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Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

The things i was thinking off are mostly physical activities in mixed groups bouldering, hiking, running, gym classes, crossfit, boxing, volleyball, dancing, or a language exhange. The physical nature of the activities never lets women get too overbearing because they are constantly reminded that the men are more competent than they are.

That's a good point. From the perspective of a young man with limited life experience outside the education system (where young women are venerated by female teachers), nightclubs and dating apps (where the relative female scarcity compounds women's relatively higher sexual value), and entry level corporate diversity hiring; it would be very easy for most young men to take on inferiority complexes vis-à-vis women of their ages.
What if we cut the useless education and made all men chads?
You can't. If you haven't noticed, I'll tell you - that's what the forum is about anyway - women aren't objective thinkers. They are relative thinkers/actors. That's why playing the arms race never does any good. Go to Australia as a hyper-example of the west and find out, where it's even more obvious. If you keep doing more for women, they'll just keep asking for more. The reality of female sexuality, and there a several things like this in life but this one is obvious is that it requires restriction, not expansion. They are more prone to bad behavior, and this has always been known, so nothing changes until we go back to what actually got us here (we had mothers and women had children), which is hierarchy and sanity, not feminine or gynocentric chaos.
Right now is the time to build up your value as a man. The women will come later. Your priorities should be your studies and getting into the gym.
Yes. They may or may not come, by the way, just so you are aware. But you should still build up value.
As a man, you're at your most attractive in your late 20's to early 30's. That is the best time to capitalise and find a wife.
Theoretically. This sorta goes against your prior point, as late 20s and early 30s men don't have that much power still, especially in this era. But I get it, it does turn out that this is the best time to make something happen because post 32 in the west for the most part you won't be able to get past social taboos of dating younger/20s women. I'm telling you this as someone who lived precisely that and thought at 35 where I was probably a total combined highest value in all ways (if women or society was smart or sane), found that any reasonable desire or suitable mate was gone and overseas was the only possibility. You can get non white girls, or maybe 5+ year gaps at early 30s, but if those aren't your style or culture, or there isn't a high number of them to be able to say "Yeah, I'll stay with this one forever" none of it matters all that much.
Stop making jokes like this. Women will find it weird. Stop relating to lone-wolf characters like 'Taxi Driver' as well.
I sincerely apologize if this comes off as aggressive or prideful, but this is horrible gynocentric advice and I did not expect to see it on this forum. Don't stop making countersemitic jokes online, or in private with like-minded men, just for the sake of a nebulous idea that "women would think this is weird", that's actual insane thinking. Dont stop liking masculine archetypes in movies either.

Consider changing things about yourself if a virtuous older man would disapprove of them, but women are not very smart and they get whiny about a lot of things that are true, because they run on consensus and feel inclined to enforce it, and today the consensus on everything is gay and evil. If you ever catch yourself thinking about the potential reactions of women before you speak or act, you have a problem. There are women you owe respect to, but get real.
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I think the value of dating apps depends on the two things:
1.) The quality of women you're likely to encounter
2.) Your motivation

Men who are lonely, restless, and hungry for stimulation probably should avoid them, if that's their sole motivation-if they aren't seriously looking for a Christian wife. It simply isn't worth polluting your soul to swipe through so many soft core pornographic profiles. As I said earlier, it's a stumbling block and it can become an expensive addiction. The fact that I met a few good Christian women who were willing to accompany me to church is beside the point since those were rare exceptions.

If you're ready to find a wife and you can handle the temptations inherent in dating apps use the ones where you're likely to find quality women. I agree with the other members that quality women are becoming a rare breed in the west but I believe they are still worth looking for.
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You mentioned you're Gen Z, so you're 26 or younger. Right now is the time to build up your value as a man. The women will come later. Your priorities should be your studies and getting into the gym. Don't make the same mistake I did and devot all your 20's to chasing girls and pay for it in your 30's.
I'll probably still be studying either way. Gym I quit because it played goybeats along with rap with some of the worst lyrics I had ever heard.
My issue with this is that you're kind of just attracting women due to money. I'm not blackpilled on this or anything, but I don't see why you'd want to get out of college and immediately date a roastie that turned 26 and now needs a source of income for her Starbucks addiction. I don't think there will be many Christian women or ones who have not had a "body count" of less than 10 after 26, or "late 20s" as you say. If you think this isn't the case at all, feel free to correct me, you probably have more experience than me anyway.

