The difference between investing and living on a Bitcoin standard
I dont think people joined bitcoin just because its popular, its useful and as long as its useful it will remain popular, Im happy that there is a place thats decentralized and banks and governmenr cant touch and have no control over, this is something positive in the world.Given that Bitcoin's value is subjective, and that its properties of being "infinitely divisible and highly transportable" are shared by every other crypto, is it not then obvious that the only real value Bitcoin provides is its popularity/network? And given that the history of technology is one of constant change, innovation and adoption of new products/inventions, is not quite ridiculous to believe that Bitcoin will remain popular for years and decades to come? Especially given the fact that the past several years have been extremely stagnant compared to the explosive early growth of Bitcoin, and that crypto's cultural popularity has already peaked.
Again, why do you think that fiat printing automatically makes Bitcoin valuable? There is no logical link between the two, except in the sense that fiat printing devalues the dollar and thereby increases the price of everything denominated in dollars. But that does not automatically assign Bitcoin any special value as an asset. You keep going back and forth trumpeting Bitcoin as both an asset and a currency (I don't think you are intentionally being dishonest by doing this, I think you honestly don't even realize you do it because you've consumed so much Bitcoin propaganda), but by definition it cannot function as both.
Why do you continually post this as some rhetorical zinger, when you really should be asking yourself this question in reverse?
"At what point am I going to admit that Bitcoin is a fad speculative asset that will never come close to achieving the pie in the sky promises its proponents have been touting for years?"
Given that you have been predicting 100k Bitcoin was just around the corner for going on four years now, the onus really should be on YOU to defend this increasingly ludicrous position.
Go to any large gathering of zealous cult members, you'll feel the buzz in the air. Doesn't mean they're on the truth. Certainly doesn't mean you'd want to be involved with them.
I still feel like there is no reason that Gold and Bitcoin cannot co-exist because they both have different strengths. The fact that physical gold can be exchanged or bought or sold with zero paper trail and digital trail and the fact that physical gold still functions in an electricity outage or internet outage means that somebody who owns both gold and bitcoin is protected against a wider range of eventualities. Bitcoin is easily transportable if you need to leave the country, etc (gold is hard to move across borders). Whereas physical Gold can still work if in as a grid outage or internet outage (natural disasters, EMP warfare, etc).
I heard Americans are forbidden by the governmwnt to own physical gold, you can own jewelery but not gold blocks, I once had gold jewelery that I needed to sell in an emergency in a foreign country, nobody wanted to buy it from me and I finally went into a jewelery store and the paid me about 20% of what I paid for it 7 years prior, I lost out big time, since that experience I lost interest in gold, I think if I had more useful things to sell I would have sold it faster and gotten a better price for it.I still feel like there is no reason that Gold and Bitcoin cannot co-exist because they both have different strengths. The fact that physical gold can be exchanged or bought or sold with zero paper trail and digital trail and the fact that physical gold still functions in an electricity outage or internet outage means that somebody who owns both gold and bitcoin is protected against a wider range of eventualities. Bitcoin is easily transportable if you need to leave the country, etc (gold is hard to move across borders). Whereas physical Gold can still work if in as a grid outage or internet outage (natural disasters, EMP warfare, etc).
According to you, 100k has been imminent since 2021. Needless to say, I'm afraid your credibility on this issue is nil. If you want to talk about Thanksgiving, your Bitcoin price targets are the biggest turkey around.It's going to be fun when we're well over six figures. Boy, I'm going to love Thanksgiving dinner this year.
That’s the problem with gold, the market is not very liquid and slippage is high.I heard Americans are forbidden by the governmwnt to own physical gold, you can own jewelery but not gold blocks, I once had gold jewelery that I needed to sell in an emergency in a foreign country, nobody wanted to buy it from me and I finally went into a jewelery store and the paid me about 20% of what I paid for it 7 years prior, I lost out big time, since that experience I lost interest in gold, I think if I had more useful things to sell I would have sold it faster and gotten a better price for it.
In a sense, anything that is within a cycle is imminent. But it is true that I thought it would go up to 100k at the last bull peak in 2021. Because I know what it is, though, I picked it back up when it "died" another 200 times in the next couple of years, so that just makes the average price that much more amazing when we are again the best performing asset of the year and the new bull run is coming.According to you, 100k has been imminent since 2021. Needless to say, I'm afraid your credibility on this issue is nil.
At risk of just being accused of being into Bitcoin only for the "sick gains," I have to say the range-bound price action over the past several months has been frustrating given that the fundamentals only seem to be getting better.According to you, 100k has been imminent since 2021. Needless to say, I'm afraid your credibility on this issue is nil. If you want to talk about Thanksgiving, your Bitcoin price targets are the biggest turkey around.
There are months when nothing happens, and days when years happen. Those days are coming.At risk of just being accused of being into Bitcoin only for the "sick gains," I have to say the range-bound price action over the past several months has been frustrating given that the fundamentals only seem to be getting better.
It's still August -- plenty of time to hit $100k in 2024!
