Cross post via the Tucker Carlson thread.
This is going to break the internet.
This was a great interview.
Although it got a little bit long by the end and was fairly unstructured, they discussed some edgy topics that very few people with such reach can or will discuss.
I'm sure someone can pick out lesser-known people that are far better at pointing out the deeper causes of our problems, some potential solutions etc. I look forward to hearing more from these voices too. Yet these people don't have the sheer reach and influence that Alex and Tucker have.
Anyway, I think it is inspiring that these two guys have the energy to still be going. Alex is a supreme orator and entertainer, and Tucker is a top statesman, with a refreshing sense of humour. Two very different personalities, with different roles to play, that combine well within the format of an interview.
In this interview they discussed plenty of interesting topics, including the predictive power of analysing globalist planning, the decline in birth rates especially of heritage Americans, manipulation of security-safety fears to control the masses, and, even the beauty and wonder of the human experience and the absolute need for humility under God.
The Entertainment
Of the many highlights, here are some of my picks purely for entertainment purposes:
Starting around 20:30 - the discussion about anti white politics and the reasons...
culminating at @21:55 when Tucker says "Can I just say, the phrase 'cucked husbands' is the best"

@ 47:25: Tucker's paraphrasing of the chooz' aggressive-victim shtick.
Guys, he knows

And @ 39:50 - a replay of Alex's tirade against B Stelter

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