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Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

Wondering how the height thing became a trend tbh. Back in the late 00s and early to mid 10s taller than her worked fine. Now if a lot of these girls got what they were asking for they’d be a really akward looking couple. 6’3 guy and a 5’2” gal would involve some climbing.
Wondering how the height thing became a trend tbh. Back in the late 00s and early to mid 10s taller than her worked fine. Now if a lot of these girls got what they were asking for they’d be a really akward looking couple. 6’3 guy and a 5’2” gal would involve some climbing.
I think women have probably always preferred tall men, but external validation has been ramped up so aggressively recently for women especially, that now they need and deserve perfect men.
I'm probably just repeating myself here when I mention the following:

The fact that men are visual creatures puts them at a severe disadvantage on a dating app\website.

The whole purpose of a dating app is to suck away your time, energy, and money. This applies to both men and women. If you could go on, get a few numbers and then delete your profile it would be fine, but it's rarely that easy, unless maybe if you live in a major city.

For the average Joe, the older you get the more money you have to spend to match with attractive women. Most attractive women on dating apps are 35\33 years or younger.
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I'm probably just repeating myself here when I mention the following:

The fact that men are visual creatures puts them at a severe disadvantage on a dating app\website.

The whole purpose of a dating app is to suck away your time, energy, and money. This applies to both men and women. If you could go on, get a few numbers and then delete your profile it would be fine, but it's rarely that easy, unless maybe if you live in a major city.

For the average Joe, the older you get the more money you have to spend to match with attractive women. Most attractive women on dating apps are 35\33 years or younger.
The attractiveness of men goes up dramatically if they are charming, funny, stoic, reliable. And women gain attractiveness in person by being charming too, but in a more bubbly feminine way.

Any app that relies only on pictures removes all of that. If you ARE going to use dating apps, you can filter religion, moderate/conservative politics, kids, and then it's a numbers game. Most will still be trash, and even "conservative" ones commonly come with tattoos and gluttony. And you'll get catfished with pics she has when she was 5 years younger and 15-20lbs skinnier.
Very interesting study between two different profiles on Tinder: Mr. Normie and Gigachad.

We all knew how brutal it was for a normal guy on those apps but this shows how tough it is for even the best looking of men. It's quite possible that a good portion of these women are just on the app for validation, however that doesn't change the fact that the ROI for this little endeavor is just not worth it unless you are a male model. BTW...the vid also shows you the actual texting involved too, so be prepared for some less-than-Christian convos.

Not much to say outside of the title. My parents have also asked about if I wanted to make an account on Tinder or one of those, since I'm an adult now and still haven't talked to women almost at all. My mother also tells me once every month that she wants grandkids, so that's a thing.
I'm just seeing this thread. Here's my two cents:

Are you interested in a woman?

Interested and just not having luck?

Depending on the two questions above will help you figure it all out.

Dating apps will get you introduction if you're decent looking and know how to socially interact on short term text format... But it's not been my experience that the apps are very good for meeting quality girls.

I believe you're in Brazil.... Not sure if there is a significant difference socially.

If you stop watching porn, and start going out socially... That'd be your best bet to meet a woman. Id suggest that 10/10 over tinder.

I've met tons of trash girls both on tinder and in a bar/social events.

When single, I used to go dancing (two stepping) that, and knowing how to talk to women by trial and error are what you need.

But again, if you really are looking to find a quality woman, make sure you're doing the things that a quality woman would be attracted to.
I went on Tinder while I waited for an oil change on Monday. I talked to a physically attractive woman who was separated but not divorced. I told her not to expect a quality man willing to date her until she signed the papers. I reminded her about that old law called the 7th commandment. She seemed to get it; if you want a good partner you have to be someone a good partner would be attracted to.
I went on Tinder while I waited for an oil change on Monday. I talked to a physically attractive woman who was separated but not divorced. I told her not to expect a quality man willing to date her until she signed the papers. I reminded her about that old law called the 7th commandment. She seemed to get it; if you want a good partner you have to be someone a good partner would be attracted to.
For all you know that woman was lying. You can't trust anything someonensays to you on tinder.

Most of these women are just bored and enjoy getting attention from men.

Likely she'll just move on to the next dude and doink him and forget what you said ;)
Are you interested in a woman?