Your post kind of comes off as secular. It would probably fit with the old PUA forum. You only mention the word "Christian" once on your post.
Tinder is great for Christians in the USA.... A great reminder of the evils and demonic forces that have taken over society and young girls. Amazing motivation to hold onto a good girl if you find one when you see what else is out there. I have a few friends and we screen shot and share these vile "modern women" dating profiles like baseball cards. It's mind-blowing to see the entitlement some obese hideous "BBW" has in what she demands from a potential mate. Scrolling Tinder in the western world is like scrolling through mental illness. A common phrase on these profiles goes something like "All men are shit, prove me wrong." Sadly its men's fault we are here. Social media has ruined societal dynamics between men and women. Anything a woman post on social media gets so many likes and loves and stunning and braves providing them with falsely manufactured predatory dopamine's hits ....They get this from ANYTHING they post including fat girls posting racy photos or girls shaving their hair and getting face tattoos.... Women can do no wrong online and they transfer that over to real life. A obese 4 on Tinder gets more matches and messages than a jacked, tall, well dressed GigaChad by far.... and what has this fat 4 done to be able to achieve such praise and false sense of worth?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Yet that matters not, in her eyes she is the prize and it's all about what can you do for her and if you don't offer her the world then its "thank you next."

Again It's men's fault for gassing these hoes up online. If everyday when I woke up and checked my social media I was receiving the amount of messages, likes, and praise these females are receiving I would also think my sh*t didn't stink. When I was in the Philippines and signed up for FilipinoCupid I had a small taste of the modern females experience online and just that small sample changed my attitude briefly. I just looked for the hottest pics from the messages and likes and sent the most basic straightforward message I could copy and paste. It was almost tiresome... like woe, is me... I have to sift through all these thirsty hoes to find a few I might grace with a moment of my time. That was a one site and a few months of my life and I noticed the change. Take that a multiply it by a LIFETIME of praise from every social media app known to man and that is a the life long experience of a ugly chubby 5. Sure there are still some good girls out there somewhere but good luck. Good luck finding a pretty girl who hasn't fallen victim to the thirst trap that is social media. Females desire attention and validation so good luck finding one that decided to skip social media where EVERYONE including their grandparents are partaking. In my opinion the internet, smart phones, and social media are the worst things to happen to society in my life time and the damages and decline from these things will be felt for generations to come.


Uncle Cr33pin out:
(This rant was brought to you by the finest coffee in Panama)
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You can't. If you haven't noticed, I'll tell you - that's what the forum is about anyway - women aren't objective thinkers. They are relative thinkers/actors. That's why playing the arms race never does any good. Go to Australia as a hyper-example of the west and find out, where it's even more obvious. If you keep doing more for women, they'll just keep asking for more.
What I was suggesting is not just for women. Yeah sure, women might like my “chaducation proposal” but it’s just as much for men if not more so. School trains you to sit at a desk and regurgitate factoids no one cares about. It’s really training for filling out TPS reports. Nobody cares that you can name the parts of a piece of bark or pass a reading comprehension test on some crappy 20th century literature.

It wouldn’t be just for the women. A good education for men should be physical fitness, life skills, developing deep friendships, and if we could get rid of that annoying separation of church and state thing it should involve faith too. Any niche interest can be indulged with the internet, library, and independent study in todays world.

This isn’t just about pleasing women, it’s about preventing millennial casualties like myself by preparing them for a hostile world. As a side it just might make the average man’s dating life a bit better.

I do get your point though, it’s 80/20 rule. Like if we turn America into an Christian Chad Castle (which was the original plan btw with John Winthrop - the City on a Hill) only Giga Chad would do.

Feel like I might have to make a school / education thread. Talking about that just as much as women.
I do get your point though, it’s 80/20 rule. Like if we turn America into an Christian Chad Castle (which was the original plan btw with John Winthrop - the City on a Hill) only Giga Chad would do.
The other point that was not as concretely posted by me here is that turning most men into gigaChads of course is good for a country. The real issue is that you can't nullify men's hard work by allowing women to do things that are artificial through FedChad force, threat, or coercion, and/or encourage/enable them to have jobs that add or make for the essential nullfication.
FedChad force, threat, or coercion, and/or encourage/enable them to have jobs that add or make for the essential nullfication.
True. FedChad will always trump all. Even if a man busts his butt he’ll never be able to compete with the Fed, Police State, Welfare State, etc
the modern woman's social skills are often below those of an autistic man.
Think so? Really?
I hear you in that girls can be obsessed with pop culture, TikTok, inane subjects, they speak in valley-girl, etc.

