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Conspiracy Theory Thread

I saw this while on the Treehouse today. I've noticed that the site is going from fairly normie-con to noticing that Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. The article has some interesting insights that make me wonder about the release of the Civil War trailer as well:

Re: Predictive Programming. Here is another film.

It's interesting to see A24 involved in this.

A24 have become like HBO were a long time ago, yet they seem to dip their toes in the woke-ness every now and then - following on from depravity of The Whale and the Satanic ritualistic Midsommar.

Strange casting. Kirsten Dunst and Nick Offerman? lol... grasping at straws for their propaganda.
It's interesting to see A24 involved in this.

A24 have become like HBO were a long time ago, yet they seem to dip their toes in the woke-ness every now and then - following on from depravity of The Whale and the Satanic ritualistic Midsommar.

Strange casting. Kirsten Dunst and Nick Offerman? lol... grasping at straws for their propaganda.
The movie title - "A24" - got me thinking. What is the meaning behind "A24"? Why and how did they come up with "A24"? etc.

The first thing that immediately popped up in my mind is the 24th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution - hence A = Amendment & 24 = 24th. It is basically about U.S. citizens' voting rights.
Amendment 24 - Poll Tax Barred

1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
The real head of the Epstein honeypot/blackmail operation is Wexner, the CEO of The Limited (Victoria's Secret and other brands)

The big misdirection in the Epstein affair is that the memes always point towards Epstein's clients/blackmail victims, and away from who (and what country) is running the show above him.
This popped up on my YT algorithm the other day. Some guy sneaks into Bohemian Grove to see if he can find the owl...and he does. What freaked me out was the little ark of the covenant thing in front of it.

Also at around 9:35, some lights to an empty room turn on and he sneaks his camera in to show some pretty weird stuff, though he doesn't really comment on it.

I'm interested in knowing what you guys think of it, especially the strange costume at 9:50 in the corner.

The owl is at the 14:00 mark.

I've always thought about aliens as thought they're demons.

As in there's extra terrestrial beings that are from another plane (hell) and are here on earth for some purposes we don't know...most likely for others to channel their dark energy.

Alex Jones even kind of said something along these lines.
Graham Hancock (love him or hate him) wrote in one of his books that throughout time, "abductions" have always existed but have been topical to the time period. For example, hundreds of years ago you get faeries and now as technology has improved, we get aliens.
The real head of the Epstein honeypot/blackmail operation is Wexner, the CEO of The Limited (Victoria's Secret and other brands)

The big misdirection in the Epstein affair is that the memes always point towards Epstein's clients/blackmail victims, and away from who (and what country) is running the show above him.

Whitney Webb speaks a lot about Wexner, and also a ton of other great info.

I don't think it's misdirection, ultimately just bloodlines and blackmail. You can keep going backwards in search of origin, but I don't think it provides an answer that many are searching for. That's the distraction, or misdirection.
This popped up on my YT algorithm the other day. Some guy sneaks into Bohemian Grove to see if he can find the owl...and he does. What freaked me out was the little ark of the covenant thing in front of it.

Also at around 9:35, some lights to an empty room turn on and he sneaks his camera in to show some pretty weird stuff, though he doesn't really comment on it.

I'm interested in knowing what you guys think of it, especially the strange costume at 9:50 in the corner.

The owl is at the 14:00 mark.

Alex Jones was the first person to do this btw.

There's used to be an interview with, I think Joe Rogan, where he talks about how he did all that...snuck in and such... And he pretended to be part of the Bush camp "Hillbillies" was his password.

Mark Dice always references that story when talking about his books.
Alex Jones was the first person to do this btw.

There's used to be an interview with, I think Joe Rogan, where he talks about how he did all that...snuck in and such... And he pretended to be part of the Bush camp "Hillbillies" was his password.

Mark Dice always references that story when talking about his books.
Oh yes, fully aware that Alex Jones had done it. He got a lot of criticism for it I remember, and this guy's infiltration legitimises it which is why I was keen to post it. Also it's pretty interesting and creepy to see it up close.

What I'd say in regards to Tucker's insider knowledge is to study Cryptids, especially Sasquatch. I have been studying such phenomena for the past couple of years. The snowballing number of people who have witnessed these creatures, their otherworldly abilities, and who've experienced a government cover up of cryptids suggests strongly that's what Tucker is referring to.

Before you dismiss this post go listen to a few accounts on Sasquatch Chronicles YT channel (Survivorman channel hosts some of the best accounts and Les has had his own experiences). I've listened to hundreds of hours of accounts and am of the opinion these creatures are biblical.
What I'd say in regards to Tucker's insider knowledge is to study Cryptids, especially Sasquatch. I have been studying such phenomena for the past couple of years. The snowballing number of people who have witnessed these creatures, their otherworldly abilities, and who've experienced a government cover up of cryptids suggests strongly that's what Tucker is referring to.

Before you dismiss this post go listen to a few accounts on Sasquatch Chronicles YT channel (Survivorman channel hosts some of the best accounts and Les has had his own experiences). I've listened to hundreds of hours of accounts and am of the opinion these creatures are biblical.

It sounds like complete psyop, part of a whole range of pseudo-government cover-ups meant to distract you from the real cover-ups, similar to the Blue Beam UFO psyop.

Look, you can't have a creature like sasquatch living in N. America in 2023 and no quality phone footage. If it's supposed to be a heavy humanoid, it would leave clear footprints everywhere it goes and would be easy to track. A large creature like that would have to hunt and eat constantly and be out foraging. And there would have to be males and females, and sasquatch families for that species to exist.
It sounds like complete psyop, part of a whole range of pseudo-government cover-ups meant to distract you from the real cover-ups, similar to the Blue Beam UFO psyop.

Look, you can't have a creature like sasquatch living in N. America in 2023 and no quality phone footage. If it's supposed to be a heavy humanoid, it would leave clear footprints everywhere it goes and would be easy to track. A large creature like that would have to hunt and eat constantly and be out foraging. And there would have to be males and females, and sasquatch families for that species to exist.
I had no opinion about it, I just chanced on it and a few compelling testimonies got me interested. Since then I've listened to 100s of accounts, from a wide spectrum of people and those testimonies convinced me. Listening and analysing people was my job for many years and I have a very good nose for the inauthentic. These people have seen some creature that terrified them.

There's a reason that there's very little photographic evidence (though there is some) which is where the "biblical" and "other worldly abilities" comes in. Until you've listened to a good number of experiences, you have little to base an opinion on.
I had no opinion about it, I just chanced on it and a few compelling testimonies got me interested. Since then I've listened to 100s of accounts, from a wide spectrum of people and those testimonies convinced me. Listening and analysing people was my job for many years and I have a very good nose for the inauthentic. These people have seen some creature that terrified them.

There's a reason that there's very little photographic evidence (though there is some) which is where the "biblical" and "other worldly abilities" comes in. Until you've listened to a good number of experiences, you have little to base an opinion on.
I think the logic about phone footage is a solid base for an opinion. The logic about logistics is solid too. Large animals with families take up space and consume a lot of resources, and are hard to hide over the course of decades while people carrying cameras roam through their territory constantly.

If they are demonic and the demonic power is hiding them, that could be an explanation, but then they are not just intelligent animals. There are otherworldly.