Interested and just not having luck?
Probably yes to both. I'm not interested interested right now due to finals and all that, but I don't tend to have luck on more available times.

If you stop watching porn, and start going out socially... That'd be your best bet to meet a woman. Id suggest that 10/10 over tinder.

I've met tons of trash girls both on tinder and in a bar/social events.

When single, I used to go dancing (two stepping) that, and knowing how to talk to women by trial and error are what you need.
I don't know any good places. Bars tend to be as trashy as you detail here, with the added factor of them usually having the melanin enriched (or just lower class) and music with some of the nastiest lyrics known to man, without any shame. All other places I go to tend to have already formed social circles like groups going to restaurants.

Only places I was hit on were a psychiatrist waiting line years ago and high school years ago. Maybe one or two mires when I went to the gym.
Probably yes to both. I'm not interested interested right now due to finals and all that, but I don't tend to have luck on more available times.

I don't know any good places. Bars tend to be as trashy as you detail here, with the added factor of them usually having the melanin enriched (or just lower class) and music with some of the nastiest lyrics known to man, without any shame. All other places I go to tend to have already formed social circles like groups going to restaurants.

Only places I was hit on were a psychiatrist waiting line years ago and high school years ago. Maybe one or two mires when I went to the gym.
Id find a hobby that women are in. Or the type of women you'd like to date are in.

Frequent Gym is a good idea regardless... But probably something active, or some form of dancing like flamenco or whatever is available is a good idea to get you around lots of women. I had a buddy who's an Anglo, but caught the Latin fever, meet his wife through a bachatta dance group.

I used to really like bars and booze and all of that.... And have always been an extrovert... So if that's not your MO, is suggest finding things you're interested in that involve women already.

Best of luck.
Id find a hobby that women are in. Or the type of women you'd like to date are in.

Frequent Gym is a good idea regardless... But probably something active, or some form of dancing like flamenco or whatever is available is a good idea to get you around lots of women. I had a buddy who's an Anglo, but caught the Latin fever, meet his wife through a bachatta dance group.

I used to really like bars and booze and all of that.... And have always been an extrovert... So if that's not your MO, is suggest finding things you're interested in that involve women already.

Best of luck.
Taking dance lessons is a GREAT way to meet women, with very little competition. Most men don't do it, and half of the men who do, are homos. Untapped resource, gents. Our grandfathers even knew this.
One thing I've noticed when you talk to people who might otherwise care about you socially or what you are doing (dating wise) is that they don't understand the analysis guys like us have done, if we have certain standards, expectations, or want an ROI/juice worth the squeeze. What I'm getting at is if it's a girl, she'll hate how you point out how bad the overall "dating" scene is for men, because odds are she's old/not in that good of shape/not traditional, or all of the above. So there's no point in bringing it up. Likewise, if you talk to men even around your age, by bringing up your preferences, which largely don't exist in the country, they'll sadly jump to the fact that you are somehow criticizing them for being in a bad situation because basically you wouldn't do what they are doing, or what they did. As an example of this, I was talking to a friend of a friend who is fairly conservative and I've chatted to a few times, but we were just gonna shoot the shit and drink a beer some time. He's a little bit older than I am and got a decent age gap for America, but that still rendered the woman in her mid 30s. I don't know how long he dated her before he got married, but when I was fairly ambivalent about dating apps or going out to hip places in the city, he may have been surprised (not sure, but he sorta kept asking like what are you doing, etc) that I wasn't all positive or psyched up about it. My point is that at this point mid 30s women are a total meh, but you can't really say that straight out or hint at it, because people don't like it that you are critical in that way, as it may implicate them (consciously or subconsciously defensive, I've noticed). I guess if I talk to him again I'll just say I'm only interested in going overseas for women, and just leave it at that - he can put 2 and 2 together.
One thing I've noticed when you talk to people who might otherwise care about you socially or what you are doing (dating wise) is that they don't understand the analysis guys like us have done, if we have certain standards, expectations, or want an ROI/juice worth the squeeze. What I'm getting at is if it's a girl, she'll hate how you point out how bad the overall "dating" scene is for men, because odds are she's old/not in that good of shape/not traditional, or all of the above. So there's no point in bringing it up. Likewise, if you talk to men even around your age, by bringing up your preferences, which largely don't exist in the country, they'll sadly jump to the fact that you are somehow criticizing them for being in a bad situation because basically you wouldn't do what they are doing, or what they did. As an example of this, I was talking to a friend of a friend who is fairly conservative and I've chatted to a few times, but we were just gonna shoot the **** and drink a beer some time. He's a little bit older than I am and got a decent age gap for America, but that still rendered the woman in her mid 30s. I don't know how long he dated her before he got married, but when I was fairly ambivalent about dating apps or going out to hip places in the city, he may have been surprised (not sure, but he sorta kept asking like what are you doing, etc) that I wasn't all positive or psyched up about it. My point is that at this point mid 30s women are a total meh, but you can't really say that straight out or hint at it, because people don't like it that you are critical in that way, as it may implicate them (consciously or subconsciously defensive, I've noticed). I guess if I talk to him again I'll just say I'm only interested in going overseas for women, and just leave it at that - he can put 2 and 2 together.
There is a lot of truth in your post. It is important o understand the current situation and dynamics on the "dating/marriage scene". However, it is important to keep this knowledge/understanding to yourself.
Very interesting study between two different profiles on Tinder: Mr. Normie and Gigachad.

