanda were done "by hand" near their homes, the victims were not rounded up in big concentration camps, so the bodies were not consolidated in mass graves but buried near the place they were slaughtered.

Rwanda has a livestock cattle size of 1,25 million cows, that's a lot of leather there. Probably the cheapest source of leather in the world as well.
The notion that human bones are used to make diamonds is very whacky, or human skin being used to make Kate Spade leather purses for that matter. That site is either trash or disinfo, they mix some good info on masons etc with complete tabloid trash like that post above.

Almost all the Tutsis massacred in Rwanda were done "by hand" near their homes, the victims were not rounded up in big concentration camps, so the bodies were not consolidated in mass graves but buried near the place they were slaughtered.

Rwanda has a livestock cattle size of 1,25 million cows, that's a lot of leather there. Probably the cheapest source of leather in the world as well.
I saw the post and it peaked my curiosity as hundreds of thousands of people dying in a small period of time in a small geographical area like Rwanda, they're would be overt sign of death and bodies everywhere I would think. On top of that, I doubt the Hutus would care about probably burying or properly disposing of bodies. Reading stories about battles in WW2 that recorded tens or hundreds of thousands of killed or wounded in action, countless soldiers talked about the smell of death and not being able to walk a few yards without seeing a body.

The Hutus would dump bodies in the waterway and it became a big issue as the the bodies would flow upstream to Uganda and Lake Victoria. The Ugandans rely on the lake for fishing and drinking water and tens of thousands of bodies were found, poisoning the water. Looking at the experiences of UN peacekeepers that went in during and the aftermath of the genocide, many came down with severe PTSD, so I wager they saw something vile.

Between the discussion on the legitimacy of the holocaust, the countless false narratives being put out to the masses and human trafficking being conducted on a large scale across the world, it got me questioning large scale tragedies like this.
I saw the post and it peaked my curiosity as hundreds of thousands of people dying in a small period of time in a small geographical area like Rwanda, they're would be overt sign of death and bodies everywhere I would think. On top of that, I doubt the Hutus would care about probably burying or properly disposing of bodies. Reading stories about battles in WW2 that recorded tens or hundreds of thousands of killed or wounded in action, countless soldiers talked about the smell of death and not being able to walk a few yards without seeing a body.

The Hutus would dump bodies in the waterway and it became a big issue as the the bodies would flow upstream to Uganda and Lake Victoria. The Ugandans rely on the lake for fishing and drinking water and tens of thousands of bodies were found, poisoning the water. Looking at the experiences of UN peacekeepers that went in during and the aftermath of the genocide, many came down with severe PTSD, so I wager they saw something vile.

Between the discussion on the legitimacy of the holocaust, the countless false narratives being put out to the masses and human trafficking being conducted on a large scale across the world, it got me questioning large scale tragedies like this.

Have you ever considered that the huge death toll is also a huge lie ?
I mean's who's gonna know for real if it was 700,000 dead or "just" 70,000 dead ?
This is sub saharan post colonial Africa after all....not like they keep proper population records.
Have you ever considered that the huge death toll is also a huge lie ?
I mean's who's gonna know for real if it was 700,000 dead or "just" 70,000 dead ?
This is sub saharan post colonial Africa after all....not like they keep proper population records.
You mean there's no William the Conquered Doomsday book cataloging their possessions and population down to the chickens and eggs?


Side note.... That conspiracy theory is totally refuckingtarded.

CCUS? Really??? Working in energy, and knowledgeable about this... That is total nonsense?
Have you ever considered that the huge death toll is also a huge lie ?
I mean's who's gonna know for real if it was 700,000 dead or "just" 70,000 dead ?
This is sub saharan post colonial Africa after all....not like they keep proper population records.

Corbett just did a great piece on Rwanda, with an investigative journalist who studied the genocide:

This is old news, and not many people think about it anymore but the official story has inconsistencies and it deserves to be examined for the possibility of a conspiracy. Dominique Strauss Kahn was on a solid path to become president of France. Then on a trip in New York, he was accused and found guilty of raping the maid in the hotel room after he came out of the shower :
There was a film made about it called Welcome to New York. Also some kind of Netflix series

Brother Nathaniel has a bit to say about it as well :

If one of them gets out of line, like Dominque Strauss Kahn, he is crucified. That’s how the Jews operate.
Some other articles
The Unz article is extremely long, I'll try to get through it one day when I have time and inclination.

Does anyone know why invisible actors may have wanted to prevent DSK from becoming president of France and who they might have been?

Tweet content:

On September 11, 2001, 14 out of the 19 hijackers checked in for their flights at Boston's Logan International Airport and Liberty International Airport in Newark, N.J.Although multiple hijackers were selected for additional scrutiny under what was then known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), they were all eventually allowed to board their plane and went on to fly them into the twin towers.The company that was in charge of airport security and screenings, and key defendant in the 9/11 tort litigation, was a company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Dutch-based aviation and transportation security firm that was established in 1982 by former members of Israel’s secret police, the Shin Bet.

ICTS contolling owner and chairman of the Supervisory Board is a man named Menachem Atzmon, who was convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud while co-treasurer of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.Until his 1996 conviction, Atzmon was president of the Israel Development Fund (IDF), a U.S. tax-exempt foundation funneling money illegally to the Likud party of Ariel Sharon and Netanyau.

In Christopher Bollyn's 2014 interview with Gilad Atzemon, Menachem's cousin, he confirmed that Menachem Atzmon was working with Shaul Eisenberg – a senior Israeli Mossad operative who tried to get the security contract for the World Trade Center in 1987 along with veteran Mossadniks Avraham "Shalom" Bendor and Zvi Malkin as his front men. These guys worked closely with the infamous Israeli spy Rafi Eitan and Isser Harel. Harel, of course, was the Mossad chief who predicted in 1979 that Arabs would attack the tallest building in New York City.

While 9/11 might seem like an isolated incident, ICTS also handled security at:1.) The Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris when “shoe bomber” Richard Reid boarded a US-bound plane on December 22, 2001. 2.) The London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, 'suicide' bomb attacks 3.) The Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport on 25 December 2009, when suicide bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab managed to pass through security (despite only having a one-way ticket, no luggage and no passport.) 4.) The Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack on March 22, 2016One year after 9/11, in 2002, ICTS launched a technology division and expanded into digital verification. They formed a subsidiary company that was founded by a relative of ICTS owner Menachem Atzmon and former member of Israeli Shin Bet Unit 8200, Ron Atzmon. They named the company AU10TIX.
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