You seem terribly confused about what Bitcoin even is because you continue referring to it as a functional money/currency while also promoting it as a digital asset.
Your repeating falsehoods over and over isn't a good look. It has all the best properties of money, and I've never called it a currency, because obviously anything can be a currency, which of course is irrelevant (fiat). You are confused because you can't help yourself from repeating this nonsense over and over about how it is a "currency" or trying to be one, when it's not. Why do you keep doing that?
No one knows anything for certain about the future, all we can do is speculate and reason based on what we know about the past. And in my view, Bitcoin is just the latest in a long line of financial fads and schemes that have been around for as long as money itself. It's simply a new version dressed up for the 21st century. But the appeal remains the same: the desire to accumulate vast wealth while exerting little or no actual effort. These schemes always flatter the mark's ego by assuring him that he is very smart and clever by investing his money, and that others who miss out on the opportunity are stupid and will certainly regret it.
Your view is entirely ignorant of the past. Disruptions and innovations are by definition things most people can't see, do we have to list them again? You are part of that group, which is a
you problem, not a me problem. I'm sure you've read Jason Lowery's book (who is an MIT guy working for the US Space Force), Softwar. No, that would take too much time, effort and curiosity to see that someone smarter than most doesn't even bother with the fact that it's some low level "currency", it's far more. Like most, you don't know what you don't know.
It's basically just a decentralized Ponzi scheme in which people try to pump their bags (what Blade Runner is doing by mentioning Bitcoin in almost every post) before eventually dumping them on another mark.
Do you honestly think I'm just bag pumping for financial gain? That's humorous. The best part is that I've done more than enough to educate people on these boards what we're dealing with, yet I still get labeled a charlatan by a few, or at least (it seems) you.
But specifically in regard to why it's already peaked: everyone already knows about Bitcoin and the vast majority of people have no interest in buying it.
This statement is completely clueless and absurd. It has reached peak participation

... sure.
This is rational since Bitcoin literally has zero practical application and is quite cumbersome and risky for the average person to own and use.
Sorta like gold?
There are some African countries like Nigeria and Ethiopia where the banks and government declarred bitcoin illegal and banned it, yet it continues to grow in these countries and theres nothing they can do to stop it or confiscate it.
Bingo. Remember when China tried to ban mining? Lol, they gave that up pretty quickly.
since unlike Bitcoin it actually has anonymity and is useful as a currency.
And unlike BTC it isn't a good store of value. Go check the market on it. Yeah, that'd be too much work.
The effect would be to strand your bitcoins on a virtual island where they would safely remain for eternity, unable to be exchanged for anything of value and only traded for other Bitcoin, completely useless and worthless.
You aren't aware of Game Theory but I feel the God State complex coming back ...
The US government could literally send Bitcoin's price into the triple digits in a matter of days if they chose to do so.
There it is!
Bitcoin maxis never want to talk about Tether for a reason
We already did years ago when Mike Green was schlonged about his "warnings" and destroyed by Nic Carter as well. I've forgotten more about the Tether story than you know.
This is magical thinking. There is technology out there that is 20 years more advanced and four steps ahead of anything any bitcoiner could imagine. Who do you think is in posession of this technology?
The God State Complex returns!
I bet the CIA started BTC too, amirite?