Wen Lambo??![]()
I mean yes in general slippage on gold will be higher than say stocks or Bitcoin etc. But I can say from personal experience if you do things the right way its still possible to keep slippage on physical gold transactions to a minimum (say 3 - 4% round trip to buy then sell).That’s the problem with gold, the market is not very liquid and slippage is high.
Americans are allowed to own gold, it was banned from 1933 to 1973, but is now legal.
Really? at one stage around 2015 I used to listen to the Robert Kiyosaki podcast and he used to say then that physical gold was something the government banned for Americans to buy, although he always boasted that he owned a lot of Gold, maybe I misunderstood, anyway thats good its allowed now and also very crazy that it was actually banned at one stage, which also goes to show that gold can be confiscated much easier than bitcoinThat’s the problem with gold, the market is not very liquid and slippage is high.
Americans are allowed to own gold, it was banned from 1933 to 1973, but is now legal.
While Kiyosaki has a good intuitive understanding of how to exploit the fiat system, using leverage in real estate, I have to say I think he is a bit of a con artist. I don’t think he is as wildly successful as he claims to be, or he wouldn’t be doing seminars, charging stupid amounts of money.Really? at one stage around 2015 I used to listen to the Robert Kiyosaki podcast and he used to say then that physical gold was something the government banned for Americans to buy, although he always boasted that he owned a lot of Gold, maybe I misunderstood, anyway thats good its allowed now and also very crazy that it was actually banned at one stage, which also goes to show that gold can be confiscated much easier than bitcoin
Yes probably he is not as successful as he claims, one of the reasons I think he also went into seminars and books is because he once explained that people in the world are spending more money on education than on cars and houses, so I think he wanted a chunk of this opportunity, I dont know if he managed to do that or not, what teally hit home for me, what I most learnt from him is about property, how a house isnt an asset and also how to rent a property so that it actually makes you money, which is basically the rentals must cover all your expenses, the bond, rates and taxes, water and lights then you should have something left over to put into your pocket, then its a good deal and an asset, these kinds of properties are not easy to find it takes some searching but there are there for those who have the skill to identify.While Kiyosaki has a good intuitive understanding of how to exploit the fiat system, using leverage in real estate, I have to say I think he is a bit of a con artist. I don’t think he is as wildly successful as he claims to be, or he wouldn’t be doing seminars, charging stupid amounts of money.
The gold story goes back to WW1. The Germans “discovered” that they could outspend all the imperial powers by money printing. The root of our downfall from gold backed money, however started with the British. The Bank of England issued war bonds, to fund the war (WW1). However, no one wanted to buy the bonds, the bank ended up creating money (millions of GBP) and giving it to 2 of its executives to purchase the bonds in their own names.
Your country needs funds: The extraordinary story of Britain’s early efforts to finance the First World War
Michael Anson, Norma Cohen, Alastair Owens and Daniel Todman Financing World War I required the UK government to borrow the equivalent of a full year’s GDP. But its first effort to raise capital i…
This was the beginning of the end for gold backed currency. Citizens were no longer allowed to redeem their paper currency for gold, the GBP became devalued, but the British government attempted to re-peg the GBP to the pre-war value. People in Britain who owned gold did not want to sell it for less GBP than it was actually worth, so much of the gold left in Britain was sent to the US, where they got a fair price for their gold. All the gold started flooding out of England to the US.
The only solution was to either re-value the GBP, which had maintained its peg to gold since Sir Isaac Newton established it in 1717 as master of the mint, or convince the US to devalue the dollar.
The latter is what happened, and the US went on a bender of credit expansion in the 1920s, culminating in the crash of 1929 and Great Depression, leading to executive order 6102 in 1933 and gold confiscation, then devaluing the dollar once the government had the gold. It was a great rugpull on the people, instantly stealing 40% of their wealth. The next time that happened was Aug 15 1971, when Nixon did the same, except he stole the entire world’s gold (which was in US vaults after Bretton Woods), leaving every other country with rapidly devaluing American paper.
According to you, 100k has been imminent since 2021. Needless to say, I'm afraid your credibility on this issue is nil. If you want to talk about Thanksgiving, your Bitcoin price targets are the biggest turkey around.
Bitcoin is the only choice. Governments may want a digital currency that they can print more of and continue to steal....but the reality is that Bitcoin is global. Keep reading the Bitcoin standardSo what do you think is going to happen to money world wide? We cant go on like this for much longer being off the gold standard for so long, this bubble will burst, will countries start adopting their own crypto currencies? Or a global one? I dont think they will adopt bitcoin only a few like El Salvador, but the rest I dont think so because they cant cheat bitcoin, I also think if the world goes on a crypto currency the government has more control and power to shut people down and also to track everything, thoughts?
I heard Americans are forbidden by the governmwnt to own physical gold, you can own jewelery but not gold blocks, I once had gold jewelery that I needed to sell in an emergency in a foreign country, nobody wanted to buy it from me and I finally went into a jewelery store and the paid me about 20% of what I paid for it 7 years prior, I lost out big time, since that experience I lost interest in gold, I think if I had more useful things to sell I would have sold it faster and gotten a better price for it.