But, autistic or even just slightly sheltered men are way, WAY less socially developed than young women's. Video games and other introverted activities have made so many young men completely, horribly socially isolated and underdeveloped.

Girls are doing way better than boys at social development. Boys are in trouble.

This was published in 2007, got way worse since then, and covid lockdowns were absolutely hideous for social development of boys especially aged 6-15 in particular.

Edit: Link isn't working well, but it's "Boys Adrift" by Leonard Sax. Other topics include for example how most societies and religions outside of the West have coming-of-age ceremonies especially for young men. Even Polynesian tribes and whatnot have them. Society needs those sorts of things.

Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax
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If you are going to use apps, the Hinge/Bumble types at least let you add important filters and also add words to showcase some personality.

I realize some countries Tinder is all that really exists, but the more words instead of photos, the better. You get an idea of the other person's personality and not just look at who has hot pics.
If you are going to use apps, the Hinge/Bumble types at least let you add important filters and also add words to showcase some personality.

I realize some countries Tinder is all that really exists, but the more words instead of photos, the better. You get an idea of the other person's personality and not just look at who has hot pics.

Yes Hinge, Bumble, and Upward are the way to go since you can at least filter non-Christian women out. Not saying you'll meet a genuine God fearing woman that way, but there's at least a better possibility.

Tinder on the other hand is a snapshot of the decline of Western civilization and of the modern woman. It wouldn't last unless it appealed to the modern man, so it's a snapshot of our decline as well.
For what it's worth, my wife's cousin, a protestant Christian girl, going on her late 20s, was about to give up on dating and finding a man until she went on some kind of dating app and ended up with a nice protestant Christian man who she is now married to and they are having their first child. If it works for you, it works. Just like how you don't have to hit on women in public, simply being on an app doesn't mean you have to make matches and follow through with it. You can also be highly selective in who you choose and make your profile appropriate. If it doesn't work, well then, you at least tried, but I think it's socially acceptable to look for normal dates on apps these days, it's not always about hooking up anymore.
^That is what I found when I tried Christian Connection (UK), and Salt. Some women are legally still married (separated), never mind the Biblical interpretations of marriage and divorce. Queen Dido's interpretation of marriage was consummation (although Aeneas clearly disagreed). I genuinely do not believe it is God's will for men who have partaken in the New Covenant to take on the responsibility for a sire's progeny. It strikes me as retroactive cuckoldry and this is one of the many curses of Deuteronomy 28.
^That is what I found when I tried Christian Connection (UK), and Salt. Some women are legally still married (separated), never mind the Biblical interpretations of marriage and divorce. Queen Dido's interpretation of marriage was consummation (although Aeneas clearly disagreed). I genuinely do not believe it is God's will for men who have partaken in the New Covenant to take on the responsibility for a sire's progeny. It strikes me as retroactive cuckoldry and this is one of the many curses of Deuteronomy 28.

This is from the site POF:

With Mothers Day coming up this Sunday (May 10 – mark your calendars!), we wanted to learn more about some special women that are worth celebrating every day of the year: single moms!

We surveyed our database of single mothers on PlentyOfFish – a whopping 44% of our female users – for more information on their approach to love, how they use online dating, and what they’re looking for in their perfect match.

Some interesting facts about PlentyOfFish’s strong, savvy, and successful single mothers:

1. Eyes on the prize. Single moms are signing up in search of results – and getting them. 43% of survey respondents said they started dating online after hearing success stories. And, according to PlentyOfFish’s study, single moms find a partner 10% faster than the average user.

2. Kids come first. It comes as no surprise that kids are these moms’ top priority. In fact, 63% of moms said they’d consider their child’s disapproval of a potential partner as a major red flag.


4. Ms. Independent. Despite being focused on their kids, single moms should not be mistaken for weaklings. The top two most common misconceptions about single moms as reported by our respondents: 1. She’s just looking for a father figure for her kids 2. She’s a damsel in distress who needs to be saved.


Archived: https://archive.is/wip/KAKUi

When the magazine site is up, we can repost this as-is in satire.
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