We all knew how brutal it was for a normal guy on those apps but this shows how tough it is for even the best looking of men. It's quite possible that a good portion of these women are just on the app for validation, however that doesn't change the fact that the ROI for this little endeavor is just not worth it unless you are a male model. BTW...the vid also shows you the actual texting involved too, so be prepared for some less-than-Christian convos.

Moral of the story: to have some dating success in Germany, look as if you are a recruitment poster for the Dutch Waffen-SS.

Joking aside and in blackjack terms, it goes to show that even for the Chad (a player with a high bankroll), most plays are -EV (Expected Value). He will win many hands but in the long run, he will be bankrupt because with women on Tinder, the house will win. This is probably why they leave cold tables and the normie women complain that men* are only after one thing. As for women, quick sex with the Chad seems to be a loss leader investment.

As for women, quick sex with the Chad seems to be a loss leader investment.
I suppose this is an "of the world" tactic that makes women "ruin their life" for "great genes". What's weird about it is that if you don't have a father that is part of your life, in the right setting, it doesn't help the human person in an evolutionary sense either ...
Very good point about not discussing the "market". Especially with naive folks that find the whole idea of a "sexual marketplace" repulsive while being told to wash the dishes by their fat unattractive wives. In same way I will not talk about the gym too much with people that are out of shape, even if I just had the best workout ever.

It is all good surrounding yourself with winners and like minded people (spiritually and politically), but due to social circles we will run into some people with lower standards and lower understanding of what a good virtuous life can be.
It is all good surrounding yourself with winners and like minded people (spiritually and politically), but due to social circles we will run into some people with lower standards and lower understanding of what a good virtuous life can be
It's getting easier and easier to just "not care" and recognize the nonsense for what it is, but I do want to stay away also from the "Bah, humbug" of Scrooge that becomes easy when you see how full of crap most people are.
It just kills me that I sit here alone again on another Friday night, without a date, because I'm too old and don't make the cut. And yet there is some boring, American middle-aged slob over in the PI right now having dinner with his 19-year old girlfriend who's just happy to be with an American man. That could be me having that dinner if I would only just take that first step. It's terrifying and risky, but all too necessary if I want the life I envision for myself.

The longer I stay here, the lazier I get, and the harder it is to leave.
It just kills me that I sit here alone again on another Friday night, without a date, because I'm too old and don't make the cut. And yet there is some boring, American middle-aged slob over in the PI right now having dinner with his 19-year old girlfriend who's just happy to be with an American man. That could be me having that dinner if I would only just take that first step. It's terrifying and risky, but all too necessary if I want the life I envision for myself.

The longer I stay here, the lazier I get, and the harder it is to leave.

So what’s stopping you from going there? Work? Family to care for? Finances?

I’ll give you the taking care of family but the other stuff is a cop out.

Don’t want to quit your job? Take a leave of absence if you are in the US. You can do it for a ton of reasons. Build a good relationship with a doctor and tell them you are depressed because of your current life situation and they will help you with the paperwork. You will probably still be paid, your job will be protected and you can take a few months to go travel. You are under no obligation to tell your employer you are seeking a foreign wife.